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-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pycbin0 -> 1100 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pyobin0 -> 683 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.pycbin0 -> 515 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xDesktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.sobin0 -> 3185914 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pycbin0 -> 173503 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pyobin0 -> 154555 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pycbin0 -> 158150 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pyobin0 -> 141516 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_license.pycbin0 -> 20104 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_license.pyobin0 -> 20099 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_version.pycbin0 -> 235 bytes
-rw-r--r--Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_version.pyobin0 -> 230 bytes
45 files changed, 10347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/HelloDoctor.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/HelloDoctor.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..49a176e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/HelloDoctor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+from time import gmtime, strftime
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import clips
+import gst
+import tempfile
+GST_PIPE = ['v4l2src', 'ffmpegcolorspace', 'pngenc']
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from gettext import gettext as _
+class HelloDoctor(activity.Activity):
+ def __init__(self, handle):
+ "Entry point"
+ activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ self._name = handle
+ toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ activity_toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
+ activity_toolbar.keep.props.visible = False
+ activity_toolbar.share.props.visible = False
+ self.set_toolbox(toolbox)
+ toolbox.show()
+ self.set_title(_("HelloDoctor"))
+# self.window.set_border_width(5)
+# self.window.set_size_request(640, 480)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("black"))
+ self.settings = gtk.Settings()
+ self.settings.set_string_property('gtk-font-name', 'courier bold 10', '')
+ self.settings.set_long_property("gtk-button-images", False, "")
+ self._main_view = gtk.EventBox()
+ self._main_view.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("khaki"))
+ self.set_canvas(self._main_view)
+ self.homescreen()
+ def homescreen(self, widget=None, oldcontainer=None):
+ homebox=gtk.VBox()
+ table= gtk.Table(20, 12, True)
+ colorbutton = gtk.ColorButton(gtk.gdk.color_parse("khaki"))
+ colorbutton.connect('color-set', self.set_background_color)
+ color = colorbutton.get_color()
+ title_label=gtk.Label()
+ labeltext_title=(_("Hello \nDoctor!"))
+ title_label.set_markup("<big><big><big><big><big><big><big>%s</big></big></big></big></big></big></big>" % (labeltext_title))
+ title_button=gtk.Button()
+ title_button.connect("clicked", self.symptomChose, homebox, '')
+ title_button_img=gtk.Image()
+ title_button_img.set_from_file("images/interface/start_button.svg")
+ title_button.set_image(title_button_img)
+ title_image=gtk.Image()
+ title_image.set_from_file("images/interface/doctor.svg")
+ table.attach(colorbutton, 1, 3, 15, 18)
+ table.attach(title_label, 0, 4, 4, 9)
+ table.attach(title_image, 4, 12, 0, 15)
+ table.attach(title_button, 7, 10, 14, 19)
+ homebox.pack_start(table)
+ if oldcontainer != None:
+ self._main_view.remove(oldcontainer)
+ oldcontainer.destroy()
+ self._main_view.add(homebox)
+ self._main_view.show()
+ self.symptomMain()
+ self.show_all()
+ def set_background_color(self, colorbutton):
+ color = colorbutton.get_color()
+ self._main_view.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
+ def symptomMain(self):
+ global curr_counter_number, counter_max, list
+ list = []
+ rulesfile = open("rules.clp", "r")
+ for line in rulesfile:
+ matched_expr = re.search(re.escape("MAIN::symptom")+"(.*?)"+re.escape(" "),line)
+ if matched_expr==None:
+ continue
+ toprin = matched_expr.group(1)
+ list.append([toprin, ''])
+ finiline = line.find('))')
+ if finiline != -1:
+ break
+ curr_counter_number=0
+ counter_max=len(list) -1
+ def symptomChose(self, widget, oldcontainer, value):
+ global curr_counter_number, counter_max, list
+ if (value == "plus"):
+ curr_counter_number=curr_counter_number+1
+ if (value == "minus"):
+ curr_counter_number=curr_counter_number-1
+ symptom = list[curr_counter_number][0]
+ fraction = 0.05 + (curr_counter_number/(counter_max+1.0))
+ symptombox=gtk.VBox()
+ symptom_table= gtk.Table(20, 14, True)
+ progress=gtk.ProgressBar()
+ progress.set_fraction(fraction)
+ progress.set_text("%s/%s %s" % ((curr_counter_number+1),(counter_max+1),symptom))
+ symptom_image=gtk.Image()
+ symptom_image.set_from_file("images/symptoms/%s.svg" % (symptom))
+ button_yes=gtk.ToggleButton()
+ button_no=gtk.ToggleButton()
+ button_yes.connect("toggled", self.toggle_callback, "yes", button_no)
+ button_no.connect("toggled", self.toggle_callback, "no", button_yes)
+ if (list[curr_counter_number][1] == 'yes'):
+ button_yes.set_active(True)
+ elif (list[curr_counter_number][1] == 'no'):
+ button_no.set_active(True)
+ but_yes_img=gtk.Image()
+ but_yes_img.set_from_file("images/interface/oktick.svg")
+ button_yes.set_image(but_yes_img)
+ but_no_img=gtk.Image()
+ but_no_img.set_from_file("images/interface/oktick.svg")
+ button_no.set_image(but_no_img)
+ symptom_table.attach(button_yes, 3, 5, 17, 20)
+ symptom_table.attach(button_no, 9, 11, 17, 20)
+ button_next=gtk.Button()
+ but_next_img=gtk.Image()
+ but_next_img.set_from_file("images/interface/next_but.svg")
+ button_next.set_image(but_next_img)
+ nextcon=button_next.connect("clicked", self.symptomChose, symptombox, "plus")
+ if (curr_counter_number != 0):
+ button_prev=gtk.Button()
+ but_prev_img=gtk.Image()
+ but_prev_img.set_from_file("images/interface/prev_but.svg")
+ button_prev.connect("clicked", self.symptomChose, symptombox, "minus")
+ button_prev.set_image(but_prev_img)
+ symptom_table.attach(button_prev, 0, 2, 17, 20)
+ if (curr_counter_number == counter_max):
+ button_next.disconnect(nextcon)
+ button_next.connect("clicked", self.finishdialog, symptombox)
+ symptom_table.attach(progress, 1, 13, 0, 1)
+ symptom_table.attach(symptom_image, 1, 13, 1, 17)
+ symptom_table.attach(button_next, 12, 14, 17, 20)
+ symptombox.add(symptom_table)
+ print "values in symptomChose: curr: %s max: %s" % (curr_counter_number, counter_max)
+ self._main_view.remove(oldcontainer)
+ oldcontainer.destroy()
+ self._main_view.add(symptombox)
+ self.show_all()
+ def toggle_callback(self, widget, data, secondone):
+ global list
+ if (widget.get_active()):
+ list[curr_counter_number][1]=data
+ secondone.set_active(False)
+ def finishdialog(self, widget, oldcontainer):
+# dialog.set_modal(True)
+# self._main_view.set_transient_for(dialog)
+ dialogimage= gtk.Image()
+ dialogimage.set_from_file("images/interface/to_solution.svg")
+ dialog.vbox.pack_start(dialogimage, True, True, 0)
+ button1 = gtk.Button()
+ dialog.action_area.pack_start(button1, True, True, 0)
+ button2 = gtk.Button()
+ dialog.action_area.pack_start(button2, True, True, 0)
+ dialogimage.show()
+ dialogresult = dialog.run()
+ if (dialogresult == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT):
+ self._main_view.remove(oldcontainer)
+ oldcontainer.destroy()
+ self.solution()
+ dialog.destroy()
+ elif (dialogresult == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT):
+ dialog.destroy()
+ def solution(self):
+ solutionbox= gtk.EventBox()
+ solution_hands= gtk.HBox()
+ solution_table= gtk.Table(20, 14, True)
+ solutionbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("white"))
+ patientphoto = gtk.Image()
+ photo = Camera()
+ photo.Snap()
+ photopath = photo.snap_path
+ patientpixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(photopath, 500, 475)
+ patientphoto.set_from_pixbuf(patientpixbuf)
+# patientphoto.set_from_file("%s" % photopath)
+# patientpixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(photopath, 300, 500)
+# patientpixbuf.pixbuf
+ logfile = open('logfile.txt', 'a')
+ currtime = strftime("%H:%M:%S, %d %b %Y", gmtime())
+ towrite = str('---------%s---------\n' % currtime)
+ logfile.write(towrite)
+ logfile.close()
+ clips.Clear()
+ clips.Load("rules.clp")
+ clips.Reset()
+ beginingstate= clips.FactList()
+ total_diseases= 0
+ for bs in beginingstate:
+ if bs.Relation == 'disease':
+ total_diseases += 1
+ print total_diseases
+ for i in list:
+ sym = i[0]
+ occ = i[1]
+ if occ == '':
+ occ = 'no'
+ clips.Assert("(symptom %s %s)" % (sym,occ))
+ clips.Run()
+ result= clips.FactList()
+ numof_res = 0
+ for f in result:
+ if f.Relation == 'disease':
+ numof_res += 1
+ dis = f.CleanPPForm()
+ number = re.search(re.escape("(disease ")+"(.*?)"+re.escape(" "), dis)
+ justonedis = number.group(1)
+ total = map(int, justonedis)
+ print total
+ solution_image = gtk.Image()
+ if numof_res == total_diseases:
+# solution_image.set_from_file("%s" % photopath)
+ solution_image.set_from_file("images/interface/healthy.svg")
+ else:
+ solution_image.set_from_file("images/interface/to_hospital.svg")
+ num_label2 = gtk.Label()
+ if numof_res == 0:
+ sollab_text = '000'
+ elif numof_res == 1:
+ sollab_text = justonedis
+ else:
+ sollab_text = 'UNK'
+ solution_table.attach(num_label2, 4, 7, 14, 16)
+ num_label2.set_markup("<big><big><big><big><big><big><big>%s</big></big></big></big></big></big></big>" % (sollab_text));
+ solution_table.attach(patientphoto, 0, 7, 1, 10)
+ solution_table.attach(solution_image, 2, 14, 1, 19)
+ reload_button = gtk.Button()
+ reload_button_img = gtk.Image()
+# reload_button_img.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
+ reload_button_img.set_from_file("images/interface/reload.svg")
+ reload_button.set_image(reload_button_img)
+ reload_button.connect("clicked", self.homescreen, solution_table)
+ solution_table.attach(reload_button, 12, 14, 17, 20)
+ self._main_view.add(solution_table)
+ self.show_all()
+class Camera(object):
+ """A class repre camera"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ snap_file, self.snap_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ pipe = GST_PIPE + ['filesink location=%s' % self.snap_path]
+ self.pipe = gst.parse_launch('!'.join(pipe))
+ self.bus = self.pipe.get_bus()
+ def Snap(self):
+ """Take a snapshop"""
+ self.pipe.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
+ self.bus.poll(gst.MESSAGE_EOS, -1)
+ self.pipe.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
+# if __name__ == "__main__":
+# HelloDoctor().main()
+# gtk.main()
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/MANIFEST b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6985bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/activity/activity.info b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/activity/activity.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0c3f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/activity/activity.info
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+name = HelloDoctor
+bundle_id = com.gmail.hellodoctor.HelloDoctor
+icon = hello-doctor
+exec = sugar-activity HelloDoctor.HelloDoctor
+show_launcher = yes
+activity_version = 1
+host_version = 1
+mime_types = text/plain;image/jpeg;image/svg+xml
+license = GPLv3
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/activity/hello-doctor.svg b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/activity/hello-doctor.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72bebac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/activity/hello-doctor.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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+ <path
+ sodipodi:type="arc"
+ style="opacity:1;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1.39999998;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:0.45059288"
+ id="path3341"
+ sodipodi:cx="-44.369747"
+ sodipodi:cy="-23.902464"
+ sodipodi:rx="1.6806723"
+ sodipodi:ry="2.7193849"
+ d="M -42.689075,-23.902464 A 1.6806723,2.7193849 0 1 1 -46.050419,-23.902464 A 1.6806723,2.7193849 0 1 1 -42.689075,-23.902464 z"
+ transform="matrix(1.0145376,0,0,1.0145376,61.692589,48.484065)" />
+ <path
+ sodipodi:type="arc"
+ style="opacity:1;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1.39999998;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:0.45059288"
+ id="path3343"
+ sodipodi:cx="-44.369747"
+ sodipodi:cy="-23.902464"
+ sodipodi:rx="1.6806723"
+ sodipodi:ry="2.7193849"
+ d="M -42.689075,-23.902464 A 1.6806723,2.7193849 0 1 1 -46.050419,-23.902464 A 1.6806723,2.7193849 0 1 1 -42.689075,-23.902464 z"
+ transform="matrix(1.0145376,0,0,1.0145376,75.844963,48.388522)" />
+ </g>
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9d8df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# __init__.py
+# clips wrapper module loader
+# (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+# The author's copyright is expressed through the following notice, thus
+# giving effective rights to copy and use this software to anyone, as shown
+# in the license text.
+# This software is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# license; a copy of the text has been released with this package (see file
+# _license.py, where the license text also appears), and can be found on the
+# GNU web site, at the following address:
+# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+# Please refer to the license text for any license information. This notice
+# has to be considered part of the license, and should be kept on every copy
+# integral or modified, of the source files. The removal of the reference to
+# the license will be considered an infringement of the license itself.
+clips - high-level interface to the CLIPS engine module
+ (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+This work is based on the CLIPS library and interpreter, by Gary Riley and
+others. Please visit its homepage at http://clipsrules.sourceforge.net
+for further information and to obtain the full source code.
+Please issue 'print clips.license' at the prompt for licensing information.
+from _clips_wrap import *
+from _eclips_wrap import Environment, CurrentEnvironment
+from _license import license
+from _version import version, version_string
+# provide our __dict__ to the _clips_wrap in order to set up stock classes:
+# the name _setParentModuleDict will be removed later
+from _clips_wrap import _setParentModuleDict
+del _setParentModuleDict
+# define the __all__ list so that the module can avoid useless names: in
+# fact all useful names that this part of the module begin with a letter
+__all__ = filter(lambda x: x[0] != '_', dir())
+# end.
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pyc b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f6fe3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pyo b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pyo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6bba61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/__init__.pyo
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af41f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+def __bootstrap__():
+ global __bootstrap__, __loader__, __file__
+ import sys, pkg_resources, imp
+ __file__ = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,'_clips.so')
+ del __bootstrap__, __loader__
+ imp.load_dynamic(__name__,__file__)
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.pyc b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41c6186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.so b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.so
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c8e5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips.so
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7217b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4347 @@
+# _clips_wrap.py
+# higher-level interface for the _clips module
+# (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+# The author's copyright is expressed through the following notice, thus
+# giving effective rights to copy and use this software to anyone, as shown
+# in the license text.
+# This software is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# license; a copy of the text has been released with this package (see file
+# _license.py, where the license text also appears), and can be found on the
+# GNU web site, at the following address:
+# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+# Please refer to the license text for any license information. This notice
+# has to be considered part of the license, and should be kept on every copy
+# integral or modified, of the source files. The removal of the reference to
+# the license will be considered an infringement of the license itself.
+clips - high-level interface to the CLIPS engine module
+ (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+__revision__ = "$Id: _clips_wrap.py 342 2008-02-22 01:17:23Z Franz $"
+# ========================================================================== #
+# imports - these are hidden to module user
+# standard imports
+import sys as _sys
+import os as _os
+# the low-level module
+import _clips as _c
+# check Python version, and issue an exception if not supported
+if _sys.version[:3] < "2.4":
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M99: Python 2.4 or higher required")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# globals
+# clips version is defined
+PYCLIPS_VERSION = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (
+# bring the CLIPS exception objects at top level
+ClipsError = _c.ClipsError
+ClipsMemoryError = _c.ClipsMemoryError
+# redeclare manifest constants here in order to avoid having to
+# reference the ones defined in the low-level module _clips
+# These manifest constants are commented out, since the user has to rely
+# on the class constructors defined below in order to build values to
+# pass to the CLIPS engine. Also, these names are used to implement
+# the stock class objects (see below)
+AFTER = 'after'
+AROUND = 'around'
+BEFORE = 'before'
+PRIMARY = 'primary'
+# ========================================================================== #
+# these decorators allow to verify the types of data passed to the decorated
+# functions and methods (_accepts* decorators) and to force the input types
+# to some defined ones (_force* decorators)
+# verify that the types passed to the decorated functions are exactly the
+# ones passed as arguments to the decorator: if not, raise an appropriate
+# TypeError. If a type is specified as None, then the type in the same
+# position will not be checked. If a tuple containing types is passed to
+# the decorator, then the decorator will verify that the function name is
+# of one of the types in the tuple. Examples:
+# @_accepts(int, int) # will raise TypeError if either x or y is not int
+# def add(x, y):
+# return x + y
+# @_accepts(int, (int, float)) # will accept if y is either int or float
+# def add(x, y):
+# return x + y
+# @_accepts(None, int) # will raise if y is not int, but won't check x
+# def add(x, y):
+# return x + y
+def _accepts(*types):
+ def _DECO(f):
+ def _WRAPPER(*args):
+ i = 0 # start counting arguments at 0
+ for a in args:
+ t = types[i]
+ if t is not None: # otherwise no type checking
+ # please note that isinstance already accepts a tuple
+ if not isinstance(a, t):
+ if type(t) == tuple:
+ errorstr = \
+ "one of %s expected in %s, parameter %s" \
+ % (", ".join(map(lambda x: str(x)[1:-1], t)),
+ f.__name__, i + 1)
+ else:
+ errorstr = \
+ "%s expected in %s, parameter %s" \
+ % (str(t)[1:-1], f.__name__, i + 1)
+ raise TypeError(errorstr)
+ i += 1
+ return f(*args)
+ _WRAPPER.__name__ = f.__name__
+ _WRAPPER.__doc__ = f.__doc__
+ return _WRAPPER
+ return _DECO
+# same as above, but for class methods: takes the implicit self in account
+def _accepts_method(*types):
+ def _DECO(f):
+ def _WRAPPER(self, *args):
+ i = 0
+ for a in args:
+ t = types[i]
+ if t is not None:
+ if not isinstance(a, t):
+ if type(t) == tuple:
+ errorstr = \
+ "one of %s expected in %s, parameter %s" \
+ % (", ".join(map(lambda x: str(x)[1:-1], t)),
+ f.__name__, i + 1)
+ else:
+ errorstr = \
+ "%s expected in %s, parameter %s" \
+ % (str(t)[1:-1], f.__name__, i + 1)
+ raise TypeError(errorstr)
+ i += 1
+ return f(self, *args)
+ _WRAPPER.__name__ = f.__name__
+ _WRAPPER.__doc__ = f.__doc__
+ return _WRAPPER
+ return _DECO
+# given a list of types to the decorator, the arguments of the decorated
+# function are converted (cast) to the corresponding type in the list. If
+# None is given as an argument to the decorator, in the decorated function
+# the corresponding parameter is left alone. Example:
+# @_forces(None, int) # x is left as it is, while y is converted to int
+# def add(x, y):
+# return x + y
+# a dict can be specified as a conversion map: in this case the keys are
+# the types that will be converted, the values are the types to convert to
+# and None acts differently when used as key (in which case it converts
+# every type as a last resort) or as a value (when used here there is no
+# conversion). An example:
+# @_forces(None, {float: long, long: None, None: int})
+# def add(x, y):
+# return x + y
+def _forces(*types):
+ def _DECO(f):
+ def _WRAPPER(*args):
+ newargs = []
+ i = 0
+ for a in args:
+ t = types[i]
+ # when None is used as a type to convert to, no conversion
+ # performed at all (the argument is left as it is)
+ if t is None:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ # pass a dict to perform selective conversions, where...
+ elif type(t) == dict:
+ type_a = type(a)
+ # ...if the type of the argument is taken into account...
+ if t.has_key(type_a):
+ conv = t[type_a]
+ # ...when it is not None, the argument is converted
+ if conv is not None:
+ newargs.append(conv(a))
+ # ...when it is None, the argument is left as it is
+ else:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ # ...if no other specification was found, but there is
+ # None as a possible type to convert to another, then
+ # the argument is converted anyway (ie. None acts as a
+ # sink that converts any type as a last resort)
+ elif t.has_key(None):
+ newargs.append(t[None](a))
+ # ...but when there is no suitable specific conversion
+ # and None is not given the argument is left as it is
+ else:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ # otherwise the argument is converted to the specified type
+ else:
+ newargs.append(t(a))
+ i += 1
+ return f(*newargs)
+ _WRAPPER.__name__ = f.__name__
+ _WRAPPER.__doc__ = f.__doc__
+ return _WRAPPER
+ return _DECO
+# same as above, but for class methods: takes the implicit self in account
+def _forces_method(*types):
+ def _DECO(f):
+ def _WRAPPER(self, *args):
+ newargs = []
+ i = 0
+ for a in args:
+ t = types[i]
+ if t is None:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ elif type(t) == dict:
+ type_a = type(a)
+ if t.has_key(type_a):
+ conv = t[type_a]
+ if conv is not None:
+ newargs.append(conv(a))
+ else:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ elif t.has_key(None):
+ newargs.append(t[None](a))
+ else:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ else:
+ newargs.append(t(a))
+ i += 1
+ return f(self, *newargs)
+ _WRAPPER.__name__ = f.__name__
+ _WRAPPER.__doc__ = f.__doc__
+ return _WRAPPER
+ return _DECO
+# the decorators have underscored names, because they are too raw and too
+# unspecific to the module to be used outside this scope; please note that
+# the environment aware module will only have to use the method specific
+# versions
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level classes to embed clips internal types
+# 1) numeric types
+class Integer(int):
+ """extend an int for use with CLIPS"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Integer %s>" % int.__repr__(self)
+ def __add__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) + int(o))
+ def __sub__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) - int(o))
+ def __mul__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) * int(o))
+ def __floordiv__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) // int(o))
+ def __truediv__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) / int(o))
+ def __div__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) / int(o))
+ def __mod__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) % int(o))
+ def __lshift__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) << int(o))
+ def __rshift__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) >> int(o))
+ def __and__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) & int(o))
+ def __xor__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) ^ int(o))
+ def __or__(self, o):
+ return Integer(int(self) | int(o))
+ def __pow__(self, o, m=None):
+ if m is not None:
+ return Integer((int(self) ** int(o)) % int(m))
+ return Integer(int(self) ** int(o))
+ def clrepr(self):
+ """represent this Integer for CLIPS"""
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(self))
+ def clsyntax(self):
+ """represent this Integer as it would be in CLIPS syntax"""
+ return str(self)
+ def cltypename(self):
+ """name of this type in CLIPS"""
+ return "INTEGER"
+ClipsIntegerType = type(Integer(0))
+class Float(float):
+ """extend a float for use with CLIPS"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Float %s>" % float.__repr__(self)
+ def __add__(self, o):
+ return Float(float(self) + float(o))
+ def __sub__(self, o):
+ return Float(float(self) - float(o))
+ def __mul__(self, o):
+ return Float(float(self) * float(o))
+ def __floordiv__(self, o):
+ return Float(float(self) // float(o))
+ def __truediv__(self, o):
+ return Float(float(self) / float(o))
+ def __div__(self, o):
+ return Float(float(self) / float(o))
+ def __pow__(self, o, m=None):
+ if m is not None:
+ return Float((float(self) ** float(o)) % float(m))
+ return Float(float(self) ** float(o))
+ def clrepr(self):
+ """represent this Float for CLIPS"""
+ return (_c.FLOAT, float(self))
+ def clsyntax(self):
+ """represent this Float as it would be in CLIPS syntax"""
+ return str(self)
+ def cltypename(self):
+ """name of this type in CLIPS"""
+ return "FLOAT"
+ClipsFloatType = type(Float(0.0))
+# 2) string types
+class String(str):
+ """extend a str for use with CLIPS"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<String %s>" % str.__repr__(self)
+ def __add__(self, o):
+ return String(str(self) + str(o))
+ def clrepr(self):
+ """represent this String for CLIPS"""
+ return (_c.STRING, str(self))
+ def clsyntax(self):
+ """represent this String as it would be in CLIPS syntax"""
+ return '"%s"' % str(self).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"')
+ def cltypename(self):
+ """name of this type in CLIPS"""
+ return "STRING"
+ClipsStringType = type(String(""))
+class Symbol(str):
+ """extend a str for use with CLIPS as symbol"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Symbol %s>" % str.__repr__(self)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return bool(self not in ('FALSE', 'nil', ''))
+ def __add__(self, o):
+ return Symbol(str(self) + str(o))
+ def clrepr(self):
+ """represent this Symbol for CLIPS"""
+ return (_c.SYMBOL, str(self))
+ def clsyntax(self):
+ """represent this Symbol as it would be in CLIPS syntax"""
+ return str(self)
+ def cltypename(self):
+ """name of this type in CLIPS"""
+ return "SYMBOL"
+ClipsSymbolType = type(Symbol(""))
+class InstanceName(str):
+ """extend a str for use with CLIPS as instance name"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<InstanceName %s>" % str.__repr__(self)
+ def __add__(self, o):
+ return InstanceName(str(self) + str(o))
+ def clrepr(self):
+ """represent this InstanceName for CLIPS"""
+ return (_c.INSTANCE_NAME, str(self))
+ def clsyntax(self):
+ """represent this InstanceName as it would be in CLIPS syntax"""
+ return "[%s]" % str(self)
+ def cltypename(self):
+ """name of this type in CLIPS"""
+ return "INSTANCE-NAME"
+ClipsInstanceNameType = type(InstanceName(""))
+# a Nil object that might be useful in comparisons and assignments: after
+# its creation the constructor is no longer necessary and is later deleted
+class NilObject(Symbol):
+ """represent the CLIPS nil symbol"""
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ if self.__created:
+ raise TypeError("Nil object cannot be created")
+ _NilObject__created = True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Nil>"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "nil"
+ def __eq__(self, o):
+ return o is self or o == Symbol("nil")
+ def __ne__(self, o):
+ return o is not self and o != Symbol("nil")
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return False
+ def clrepr(self):
+ """represent the nil symbol for CLIPS"""
+ return (_c.SYMBOL, "nil")
+ def clsyntax(self):
+ """represent Nil as it would be in CLIPS syntax"""
+ return "nil"
+ def cltypename(self):
+ """name of this type in CLIPS"""
+ return "SYMBOL"
+Nil = NilObject()
+ClipsNilType = type(Nil)
+del NilObject
+# the multifield type is a little bit more complex, since a list
+# can contain elements of various types: at conversion time we must
+# check that all elements are suitable for building a multivalue
+class Multifield(list):
+ """extend a list for use with CLIPS as Multifield value"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Multifield %s>" % list.__repr__(self)
+ def __add__(self, o):
+ return Multifield(list(self) + list(o))
+ def clrepr(self):
+ """represent this Multifield for CLIPS"""
+ li = []
+ for x in self:
+ t = type(x)
+ if t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType):
+ li.append(x.clrepr())
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clrepr())
+ elif t == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clrepr())
+ elif t in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clrepr())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clrepr())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clrepr())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clrepr())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clrepr())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clrepr())
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "list element of type %s cannot be converted" % t)
+ return (_c.MULTIFIELD, li)
+ def clsyntax(self):
+ """represent this Multifield as it would be in CLIPS syntax"""
+ li = []
+ for x in self:
+ t = type(x)
+ if t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType):
+ li.append(x.clsyntax())
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "list element of type %s cannot be converted" % t)
+ return "(create$ %s)" % " ".join(li) # only createable via this
+ def cltypename(self):
+ """name of this type in CLIPS"""
+ return "MULTIFIELD"
+ClipsMultifieldType = type(Multifield([]))
+# ========================================================================== #
+# as of version 1.0.6 (incremental 331) we use the special markers around
+# _cl2py and _py2cl, namely #{{FUNCTION and #}} in order to publish the
+# above functions to the Environment class and allow passing and returning
+# Fact and Instance objects from the respective pointers
+# ========================================================================== #
+# Converter from internal form (type, value) of CLIPS data to the
+# wrappers provided above, in order to simplify transparent conversions
+def _cl2py(o):
+ """convert a well-formed tuple to one of the CLIPS wrappers"""
+ if o is None: return None
+ elif type(o) == tuple and len(o) == 2:
+ if o[0] == _c.INTEGER:
+ return Integer(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.FLOAT:
+ return Float(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.STRING:
+ return String(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.INSTANCE_NAME:
+ return InstanceName(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.SYMBOL:
+ if o[1] == "nil":
+ return Nil
+ else:
+ return Symbol(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS:
+ return Instance(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ return Fact(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.MULTIFIELD:
+ li = []
+ for (x, v) in o[1]:
+ if x == _c.INTEGER:
+ li.append(Integer(v))
+ elif x == _c.FLOAT:
+ li.append(Float(v))
+ elif x == _c.STRING:
+ li.append(String(v))
+ elif x == _c.SYMBOL:
+ li.append(Symbol(v))
+ elif x == _c.INSTANCE_NAME:
+ li.append(InstanceName(v))
+ elif x == _c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(Instance(v))
+ elif x == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(Fact(v))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("list cannot be converted")
+ return Multifield(li)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("malformed tuple value")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("wrong argument type")
+# same as above, but from Python to CLIPS
+def _py2cl(o):
+ """convert Python data to a well-formed tuple"""
+ t1 = type(o)
+ if t1 in (int, long):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif t1 == float:
+ return (_c.FLOAT, float(o))
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ return o.clrepr()
+ elif t1 == Fact:
+ return (_c.FACT_ADDRESS, o._Fact__fact)
+ elif t1 == Instance:
+ return (_c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS, o._Instance__instance)
+ elif isinstance(o, int):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, long):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, float):
+ return (_c.FLOAT, float(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, str):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, unicode):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif t1 in (list, tuple):
+ li = []
+ for x in o:
+ t0 = type(x)
+ if t0 in (int, long):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(x)))
+ elif t0 == float:
+ li.append((_c.FLOAT, float(x)))
+ elif t0 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(x)))
+ elif t0 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType):
+ li.append(x.clrepr())
+ elif t0 == Fact:
+ li.append((_c.FACT_ADDRESS, o._Fact__fact))
+ elif t0 == Instance:
+ li.append((_c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS, o._Instance__instance))
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append((_c.FLOAT, float(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(o)))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "list element of type %s cannot be converted" % t0)
+ return (_c.MULTIFIELD, li)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("value of type %s cannot be converted" % t1)
+# convert a Python value to what the python value would be in CLIPS syntax
+def _py2clsyntax(o):
+ """convert Python data to CLIPS syntax"""
+ t1 = type(o)
+ if t1 in (int, long):
+ return Integer(int(o)).clsyntax()
+ elif t1 == float:
+ return Float(o).clsyntax()
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ return String(o).clsyntax()
+ elif t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ return o.clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(o, int):
+ return Integer(int(o)).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(o, long):
+ return Integer(int(o)).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(o, float):
+ return Float(o).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(o, str):
+ return String(o).clsyntax()
+ elif t1 in (list, tuple):
+ li = []
+ for x in o:
+ t0 = type(x)
+ if t0 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t0 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t0 == str:
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t0 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType):
+ li.append(x.clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "list element of type %s cannot be converted" % t0)
+ return Multifield(li).clsyntax()
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("value of type %s cannot be converted" % t1)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# as of version 1.0.5 (incremental 324) every class that should also appear
+# in the environment-aware submodule must be surrounded by special comments,
+# namely '#{{CLASS' and '#}}'; the same has to be done for functions: the
+# surrounding comments in this case are '#{{FUNCTION' and '#}}'; this allows
+# the setup process to be more readable and avoid certain 'tricks'
+# ========================================================================== #
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 0.1) Status functions and classes - as of APG section 4.1
+# as we did above, we group all the status functions under a class and then
+# create a single instance of the class itself prohibiting further instances
+class _clips_Status(object):
+ """object to access global status functions"""
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """raise an exception if an object of this type has been created"""
+ if(self.__created):
+ raise TypeError("cannot create this object twice")
+ self.__created = True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Configuration Management Object>"
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle engine status")
+ def __property_setFactDuplication(self, v):
+ _c.setFactDuplication(v)
+ def __property_getFactDuplication(self, v):
+ return bool(_c.getFactDuplication())
+ FactDuplication = property(
+ __property_getFactDuplication,
+ __property_setFactDuplication,
+ None, "Fact duplication behaviour")
+ def __property_setAutoFloatDividend(self, v):
+ _c.setAutoFloatDividend(v)
+ def __property_getAutoFloatDividend(self):
+ return bool(_c.getAutoFloatDividend())
+ AutoFloatDividend = property(
+ __property_getAutoFloatDividend,
+ __property_setAutoFloatDividend,
+ None, "AutoFloatDividend behaviour")
+ def __property_setDynamicConstraintChecking(self, v):
+ _c.setDynamicConstraintChecking(v)
+ def __property_getDynamicConstraintChecking(self):
+ return bool(_c.getDynamicConstraintChecking())
+ DynamicConstraintChecking = property(
+ __property_getDynamicConstraintChecking,
+ __property_setDynamicConstraintChecking,
+ None, "Dynamic constraint checking behaviour")
+ def __property_setSequenceOperatorRecognition(self, v):
+ _c.setSequenceOperatorRecognition(v)
+ def __property_getSequenceOperatorRecognition(self):
+ return bool(_c.getSequenceOperatorRecognition())
+ SequenceOperatorRecognition = property(
+ __property_getSequenceOperatorRecognition,
+ __property_setSequenceOperatorRecognition,
+ None, "Sequence operator recognition behaviour")
+ def __property_setStaticConstraintChecking(self, v):
+ _c.setStaticConstraintChecking(v)
+ def __property_getStaticConstraintChecking(self):
+ return bool(_c.getStaticConstraintChecking())
+ StaticConstraintChecking = property(
+ __property_getStaticConstraintChecking,
+ __property_setStaticConstraintChecking,
+ None, "Static constraint checking behaviour")
+ def __property_setIncrementalReset(self, v):
+ _c.setIncrementalReset(v)
+ def __property_getIncrementalReset(self):
+ return bool(_c.getIncrementalReset())
+ IncrementalReset = property(
+ __property_getIncrementalReset,
+ __property_setIncrementalReset,
+ None, "Incremental reset behaviour")
+ def __property_setResetGlobals(self, v):
+ _c.setResetGlobals(v)
+ def __property_getResetGlobals(self):
+ return bool(_c.getResetGlobals())
+ ResetGlobals = property(
+ __property_getResetGlobals,
+ __property_setResetGlobals,
+ None, "ResetGlobals behaviour")
+ def __property_setStrategy(self, v):
+ _c.setStrategy(v)
+ def __property_getStrategy(self):
+ return _c.getStrategy()
+ Strategy = property(
+ __property_getStrategy,
+ __property_setStrategy,
+ None, "strategy behaviour")
+ def __property_setSalienceEvaluation(self, v):
+ _c.setSalienceEvaluation(v)
+ def __property_getSalienceEvaluation(self):
+ return _c.getSalienceEvaluation()
+ SalienceEvaluation = property(
+ __property_getSalienceEvaluation,
+ __property_setSalienceEvaluation,
+ None, "salience evaluation behaviour")
+ def __property_setClassDefaultsMode(self, v):
+ _c.setClassDefaultsMode(v)
+ def __property_getClassDefaultsMode(self):
+ return _c.getClassDefaultsMode()
+ ClassDefaultsMode = property(
+ __property_getClassDefaultsMode,
+ __property_setClassDefaultsMode,
+ None, "class defaults mode")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 0.2) Debugging functions and classes - as of APG section 4.2
+# we group all debugging function under a class, then we prohibit
+# creation of items of that class but provide an object able to
+# access debugging status and to toggle debugging features
+class _clips_Debug(object):
+ """object to enable/disable debugging features"""
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """one-time initializer"""
+ if(self.__created):
+ raise TypeError("cannot create this object twice")
+ self.__created = True
+ self.__watchitems = ['facts', 'rules', 'activations', 'compilations',
+ 'statistics', 'globals', 'slots', 'instances',
+ 'messages', 'message-handlers',
+ 'generic-functions', 'methods', 'deffunctions',]
+ # the following would modify the engine status on instantiation,
+ # which would disallow storing current environment for swapping
+ ##for x in self.__watchitems: _c.unwatch(x)
+ ##_c.dribbleOff()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Debug Management Object>"
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle debug status")
+ def DribbleOn(self, fn):
+ """enable dribble on given file"""
+ _c.dribbleOn(fn)
+ def DribbleOff(self):
+ """turn off dribble"""
+ _c.dribbleOff()
+ def DribbleActive(self):
+ """tell whether or not dribble is active"""
+ return bool(_c.dribbleActive())
+ def __property_setFactsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("facts")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("facts")
+ def __property_getFactsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("facts"))
+ FactsWatched = property(__property_getFactsWatched,
+ __property_setFactsWatched,
+ None, "Facts watch status")
+ def __property_setRulesWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("rules")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("rules")
+ def __property_getRulesWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("rules"))
+ RulesWatched = property(__property_getRulesWatched,
+ __property_setRulesWatched,
+ None, "Rules watch status")
+ def __property_setActivationsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("activations")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("activations")
+ def __property_getActivationsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("activations"))
+ ActivationsWatched = property(__property_getActivationsWatched,
+ __property_setActivationsWatched,
+ None, "Activations watch status")
+ def __property_setCompilationsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("compilations")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("compilations")
+ def __property_getCompilationsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("compilations"))
+ CompilationsWatched = property(__property_getCompilationsWatched,
+ __property_setCompilationsWatched,
+ None, "compilations watch status")
+ def __property_setStatisticsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("statistics")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("statistics")
+ def __property_getStatisticsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("statistics"))
+ StatisticsWatched = property(__property_getStatisticsWatched,
+ __property_setStatisticsWatched,
+ None, "statistics watch status")
+ def __property_setGlobalsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("globals")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("globals")
+ def __property_getGlobalsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("globals"))
+ GlobalsWatched = property(__property_getGlobalsWatched,
+ __property_setGlobalsWatched,
+ None, "Globals watch status")
+ def __property_setSlotsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("slots")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("slots")
+ def __property_getSlotsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("slots"))
+ SlotsWatched = property(__property_getSlotsWatched,
+ __property_setSlotsWatched,
+ None, "Slots watch status")
+ def __property_setMessagesWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("messages")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("messages")
+ def __property_getMessagesWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("messages"))
+ MessagesWatched = property(__property_getMessagesWatched,
+ __property_setMessagesWatched,
+ None, "messages watch status")
+ def __property_setMessageHandlersWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("message-handlers")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("message-handlers")
+ def __property_getMessageHandlersWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("message-handlers"))
+ MessageHandlersWatched = property(__property_getMessageHandlersWatched,
+ __property_setMessageHandlersWatched,
+ None, "MessageHandlers watch status")
+ def __property_setGenericFunctionsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("generic-functions")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("generic-functions")
+ def __property_getGenericFunctionsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("generic-functions"))
+ GenericFunctionsWatched = property(__property_getGenericFunctionsWatched,
+ __property_setGenericFunctionsWatched,
+ None, "Generic functions watch status")
+ def __property_setMethodsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("methods")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("methods")
+ def __property_getMethodsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("methods"))
+ MethodsWatched = property(__property_getMethodsWatched,
+ __property_setMethodsWatched,
+ None, "Methods watch status")
+ def __property_setFunctionsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.watch("deffunctions")
+ else:
+ _c.unwatch("deffunctions")
+ def __property_getFunctionsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.getWatchItem("deffunctions"))
+ FunctionsWatched = property(__property_getFunctionsWatched,
+ __property_setFunctionsWatched,
+ None, "Deffunctions watch status")
+ def __property_setExternalTraceback(self, v):
+ _c.setPrintExternalTraceback(bool(v))
+ def __property_getExternalTraceback(self):
+ return bool(_c.getPrintExternalTraceback())
+ ExternalTraceback = property(__property_getExternalTraceback,
+ __property_setExternalTraceback,
+ None,
+ "traceback of Python functions in CLIPS")
+ def WatchAll(self):
+ """watch all items"""
+ for x in self.__watchitems:
+ _c.watch(x)
+ def UnwatchAll(self):
+ """unwatch all items"""
+ for x in self.__watchitems:
+ _c.unwatch(x)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for deftemplate objects
+# Treat a deftemplate as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access deftemplate objects.
+class Template(object):
+ """high-level Template class (represents: deftemplate)"""
+ def __init__(self, o=None):
+ """create a Template object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeftemplate(o):
+ self.__deftemplate = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Template")
+ class __template_Slots:
+ """define a structure for Class Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ self.__deftemplate = o
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle template slots")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedValues(self, name):
+ """return allowed values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(
+ _c.deftemplateSlotAllowedValues(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Cardinality(self, name):
+ """return cardinality for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(
+ _c.deftemplateSlotCardinality(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def HasDefault(self, name):
+ return _c.deftemplateSlotDefaultP(self.__deftemplate, name)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def DefaultValue(self, name):
+ """return default value for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(
+ _c.deftemplateSlotDefaultValue(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Exists(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot exists"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.deftemplateSlotExistP(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsMultifield(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is a multifield one"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.deftemplateSlotMultiP(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ def Names(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.deftemplateSlotNames(self.__deftemplate))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Range(self, name):
+ """return numeric range information of specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.deftemplateSlotRange(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsSinglefield(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is a single field one"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.deftemplateSlotSingleP(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Types(self, name):
+ """return names of primitive types for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.deftemplateSlotTypes(self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ self.__Slots = __template_Slots(self.__deftemplate)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._template_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._template_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Template"""
+ return _c.getDeftemplateName(self.__deftemplate)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Template"""
+ s = repr(self.__deftemplate)[1:-1]
+ return "<Template '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDeftemplateName(self.__deftemplate), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError(
+ "M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Template"""
+ o = _c.getNextDeftemplate(self.__deftemplate)
+ if(o):
+ return Template(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Template"""
+ return _c.getDeftemplatePPForm(self.__deftemplate)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Template"""
+ _c.undeftemplate(self.__deftemplate)
+ def BuildFact(self):
+ """create a fact from this Template without asserting it"""
+ return Fact(self.__deftemplate)
+ def InitialFact(self):
+ """find initial Fact for this Template"""
+ return Fact(_c.getNextFactInTemplate(self.__deftemplate))
+ def NextFact(self, fact):
+ """find initial Fact for this Template"""
+ return Fact(
+ _c.getNextFactInTemplate(self.__deftemplate, fact._Fact__fact))
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDeftemplateDeletable(self.__deftemplate))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Template can be deleted")
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDeftemplateName(self.__deftemplate))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Template name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.deftemplateModule(self.__deftemplate))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Template Module name")
+ # access class slots through the internal object
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Template Slots information")
+ # debugging functions and properties
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.setDeftemplateWatch(v, self.__deftemplate)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return _c.getDeftemplateWatch(self.__deftemplate)
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "watch status of this Template")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for fact objects
+# Treat a fact as an object having an Object-Oriented interface. All functions
+# that normally refer to a fact use the underlying low-level fact object to
+# interact with the system.
+class Fact(object):
+ """high-level Fact class (represents: fact)"""
+ # class constructor - we want to initialize the fact in several ways, ie.
+ # by creation (using a Template or its underlying __deftemplate), by
+ # copy (using a Fact or its underlying __fact), or by assertion using a
+ # string; besides this, we also want to initialize some internal structs
+ # that help use the fact "the Python way" (eg. the fact slots should be
+ # grouped in a string-addressed dictionary, as it would naturally be)
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Fact object"""
+ # this on-the-fly class takes the underlying fact object, which
+ # should already exist, and accesses its slots through the functions
+ # provided by the low-level module, thus exposing a dictionary-like
+ # interface that can be used to access slots at high level
+ # NOTE: there is a hack that allows the environment version to work
+ # by trying to access the underlying environment object
+ class __fact_Slots:
+ """access fact Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, fo):
+ self.__fact = fo
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, v):
+ _c.putFactSlot(self.__fact, name, _py2cl(v))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ if not name:
+ return _cl2py(_c.getFactSlot(self.__fact))
+ else:
+ return _cl2py(_c.getFactSlot(self.__fact, name))
+ def keys(self):
+ return _cl2py(_c.factSlotNames(self.__fact))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def has_key(self, k):
+ return k in map(str, _cl2py(_c.factSlotNames(self.__fact)))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Fact '%s' Slots>" \
+ % _c.getFactPPForm(self.__fact).split()[0]
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle fact slots")
+ # now we can instance an object of this kind, and throw the class
+ # away; however the instance must be created at the end of function
+ # body since the fact has to be created at lower level
+ if _c.isFact(o):
+ self.__fact = o
+ elif '_Fact__fact' in dir(o) and _c.isFact(o.__fact):
+ self.__fact = o.__fact
+ elif _c.isDeftemplate(o):
+ self.__fact = _c.createFact(o)
+ elif '_Template__deftemplate' in dir(o) and \
+ _c.isDeftemplate(o._Template__deftemplate):
+ self.__fact = _c.createFact(o._Template__deftemplate)
+ elif type(o) == str:
+ try:
+ self.__fact = _c.assertString(o)
+ except:
+ raise ValueError("invalid assertion string")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("argument should be Fact, Template or str")
+ # here the fact is created: we create an instance of it and do not
+ # care about internal class definition destiny, since it's useful
+ # that this class definition disappears from Fact dictionary
+ self.__Slots = __fact_Slots(self.__fact)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._fact_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._fact_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Fact"""
+ return _c.getFactPPForm(self.__fact).split()[0]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Fact"""
+ s = repr(self.__fact)[1:-1]
+ return "<Fact '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getFactPPForm(self.__fact).split()[0], s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError(
+ "M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # interface
+ def Assert(self):
+ """assert this Fact"""
+ self.__fact = _c.assertFact(self.__fact)
+ def Retract(self):
+ """retract this Fact"""
+ _c.retract(self.__fact)
+ def AssignSlotDefaults(self):
+ """assign Fact Slot defaults"""
+ _c.assignFactSlotDefaults(self.__fact)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Fact"""
+ o = _c.getNextFact(self.__fact)
+ if(o):
+ return Fact(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Fact"""
+ return _c.getFactPPForm(self.__fact)
+ def PPrint(self, ignoredefaults=True):
+ """pretty-print fact, possibly including slot default values"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.ppFact(self.__fact, "temporary", ignoredefaults)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def CleanPPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Fact"""
+ return _c.getFactPPForm(self.__fact).split(None, 1)[1].strip()
+ # return the relation field
+ def __property_getRelation(self):
+ return Symbol(
+ _c.getFactPPForm(self.__fact).split(
+ None, 1)[1].strip()[1:-1].split(None, 1)[0])
+ Relation = property(__property_getRelation, None, None,
+ "fact relation symbol")
+ # the list of implied slots
+ def __property_getImpliedSlots(self):
+ try:
+ mli = _cl2py(_c.getFactSlot(self.__fact))
+ except:
+ mli = Multifield([])
+ return mli
+ ImpliedSlots = property(__property_getImpliedSlots, None, None,
+ "list of implied Slots")
+ # access fact index, read only property
+ def __property_getIndex(self):
+ return _c.factIndex(self.__fact)
+ Index = property(__property_getIndex, None, None, "index of this Fact")
+ # access fact slots through the internal object
+ def __property_getSlots(self):
+ return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ """Fact Slots dictionary""")
+ # access Template of this Fact, read only property
+ def __property_getTemplate(self):
+ return Template(_c.factDeftemplate(self.__fact))
+ Template = property(__property_getTemplate, None, None,
+ """Template for this Fact""")
+ # tell whether or not this Fact has been retracted (if asserted)
+ def __property_getExists(self):
+ return bool(_c.factExistp(self.__fact))
+ Exists = property(__property_getExists, None, None,
+ "determine if Fact has been asserted and not retracted")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for deffacts objects
+# Treat a deffacts as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access deffacts objects.
+class Deffacts(object):
+ """high-level Deffacts class (represents: deffacts)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Deffacts object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeffacts(o):
+ self.__deffacts = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Deffacts")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Deffacts"""
+ return _c.getDeffactsName(self.__deffacts)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Deffacts"""
+ s = repr(self.__deffacts)[1:-1]
+ return "<Deffacts '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDeffactsName(self.__deffacts), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Deffacts"""
+ o = _c.getNextDeffacts(self.__deffacts)
+ if(o):
+ return Deffacts(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Deffacts"""
+ return _c.getDeffactsPPForm(self.__deffacts)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Deffacts"""
+ _c.undeffacts(self.__deffacts)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDeffactsName(self.__deffacts))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Deffacts name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.deffactsModule(self.__deffacts))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Deffacts Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDeffactsDeletable(self.__deffacts))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Deffacts can be deleted")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for defrule objects
+# Treat a defrule as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access defrule objects.
+class Rule(object):
+ """high-level Rule class (represents: defrule)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Rule object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefrule(o):
+ self.__defrule = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Rule")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Rule"""
+ return _c.getDefruleName(self.__defrule)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Rule"""
+ s = repr(self.__defrule)[1:-1]
+ return "<Rule '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDefruleName(self.__defrule), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Rule"""
+ o = _c.getNextDefrule(self.__defrule)
+ if o:
+ return Rule(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Rule"""
+ return _c.getDefrulePPForm(self.__defrule)
+ def Refresh(self):
+ """refresh Rule"""
+ _c.refresh(self.__defrule)
+ def PrintMatches(self):
+ """print partial matches to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.matches("temporary", self.__defrule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Rule"""
+ _c.undefrule(self.__defrule)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDefruleName(self.__defrule))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Rule name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.defruleModule(self.__defrule))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Rule Module name")
+ def __property_setBreak(self, v):
+ if v:
+ _c.setBreak(self.__defrule)
+ else:
+ if _c.defruleHasBreakpoint(self.__defrule):
+ _c.removeBreak(self.__defrule)
+ def __property_getBreak(self):
+ return bool(_c.defruleHasBreakpoint(self.__defrule))
+ Breakpoint = property(__property_getBreak, __property_setBreak,
+ None, "set or remove breakpoint from Rule")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDefruleDeletable(self.__defrule))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Rule can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatchActivations(self, v):
+ _c.setDefruleWatchActivations(self.__defrule, v)
+ def __property_getWatchActivations(self):
+ return bool(_c.getDefruleWatchActivations(self.__defrule))
+ WatchActivations = property(__property_getWatchActivations,
+ __property_setWatchActivations,
+ None, "Rule Activations debug status")
+ def __property_setWatchFirings(self, v):
+ _c.setDefruleWatchFirings(self.__defrule, v)
+ def __property_getWatchFirings(self):
+ return bool(_c.getDefruleWatchFirings(self.__defrule))
+ WatchFirings = property(__property_getWatchFirings,
+ __property_setWatchFirings,
+ None, "Rule firings debug status")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for activation objects
+# Treat an activation as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access activation objects.
+class Activation(object):
+ """high-level Activation class (represents: activation)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create an Activation object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isActivation(o):
+ self.__activation = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Activation")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Activation"""
+ return _c.getActivationName(self.__activation)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Activation"""
+ return "<Activation '%s'>" % _c.getActivationName(self.__activation)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Activation"""
+ o = _c.getNextActivation(self.__activation)
+ if o:
+ return Activation(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Activation"""
+ return _c.getActivationPPForm(self.__activation)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Activation"""
+ _c.deleteActivation(self.__activation)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getActivationName(self.__activation))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None,
+ "retrieve Activation name")
+ def __property_setSalience(self, v):
+ _c.setActivationSalience(self.__activation, v)
+ def __property_getSalience(self):
+ return _c.getActivationSalience(self.__activation)
+ Salience = property(__property_getSalience, __property_setSalience,
+ None, "retrieve Activation salience")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for defglobal objects
+# Treat a defglobal as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access defglobal objects.
+class Global(object):
+ """high-level Global class (represents: defglobal)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Global object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefglobal(o):
+ self.__defglobal = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Global")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Global"""
+ return _c.getDefglobalName(self.__defglobal)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Global"""
+ s = repr(self.__defglobal)[1:-1]
+ return "<Global '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDefglobalName(self.__defglobal), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Global"""
+ o = _c.getNextDefglobal(self.__defglobal)
+ if o:
+ return Global(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Global"""
+ return _c.getDefglobalPPForm(self.__defglobal)
+ def ValueForm(self):
+ """return a 'printed' form of Global value"""
+ return _c.getDefglobalValueForm(self.__defglobal)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Global"""
+ _c.undefglobal(self.__defglobal)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDefglobalName(self.__defglobal))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Global name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.defglobalModule(self.__defglobal))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Global Module name")
+ def __property_setValue(self, v):
+ _c.setDefglobalValue(self.Name, _py2cl(v))
+ def __property_getValue(self):
+ return _cl2py(_c.getDefglobalValue(self.Name))
+ Value = property(__property_getValue, __property_setValue,
+ None, "set/retrieve Global value")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDefglobalDeletable(self.__defglobal))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Global can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.setDefglobalWatch(v, self.__defglobal)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return _c.getDefglobalWatch(self.__defglobal)
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Global debug status")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for deffunction objects
+# Treat a deffunction as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access deffunction objects.
+class Function(object):
+ """high-level Function class (represents: deffunction)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Function object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeffunction(o):
+ self.__deffunction = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Function")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Function"""
+ return _c.getDeffunctionName(self.__deffunction)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Function"""
+ s = repr(self.__deffunction)[1:-1]
+ return "<Function '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDeffunctionName(self.__deffunction), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Function"""
+ o = _c.getNextDeffunction(self.__deffunction)
+ if o:
+ return Function(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Function"""
+ return _c.getDeffunctionPPForm(self.__deffunction)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Function"""
+ _c.undeffunction(self.__deffunction)
+ def Call(self, *args):
+ """call this Function with given arguments"""
+ func = _c.getDeffunctionName(self.__deffunction)
+ if args:
+ if(len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == str):
+ sargs = args[0]
+ else:
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ return _cl2py(_c.functionCall(func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return _cl2py(_c.functionCall(func))
+ __call__ = Call
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDeffunctionName(self.__deffunction))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Function name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.deffunctionModule(self.__deffunction))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Function Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDeffunctionDeletable(self.__deffunction))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Function can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.setDeffunctionWatch(v, self.__deffunction)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return bool(_c.getDeffunctionWatch(self.__deffunction))
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Function debug status")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for defgeneric objects
+# Treat a defgeneric as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access defgeneric objects.
+class Generic(object):
+ """high-level Generic class (represents: defgeneric)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Generic function object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefgeneric(o):
+ self.__defgeneric = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Generic")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Generic"""
+ return _c.getDefgenericName(self.__defgeneric)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Generic"""
+ s = repr(self.__defgeneric)[1:-1]
+ return "<Generic '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDefgenericName(self.__defgeneric), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Generic"""
+ o = _c.getNextDefgeneric(self.__defgeneric)
+ if o:
+ return Generic(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Generic"""
+ return _c.getDefgenericPPForm(self.__defgeneric)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Generic"""
+ _c.undefgeneric(self.__defgeneric)
+ def Call(self, *args):
+ """call this Generic with given arguments"""
+ func = _c.getDefgenericName(self.__defgeneric)
+ if args:
+ if(len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) in (str, unicode)):
+ sargs = str(args[0])
+ else:
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ return _cl2py(_c.functionCall(func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return _cl2py(_c.functionCall(func))
+ __call__ = Call
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDefgenericName(self.__defgeneric))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Generic name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.defgenericModule(self.__defgeneric))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Generic Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDefgenericDeletable(self.__defgeneric))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Generic can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.setDefgenericWatch(v, self.__defgeneric)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return bool(_c.getDefgenericWatch(self.__defgeneric))
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Generic debug status")
+ # Method functions
+ def MethodList(self):
+ """return the list of Method indices for this Generic"""
+ o = _c.getDefmethodList(self.__defgeneric)
+ li, mli = Multifield(_cl2py(o)), Multifield([])
+ l = len(li) / 2
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ mli.append(li[2 * x + 1])
+ return mli
+ def MethodDescription(self, midx):
+ """return the synopsis of specified Method restrictions"""
+ return _c.getDefmethodDescription(midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodPPForm(self, midx):
+ """return the pretty-print form of specified Method"""
+ return _c.getDefmethodPPForm(midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodRestrictions(self, midx):
+ """return the restrictions of specified Method"""
+ return Multifield(
+ _cl2py(_c.getMethodRestrictions(midx, self.__defgeneric)))
+ def InitialMethod(self):
+ """return the index of first Method in this Generic"""
+ try:
+ return _c.getNextDefmethod(0, self.__defgeneric)
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Method")
+ def NextMethod(self, midx):
+ """return the index of next Method in this Generic"""
+ return _c.getNextDefmethod(midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def PrintMethods(self):
+ """print out Method list for this Generic"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefmethods("temporary", self.__defgeneric)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method(None, None, (int, long), None)
+ def AddMethod(self, restrictions, actions, midx=None, comment=None):
+ """Add a method to this Generic, given restrictions and actions"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ if midx:
+ indstr = str(midx)
+ else:
+ indstr = ""
+ if type(restrictions) in (tuple, list):
+ rstr = ""
+ for x in restrictions:
+ if type(x) not in (tuple, str, unicode):
+ raise TypeError("tuple or string expected as restriction")
+ if type(x) == str:
+ rstr += "(%s)" % x
+ elif type(x) == unicode:
+ rstr += "(%s)" % str(x)
+ else:
+ if len(x) < 2:
+ raise ValueError("tuple must be at least a pair")
+ v1, v2 = str(x[0]), []
+ for y in range(1, len(x)):
+ z = x[y]
+ if z == str:
+ v2.append("STRING")
+ elif z == ClipsStringType:
+ v2.append("STRING")
+ elif z == ClipsSymbolType:
+ v2.append("SYMBOL")
+ elif z == ClipsInstanceNameType:
+ v2.append("INSTANCE-NAME")
+ elif z == int:
+ v2.append("INTEGER")
+ elif z == ClipsIntegerType:
+ v2.append("INTEGER")
+ elif z == float:
+ v2.append("FLOAT")
+ elif z == ClipsFloatType:
+ v2.append("FLOAT")
+ elif z == list:
+ v2.append("MULTIFIELD")
+ elif z == ClipsMultifieldType:
+ v2.append("MULTIFIELD")
+ elif type(z) == str:
+ v2.append(z)
+ elif type(z) == unicode:
+ v2.append(str(z))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("unexpected value '%s'" % z)
+ rstr += "(%s %s)" % (v1, " ".join(v2))
+ elif type(restrictions) == str:
+ rstr = restrictions
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("tuple or string expected as restriction")
+ _c.build("(defmethod %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ self.Name, indstr, cmtstr, rstr, actions))
+ def RemoveMethod(self, midx):
+ """remove specified Method"""
+ _c.undefmethod(midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ # these are peculiar, since defmethods cannot be rendered as classes
+ def WatchMethod(self, midx):
+ """activate watch on specified Method"""
+ _c.setDefmethodWatch(True, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def UnwatchMethod(self, midx):
+ """deactivate watch on specified Method"""
+ _c.setDefmethodWatch(False, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodWatched(self, midx):
+ """test whether or not specified Method is being watched"""
+ return bool(_c.getDefmethodWatch(midx, self.__defgeneric))
+ def MethodDeletable(self, midx):
+ """test whether or not specified Method can be deleted"""
+ return bool(_c.isDefmethodDeletable(midx, self.__defgeneric))
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for defclass objects
+# Treat a defclass as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access defclass objects.
+class Class(object):
+ """high-level Class class (represents: defclass)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Class object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefclass(o):
+ self.__defclass = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Class")
+ # define a class to group slots information
+ # NOTE: there is a hack that allows the environment version to work
+ # by trying to access the underlying environment object
+ class __class_Slots:
+ """define a structure for Class Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ self.__defclass = o
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle class slots")
+ def Names(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.classSlots(self.__defclass, 1))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ def NamesDefined(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.classSlots(self.__defclass, 0))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedValues(self, name):
+ """return allowed values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotAllowedValues(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedClasses(self, name):
+ """return allowed classes for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotAllowedClasses(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Cardinality(self, name):
+ """return cardinality for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotCardinality(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def DefaultValue(self, name):
+ """return default value for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotDefaultValue(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Facets(self, name):
+ """return facet values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotFacets(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Range(self, name):
+ """return numeric range information of specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotRange(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Sources(self, name):
+ """return source class names for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotSources(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Types(self, name):
+ """return names of primitive types for specified Slot"""
+ rv = _cl2py(_c.slotTypes(self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def HasDirectAccess(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is directly accessible"""
+ return bool(_c.slotDirectAccessP(self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Exists(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot exists or is inherited"""
+ return bool(_c.slotExistP(self.__defclass, name, 1))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def ExistsDefined(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is defined in this Class"""
+ return bool(_c.slotExistP(self.__defclass, name, 0))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsInitable(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is initable"""
+ return bool(_c.slotInitableP(self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsPublic(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is public"""
+ return bool(_c.slotPublicP(self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsWritable(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is writable"""
+ return bool(_c.slotWritableP(self.__defclass, name))
+ self.__Slots = __class_Slots(self.__defclass)
+ # the following try/except blocks are to enable companion versions
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._class_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._class_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Class"""
+ return _c.getDefclassName(self.__defclass)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Class"""
+ s = repr(self.__defclass)[1:-1]
+ return "<Class '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDefclassName(self.__defclass), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Class"""
+ o = _c.getNextDefclass(self.__defclass)
+ if o:
+ return Class(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Class"""
+ return _c.getDefclassPPForm(self.__defclass)
+ def Description(self):
+ """return a summary of Class description"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.describeClass("temporary", self.__defclass)
+ return _c.routerRead("temporary").strip()
+ def IsSubclassOf(self, o):
+ """test whether this Class is a subclass of specified Class"""
+ return bool(_c.subclassP(self.__defclass, o.__defclass))
+ def IsSuperclassOf(self, o):
+ """test whether this Class is a superclass of specified Class"""
+ return bool(_c.superclassP(self.__defclass, o.__defclass))
+ def Subclasses(self, inherit=True):
+ """return the names of subclasses"""
+ return Multifield(
+ _cl2py(_c.classSubclasses(self.__defclass, inherit)))
+ def Superclasses(self, inherit=True):
+ """return the names of superclasses"""
+ return Multifield(
+ _cl2py(_c.classSuperclasses(self.__defclass, inherit)))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def RawInstance(self, name):
+ """create an empty Instance of this Class with specified name"""
+ return Instance(_c.createRawInstance(self.__defclass, name))
+ def InitialInstance(self):
+ """return initial Instance of this Class"""
+ try:
+ return Instance(_c.getNextInstanceInClass(self.__defclass))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def NextInstance(self, instance):
+ """return next Instance of this Class"""
+ i = _c.getNextInstanceInClass(
+ self.__defclass, instance._Instance__instance)
+ if _c.isInstance(i):
+ return Instance(i)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def InitialSubclassInstance(self):
+ """return initial instance of this Class and subclasses"""
+ try:
+ return Instance(_c.getNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(
+ self.__defclass))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def NextSubclassInstance(self, instance):
+ """return next instance of this Class and subclasses"""
+ i = _c.getNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(
+ self.__defclass, instance._Instance__instance)
+ if _c.isInstance(i):
+ return Instance(i)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Class"""
+ _c.undefclass(self.__defclass)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildSubclass(self, name, text="", comment=None):
+ """build a subclass of this Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ clname = _c.getDefclassName(self.__defclass)
+ cltext = "(is-a %s)" % clname + text
+ construct = "(defclass %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, cltext)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Class(_c.findDefclass(name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str, str)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, overrides=""):
+ """build an instance of this class overriding specified slots"""
+ clname = _c.getDefclassName(self.__defclass)
+ cmdstr = "(%s of %s %s)" % (name, clname, overrides)
+ return Instance(_c.makeInstance(cmdstr))
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDefclassName(self.__defclass))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Class name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.defclassModule(self.__defclass))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Class Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDefclassDeletable(self.__defclass))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class can be deleted")
+ def __property_getAbstract(self):
+ return bool(_c.classAbstractP(self.__defclass))
+ Abstract = property(__property_getAbstract, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class is abstract or not")
+ def __property_getReactive(self):
+ return bool(_c.classReactiveP(self.__defclass))
+ Reactive = property(__property_getReactive, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class is reactive or not")
+ def __property_setWatchSlots(self, v):
+ _c.setDefclassWatchSlots(v, self.__defclass)
+ def __property_getWatchSlots(self):
+ return bool(_c.getDefclassWatchSlots(self.__defclass))
+ WatchSlots = property(__property_getWatchSlots, __property_setWatchSlots,
+ None, "set/retrieve Slot debug status")
+ def __property_setWatchInstances(self, v):
+ _c.setDefclassWatchInstances(v, self.__defclass)
+ def __property_getWatchInstances(self):
+ return bool(_c.getDefclassWatchInstances(self.__defclass))
+ WatchInstances = property(__property_getWatchInstances,
+ __property_setWatchInstances,
+ None, "set/retrieve Instance debug status")
+ # access class slots through the internal object
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Class Slots information")
+ # message-handler functions
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None, None)
+ def AddMessageHandler(self, name, args, text, htype=PRIMARY, comment=None):
+ """build a MessageHandler for this class with arguments and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ if not htype in (AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER):
+ raise ValueError("htype must be AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY or AFTER")
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ sargs = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ sargs = ""
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ hclass = _c.getDefclassName(self.__defclass)
+ construct = "(defmessage-handler %s %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ hclass, name, htype, cmtstr, sargs, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return _c.findDefmessageHandler(self.__defclass, name, htype)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def MessageHandlerIndex(self, name, htype=PRIMARY):
+ """find the specified MessageHandler"""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ return _c.findDefmessageHandler(self.__defclass, name, htype)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "htype must be in AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER")
+ def MessageHandlerName(self, index):
+ """return name of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return Symbol(_c.getDefmessageHandlerName(self.__defclass, index))
+ def MessageHandlerPPForm(self, index):
+ """return the pretty-print form of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.getDefmessageHandlerPPForm(self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerType(self, index):
+ """return type of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.getDefmessageHandlerType(self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerWatched(self, index):
+ """return watch status of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return bool(_c.getDefmessageHandlerWatch(self.__defclass, index))
+ def MessageHandlerDeletable(self, index):
+ """return True if specified MessageHandler can be deleted"""
+ return bool(_c.isDefmessageHandlerDeletable(self.__defclass, index))
+ def NextMessageHandlerIndex(self, index):
+ """return index of next MessageHandler wrt. specified"""
+ return _c.getNextDefmessageHandler(self.__defclass, index)
+ def RemoveMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """remove the specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.undefmessageHandler(self.__defclass, index)
+ def WatchMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """watch specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.setDefmessageHandlerWatch(True, self.__defclass, index)
+ def UnwatchMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """unwatch specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.setDefmessageHandlerWatch(False, self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandler constructs of this Class"""
+ o = _c.getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__defclass, False)
+ li, rv = Multifield(_cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def AllMessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandlers of this Class and superclasses"""
+ o = _c.getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__defclass, True)
+ li, rv = Multifield(_cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def PrintMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of all MessageHandlers of this Class"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefmessageHandlers("temporary", self.__defclass)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintAllMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of MessageHandlers of this Class and superclasses"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefmessageHandlers("temporary", self.__defclass, 1)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PreviewSend(self, msgname):
+ """print list of MessageHandlers suitable for specified message"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.previewSend("temporary", self.__defclass, msgname)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for instance objects
+# Treat an instance as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access instance objects.
+class Instance(object):
+ """high-level Instance class (represents: instance)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create an Instance object (internal)"""
+ # this on-the-fly class takes the underlying instance object, which
+ # should already exist, and accesses its slots through the functions
+ # provided by the low-level module, thus exposing a dictionary-like
+ # interface that can be used to access slots at high level
+ # NOTE: there is a hack that allows the environment version to work
+ # by trying to access the underlying environment object
+ class __instance_Slots:
+ """access instance Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, io):
+ self.__instance = io
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, v):
+ _c.directPutSlot(self.__instance, name, _py2cl(v))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ return _cl2py(_c.directGetSlot(self.__instance, name))
+ def keys(self):
+ return map(
+ str, list(Instance(self.__instance).Class.Slots.Names()))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def has_key(self, k):
+ return bool(
+ k in map(str, list(
+ Instance(self.__instance).Class.Slots.Names())))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Instance [%s] Slots>" \
+ % _c.getInstanceName(self.__instance)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle instance slots")
+ if _c.isInstance(o): self.__instance = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Instance")
+ self.__Slots = __instance_Slots(self.__instance)
+ # the following try/except blocks are to enable companion versions
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._instance_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._instance_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Instance"""
+ return _c.getInstanceName(self.__instance)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Instance"""
+ s = repr(self.__instance)[1:-1]
+ return "<Instance [%s]: %s>" % (
+ _c.getInstanceName(self.__instance), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Instance"""
+ o = _c.getNextInstance(self.__instance)
+ if o:
+ return Instance(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Instance"""
+ return _c.getInstancePPForm(self.__instance)
+ def IsValid(self):
+ """determine if this Instance is still valid"""
+ return bool(_c.validInstanceAddress(self.__instance))
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Instance"""
+ _c.unmakeInstance(self.__instance)
+ def DirectRemove(self):
+ """directly remove this Instance"""
+ _c.deleteInstance(self.__instance)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def GetSlot(self, slotname):
+ """retrieve value of specified Slot"""
+ return _cl2py(_c.directGetSlot(self.__instance, slotname))
+ SlotValue = GetSlot
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def PutSlot(self, slotname, value):
+ """set value of specified Slot"""
+ _c.directPutSlot(self.__instance, slotname, _py2cl(value))
+ SetSlotValue = PutSlot
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def Send(self, msg, args=None):
+ """send specified message with the given arguments to Instance"""
+ if args is not None:
+ t = type(args)
+ if t == str:
+ sargs = args
+ elif t == unicode:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ sargs = _py2clsyntax(args)
+ elif t in (tuple, list):
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif t == float:
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, int):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, float):
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ return _cl2py(_c.send(self.__instance, msg, sargs))
+ else:
+ return _cl2py(_c.send(self.__instance, msg))
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return InstanceName(_c.getInstanceName(self.__instance))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Instance name")
+ def __property_getClass(self):
+ return Class(_c.getInstanceClass(self.__instance))
+ Class = property(__property_getClass, None, None,
+ "retrieve Instance class")
+ # access instance slots through the internal object
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Instance Slots information")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for definstances objects
+# Treat definstances as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access definstances objects.
+class Definstances(object):
+ """high-level Definstances class (represents: definstances)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Definstances object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefinstances(o): self.__definstances = o
+ else: raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Definstances")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Definstances"""
+ return _c.getDefinstancesName(self.__definstances)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Definstances"""
+ s = repr(self.__definstances)[1:-1]
+ return "<Definstances '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDefinstancesName(self.__definstances), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Definstances"""
+ o = _c.getNextDefinstances(self.__definstances)
+ if o:
+ return Definstances(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Definstances"""
+ return _c.getDefinstancesPPForm(self.__definstances)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """delete this Definstances object"""
+ _c.undefinstances(self.__definstances)
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.definstancesModule(self.__definstances))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Definstances module")
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDefinstancesName(self.__definstances))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None,
+ "retrieve Definstances name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.isDefinstancesDeletable(self.__definstances))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Definstances can be deleted")
+# ========================================================================== #
+# High-level class for defmodule objects
+# Treat a defmodule as an object having an Object-Oriented interface.
+# Implements all the functions needed to access defmodule objects.
+class Module(object):
+ """high-level Module class (represents: defmodule)"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Module object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefmodule(o):
+ self.__defmodule = o
+ else: raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Module")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Module"""
+ return _c.getDefmoduleName(self.__defmodule)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Module"""
+ s = repr(self.__defmodule)[1:-1]
+ return "<Module '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.getDefmoduleName(self.__defmodule), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Interface
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Module"""
+ o = _c.getNextDefmodule(self.__defmodule)
+ if(o):
+ return Module(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Module"""
+ return _c.getDefmodulePPForm(self.__defmodule)
+ def SetCurrent(self):
+ """make this the current Module"""
+ _c.setCurrentModule(self.__defmodule)
+ def SetFocus(self):
+ """set focus to this Module"""
+ _c.focus(self.__defmodule)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.getDefmoduleName(self.__defmodule))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "return Module name")
+ # Functions involving other entities
+ # Templates
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildTemplate(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Template object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(deftemplate %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Template(_c.findDeftemplate("%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def TemplateList(self):
+ """return list of Template names"""
+ o = _c.getDeftemplateList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintTemplates(self):
+ """print Templates to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDeftemplates("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Facts
+ def FactList(self):
+ """return list of Facts in this Module"""
+ o, li = _c.getFactList(self.__defmodule), []
+ if o is not None:
+ for x in o[1]:
+ if x[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(Fact(x[1]))
+ return li
+ # Deffacts
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDeffacts(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Deffacts object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(deffacts %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Deffacts(_c.findDeffacts("%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def DeffactsList(self):
+ """return a list of Deffacts names in this Module"""
+ o = _c.getDeffactsList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintDeffacts(self):
+ """print Deffacts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDeffacts("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Rules
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None)
+ def BuildRule(self, name, lhs, rhs, comment=None):
+ """build a Rule object with specified name and LHS/RHS"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defrule %s::%s %s %s => %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, lhs, rhs)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Rule(_c.findDefrule("%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def RuleList(self):
+ """return a list of Rule names in this Module"""
+ o = _c.getDefruleList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintRules(self):
+ """print Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefrules("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintBreakpoints(self):
+ """print breakpoints to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.showBreaks("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Agenda
+ def PrintAgenda(self):
+ """print Agenda Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.agenda("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def RefreshAgenda(self):
+ """refresh Agenda for this Module"""
+ _c.refreshAgenda(self.__defmodule)
+ def ReorderAgenda(self):
+ """reorder Agenda for this Module"""
+ _c.reorderAgenda(self.__defmodule)
+ # Globals
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGlobal(self, name, value=Nil):
+ """build a Global variable with specified name and value"""
+ mname = self.Name
+ if type(value) in (str, ClipsStringType):
+ value = '"%s"' % value
+ construct = "(defglobal %s ?*%s* = %s)" % (mname, name, value)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Global(_c.findDefglobal("%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def GlobalList(self):
+ """return the list of Global variable names"""
+ o = _c.getDefglobalList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefglobals("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def ShowGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables and values to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.showDefglobals("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Functions
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None, str, None)
+ def BuildFunction(self, name, args, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Function with specified name, body and arguments"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ args = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ args = ""
+ construct = "(deffunction %s::%s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, args, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Function(_c.findDeffunction("%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def FunctionList(self):
+ """return the list of Function names"""
+ o = _c.getDeffunctionList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintFunctions(self):
+ """print list of Functions to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDeffunctions("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Generics
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGeneric(self, name, comment=None):
+ """build a Generic with specified name"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defgeneric %s::%s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Generic(_c.findDefgeneric("%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def GenericList(self):
+ """return the list of Generic names"""
+ o = _c.getDefgenericList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintGenerics(self):
+ """print list of Generics to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefgenerics("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Classes
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildClass(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defclass %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Class(_c.findDefclass("%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def ClassList(self):
+ """return the list of Class names"""
+ o = _c.getDefclassList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintClasses(self):
+ """print list of Class to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefclasses("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Instances
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, defclass, overrides=""):
+ """build an Instance of given Class overriding specified Slots"""
+ mname = self.Name
+ cmdstr = "(%s::%s of %s %s)" % (mname, name, defclass, overrides)
+ return Instance(_c.makeInstance(cmdstr))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintInstances(self, classname=None):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.instances("temporary", self.__defmodule, classname, False)
+ else:
+ _c.instances("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintSubclassInstances(self, classname):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.instances("temporary", self.__defmodule, classname, True)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ # Definstances
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDefinstances(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Definstances with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(definstances %s::%s %s %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Definstances(_c.findDefinstances(name))
+ def DefinstancesList(self):
+ """retrieve list of all Definstances names"""
+ o = _c.getDefinstancesList(self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+ def PrintDefinstances(self):
+ """print list of all Definstances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefinstances("temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# some toplevel functions
+# ========================================================================== #
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 1) functions involving Templates
+def InitialTemplate():
+ """return first Template in environment"""
+ try:
+ return Template(_c.getNextDeftemplate())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Template")
+def PrintTemplates():
+ """print Templates to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDeftemplates("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def TemplateList():
+ """return a list of Template names"""
+ o = _c.getDeftemplateList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o)) # should be all strings
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindTemplate(s):
+ """find a Template by name"""
+ return Template(_c.findDeftemplate(s))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, str, None)
+def BuildTemplate(name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Template object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(deftemplate %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Template(_c.findDeftemplate(name))
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 2) functions involving facts
+def Assert(o):
+ """assert a Fact from a string or constructed Fact object"""
+ if '_Fact__fact' in dir(o) and _c.isFact(o._Fact__fact):
+ return o.Assert()
+ elif type(o) in (str, unicode):
+ return Fact(_c.assertString(str(o)))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("expected a string or a Fact")
+def InitialFact():
+ """return first Fact in environment"""
+ try:
+ return Fact(_c.getNextFact())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Fact")
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def LoadFacts(filename):
+ """load Facts from file"""
+ _c.loadFacts(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def LoadFactsFromString(s):
+ """load Fact objects from a string"""
+ _c.loadFactsFromString(s)
+@_accepts((str, unicode), (str, unicode))
+@_forces(str, str)
+def SaveFacts(filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save current Facts to file"""
+ _c.saveFacts(_os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+def PrintFacts():
+ """print Facts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.facts("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def FactListChanged():
+ """test whether Fact list is changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.getFactListChanged())
+ _c.setFactListChanged(False)
+ return rv
+def FactList():
+ """return list of Facts in current module"""
+ o, li = _c.getFactList(), []
+ if o is not None:
+ for x in o[1]:
+ if x[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(Fact(x[1]))
+ return li
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 3) functions involving deffacts
+def InitialDeffacts():
+ """return first Deffacts"""
+ try:
+ return Deffacts(_c.getNextDeffacts())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Deffacts")
+def DeffactsList():
+ """return a list of Deffacts names in current module"""
+ o = _c.getDeffactsList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindDeffacts(s):
+ """find a Deffacts by name"""
+ try:
+ return Deffacts(_c.findDeffacts(s))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find Deffacts '%s'" % s)
+@_accepts((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, str, None)
+def BuildDeffacts(name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Deffacts object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(deffacts %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Deffacts(_c.findDeffacts(name))
+def PrintDeffacts():
+ """print Deffacts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDeffacts("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 4) functions involving Rules
+def InitialRule():
+ """return first Rule"""
+ try:
+ return Rule(_c.getNextDefrule())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Rule")
+def RuleList():
+ """return a list of Rule names in current module"""
+ o = _c.getDefruleList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindRule(s):
+ """find a Rule by name"""
+ try:
+ return Rule(_c.findDefrule(s))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find defrule '%s'" % s)
+@_accepts((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, str, str, None)
+def BuildRule(name, lhs, rhs, comment=None):
+ """build a Rule object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defrule %s %s %s => %s)" % (name, cmtstr, lhs, rhs)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Rule(_c.findDefrule(name))
+def PrintRules():
+ """print Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefrules("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def PrintBreakpoints():
+ """print breakpoints to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.showBreaks("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 5) functions involving Modules
+def InitialModule():
+ """return first Module"""
+ try:
+ return Module(_c.getNextDefmodule())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Module")
+def ModuleList():
+ """return the list of Module names"""
+ o = _c.getDefmoduleList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindModule(name):
+ """find a Module by name"""
+ return Module(_c.findDefmodule(name))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, str, None)
+def BuildModule(name, text="", comment=None):
+ """build a Module with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defmodule %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Module(_c.findDefmodule(name))
+def PrintModules():
+ """print list of Modules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefmodules("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 6) functions involving defglobals
+def InitialGlobal():
+ """return first Global variable"""
+ try:
+ return Global(_c.getNextDefglobal())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Global")
+def GlobalList():
+ """return the list of Global variable names"""
+ o = _c.getDefglobalList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindGlobal(name):
+ """find a Global variable by name"""
+ return Global(_c.findDefglobal(name))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, None)
+def BuildGlobal(name, value=Nil):
+ """build a Global variable with specified name and body"""
+ if type(value) in (str, unicode, ClipsStringType):
+ value = '"%s"' % str(value)
+ construct = "(defglobal ?*%s* = %s)" % (name, value)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Global(_c.findDefglobal("%s" % name))
+def GlobalsChanged():
+ """test whether or not Global variables have changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.getGlobalsChanged())
+ _c.setGlobalsChanged(False)
+ return rv
+def PrintGlobals():
+ """print list of Global variables to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefglobals("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def ShowGlobals():
+ """print list of Global variables and values to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.showDefglobals("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 7) functions involving Functions
+def InitialFunction():
+ """return first Function"""
+ try:
+ return Function(_c.getNextDeffunction())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Function")
+def FunctionList():
+ """return the list of Function names"""
+ o = _c.getDeffunctionList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindFunction(name):
+ """find a Function by name"""
+ return Function(_c.findDeffunction(name))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, None, str, None)
+def BuildFunction(name, args, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Function with specified name, body and arguments"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ args = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ args = ""
+ construct = "(deffunction %s %s (%s) %s)" % (name, cmtstr, args, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Function(_c.findDeffunction(name))
+def PrintFunctions():
+ """print list of Functions to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDeffunctions("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 8) functions involving Generics
+def InitialGeneric():
+ """return first Generic"""
+ try:
+ return Generic(_c.getNextDefgeneric())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Generic")
+def GenericList():
+ """return the list of Generic names"""
+ o = _c.getDefgenericList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindGeneric(name):
+ """find a Generic by name"""
+ return Generic(_c.findDefgeneric(name))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, None)
+def BuildGeneric(name, comment=None):
+ """build a Generic with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defgeneric %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Generic(_c.findDefgeneric(name))
+def PrintGenerics():
+ """print list of Generics to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefgenerics("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def MethodList():
+ """return the list of all Methods"""
+ o = _cl2py(_c.getDefmethodList())
+ li = Multifield([])
+ l = len(o) / 2
+ for x in range(l):
+ li.append(Multifield([o[2 * x], o[2 * x + 1]]))
+ return li
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 9) functions involving Classes
+def InitialClass():
+ """retrieve first Class"""
+ try:
+ return Class(_c.getNextDefclass())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Class")
+def ClassList():
+ """return the list of Class names"""
+ o = _c.getDefclassList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindClass(name):
+ """find a Class by name"""
+ return Class(_c.findDefclass(name))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, str, None)
+def BuildClass(name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defclass %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Class(_c.findDefclass(name))
+def PrintClasses():
+ """print list of Classes to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefclasses("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def BrowseClasses(classname):
+ """print list of Classes that inherit from specified one"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ defclass = _c.findDefclass(str(classname))
+ _c.browseClasses("temporary", defclass)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None, None, (str, unicode), None, None)
+@_forces(str, str, None, str, None, None)
+def BuildMessageHandler(name, hclass, args, text, htype=PRIMARY, comment=None):
+ """build a MessageHandler for specified class with arguments and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else: cmtstr = ""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ if not htype in (AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER):
+ raise ValueError("htype must be in AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER")
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ sargs = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ sargs = ""
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ construct = "(defmessage-handler %s %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ hclass, name, htype, cmtstr, sargs, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ defclass = _c.findDefclass(hclass)
+ return _c.findDefmessageHandler(defclass, name, htype)
+def MessageHandlerList():
+ """return list of MessageHandler constructs"""
+ o = _c.getDefmessageHandlerList()
+ li, rv = Multifield(_cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+def PrintMessageHandlers():
+ """print list of all MessageHandlers"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefmessageHandlers("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 10) functions involving instances
+def InitialInstance():
+ """retrieve first Instance"""
+ try:
+ return Instance(_c.getNextInstance())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def BLoadInstances(filename):
+ """load Instances from binary file"""
+ _c.binaryLoadInstances(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, None)
+def BSaveInstances(filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save Instances to binary file"""
+ _c.binarySaveInstances(_os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def LoadInstances(filename):
+ """load Instances from file"""
+ _c.loadInstances(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, None)
+def SaveInstances(filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save Instances to file"""
+ _c.saveInstances(_os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def LoadInstancesFromString(s):
+ """load Instances from the specified string"""
+ _c.loadInstancesFromString(s)
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def RestoreInstancesFromString(s):
+ """restore Instances from the specified string"""
+ _c.restoreInstancesFromString(s)
+def InstancesChanged():
+ """test if Instances have changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.getInstancesChanged())
+ _c.setInstancesChanged(False)
+ return rv
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode))
+@_forces(str, str, str)
+def BuildInstance(name, defclass, overrides=""):
+ """build an Instance of given class overriding specified slots"""
+ cmdstr = "(%s of %s %s)" % (name, str(defclass), overrides)
+ return Instance(_c.makeInstance(cmdstr))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindInstance(name):
+ """find an Instance in all modules (including imported)"""
+ return Instance(_c.findInstance(name, True))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindInstanceLocal(name):
+ """find an Instance in non imported modules"""
+ return Instance(_c.findInstance(name, False))
+def PrintInstances(classname=None):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.instances("temporary", classname, False)
+ else:
+ _c.instances("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def PrintSubclassInstances(classname):
+ """print subclass Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.instances("temporary", classname, True)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 11) functions involving definstances
+def InitialDefinstances():
+ """retrieve first Definstances"""
+ try:
+ return Definstances(_c.getNextDefinstances())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Definstances")
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def FindDefinstances(name):
+ """find Definstances by name"""
+ return Definstances(_c.findDefinstances(name))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, str, None)
+def BuildDefinstances(name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Definstances with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(definstances %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.build(construct)
+ return Definstances(_c.findDefinstances(name))
+def DefinstancesList():
+ """retrieve list of all Definstances names"""
+ o = _c.getDefinstancesList()
+ return Multifield(_cl2py(o))
+def PrintDefinstances():
+ """print list of all Definstances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listDefinstances("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 12) Agenda functions
+def PrintAgenda():
+ """print Agenda Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.agenda("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def AgendaChanged():
+ """test whether or not Agenda is changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.getAgendaChanged())
+ _c.setAgendaChanged(False)
+ return rv
+def RefreshAgenda():
+ """refresh Agenda Rules for current Module"""
+ _c.refreshAgenda()
+def ReorderAgenda():
+ """reorder Agenda Rules for current Module"""
+ _c.reorderAgenda()
+def Run(limit=None):
+ """execute Rules up to limit (if any)"""
+ if limit is None:
+ return _c.run()
+ else:
+ return _c.run(limit)
+def ClearFocusStack():
+ """clear focus stack"""
+ _c.clearFocusStack()
+def FocusStack():
+ """return list of Module names in focus stack"""
+ return _cl2py(_c.getFocusStack())
+def PrintFocusStack():
+ """print focus stack to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.listFocusStack("temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+def PopFocus():
+ """pop focus"""
+ _c.popFocus()
+def InitialActivation():
+ """return first Activation object"""
+ try:
+ return Activation(_c.getNextActivation())
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Activation")
+def CurrentModule():
+ """return current Module"""
+ return Module(_c.getCurrentModule())
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 13) True "current environment" functions - as of APG section 4.1
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def BLoad(filename):
+ """binary load the constructs from a file"""
+ _c.bload(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def BSave(filename):
+ """binary save constructs to a file"""
+ _c.bsave(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def Load(filename):
+ """load constructs from a file"""
+ _c.load(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def Save(filename):
+ """save constructs to a file"""
+ _c.save(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def BatchStar(filename):
+ """execute commands stored in file"""
+ _c.batchStar(_os.path.normpath(filename))
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def Build(construct):
+ """build construct given in argument"""
+ _c.build(construct)
+@_accepts((str, unicode))
+def Eval(expr):
+ """evaluate expression passed as argument"""
+ return _cl2py(_c.eval(expr))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, None)
+def Call(func, args=None):
+ """call a function with the given argument string or tuple"""
+ if args is not None:
+ t = type(args)
+ if t == str:
+ sargs = args
+ if t == unicode:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ sargs = _py2clsyntax(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (tuple, list):
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ sargs = Integer(int(args)).clsyntax()
+ elif t == float:
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, int):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, float):
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ return _cl2py(_c.functionCall(func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return _cl2py(_c.functionCall(func))
+@_accepts((str, unicode), None)
+@_forces(str, None)
+def SendCommand(command, verbose=False):
+ """send a command to the engine as if typed at the CLIPS prompt"""
+ _c.sendCommand(command, verbose)
+def Reset():
+ """reset Environment"""
+ _c.reset()
+# the environment-aware and toplevel versions of Clear() behave differently
+# as only the toplevel version reinitializes stock classes (see below): this
+# is why a check is performed to test whether or not the 'self' identifier
+# is present (which only happens in the environment-aware version)#}}
+def Clear():
+ """clear Environment"""
+ _c.clear()
+ if not 'self' in locals().keys():
+ _setStockClasses()
+# define the only object of the Status type and remove the class definition
+EngineConfig = _clips_Status()
+del _clips_Status
+# define the only object of the Debug type and remove the class definition
+DebugConfig = _clips_Debug()
+del _clips_Debug
+# the following is a mechanism to keep stock class names up to date:
+# when the importing module sets this, then its dictionary is modified
+# by the _setStockClasses() function directly; please note that, since
+# the first time this module is imported the stock class names are
+# correct, the __parent_module_dict__ should be set up after importing
+__parent_module_dict__ = None
+def _setParentModuleDict(d):
+ global __parent_module_dict__
+ __parent_module_dict__ = d
+# provide a way for Environments to do the same as they become current
+def _setStockClasses():
+ """reset stock classes to the ones of current Environment"""
+ # the following definitions are only valid at submodule level
+ FLOAT_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("FLOAT"))
+ INTEGER_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("INTEGER"))
+ SYMBOL_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("SYMBOL"))
+ STRING_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("STRING"))
+ MULTIFIELD_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("MULTIFIELD"))
+ FACT_ADDRESS_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("FACT-ADDRESS"))
+ INSTANCE_NAME_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("INSTANCE-NAME"))
+ OBJECT_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("OBJECT"))
+ PRIMITIVE_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("PRIMITIVE"))
+ NUMBER_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("NUMBER"))
+ LEXEME_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("LEXEME"))
+ ADDRESS_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("ADDRESS"))
+ INSTANCE_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("INSTANCE"))
+ USER_CLASS = Class(_c.findDefclass("USER"))
+ # modify the importing package namespace using the provided dictionary
+ if __parent_module_dict__:
+ __parent_module_dict__['FLOAT_CLASS'] = FLOAT_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['INTEGER_CLASS'] = INTEGER_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['SYMBOL_CLASS'] = SYMBOL_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['STRING_CLASS'] = STRING_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['MULTIFIELD_CLASS'] = MULTIFIELD_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['FACT_ADDRESS_CLASS'] = FACT_ADDRESS_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['INSTANCE_NAME_CLASS'] = INSTANCE_NAME_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['OBJECT_CLASS'] = OBJECT_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['PRIMITIVE_CLASS'] = PRIMITIVE_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['NUMBER_CLASS'] = NUMBER_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['LEXEME_CLASS'] = LEXEME_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['ADDRESS_CLASS'] = ADDRESS_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['INSTANCE_CLASS'] = INSTANCE_CLASS
+ __parent_module_dict__['USER_CLASS'] = USER_CLASS
+# set up stock classes now for the module level; please notice that this only
+# is useful when the module is imported directly, thus in the "import clips"
+# form, as it is impossible to modify names defined in the global namespace
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 14) Functions and classes to access CLIPS input/output
+# the simple class to access CLIPS output
+class _clips_Stream(object):
+ """object to access CLIPS output streams"""
+ def __init__(self, stream, name=None):
+ """stream object constructor"""
+ self.__stream = stream
+ if name is None:
+ self.__name = 'Internal'
+ else:
+ self.__name = name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s Stream>" % self.__name
+ def Read(self):
+ """read current output from stream"""
+ return _c.routerRead(self.__stream)
+# the class to write to CLIPS standard input
+class _clips_WriteStream(object):
+ """object to access CLIPS input streams"""
+ def __init__(self, stream, name=None):
+ """stream object constructor"""
+ self.__stream = stream
+ if name is None:
+ self.__name = 'Internal'
+ else:
+ self.__name = name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s Stream>" % self.__name
+ def Write(self, s):
+ """write string to stream"""
+ _c.routerWrite(self.__stream, str(s))
+# actual objects the module user can read from
+StdoutStream = _clips_Stream("stdout", "General Output")
+StdinStream = _clips_WriteStream("stdin", "General Input")
+PromptStream = _clips_Stream("wprompt") # should not be used
+DialogStream = _clips_Stream("wdialog") # should not be used
+DisplayStream = _clips_Stream("wdisplay") # should not be used
+ErrorStream = _clips_Stream("werror", "Error Output")
+WarningStream = _clips_Stream("wwarning", "Warning Output")
+TraceStream = _clips_Stream("wtrace", "Trace Output")
+# class definitions can be removed as all possible objects have been built
+del _clips_Stream
+del _clips_WriteStream
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 15) Memory Management - for CLIPS gurus
+class _clips_Memory(object):
+ """object for memory management"""
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """raise an exception if an object of this type has been created"""
+ if(_clips_Memory.__created):
+ raise TypeError("cannot recreate this object")
+ _clips_Memory.__created = True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Memory Management Object>"
+ def __property_getUsed(self):
+ return _c.memUsed()
+ Used = property(__property_getUsed, None, None,
+ "amount in bytes of memory used by CLIPS")
+ def __property_getRequests(self):
+ return _c.memRequests()
+ Requests = property(__property_getRequests, None, None,
+ "number of requests for memory made by CLIPS")
+ def __property_setConserve(self, v):
+ _c.setConserveMemory(v)
+ def __property_getConserve(self):
+ return bool(_c.getConserveMemory())
+ Conserve = property(__property_getConserve, __property_setConserve,
+ None, "enable/disable caching of some informations")
+ def __property_setPPBufferSize(self, v):
+ _c.setPPBufferSize(v)
+ def __property_getPPBufferSize(self):
+ return _c.getPPBufferSize()
+ PPBufferSize = property(__property_getPPBufferSize,
+ __property_setPPBufferSize,
+ None, "size of pretty-print buffers")
+ def __property_setEnvironmentErrorsEnabled(self, v):
+ _c.setEnableEnvironmentFatalMessages(v)
+ def __property_getEnvironmentErrorsEnabled(self):
+ return bool(_c.getEnableEnvironmentFatalMessages())
+ EnvironmentErrorsEnabled = property(
+ __property_getEnvironmentErrorsEnabled,
+ __property_setEnvironmentErrorsEnabled,
+ None, "whether or not fatal environment errors are printed")
+ def __property_getNumberOfEnvironments(self):
+ return _c.getNumberOfEnvironments()
+ NumberOfEnvironments = property(__property_getNumberOfEnvironments, None,
+ None, "current number of Environments")
+ def Free(self):
+ """free up unneeded memory"""
+ _c.releaseMem(False)
+# define one only actual object of this type to access memory functions
+Memory = _clips_Memory()
+del _clips_Memory
+# ========================================================================== #
+# 16) External Functions - "all sorts of new and shiny evil"
+@_accepts(None, (str, unicode))
+@_forces(None, str)
+def RegisterPythonFunction(func, name=None):
+ """register an external (Python) function to call from within CLIPS"""
+ def _extcall_retval(rv):
+ if rv is None:
+ return Nil.clrepr()
+ else:
+ return _py2cl(rv)
+ if not name:
+ name = func.__name__
+ f = lambda *args: _extcall_retval(func(*tuple(map(_cl2py, list(args)))))
+ _c.addPythonFunction(name, f)
+def UnregisterPythonFunction(name):
+ """unregister the given Python function from CLIPS"""
+ if type(name) in (str, unicode):
+ _c.removePythonFunction(str(name))
+ else:
+ _c.removePythonFunction(name.__name__)
+def ClearPythonFunctions():
+ """unregister all Python functions from CLIPS"""
+ _c.clearPythonFunctions()
+# set or test whether CLIPS python calls should print a traceback or not
+def ExternalTracebackEnabled():
+ """return True if printing tracebacks from within CLIPS is enabled"""
+ return bool(_c.getPrintExternalTraceback())
+def SetExternalTraceback(enable=True):
+ """call with a True value to enable printing tracebacks from CLIPS"""
+ _c.setPrintExternalTraceback(bool(enable))
+# end.
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pyc b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a38cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pyo b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pyo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc78e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_clips_wrap.pyo
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36c13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2888 @@
+# _eclips_wrap.py
+# environment aware functions for CLIPS, embedded in an Environment class
+# (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+# The Author's copyright is expressed through the following notice, thus
+# giving actual rights to copy and use this software to anyone, as expressed
+# in the license text.
+# This software is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# license; a copy of the text has been released with this package (see file
+# license.py), and can be found on the GNU web site, at the following
+# address:
+# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+# Please refer to the license text for any license information. This notice
+# has to be considered part of the license, and should be kept on every copy
+# integral or modified, of the source files. The removal of the reference to
+# the license will be considered an infringement of the license itself.
+"""clips - high-level interface to the CLIPS engine module
+ (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+# standard imports
+import sys as _sys
+import os as _os
+import types as _types
+# the low-level module
+import _clips as _c
+# ========================================================================== #
+# globals
+# bring the CLIPS Exception object at top level
+ClipsError = _c.ClipsError
+# redeclare manifest constants here in order to avoid having to
+# reference the ones defined in te low-level module _clips
+# check Python version, and issue an exception if not supported
+if _sys.version[:3] < "2.4":
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M99: Python 2.4 or higher required")
+# these globals are redefined instead of reimported for sake of speed
+# import adequate symbols from _clips_wrap
+from _clips_wrap import Nil, Integer, Float, String, Symbol, InstanceName, \
+ Multifield, _cl2py, _py2cl, _py2clsyntax, \
+ ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType, \
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, \
+ ClipsMultifieldType, ClipsNilType, \
+ _setStockClasses, _accepts_method, _forces_method, \
+# environment class:
+class Environment(object):
+ """class representing an environment: implements all global classes"""
+ def Activation(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Activation(object):
+ """high-level Activation class (represents: activation)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create an Activation object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isActivation(o):
+ self.__activation = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Activation")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Activation"""
+ return _c.env_getActivationName(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Activation"""
+ return "<Activation '%s'>" % _c.env_getActivationName(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Activation"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextActivation(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Activation(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Activation"""
+ return _c.env_getActivationPPForm(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Activation"""
+ _c.env_deleteActivation(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getActivationName(self.__env, self.__activation))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None,
+ "retrieve Activation name")
+ def __property_setSalience(self, v):
+ _c.env_setActivationSalience(self.__env, self.__activation, v)
+ def __property_getSalience(self):
+ return _c.env_getActivationSalience(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ Salience = property(__property_getSalience, __property_setSalience,
+ None, "retrieve Activation salience")
+ return Activation
+ def Class(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Class(object):
+ """high-level Class class (represents: defclass)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Class object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefclass(o):
+ self.__defclass = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Class")
+ class __class_Slots:
+ """define a structure for Class Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ self.__defclass = o
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle class slots")
+ def Names(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSlots(self.__env, self.__defclass, 1))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ def NamesDefined(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSlots(self.__env, self.__defclass, 0))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedValues(self, name):
+ """return allowed values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotAllowedValues(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedClasses(self, name):
+ """return allowed classes for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotAllowedClasses(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Cardinality(self, name):
+ """return cardinality for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotCardinality(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def DefaultValue(self, name):
+ """return default value for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotDefaultValue(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Facets(self, name):
+ """return facet values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotFacets(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Range(self, name):
+ """return numeric range information of specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotRange(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Sources(self, name):
+ """return source class names for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotSources(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Types(self, name):
+ """return names of primitive types for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotTypes(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def HasDirectAccess(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is directly accessible"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotDirectAccessP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Exists(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot exists or is inherited"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotExistP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, 1))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def ExistsDefined(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is defined in this Class"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotExistP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, 0))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsInitable(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is initable"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotInitableP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsPublic(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is public"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotPublicP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsWritable(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is writable"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotWritableP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ self.__Slots = __class_Slots(self.__defclass)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._class_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._class_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Class"""
+ return _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Class"""
+ s = repr(self.__defclass)[1:-1]
+ return "<Class '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Class"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefclass(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Class(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Class"""
+ return _c.env_getDefclassPPForm(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ def Description(self):
+ """return a summary of Class description"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_describeClass(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass)
+ return _c.routerRead("temporary").strip()
+ def IsSubclassOf(self, o):
+ """test whether this Class is a subclass of specified Class"""
+ return bool(_c.env_subclassP(self.__env, self.__defclass, o.__defclass))
+ def IsSuperclassOf(self, o):
+ """test whether this Class is a superclass of specified Class"""
+ return bool(_c.env_superclassP(self.__env, self.__defclass, o.__defclass))
+ def Subclasses(self, inherit=True):
+ """return the names of subclasses"""
+ return Multifield(
+ self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSubclasses(self.__env, self.__defclass, inherit)))
+ def Superclasses(self, inherit=True):
+ """return the names of superclasses"""
+ return Multifield(
+ self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSuperclasses(self.__env, self.__defclass, inherit)))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def RawInstance(self, name):
+ """create an empty Instance of this Class with specified name"""
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_createRawInstance(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ def InitialInstance(self):
+ """return initial Instance of this Class"""
+ try:
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_getNextInstanceInClass(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def NextInstance(self, instance):
+ """return next Instance of this Class"""
+ i = _c.env_getNextInstanceInClass(self.__env,
+ self.__defclass, instance._Instance__instance)
+ if _c.isInstance(i):
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(i)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def InitialSubclassInstance(self):
+ """return initial instance of this Class and subclasses"""
+ try:
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_getNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(self.__env,
+ self.__defclass))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def NextSubclassInstance(self, instance):
+ """return next instance of this Class and subclasses"""
+ i = _c.env_getNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(self.__env,
+ self.__defclass, instance._Instance__instance)
+ if _c.isInstance(i):
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(i)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Class"""
+ _c.env_undefclass(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildSubclass(self, name, text="", comment=None):
+ """build a subclass of this Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ clname = _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ cltext = "(is-a %s)" % clname + text
+ construct = "(defclass %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, cltext)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str, str)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, overrides=""):
+ """build an instance of this class overriding specified slots"""
+ clname = _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ cmdstr = "(%s of %s %s)" % (name, clname, overrides)
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_makeInstance(self.__env, cmdstr))
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Class name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defclassModule(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Class Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefclassDeletable(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class can be deleted")
+ def __property_getAbstract(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_classAbstractP(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Abstract = property(__property_getAbstract, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class is abstract or not")
+ def __property_getReactive(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_classReactiveP(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Reactive = property(__property_getReactive, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class is reactive or not")
+ def __property_setWatchSlots(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefclassWatchSlots(self.__env, v, self.__defclass)
+ def __property_getWatchSlots(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefclassWatchSlots(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ WatchSlots = property(__property_getWatchSlots, __property_setWatchSlots,
+ None, "set/retrieve Slot debug status")
+ def __property_setWatchInstances(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefclassWatchInstances(self.__env, v, self.__defclass)
+ def __property_getWatchInstances(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefclassWatchInstances(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ WatchInstances = property(__property_getWatchInstances,
+ __property_setWatchInstances,
+ None, "set/retrieve Instance debug status")
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Class Slots information")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None, None)
+ def AddMessageHandler(self, name, args, text, htype=PRIMARY, comment=None):
+ """build a MessageHandler for this class with arguments and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ if not htype in (AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER):
+ raise ValueError("htype must be AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY or AFTER")
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ sargs = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ sargs = ""
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ hclass = _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ construct = "(defmessage-handler %s %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ hclass, name, htype, cmtstr, sargs, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return _c.env_findDefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, htype)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def MessageHandlerIndex(self, name, htype=PRIMARY):
+ """find the specified MessageHandler"""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ return _c.env_findDefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, htype)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "htype must be in AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER")
+ def MessageHandlerName(self, index):
+ """return name of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefmessageHandlerName(self.__env, self.__defclass, index))
+ def MessageHandlerPPForm(self, index):
+ """return the pretty-print form of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerPPForm(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerType(self, index):
+ """return type of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerType(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerWatched(self, index):
+ """return watch status of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefmessageHandlerWatch(self.__env, self.__defclass, index))
+ def MessageHandlerDeletable(self, index):
+ """return True if specified MessageHandler can be deleted"""
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefmessageHandlerDeletable(self.__env, self.__defclass, index))
+ def NextMessageHandlerIndex(self, index):
+ """return index of next MessageHandler wrt. specified"""
+ return _c.env_getNextDefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def RemoveMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """remove the specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_undefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def WatchMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """watch specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_setDefmessageHandlerWatch(self.__env, True, self.__defclass, index)
+ def UnwatchMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """unwatch specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_setDefmessageHandlerWatch(self.__env, False, self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandler constructs of this Class"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__env, self.__defclass, False)
+ li, rv = Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def AllMessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandlers of this Class and superclasses"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__env, self.__defclass, True)
+ li, rv = Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def PrintMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of all MessageHandlers of this Class"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmessageHandlers(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintAllMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of MessageHandlers of this Class and superclasses"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmessageHandlers(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass, 1)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PreviewSend(self, msgname):
+ """print list of MessageHandlers suitable for specified message"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_previewSend(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass, msgname)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ return Class
+ def Deffacts(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Deffacts(object):
+ """high-level Deffacts class (represents: deffacts)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Deffacts object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeffacts(o):
+ self.__deffacts = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Deffacts")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Deffacts"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffactsName(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Deffacts"""
+ s = repr(self.__deffacts)[1:-1]
+ return "<Deffacts '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDeffactsName(self.__env, self.__deffacts), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Deffacts"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDeffacts(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Deffacts(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Deffacts"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffactsPPForm(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Deffacts"""
+ _c.env_undeffacts(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDeffactsName(self.__env, self.__deffacts))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Deffacts name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_deffactsModule(self.__env, self.__deffacts))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Deffacts Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDeffactsDeletable(self.__env, self.__deffacts))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Deffacts can be deleted")
+ return Deffacts
+ def Definstances(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Definstances(object):
+ """high-level Definstances class (represents: definstances)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Definstances object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefinstances(o): self.__definstances = o
+ else: raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Definstances")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Definstances"""
+ return _c.env_getDefinstancesName(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Definstances"""
+ s = repr(self.__definstances)[1:-1]
+ return "<Definstances '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefinstancesName(self.__env, self.__definstances), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Definstances"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefinstances(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Definstances(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Definstances"""
+ return _c.env_getDefinstancesPPForm(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """delete this Definstances object"""
+ _c.env_undefinstances(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_definstancesModule(self.__env, self.__definstances))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Definstances module")
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefinstancesName(self.__env, self.__definstances))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None,
+ "retrieve Definstances name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefinstancesDeletable(self.__env, self.__definstances))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Definstances can be deleted")
+ return Definstances
+ def Fact(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Fact(object):
+ """high-level Fact class (represents: fact)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Fact object"""
+ class __fact_Slots:
+ """access fact Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, fo):
+ self.__fact = fo
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, v):
+ _c.env_putFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact, name, self.__envobject._py2cl(v))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ if not name:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact, name))
+ def keys(self):
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_factSlotNames(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def has_key(self, k):
+ return k in map(str, self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_factSlotNames(self.__env, self.__fact)))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Fact '%s' Slots>" \
+ % _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split()[0]
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle fact slots")
+ if _c.isFact(o):
+ self.__fact = o
+ elif '_Fact__fact' in dir(o) and _c.isFact(o.__fact):
+ self.__fact = o.__fact
+ elif _c.isDeftemplate(o):
+ self.__fact = _c.env_createFact(self.__env, o)
+ elif '_Template__deftemplate' in dir(o) and \
+ _c.isDeftemplate(o._Template__deftemplate):
+ self.__fact = _c.env_createFact(self.__env, o._Template__deftemplate)
+ elif type(o) == str:
+ try:
+ self.__fact = _c.env_assertString(self.__env, o)
+ except:
+ raise ValueError("invalid assertion string")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("argument should be Fact, Template or str")
+ self.__Slots = __fact_Slots(self.__fact)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._fact_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._fact_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Fact"""
+ return _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split()[0]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Fact"""
+ s = repr(self.__fact)[1:-1]
+ return "<Fact '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split()[0], s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError(
+ "M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Assert(self):
+ """assert this Fact"""
+ self.__fact = _c.env_assertFact(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def Retract(self):
+ """retract this Fact"""
+ _c.env_retract(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def AssignSlotDefaults(self):
+ """assign Fact Slot defaults"""
+ _c.env_assignFactSlotDefaults(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Fact"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextFact(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Fact"""
+ return _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def PPrint(self, ignoredefaults=True):
+ """pretty-print fact, possibly including slot default values"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_ppFact(self.__env, self.__fact, "temporary", ignoredefaults)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def CleanPPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Fact"""
+ return _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split(None, 1)[1].strip()
+ def __property_getRelation(self):
+ return Symbol(
+ _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split(
+ None, 1)[1].strip()[1:-1].split(None, 1)[0])
+ Relation = property(__property_getRelation, None, None,
+ "fact relation symbol")
+ def __property_getImpliedSlots(self):
+ try:
+ mli = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ except:
+ mli = Multifield([])
+ return mli
+ ImpliedSlots = property(__property_getImpliedSlots, None, None,
+ "list of implied Slots")
+ def __property_getIndex(self):
+ return _c.env_factIndex(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ Index = property(__property_getIndex, None, None, "index of this Fact")
+ def __property_getSlots(self):
+ return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ """Fact Slots dictionary""")
+ def __property_getTemplate(self):
+ return self.__envobject.Template(_c.env_factDeftemplate(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ Template = property(__property_getTemplate, None, None,
+ """Template for this Fact""")
+ def __property_getExists(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_factExistp(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ Exists = property(__property_getExists, None, None,
+ "determine if Fact has been asserted and not retracted")
+ return Fact
+ def Function(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Function(object):
+ """high-level Function class (represents: deffunction)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Function object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeffunction(o):
+ self.__deffunction = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Function")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Function"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Function"""
+ s = repr(self.__deffunction)[1:-1]
+ return "<Function '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Function"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDeffunction(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Function(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Function"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffunctionPPForm(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Function"""
+ _c.env_undeffunction(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ def Call(self, *args):
+ """call this Function with given arguments"""
+ func = _c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ if args:
+ if(len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == str):
+ sargs = args[0]
+ else:
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func))
+ __call__ = Call
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Function name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_deffunctionModule(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Function Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDeffunctionDeletable(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Function can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDeffunctionWatch(self.__env, v, self.__deffunction)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDeffunctionWatch(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Function debug status")
+ return Function
+ def Generic(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Generic(object):
+ """high-level Generic class (represents: defgeneric)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Generic function object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefgeneric(o):
+ self.__defgeneric = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Generic")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Generic"""
+ return _c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Generic"""
+ s = repr(self.__defgeneric)[1:-1]
+ return "<Generic '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Generic"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefgeneric(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Generic(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Generic"""
+ return _c.env_getDefgenericPPForm(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Generic"""
+ _c.env_undefgeneric(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ def Call(self, *args):
+ """call this Generic with given arguments"""
+ func = _c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ if args:
+ if(len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) in (str, unicode)):
+ sargs = str(args[0])
+ else:
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func))
+ __call__ = Call
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Generic name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defgenericModule(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Generic Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefgenericDeletable(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Generic can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefgenericWatch(self.__env, v, self.__defgeneric)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefgenericWatch(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Generic debug status")
+ def MethodList(self):
+ """return the list of Method indices for this Generic"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmethodList(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ li, mli = Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o)), Multifield([])
+ l = len(li) / 2
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ mli.append(li[2 * x + 1])
+ return mli
+ def MethodDescription(self, midx):
+ """return the synopsis of specified Method restrictions"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmethodDescription(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodPPForm(self, midx):
+ """return the pretty-print form of specified Method"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmethodPPForm(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodRestrictions(self, midx):
+ """return the restrictions of specified Method"""
+ return Multifield(
+ self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getMethodRestrictions(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)))
+ def InitialMethod(self):
+ """return the index of first Method in this Generic"""
+ try:
+ return _c.env_getNextDefmethod(self.__env, 0, self.__defgeneric)
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Method")
+ def NextMethod(self, midx):
+ """return the index of next Method in this Generic"""
+ return _c.env_getNextDefmethod(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def PrintMethods(self):
+ """print out Method list for this Generic"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmethods(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defgeneric)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method(None, None, (int, long), None)
+ def AddMethod(self, restrictions, actions, midx=None, comment=None):
+ """Add a method to this Generic, given restrictions and actions"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ if midx:
+ indstr = str(midx)
+ else:
+ indstr = ""
+ if type(restrictions) in (tuple, list):
+ rstr = ""
+ for x in restrictions:
+ if type(x) not in (tuple, str, unicode):
+ raise TypeError("tuple or string expected as restriction")
+ if type(x) == str:
+ rstr += "(%s)" % x
+ elif type(x) == unicode:
+ rstr += "(%s)" % str(x)
+ else:
+ if len(x) < 2:
+ raise ValueError("tuple must be at least a pair")
+ v1, v2 = str(x[0]), []
+ for y in range(1, len(x)):
+ z = x[y]
+ if z == str:
+ v2.append("STRING")
+ elif z == ClipsStringType:
+ v2.append("STRING")
+ elif z == ClipsSymbolType:
+ v2.append("SYMBOL")
+ elif z == ClipsInstanceNameType:
+ v2.append("INSTANCE-NAME")
+ elif z == int:
+ v2.append("INTEGER")
+ elif z == ClipsIntegerType:
+ v2.append("INTEGER")
+ elif z == float:
+ v2.append("FLOAT")
+ elif z == ClipsFloatType:
+ v2.append("FLOAT")
+ elif z == list:
+ v2.append("MULTIFIELD")
+ elif z == ClipsMultifieldType:
+ v2.append("MULTIFIELD")
+ elif type(z) == str:
+ v2.append(z)
+ elif type(z) == unicode:
+ v2.append(str(z))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("unexpected value '%s'" % z)
+ rstr += "(%s %s)" % (v1, " ".join(v2))
+ elif type(restrictions) == str:
+ rstr = restrictions
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("tuple or string expected as restriction")
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, "(defmethod %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ self.Name, indstr, cmtstr, rstr, actions))
+ def RemoveMethod(self, midx):
+ """remove specified Method"""
+ _c.env_undefmethod(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def WatchMethod(self, midx):
+ """activate watch on specified Method"""
+ _c.env_setDefmethodWatch(self.__env, True, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def UnwatchMethod(self, midx):
+ """deactivate watch on specified Method"""
+ _c.env_setDefmethodWatch(self.__env, False, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodWatched(self, midx):
+ """test whether or not specified Method is being watched"""
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefmethodWatch(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric))
+ def MethodDeletable(self, midx):
+ """test whether or not specified Method can be deleted"""
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefmethodDeletable(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric))
+ return Generic
+ def Global(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Global(object):
+ """high-level Global class (represents: defglobal)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Global object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefglobal(o):
+ self.__defglobal = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Global")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Global"""
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalName(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Global"""
+ s = repr(self.__defglobal)[1:-1]
+ return "<Global '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefglobalName(self.__env, self.__defglobal), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Global"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefglobal(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Global(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Global"""
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalPPForm(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def ValueForm(self):
+ """return a 'printed' form of Global value"""
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalValueForm(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Global"""
+ _c.env_undefglobal(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefglobalName(self.__env, self.__defglobal))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Global name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defglobalModule(self.__env, self.__defglobal))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Global Module name")
+ def __property_setValue(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefglobalValue(self.__env, self.Name, self.__envobject._py2cl(v))
+ def __property_getValue(self):
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getDefglobalValue(self.__env, self.Name))
+ Value = property(__property_getValue, __property_setValue,
+ None, "set/retrieve Global value")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefglobalDeletable(self.__env, self.__defglobal))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Global can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefglobalWatch(self.__env, v, self.__defglobal)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalWatch(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Global debug status")
+ return Global
+ def Instance(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Instance(object):
+ """high-level Instance class (represents: instance)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create an Instance object (internal)"""
+ class __instance_Slots:
+ """access instance Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, io):
+ self.__instance = io
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, v):
+ _c.env_directPutSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, name, self.__envobject._py2cl(v))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_directGetSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, name))
+ def keys(self):
+ return map(
+ str, list(self.__envobject.Instance(self.__instance).Class.Slots.Names()))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def has_key(self, k):
+ return bool(
+ k in map(str, list(
+ self.__envobject.Instance(self.__instance).Class.Slots.Names())))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Instance [%s] Slots>" \
+ % _c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle instance slots")
+ if _c.isInstance(o): self.__instance = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Instance")
+ self.__Slots = __instance_Slots(self.__instance)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._instance_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._instance_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Instance"""
+ return _c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Instance"""
+ s = repr(self.__instance)[1:-1]
+ return "<Instance [%s]: %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Instance"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextInstance(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Instance"""
+ return _c.env_getInstancePPForm(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def IsValid(self):
+ """determine if this Instance is still valid"""
+ return bool(_c.env_validInstanceAddress(self.__env, self.__instance))
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Instance"""
+ _c.env_unmakeInstance(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def DirectRemove(self):
+ """directly remove this Instance"""
+ _c.env_deleteInstance(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def GetSlot(self, slotname):
+ """retrieve value of specified Slot"""
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_directGetSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, slotname))
+ SlotValue = GetSlot
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def PutSlot(self, slotname, value):
+ """set value of specified Slot"""
+ _c.env_directPutSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, slotname, self.__envobject._py2cl(value))
+ SetSlotValue = PutSlot
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def Send(self, msg, args=None):
+ """send specified message with the given arguments to Instance"""
+ if args is not None:
+ t = type(args)
+ if t == str:
+ sargs = args
+ elif t == unicode:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ sargs = _py2clsyntax(args)
+ elif t in (tuple, list):
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif t == float:
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, int):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, float):
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_send(self.__env, self.__instance, msg, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_send(self.__env, self.__instance, msg))
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return InstanceName(_c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Instance name")
+ def __property_getClass(self):
+ return self.__envobject.Class(_c.env_getInstanceClass(self.__env, self.__instance))
+ Class = property(__property_getClass, None, None,
+ "retrieve Instance class")
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Instance Slots information")
+ return Instance
+ def Module(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Module(object):
+ """high-level Module class (represents: defmodule)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Module object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefmodule(o):
+ self.__defmodule = o
+ else: raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Module")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Module"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmoduleName(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Module"""
+ s = repr(self.__defmodule)[1:-1]
+ return "<Module '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefmoduleName(self.__env, self.__defmodule), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Module"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefmodule(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Module(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Module"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmodulePPForm(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def SetCurrent(self):
+ """make this the current Module"""
+ _c.env_setCurrentModule(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def SetFocus(self):
+ """set focus to this Module"""
+ _c.env_focus(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefmoduleName(self.__env, self.__defmodule))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "return Module name")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildTemplate(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Template object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(deftemplate %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Template(_c.env_findDeftemplate(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def TemplateList(self):
+ """return list of Template names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeftemplateList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintTemplates(self):
+ """print Templates to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeftemplates(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def FactList(self):
+ """return list of Facts in this Module"""
+ o, li = _c.env_getFactList(self.__env, self.__defmodule), []
+ if o is not None:
+ for x in o[1]:
+ if x[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.__envobject.Fact(x[1]))
+ return li
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDeffacts(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Deffacts object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(deffacts %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Deffacts(_c.env_findDeffacts(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def DeffactsList(self):
+ """return a list of Deffacts names in this Module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffactsList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintDeffacts(self):
+ """print Deffacts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffacts(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None)
+ def BuildRule(self, name, lhs, rhs, comment=None):
+ """build a Rule object with specified name and LHS/RHS"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defrule %s::%s %s %s => %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, lhs, rhs)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Rule(_c.env_findDefrule(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def RuleList(self):
+ """return a list of Rule names in this Module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefruleList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintRules(self):
+ """print Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefrules(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintBreakpoints(self):
+ """print breakpoints to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showBreaks(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintAgenda(self):
+ """print Agenda Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_agenda(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def RefreshAgenda(self):
+ """refresh Agenda for this Module"""
+ _c.env_refreshAgenda(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def ReorderAgenda(self):
+ """reorder Agenda for this Module"""
+ _c.env_reorderAgenda(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGlobal(self, name, value=Nil):
+ """build a Global variable with specified name and value"""
+ mname = self.Name
+ if type(value) in (str, ClipsStringType):
+ value = '"%s"' % value
+ construct = "(defglobal %s ?*%s* = %s)" % (mname, name, value)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Global(_c.env_findDefglobal(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def GlobalList(self):
+ """return the list of Global variable names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefglobalList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def ShowGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables and values to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None, str, None)
+ def BuildFunction(self, name, args, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Function with specified name, body and arguments"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ args = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ args = ""
+ construct = "(deffunction %s::%s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, args, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Function(_c.env_findDeffunction(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def FunctionList(self):
+ """return the list of Function names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffunctionList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintFunctions(self):
+ """print list of Functions to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffunctions(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGeneric(self, name, comment=None):
+ """build a Generic with specified name"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defgeneric %s::%s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Generic(_c.env_findDefgeneric(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def GenericList(self):
+ """return the list of Generic names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefgenericList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintGenerics(self):
+ """print list of Generics to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefgenerics(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildClass(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defclass %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def ClassList(self):
+ """return the list of Class names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefclassList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintClasses(self):
+ """print list of Class to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefclasses(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, defclass, overrides=""):
+ """build an Instance of given Class overriding specified Slots"""
+ mname = self.Name
+ cmdstr = "(%s::%s of %s %s)" % (mname, name, defclass, overrides)
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_makeInstance(self.__env, cmdstr))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintInstances(self, classname=None):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule, classname, False)
+ else:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintSubclassInstances(self, classname):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule, classname, True)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDefinstances(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Definstances with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(definstances %s::%s %s %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Definstances(_c.env_findDefinstances(self.__env, name))
+ def DefinstancesList(self):
+ """retrieve list of all Definstances names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefinstancesList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintDefinstances(self):
+ """print list of all Definstances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefinstances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ return Module
+ def Rule(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Rule(object):
+ """high-level Rule class (represents: defrule)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Rule object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefrule(o):
+ self.__defrule = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Rule")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Rule"""
+ return _c.env_getDefruleName(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Rule"""
+ s = repr(self.__defrule)[1:-1]
+ return "<Rule '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefruleName(self.__env, self.__defrule), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Rule"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefrule(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Rule(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Rule"""
+ return _c.env_getDefrulePPForm(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def Refresh(self):
+ """refresh Rule"""
+ _c.env_refresh(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def PrintMatches(self):
+ """print partial matches to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_matches(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defrule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Rule"""
+ _c.env_undefrule(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefruleName(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Rule name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defruleModule(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Rule Module name")
+ def __property_setBreak(self, v):
+ if v:
+ _c.env_setBreak(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ else:
+ if _c.env_defruleHasBreakpoint(self.__env, self.__defrule):
+ _c.env_removeBreak(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def __property_getBreak(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_defruleHasBreakpoint(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Breakpoint = property(__property_getBreak, __property_setBreak,
+ None, "set or remove breakpoint from Rule")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefruleDeletable(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Rule can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatchActivations(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefruleWatchActivations(self.__env, self.__defrule, v)
+ def __property_getWatchActivations(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefruleWatchActivations(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ WatchActivations = property(__property_getWatchActivations,
+ __property_setWatchActivations,
+ None, "Rule Activations debug status")
+ def __property_setWatchFirings(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefruleWatchFirings(self.__env, self.__defrule, v)
+ def __property_getWatchFirings(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefruleWatchFirings(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ WatchFirings = property(__property_getWatchFirings,
+ __property_setWatchFirings,
+ None, "Rule firings debug status")
+ return Rule
+ def Template(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Template(object):
+ """high-level Template class (represents: deftemplate)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o=None):
+ """create a Template object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeftemplate(o):
+ self.__deftemplate = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Template")
+ class __template_Slots:
+ """define a structure for Class Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ self.__deftemplate = o
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle template slots")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedValues(self, name):
+ """return allowed values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotAllowedValues(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Cardinality(self, name):
+ """return cardinality for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotCardinality(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def HasDefault(self, name):
+ return _c.env_deftemplateSlotDefaultP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def DefaultValue(self, name):
+ """return default value for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotDefaultValue(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Exists(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot exists"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotExistP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsMultifield(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is a multifield one"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotMultiP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ def Names(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_deftemplateSlotNames(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Range(self, name):
+ """return numeric range information of specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_deftemplateSlotRange(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsSinglefield(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is a single field one"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotSingleP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Types(self, name):
+ """return names of primitive types for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_deftemplateSlotTypes(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ self.__Slots = __template_Slots(self.__deftemplate)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._template_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._template_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Template"""
+ return _c.env_getDeftemplateName(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Template"""
+ s = repr(self.__deftemplate)[1:-1]
+ return "<Template '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDeftemplateName(self.__env, self.__deftemplate), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError(
+ "M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Template"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDeftemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Template(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Template"""
+ return _c.env_getDeftemplatePPForm(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Template"""
+ _c.env_undeftemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ def BuildFact(self):
+ """create a fact from this Template without asserting it"""
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(self.__deftemplate)
+ def InitialFact(self):
+ """find initial Fact for this Template"""
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(_c.env_getNextFactInTemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ def NextFact(self, fact):
+ """find initial Fact for this Template"""
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(
+ _c.env_getNextFactInTemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, fact._Fact__fact))
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDeftemplateDeletable(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Template can be deleted")
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDeftemplateName(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Template name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_deftemplateModule(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Template Module name")
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Template Slots information")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDeftemplateWatch(self.__env, v, self.__deftemplate)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return _c.env_getDeftemplateWatch(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "watch status of this Template")
+ return Template
+ def _clips_Debug(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class _clips_Debug(object):
+ """object to enable/disable debugging features"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """one-time initializer"""
+ if(self.__created):
+ raise TypeError("cannot create this object twice")
+ self.__created = True
+ self.__watchitems = ['facts', 'rules', 'activations', 'compilations',
+ 'statistics', 'globals', 'slots', 'instances',
+ 'messages', 'message-handlers',
+ 'generic-functions', 'methods', 'deffunctions',]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Debug Management Object>"
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle debug status")
+ def DribbleOn(self, fn):
+ """enable dribble on given file"""
+ _c.env_dribbleOn(self.__env, fn)
+ def DribbleOff(self):
+ """turn off dribble"""
+ _c.env_dribbleOff(self.__env)
+ def DribbleActive(self):
+ """tell whether or not dribble is active"""
+ return bool(_c.env_dribbleActive(self.__env))
+ def __property_setFactsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "facts")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "facts")
+ def __property_getFactsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "facts"))
+ FactsWatched = property(__property_getFactsWatched,
+ __property_setFactsWatched,
+ None, "Facts watch status")
+ def __property_setRulesWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "rules")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "rules")
+ def __property_getRulesWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "rules"))
+ RulesWatched = property(__property_getRulesWatched,
+ __property_setRulesWatched,
+ None, "Rules watch status")
+ def __property_setActivationsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "activations")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "activations")
+ def __property_getActivationsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "activations"))
+ ActivationsWatched = property(__property_getActivationsWatched,
+ __property_setActivationsWatched,
+ None, "Activations watch status")
+ def __property_setCompilationsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "compilations")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "compilations")
+ def __property_getCompilationsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "compilations"))
+ CompilationsWatched = property(__property_getCompilationsWatched,
+ __property_setCompilationsWatched,
+ None, "compilations watch status")
+ def __property_setStatisticsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "statistics")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "statistics")
+ def __property_getStatisticsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "statistics"))
+ StatisticsWatched = property(__property_getStatisticsWatched,
+ __property_setStatisticsWatched,
+ None, "statistics watch status")
+ def __property_setGlobalsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "globals")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "globals")
+ def __property_getGlobalsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "globals"))
+ GlobalsWatched = property(__property_getGlobalsWatched,
+ __property_setGlobalsWatched,
+ None, "Globals watch status")
+ def __property_setSlotsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "slots")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "slots")
+ def __property_getSlotsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "slots"))
+ SlotsWatched = property(__property_getSlotsWatched,
+ __property_setSlotsWatched,
+ None, "Slots watch status")
+ def __property_setMessagesWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "messages")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "messages")
+ def __property_getMessagesWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "messages"))
+ MessagesWatched = property(__property_getMessagesWatched,
+ __property_setMessagesWatched,
+ None, "messages watch status")
+ def __property_setMessageHandlersWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "message-handlers")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "message-handlers")
+ def __property_getMessageHandlersWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "message-handlers"))
+ MessageHandlersWatched = property(__property_getMessageHandlersWatched,
+ __property_setMessageHandlersWatched,
+ None, "MessageHandlers watch status")
+ def __property_setGenericFunctionsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "generic-functions")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "generic-functions")
+ def __property_getGenericFunctionsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "generic-functions"))
+ GenericFunctionsWatched = property(__property_getGenericFunctionsWatched,
+ __property_setGenericFunctionsWatched,
+ None, "Generic functions watch status")
+ def __property_setMethodsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "methods")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "methods")
+ def __property_getMethodsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "methods"))
+ MethodsWatched = property(__property_getMethodsWatched,
+ __property_setMethodsWatched,
+ None, "Methods watch status")
+ def __property_setFunctionsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "deffunctions")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "deffunctions")
+ def __property_getFunctionsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "deffunctions"))
+ FunctionsWatched = property(__property_getFunctionsWatched,
+ __property_setFunctionsWatched,
+ None, "Deffunctions watch status")
+ def __property_setExternalTraceback(self, v):
+ _c.setPrintExternalTraceback(bool(v))
+ def __property_getExternalTraceback(self):
+ return bool(_c.getPrintExternalTraceback())
+ ExternalTraceback = property(__property_getExternalTraceback,
+ __property_setExternalTraceback,
+ None,
+ "traceback of Python functions in CLIPS")
+ def WatchAll(self):
+ """watch all items"""
+ for x in self.__watchitems:
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, x)
+ def UnwatchAll(self):
+ """unwatch all items"""
+ for x in self.__watchitems:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, x)
+ return _clips_Debug
+ def _clips_Status(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class _clips_Status(object):
+ """object to access global status functions"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """raise an exception if an object of this type has been created"""
+ if(self.__created):
+ raise TypeError("cannot create this object twice")
+ self.__created = True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Configuration Management Object>"
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle engine status")
+ def __property_setFactDuplication(self, v):
+ _c.env_setFactDuplication(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getFactDuplication(self, v):
+ return bool(_c.env_getFactDuplication(self.__env))
+ FactDuplication = property(
+ __property_getFactDuplication,
+ __property_setFactDuplication,
+ None, "Fact duplication behaviour")
+ def __property_setAutoFloatDividend(self, v):
+ _c.env_setAutoFloatDividend(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getAutoFloatDividend(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getAutoFloatDividend(self.__env))
+ AutoFloatDividend = property(
+ __property_getAutoFloatDividend,
+ __property_setAutoFloatDividend,
+ None, "AutoFloatDividend behaviour")
+ def __property_setDynamicConstraintChecking(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDynamicConstraintChecking(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getDynamicConstraintChecking(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDynamicConstraintChecking(self.__env))
+ DynamicConstraintChecking = property(
+ __property_getDynamicConstraintChecking,
+ __property_setDynamicConstraintChecking,
+ None, "Dynamic constraint checking behaviour")
+ def __property_setSequenceOperatorRecognition(self, v):
+ _c.env_setSequenceOperatorRecognition(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getSequenceOperatorRecognition(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getSequenceOperatorRecognition(self.__env))
+ SequenceOperatorRecognition = property(
+ __property_getSequenceOperatorRecognition,
+ __property_setSequenceOperatorRecognition,
+ None, "Sequence operator recognition behaviour")
+ def __property_setStaticConstraintChecking(self, v):
+ _c.env_setStaticConstraintChecking(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getStaticConstraintChecking(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getStaticConstraintChecking(self.__env))
+ StaticConstraintChecking = property(
+ __property_getStaticConstraintChecking,
+ __property_setStaticConstraintChecking,
+ None, "Static constraint checking behaviour")
+ def __property_setIncrementalReset(self, v):
+ _c.env_setIncrementalReset(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getIncrementalReset(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getIncrementalReset(self.__env))
+ IncrementalReset = property(
+ __property_getIncrementalReset,
+ __property_setIncrementalReset,
+ None, "Incremental reset behaviour")
+ def __property_setResetGlobals(self, v):
+ _c.env_setResetGlobals(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getResetGlobals(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getResetGlobals(self.__env))
+ ResetGlobals = property(
+ __property_getResetGlobals,
+ __property_setResetGlobals,
+ None, "ResetGlobals behaviour")
+ def __property_setStrategy(self, v):
+ _c.env_setStrategy(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getStrategy(self):
+ return _c.env_getStrategy(self.__env)
+ Strategy = property(
+ __property_getStrategy,
+ __property_setStrategy,
+ None, "strategy behaviour")
+ def __property_setSalienceEvaluation(self, v):
+ _c.env_setSalienceEvaluation(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getSalienceEvaluation(self):
+ return _c.env_getSalienceEvaluation(self.__env)
+ SalienceEvaluation = property(
+ __property_getSalienceEvaluation,
+ __property_setSalienceEvaluation,
+ None, "salience evaluation behaviour")
+ def __property_setClassDefaultsMode(self, v):
+ _c.env_setClassDefaultsMode(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getClassDefaultsMode(self):
+ return _c.env_getClassDefaultsMode(self.__env)
+ ClassDefaultsMode = property(
+ __property_getClassDefaultsMode,
+ __property_setClassDefaultsMode,
+ None, "class defaults mode")
+ return _clips_Status
+ # constructor possibly sets the "borrowed" flag, to state that this
+ # is a Python class around an existing object: in this case the
+ # underlying CLIPS environment is not attempted to be destroyed on
+ # deletion
+ def __init__(self, o=None):
+ """environment constructor"""
+ if o is None:
+ self.__env = _c.createEnvironment()
+ self.__borrowed = False
+ else:
+ if _c.isEnvironment(o):
+ self.__env = o
+ self.__borrowed = True
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("invalid argument for constructor")
+ self.Activation = self.Activation(self.__env)
+ self.Class = self.Class(self.__env)
+ self.Deffacts = self.Deffacts(self.__env)
+ self.Definstances = self.Definstances(self.__env)
+ self.Fact = self.Fact(self.__env)
+ self.Function = self.Function(self.__env)
+ self.Generic = self.Generic(self.__env)
+ self.Global = self.Global(self.__env)
+ self.Instance = self.Instance(self.__env)
+ self.Module = self.Module(self.__env)
+ self.Rule = self.Rule(self.__env)
+ self.Template = self.Template(self.__env)
+ self._clips_Debug = self._clips_Debug(self.__env)
+ self._clips_Status = self._clips_Status(self.__env)
+ # if o is not None, then this is an internal object and its status
+ # should not be modified by the user, nor the stock objects be
+ # accessible for direct inspection or subclassing (as this could
+ # be the current environment and might be corrupted)
+ if o is None:
+ self.EngineConfig = self._clips_Status()
+ self.DebugConfig = self._clips_Debug()
+ def AgendaChanged(self):
+ """test whether or not Agenda is changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getAgendaChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setAgendaChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ def Assert(self, o):
+ """assert a Fact from a string or constructed Fact object"""
+ if '_Fact__fact' in dir(o) and _c.isFact(o._Fact__fact):
+ return o.Assert()
+ elif type(o) in (str, unicode):
+ return self.Fact(_c.env_assertString(self.__env, str(o)))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("expected a string or a Fact")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BLoad(self, filename):
+ """binary load the constructs from a file"""
+ _c.env_bload(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BLoadInstances(self, filename):
+ """load Instances from binary file"""
+ _c.env_binaryLoadInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BSave(self, filename):
+ """binary save constructs to a file"""
+ _c.env_bsave(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BSaveInstances(self, filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save Instances to binary file"""
+ _c.env_binarySaveInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BatchStar(self, filename):
+ """execute commands stored in file"""
+ _c.env_batchStar(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BrowseClasses(self, classname):
+ """print list of Classes that inherit from specified one"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ defclass = _c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, str(classname))
+ _c.env_browseClasses(self.__env, "temporary", defclass)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Build(self, construct):
+ """build construct given in argument"""
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildClass(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defclass %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDeffacts(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Deffacts object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(deffacts %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Deffacts(_c.env_findDeffacts(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDefinstances(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Definstances with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(definstances %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Definstances(_c.env_findDefinstances(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None, str, None)
+ def BuildFunction(self, name, args, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Function with specified name, body and arguments"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ args = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ args = ""
+ construct = "(deffunction %s %s (%s) %s)" % (name, cmtstr, args, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Function(_c.env_findDeffunction(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGeneric(self, name, comment=None):
+ """build a Generic with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defgeneric %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Generic(_c.env_findDefgeneric(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGlobal(self, name, value=Nil):
+ """build a Global variable with specified name and body"""
+ if type(value) in (str, unicode, ClipsStringType):
+ value = '"%s"' % str(value)
+ construct = "(defglobal ?*%s* = %s)" % (name, value)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Global(_c.env_findDefglobal(self.__env, "%s" % name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, defclass, overrides=""):
+ """build an Instance of given class overriding specified slots"""
+ cmdstr = "(%s of %s %s)" % (name, str(defclass), overrides)
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_makeInstance(self.__env, cmdstr))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, None, (str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None, str, None, None)
+ def BuildMessageHandler(self, name, hclass, args, text, htype=PRIMARY, comment=None):
+ """build a MessageHandler for specified class with arguments and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else: cmtstr = ""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ if not htype in (AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER):
+ raise ValueError("htype must be in AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER")
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ sargs = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ sargs = ""
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ construct = "(defmessage-handler %s %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ hclass, name, htype, cmtstr, sargs, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ defclass = _c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, hclass)
+ return _c.env_findDefmessageHandler(self.__env, defclass, name, htype)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildModule(self, name, text="", comment=None):
+ """build a Module with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defmodule %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Module(_c.env_findDefmodule(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None)
+ def BuildRule(self, name, lhs, rhs, comment=None):
+ """build a Rule object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defrule %s %s %s => %s)" % (name, cmtstr, lhs, rhs)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Rule(_c.env_findDefrule(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildTemplate(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Template object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(deftemplate %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Template(_c.env_findDeftemplate(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def Call(self, func, args=None):
+ """call a function with the given argument string or tuple"""
+ if args is not None:
+ t = type(args)
+ if t == str:
+ sargs = args
+ if t == unicode:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ sargs = _py2clsyntax(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (tuple, list):
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ sargs = Integer(int(args)).clsyntax()
+ elif t == float:
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, int):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, float):
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func))
+ def ClassList(self):
+ """return the list of Class names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefclassList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def Clear(self):
+ """clear Environment"""
+ _c.env_clear(self.__env)
+ if not 'self' in locals().keys():
+ _setStockClasses()
+ def ClearFocusStack(self):
+ """clear focus stack"""
+ _c.env_clearFocusStack(self.__env)
+ def CurrentModule(self):
+ """return current Module"""
+ return self.Module(_c.env_getCurrentModule(self.__env))
+ def DeffactsList(self):
+ """return a list of Deffacts names in current module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffactsList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def DefinstancesList(self):
+ """retrieve list of all Definstances names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefinstancesList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Eval(self, expr):
+ """evaluate expression passed as argument"""
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_eval(self.__env, expr))
+ def FactList(self):
+ """return list of Facts in current module"""
+ o, li = _c.env_getFactList(self.__env), []
+ if o is not None:
+ for x in o[1]:
+ if x[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.Fact(x[1]))
+ return li
+ def FactListChanged(self):
+ """test whether Fact list is changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getFactListChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setFactListChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindClass(self, name):
+ """find a Class by name"""
+ return self.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindDeffacts(self, s):
+ """find a Deffacts by name"""
+ try:
+ return self.Deffacts(_c.env_findDeffacts(self.__env, s))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find Deffacts '%s'" % s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindDefinstances(self, name):
+ """find Definstances by name"""
+ return self.Definstances(_c.env_findDefinstances(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindFunction(self, name):
+ """find a Function by name"""
+ return self.Function(_c.env_findDeffunction(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindGeneric(self, name):
+ """find a Generic by name"""
+ return self.Generic(_c.env_findDefgeneric(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindGlobal(self, name):
+ """find a Global variable by name"""
+ return self.Global(_c.env_findDefglobal(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindInstance(self, name):
+ """find an Instance in all modules (including imported)"""
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_findInstance(self.__env, name, True))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindInstanceLocal(self, name):
+ """find an Instance in non imported modules"""
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_findInstance(self.__env, name, False))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindModule(self, name):
+ """find a Module by name"""
+ return self.Module(_c.env_findDefmodule(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindRule(self, s):
+ """find a Rule by name"""
+ try:
+ return self.Rule(_c.env_findDefrule(self.__env, s))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find defrule '%s'" % s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindTemplate(self, s):
+ """find a Template by name"""
+ return self.Template(_c.env_findDeftemplate(self.__env, s))
+ def FocusStack(self):
+ """return list of Module names in focus stack"""
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_getFocusStack(self.__env))
+ def FunctionList(self):
+ """return the list of Function names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffunctionList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def GenericList(self):
+ """return the list of Generic names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefgenericList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def GlobalList(self):
+ """return the list of Global variable names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefglobalList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def GlobalsChanged(self):
+ """test whether or not Global variables have changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getGlobalsChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setGlobalsChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ def InitialActivation(self):
+ """return first Activation object"""
+ try:
+ return self.Activation(_c.env_getNextActivation(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Activation")
+ def InitialClass(self):
+ """retrieve first Class"""
+ try:
+ return self.Class(_c.env_getNextDefclass(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Class")
+ def InitialDeffacts(self):
+ """return first Deffacts"""
+ try:
+ return self.Deffacts(_c.env_getNextDeffacts(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Deffacts")
+ def InitialDefinstances(self):
+ """retrieve first Definstances"""
+ try:
+ return self.Definstances(_c.env_getNextDefinstances(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Definstances")
+ def InitialFact(self):
+ """return first Fact in environment"""
+ try:
+ return self.Fact(_c.env_getNextFact(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Fact")
+ def InitialFunction(self):
+ """return first Function"""
+ try:
+ return self.Function(_c.env_getNextDeffunction(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Function")
+ def InitialGeneric(self):
+ """return first Generic"""
+ try:
+ return self.Generic(_c.env_getNextDefgeneric(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Generic")
+ def InitialGlobal(self):
+ """return first Global variable"""
+ try:
+ return self.Global(_c.env_getNextDefglobal(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Global")
+ def InitialInstance(self):
+ """retrieve first Instance"""
+ try:
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_getNextInstance(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def InitialModule(self):
+ """return first Module"""
+ try:
+ return self.Module(_c.env_getNextDefmodule(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Module")
+ def InitialRule(self):
+ """return first Rule"""
+ try:
+ return self.Rule(_c.env_getNextDefrule(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Rule")
+ def InitialTemplate(self):
+ """return first Template in environment"""
+ try:
+ return self.Template(_c.env_getNextDeftemplate(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Template")
+ def InstancesChanged(self):
+ """test if Instances have changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getInstancesChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setInstancesChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Load(self, filename):
+ """load constructs from a file"""
+ _c.env_load(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadFacts(self, filename):
+ """load Facts from file"""
+ _c.env_loadFacts(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadFactsFromString(self, s):
+ """load Fact objects from a string"""
+ _c.env_loadFactsFromString(self.__env, s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadInstances(self, filename):
+ """load Instances from file"""
+ _c.env_loadInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadInstancesFromString(self, s):
+ """load Instances from the specified string"""
+ _c.env_loadInstancesFromString(self.__env, s)
+ def MessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandler constructs"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__env)
+ li, rv = Multifield(self._cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def MethodList(self):
+ """return the list of all Methods"""
+ o = self._cl2py(_c.env_getDefmethodList(self.__env))
+ li = Multifield([])
+ l = len(o) / 2
+ for x in range(l):
+ li.append(Multifield([o[2 * x], o[2 * x + 1]]))
+ return li
+ def ModuleList(self):
+ """return the list of Module names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmoduleList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def PopFocus(self):
+ """pop focus"""
+ _c.env_popFocus(self.__env)
+ def PrintAgenda(self):
+ """print Agenda Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_agenda(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintBreakpoints(self):
+ """print breakpoints to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showBreaks(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintClasses(self):
+ """print list of Classes to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefclasses(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintDeffacts(self):
+ """print Deffacts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffacts(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintDefinstances(self):
+ """print list of all Definstances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefinstances(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintFacts(self):
+ """print Facts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_facts(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintFocusStack(self):
+ """print focus stack to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listFocusStack(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintFunctions(self):
+ """print list of Functions to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffunctions(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintGenerics(self):
+ """print list of Generics to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefgenerics(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintInstances(self, classname=None):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", classname, False)
+ else:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of all MessageHandlers"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmessageHandlers(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintModules(self):
+ """print list of Modules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmodules(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintRules(self):
+ """print Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefrules(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintSubclassInstances(self, classname):
+ """print subclass Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", classname, True)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintTemplates(self):
+ """print Templates to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeftemplates(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def RefreshAgenda(self):
+ """refresh Agenda Rules for current Module"""
+ _c.env_refreshAgenda(self.__env)
+ def ReorderAgenda(self):
+ """reorder Agenda Rules for current Module"""
+ _c.env_reorderAgenda(self.__env)
+ def Reset(self):
+ """reset Environment"""
+ _c.env_reset(self.__env)
+ def Clear(self):
+ """clear Environment"""
+ _c.env_clear(self.__env)
+ if not 'self' in locals().keys():
+ _setStockClasses()
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def RestoreInstancesFromString(self, s):
+ """restore Instances from the specified string"""
+ _c.env_restoreInstancesFromString(self.__env, s)
+ def RuleList(self):
+ """return a list of Rule names in current module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefruleList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def Run(self, limit=None):
+ """execute Rules up to limit (if any)"""
+ if limit is None:
+ return _c.env_run(self.__env)
+ else:
+ return _c.env_run(self.__env, limit)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Save(self, filename):
+ """save constructs to a file"""
+ _c.env_save(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str, str)
+ def SaveFacts(self, filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save current Facts to file"""
+ _c.env_saveFacts(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def SaveInstances(self, filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save Instances to file"""
+ _c.env_saveInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def SendCommand(self, command, verbose=False):
+ """send a command to the engine as if typed at the CLIPS prompt"""
+ _c.env_sendCommand(self.__env, command, verbose)
+ def ShowGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables and values to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def TemplateList(self):
+ """return a list of Template names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeftemplateList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o)) # should be all strings
+ def _cl2py(self, o):
+ """convert a well-formed tuple to one of the CLIPS wrappers"""
+ if o is None: return None
+ elif type(o) == tuple and len(o) == 2:
+ if o[0] == _c.INTEGER:
+ return Integer(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.FLOAT:
+ return Float(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.STRING:
+ return String(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.INSTANCE_NAME:
+ return InstanceName(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.SYMBOL:
+ if o[1] == "nil":
+ return Nil
+ else:
+ return Symbol(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS:
+ return self.Instance(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ return self.Fact(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.MULTIFIELD:
+ li = []
+ for (x, v) in o[1]:
+ if x == _c.INTEGER:
+ li.append(Integer(v))
+ elif x == _c.FLOAT:
+ li.append(Float(v))
+ elif x == _c.STRING:
+ li.append(String(v))
+ elif x == _c.SYMBOL:
+ li.append(Symbol(v))
+ elif x == _c.INSTANCE_NAME:
+ li.append(InstanceName(v))
+ elif x == _c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.Instance(v))
+ elif x == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.Fact(v))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("list cannot be converted")
+ return Multifield(li)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("malformed tuple value")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("wrong argument type")
+ def _py2cl(self, o):
+ """convert Python data to a well-formed tuple"""
+ t1 = type(o)
+ if t1 in (int, long):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif t1 == float:
+ return (_c.FLOAT, float(o))
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ return o.clrepr()
+ elif t1 == self.Fact:
+ return (_c.FACT_ADDRESS, o._Fact__fact)
+ elif t1 == self.Instance:
+ return (_c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS, o._Instance__instance)
+ elif isinstance(o, int):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, long):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, float):
+ return (_c.FLOAT, float(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, str):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, unicode):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif t1 in (list, tuple):
+ li = []
+ for x in o:
+ t0 = type(x)
+ if t0 in (int, long):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(x)))
+ elif t0 == float:
+ li.append((_c.FLOAT, float(x)))
+ elif t0 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(x)))
+ elif t0 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType):
+ li.append(x.clrepr())
+ elif t0 == self.Fact:
+ li.append((_c.FACT_ADDRESS, o._Fact__fact))
+ elif t0 == self.Instance:
+ li.append((_c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS, o._Instance__instance))
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append((_c.FLOAT, float(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(o)))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "list element of type %s cannot be converted" % t0)
+ return (_c.MULTIFIELD, li)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("value of type %s cannot be converted" % t1)
+ def __del__(self):
+ """environment destructor"""
+ if not self.__borrowed:
+ try:
+ _c.destroyEnvironment(self.__env)
+ except ClipsError:
+ pass
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of environment, borrowed by underlying object"""
+ return "<Environment: " + repr(self.__env)[1:-1] + ">"
+ def __property_getIndex(self):
+ return _c.getEnvironmentIndex(self.__env)
+ Index = property(__property_getIndex, None, None,
+ "Return index of this Environment")
+ def SetCurrent(self):
+ """Make this Environment the current Environment"""
+ _c.setCurrentEnvironment(self.__env)
+ _setStockClasses()
+# A function that returns current Environment
+def CurrentEnvironment():
+ """Return current Environment"""
+ cenv = _c.getCurrentEnvironment()
+ env = Environment(cenv)
+ env.EngineConfig = env._clips_Status()
+ env.DebugConfig = env._clips_Debug()
+ return env
+# end.
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pyc b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c319f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pyo b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pyo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e375c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.pyo
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_license.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_license.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d0a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_license.py
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+# _license.py
+# This file contains the license in a readable form
+license = """\
+License Information (LGPL)
+(c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+The author's copyright is expressed through the following notice, thus
+giving effective rights to copy and use this software to anyone, as shown
+in the license text.
+This software is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+license; a copy of the text has been released with this package (see file
+_license.py, where the license text also appears), and can be found on the
+GNU web site, at the following address:
+ http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+Please refer to the license text for any license information. This notice
+has to be considered part of the license, and should be kept on every copy,
+integral or modified, of the source files. The removal of the reference to
+the license will be considered an infringement of the license itself.
+Portions of the code provided with this package may have been released
+under different license terms: in this case it is expressed in the source
+code piece itself. Parts of this source package (eg. the entire CLIPS
+source distribution) are provided under possibly different license terms,
+and different restrictions may apply. These source files are provided as
+the original author(s) packaged them, thus all license information is
+If you received the package in binary form, please consult the original
+CLIPS license, which you can find at the CLIPS web site:
+ http://clipsrules.sourceforge.net
+for the licensing terms regarding use of the CLIPS library.
+0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program
+which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
+party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General
+Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is addressed as
+A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared
+so as to be conveniently linked with application programs (which use some
+of those functions and data) to form executables.
+The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work which has
+been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the Library" means
+either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to
+say, a work containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or
+with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the
+term "modification".)
+"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the
+source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface
+definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and
+installation of the library.
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running a
+program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library
+(independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether
+that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that
+uses the Library does.
+1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices
+that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and
+distribute a copy of this License along with the Library.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you
+may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it,
+thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and distribute such
+modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you
+also meet all of these conditions:
+a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating
+ that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all
+ third parties under the terms of this License.
+d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of
+ data to be supplied by an application program that uses the facility,
+ other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you
+ must make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an application
+ does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and
+ performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful.
+(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose
+that is entirely well-defined independent of the application. Therefore,
+Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used
+by this function must be optional: if the application does not supply it,
+the square root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable
+sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be
+reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then
+this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you
+distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections
+as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution
+of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for
+other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part
+regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your
+rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise
+the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works
+based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with
+the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of a storage
+or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of
+this License.
+3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License
+instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do this, you
+must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer
+to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, instead of to this
+License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU General
+Public License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if
+you wish.) Do not make any other change in these notices.
+Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy,
+so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all subsequent copies
+and derivative works made from that copy.
+This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library
+into a program that is not a library.
+4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete
+corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under
+the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for
+software interchange.
+If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a
+designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code
+from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source
+code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along
+with the object code.
+5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but
+is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked with it,
+is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not
+a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of
+this License.
+However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates an
+executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains portions
+of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". The executable
+is therefore covered by this License.Section 6 states terms for distribution
+of such executables.
+When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file that
+is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a derivative
+work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is
+true is especially significant if the work can be linked without the
+Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be
+true is not precisely defined by law.
+If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline functions (ten
+lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted,
+regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work. (Executables
+containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall
+under Section 6.)
+Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute
+the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any executables
+containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are
+linked directly with the Library itself.
+6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a
+"work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing
+portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your
+choice, provided that the terms permit modification of the work for the
+customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications.
+You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library
+is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.
+You must supply a copy of this License.If the work during execution displays
+copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library
+among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this
+License. Also, you must do one of these things:
+a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the
+ work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if
+ the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete
+ machine-readable "work that uses the Library", as object code and/or
+ source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to
+ produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It is
+ understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files
+ in the Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+ to use the modified definitions.)
+b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A
+ suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the library
+ already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying
+ library functions into the executable, and (2) will operate properly
+ with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as
+ long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version
+ that the work was made with.
+c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years,
+ to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above,
+ for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution.
+d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a
+ designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified
+ materials from the same place.
+e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or
+ that you have already sent this user a copy.
+For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library"
+must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the
+executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be
+distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in
+either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel,
+and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless
+that component itself accompanies the executable.
+It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of
+other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating
+system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library
+together in an executable that you distribute.
+7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library
+side-by-side in a single library together with other library facilities not
+covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided
+that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library and of the
+other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do
+these two things:
+a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the
+ Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. This must be
+ distributed under the terms of the Sections above.
+b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of
+ it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the
+Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library
+is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed
+it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the
+Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you
+do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the
+Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of
+this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying,
+distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it.
+10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on
+the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not
+responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so
+as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any
+other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute
+the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit
+royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies
+directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy
+both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of
+the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents
+or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims;
+this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free
+software distribution system which is implemented by public license
+practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range
+of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent
+application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or
+she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a
+licensee cannot impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a
+consequence of the rest of this License.
+12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain
+countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original
+copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an
+explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so
+that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded.
+In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the
+body of this License.
+13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version
+number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs
+whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the
+author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of
+preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of
+promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+__revision__ = "$Id: _license.py 340 2008-02-21 00:39:34Z Franz $" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_license.pyc b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_license.pyc
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+version_string = ""
+version = (1, 0, 7, 348)
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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+ <g>
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-132,-16018 -5299,-39030 -4057,-59329l32562 -1959c-873,14439 7817,23968 12693,33270l-60 41987c3617,2204 5379,4145 11184,4496l1902 115c4705,285 24972,-15680 37181,-14941l9595 169 49032 9106 1902 115c10345,626 32400,-15232 46692,-14368l11414 690c13181,797 21433,7026 33897,7780 11440,692 51421,-1833 59267,-4234 16874,-5169 28581,-13375 52451,-11931l7609 460c4266,258 4085,1757 7379,4266 14630,884 23638,10979 33667,11586l5708 345c15580,942 49793,-8002 62686,-12570 29179,-10341 35213,-5647 67977,-2378 23470,2341 53920,6786 71940,1789 11150,-3091 52065,-13463 62453,-12835l15218 920c246,15 37702,11149 40928,12355 14643,5478 22398,8664 43642,9948 11555,-6768 52568,-15922 71537,-14775 16187,979 23411,7146 37703,8011l7648 1139 30628 -2645c1467,1156 4467,4090 5478,4151 4356,264 2250,-511 7518,-1484l10692 -47077 115 -1902c147,-2431 -747,-8092 -1327,-9631zm165498 -53025c78174,4727 93377,-76487 119088,-74932 8551,517 31120,10231 36603,14387 8764,6640 12747,22024 11884,36296l-1496 24741c-1613,26685 -47065,39313 -78645,37244 -36550,-2393 -75925,3070 -108875,1078l-1902 -115c-4451,-269 -4887,-867 -7495,-2362 -5498,3221 -26002,6067 -36604,5426l-11414 -690c-8770,-531 -18252,-13915 -17528,-25891l345 -5710c2076,-34330 64087,-11404 84623,-10162l11416 690zm-95419 -38946l36686 18210 910 -1861 -230 3806 -17121 -1035c-10268,-621 -29704,17596 -30377,28723l-460 7613c-779,12884 3729,15891 8131,23412 -6555,-396 -40342,2055 -49932,2576 -23048,1255 -26064,273 -25126,-24304l20926 1265c21167,1280 37170,-14783 38264,-38046l18329 -20359zm-5305 -3274c-14664,2376 -25990,22212 -27079,40221 -10265,6013 -11850,10745 -29227,9694l-11414 -690c-8831,-534 -4788,-15525 -4210,-25086 -5243,-8958 -20589,-38408 -19836,-50860l345 -5709c35766,-6088 16994,12487 39258,13833l1902 115 24833 -709 2608 -5136 1436 -1626 21384 25953zm-186884 -32472c23990,1451 33463,-12245 54417,-15812l-2773 7364 9922 710c668,40 15895,-4034 17466,-4675 3324,7324 4614,18376 5861,27225 2026,14375 -2928,21193 8499,19486 1826,10740 7600,13817 9415,22272 1591,7402 -1354,20129 -305,29088 1799,15336 1909,14718 4519,26616 919,4191 5009,24261 5002,24384l-115 1902c-553,9144 -6306,9541 -6859,18686l-920 15225c-13891,-840 -14176,2962 -24960,2310l-20926 -1265c-12156,-735 -14247,-4681 -26402,-5416l-20926 -1265c-106,-7 -31311,6762 -34770,7500 -12762,2724 -22139,9138 -33613,6368 -20011,-4834 -60544,-19753 -70605,-20362l-15218 -920c-34036,-2058 -57639,17525 -98286,15067l-5707 -345 230 -3806 -74191 -4486c-23912,-1446 -50593,19861 -81280,18006l-11414 -691c-34513,-2086 -26450,-24593 -79113,-12075 -23709,5636 -48254,15835 -81374,13833 -12040,-728 -18419,-6845 -31995,-7666l-15220 -920c-19138,-1157 -38828,14842 -52398,14022 -19704,-1192 -33112,-9642 -49001,-10603l-1902 -115c-19383,-1172 -30642,9725 -44675,12580 969,-16022 -367,-35660 -7125,-45917 -8859,-13442 -5636,-27236 -4357,-48371 1698,-28069 289,-25876 -5478,-47377 -1742,-6498 -14078,-39719 -14075,-39758 242,-4003 21064,-31688 25335,-34418 11107,-7099 25426,-15995 42567,-14958 26115,1579 39810,11410 53395,24719 13017,12753 30262,22058 44322,32762l26442 3997 5783 -139c14622,884 33408,-5373 42658,-10791 19456,1176 28823,-7808 44329,-6870 23577,1426 36872,23241 67218,25076 7761,469 99915,-20907 102552,-22450l24824 -849c2989,302 8888,4796 16911,5281l58974 3566c10613,642 37994,-18712 50726,-17942l15220 920 41606 6420c39301,6708 61519,-19287 87001,-17746l1902 115c18305,1107 24863,11055 33669,11588l15218 920zm168205 -66233c2418,-39985 11028,-49506 33905,-67433 9633,-7547 351,-13890 25686,-23855 6786,-2668 28746,-10333 36263,-9879l41852 2531c16312,986 52168,19282 59923,27939 9855,11002 25705,40013 24539,59301l-345 5708c-1026,16969 -17929,66844 -25254,77202 -15647,22123 -26542,38091 -57975,36190 -7086,-428 -23412,8135 -31013,7675l-19022 -1150c-26559,-1606 -56307,-17849 -69175,-32348 -15570,-17542 -21694,-43681 -19729,-76172l345 -5709zm-10257 43311l6229 23297c-7625,174 -19386,4558 -23173,4329 -12300,-743 -14459,-16155 -27615,-16950l-22828 -1380c433,-7164 4628,-15000 -982,-15339 -7466,-451 -11728,650 -13825,7033l-16958 -3165c-10469,-2223 -39220,16729 -62025,15350l-3806 -230c-9102,-551 -20591,-10796 -33666,-11586l-11414 -690c-18365,-1111 -35771,12853 -53669,16654 -23844,5064 -45586,-5464 -65313,-6657l-13316 -805c-25957,-1570 -41989,20381 -86987,17660l-9618 31 -43416 -7057 -1904 -115c-38085,-2303 -88867,23277 -119670,21415 -30333,-1834 -40370,-21542 -59726,-22712l-9512 -575c-23810,-1440 -60941,17326 -79262,16218l-24730 -1495c-38489,-2327 -60127,-57118 -112822,-60304l-1902 -115c-25679,-1553 -76710,37162 -78219,62123l-115 1902c-232,3827 22057,45725 20244,75717l-1499 25370 -30550 -568c-5135,3008 -15853,3156 -14728,6647l5346 116941 -5708 -345 -460 7612c-415,6856 13457,18640 18082,19470l81921 -5754 660 89784c119,5447 414,1678 1442,7727 2757,821 24353,7203 24385,7205 1137,69 4105,-2388 6321,-3461l592 -47692 1527 -32433 3597 -20739c32456,1962 77472,-5967 111141,-6650 31748,-646 82613,-737 112481,-5138 31944,-4708 83464,4455 120541,3961 16100,-214 39303,-2382 57400,-2274 17805,106 37990,-39 59224,-216 11831,-100 37139,-3374 53324,-4847 18129,-1651 37903,-362 57040,-2683 36363,-4408 83583,6251 120709,4153 35659,-2014 79038,-817 113436,-4060 15404,-1454 44894,1005 57762,-1866 9420,-2101 16604,-1815 26015,-3155 21569,-3071 15335,1058 24852,1633 11095,671 6715,-3177 22985,-598 9399,1489 17074,3606 25080,2017 6763,-1343 46317,-2778 53220,-2936 -1601,26472 2634,51792 1384,72621 -2882,47979 -14181,45359 26567,50910l4924 -8988 -2129 117 1726 -114335 21024 -910 17120 1035c6313,382 3743,4046 7380,4266 12864,778 55831,-10460 73491,-10849l1309 -120338 -1950 -23c-10190,-1471 -5344,-4142 -9282,-4380 -6910,-418 -6809,1855 -13546,3000 9442,-12414 22187,-19594 23458,-40602l230 -3806c1109,-18335 -2072,-35121 -6298,-48452 -3006,-9483 -27273,-22341 -37119,-22936l-23056 -1468 2517 -7804 -10236 2093 3463 6861 -25547 21953c9174,-15069 31751,-62732 30573,-87979l-1070 -21021c-7471,-12765 -6605,-25202 -18043,-39844 -11598,-14844 -16779,-17681 -34179,-27341 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-36890,-29021 -72071,-29368 -123127,-41264zm323045 -170122l-42054 -5723c-3685,-619 -3545,4303 -3822,7634l-15293 0 -20971 2345 -80338 -433 0 -3823 -3823 0 0 3823 -28672 0c-22763,0 -37059,3845 -61169,3822 -21901,-20 -40088,230 -61095,-72 -21428,-309 -44903,-1650 -63080,-1913 -24068,-345 -37442,3897 -59328,3897l-5736 0 -55433 -598c-26189,598 -66903,4326 -66903,-22340l0 -17204c0,-30129 20222,-66868 49640,-66962 18733,-61 31747,-4179 55566,-3836 16118,232 35788,1985 55361,1985 31814,0 83447,230 112914,3686 13968,1640 42288,-377 54532,-2541 18612,-3290 35882,-1972 50465,-3058l19131 -1688c8193,-834 41159,5576 59287,5558 17671,-18 39944,-1957 61122,-1957l51678 -4839 1508 6838 7686 -6148 23233 -1587 17204 0 3007 6250 6320 -4614c19801,4835 17504,8602 20793,27516 2190,12597 2125,26621 -4905,36205 -9279,12645 -30708,41688 -50064,41688l-5734 0 -21027 -1911zm-888849 305839c0,-15142 8233,-6992 11470,-19115 6548,3142 82611,19115 93662,19115l1913 0c22623,0 52165,-33597 55100,-51942 3173,-19823 5553,-25557 11200,-42323 1471,-4364 12071,-42667 12071,-43362l109 -5317 7537 -2330c0,-34954 32129,-105714 44593,-135089 13164,-31025 44353,-97872 70097,-111494 -3754,14059 -12664,21987 -16965,30822 -5826,11962 -10291,21538 -14963,34737 -8264,23344 -13847,52118 -20083,77402 -6363,25794 -13152,51940 -19465,78024 -5342,22077 -17684,47060 -24833,72653 -3695,13233 -4659,27780 -8579,39207 -4550,13264 -6965,24327 -10963,38738 -3804,13709 -6931,22154 -10715,37072 -4486,17689 -7566,18825 -27090,22702 -9360,1857 -71907,-10231 -83291,-12818 -12216,-2775 -29349,-3209 -39074,-8712 -7055,-3995 -31731,-10120 -31731,-17970zm904140 -888847c0,-15919 16354,-35938 32400,-36414 21518,-640 45529,1850 61264,-1817 10598,7096 22608,2335 22938,17204l7733 -1577c10244,19190 7559,47443 7559,70390l0 32495 -4584 93616 762 15342c0,40907 6570,128447 -5727,154838 -17518,37595 -11150,20891 -53251,28945 -17407,3329 -21305,36745 -21305,58976l-3824 0 -9154 35900 -15696 419c933,-11197 10546,-15698 14401,-25741 4998,-13005 3249,-19882 8539,-27782l-2619 -49792 -8851 93c-50661,0 -42053,-78072 -42053,-122336l0 -3821c0,-16969 1501,-31180 4045,-45799 1617,-9293 -221,-30802 -221,-45955 -4,-31907 1910,-57593 1910,-91751l0 -5734c0,-26069 -7005,-30675 5734,-49699zm49699 -55435c0,-5876 5601,-7645 11470,-7645l13381 0c4404,0 5734,1330 5734,5734l0 11470 -24802 -2353 -5783 440 0 -7646zm-49699 -311573c-5712,8531 -10130,20301 -16639,29236 -7147,9813 -13145,17601 -20441,27345 -9259,12364 -38086,38580 -56226,39130l-2441 4877 -47709 10125 -15198 9710c0,34252 -2260,20094 19114,34408 44199,0 43965,25221 43965,68814 0,59252 -14872,318809 277,350034l-4100 5506c1045,4477 1913,5645 1913,11468l0 51611c0,16911 -3793,54274 -15293,57344 4267,20148 -30668,59974 -42833,73769 -20166,22868 -49809,29452 -90971,29452 -14932,9998 -67277,9558 -93665,9558l-3823 0c-35285,0 -56535,-2981 -90630,3034 -10704,1887 -32899,5969 -41240,6546 -17867,1235 -30383,-3800 -47858,-2374l-24802 2351c-9004,6031 -28577,13339 -39888,19370 -4672,2489 -27867,23729 -32264,28904 -14035,16526 -33413,56558 -43837,78498 -13627,28687 -22280,58275 -35680,86658 -6026,12762 -1618,8092 -9910,20673 -2019,3063 -7348,18102 -8547,22037 -2619,8596 -11466,40661 -11190,49931l-2813 5811 -7021 28367 -5736 0c4616,19806 -17480,63734 -31028,74103 -16488,12622 -75452,4047 -89395,-5290 -6343,0 -79536,-11137 -82856,-12719 -17594,-8385 -56684,-18005 -56684,-40803l0 -11470c0,-19826 33342,-36318 55433,-36318l5734 0c11750,0 14475,5380 26729,5768 16844,534 22925,7612 26794,7612l1912 0c5382,0 3539,-827 5808,-4057l7573 2146c9055,-33918 49699,-118311 49699,-151007l3821 0c0,-23251 37570,-94486 47817,-114663 17941,-35333 29168,-80066 52072,-110406 48748,-64575 150244,-65481 255651,-65481l22958 487 68794 -2398c17001,-11385 60908,-11881 82212,-24832 5772,-3509 21859,-21565 25449,-28074 7569,-13720 2551,-33174 8941,-46492l-3824 0 479 -87952 -10036 -219800c-313,-6571 3539,-25427 3750,-40215 183,-12811 1759,-27883 1905,-43972 219,-24426 13970,-49618 39543,-50753l9966 -4634 2182 -20993 0 -21025c-16936,-377 -10544,-7582 -20661,-11835 -2257,-949 -23883,-8761 -25294,-9115 -24142,-6050 -38876,-26838 -41975,-26838l-5734 0c-430,-3924 -24044,-42096 -28672,-53523 -5226,-12895 -17005,-48061 -14544,-69016l10720 -66700c9470,-14139 8028,-22652 21506,-35839 12809,-12534 13077,-17980 29389,-29869 9131,-6654 2982,-7501 15316,-13355 8556,-4061 12572,-5617 20176,-10409 11802,-7440 32200,-11220 41843,-16582l39982 -6725c32769,-5252 109477,21283 125701,34866 22347,18707 55892,66677 55892,106587l0 47786c0,11301 -9558,37036 -9558,51612zm-961484 1.22336e+006l13449 7089 40072 4381c-3367,6365 -7645,13384 -7645,22937l0 3824c0,6726 7030,7610 11468,11468l10185 9092 1285 -1446 0 -3823c10544,877 16623,7424 38076,9710 10997,1172 28458,4264 41125,6663 20041,3795 62368,13751 82622,7823 22376,-6548 20449,-45696 29979,-65598 7307,-15259 14429,-57216 20031,-75543 4241,-13870 6171,-23625 10618,-37169 3874,-11793 9655,-24158 12696,-35091 6987,-25109 12518,-50029 19082,-76494 6374,-25695 13449,-49654 19877,-75698 2689,-10902 26161,-59758 31733,-63842 -5734,24615 -13559,25658 -11461,55426 1505,21351 9734,42061 30577,42061l49699 0c0,21682 3074,39155 3730,61261 559,18908 15250,30259 25435,39558 5653,5160 31853,22594 39018,25970 13893,6548 36400,10433 42684,22309 5126,-1228 3604,-1913 7646,-1913 41,0 63393,14425 73466,16375 30135,5839 46857,9707 73016,18737 41333,14267 71429,55088 71152,110394l2961 5435 -1176 27885 -9293 4384 -854 -1711 -23427 11646 -2342 9475c8819,10145 27725,24850 45878,24850l63079 0c31187,0 55719,-6690 82121,-7718 36759,-1431 53835,4520 66977,-22866 -2930,-4376 -12919,-17204 -19117,-17204l-5734 0 76 -59255 1835 -53524 0 -13381c0,-10418 -1177,-33758 2667,-47046 5434,-18769 -3670,-40037 -2406,-46576l9298 -65032 3822 0 0 -5734c0,-4285 1513,-4195 3823,-7647 0,-11220 4905,-42807 13380,-45875l0 -7647c0,-7363 28674,-31972 28674,-43963l0 -19117c0,-4285 -1513,-4195 -3823,-7644 0,-19106 -4199,-23549 -11470,-34408 -5707,474 -15291,3187 -15291,-5734l0 -5734c0,-2704 9354,-19111 10799,-25519 1345,-5972 2581,-28944 3182,-35429l3424 -11382 9356 -6043c33475,0 43740,-818 53269,-25102 7486,-19082 11721,-40478 11721,-66650l0 -17203c0,-24880 -5421,-53334 -2317,-73044 3131,-19889 676,-56220 2303,-77980 2035,-27234 -128,-48671 7,-74527 67,-12979 568,-27397 81,-40220 -503,-13171 -5808,-22252 -5598,-34584l-23209 -21297 -20966 2432 0 -22940c0,-9018 -6446,-4093 -11536,-5072l-36250 3162c-1000,4287 -1913,4394 -1913,9557l0 13380 -7646 0c-19836,0 -25243,9353 -33583,21851 -6876,10305 -9525,3753 -12245,16429 -2211,10316 -823,15708 -2094,26576 -2975,25427 -1463,69960 -1064,103363l-714 24844c-151,16182 4018,30181 -269,43693 -3313,10438 -3552,33968 -3552,40412l-944 5761 2515 51568 -1571 28688 0 1913c0,7148 8664,35326 11944,39665 3062,4046 27200,23414 28196,23414 5164,0 5272,-913 9559,-1912 2310,3451 3822,3361 3822,7646l0 11470c0,26413 -12299,47192 -22938,63080 -2416,1533 -12045,5734 -15292,5734 -7199,0 -3614,-1258 -11470,-1913 -14504,9714 -45741,9559 -68813,9559l-51610 0c-17324,0 -22846,-2908 -34740,-5401 -11441,-2398 -24421,1704 -35974,1591 -24670,-243 -45868,5721 -72649,5721l-72637 0c-26583,0 -48497,-5072 -72846,-7584 -12081,-1245 -58433,-62 -76251,-62l-19115 0c-26412,0 -59202,10786 -61169,34407l-3823 0c2236,-26865 36264,-38231 64992,-38231 35308,0 46183,1437 78799,-3395 25724,-3811 50044,-6162 74122,-6162l43963 0 106911 -9072c7545,-3536 37861,-8130 44099,-8130l11468 0 -1979 -9541c13161,-8785 28585,-31742 39735,-44458 16019,-18268 16347,-39288 27236,-54958 1227,-14763 9557,-24482 9557,-40140l0 -72639c0,-32443 -3841,-58361 -3805,-93686 29,-28492 1893,-59033 1893,-91730 0,-66672 3823,-126387 3823,-193060l0 -13381c0,-36945 -17742,-45875 -55433,-45875l-2190 309 -1634 -23247c13739,-1144 48578,-16282 63325,-20783 31161,-9512 31296,-14783 50926,-35091 9133,-9449 28672,-38806 34866,-51151 4260,-8490 17184,-57400 17184,-68834l0 -28673c0,-57626 -20886,-91020 -49262,-120861 -17304,-18197 -27947,-22220 -52320,-31788 -14110,-5538 -52749,-15563 -70453,-15563l-17203 0c-22216,0 -61038,8869 -77820,15845 -16837,6999 -46697,23504 -58370,35292 -20130,20331 -27511,24476 -41224,52440 -8313,16954 -21383,48126 -21383,72281l0 22938c0,153 5733,31397 6432,33710 3852,12736 6739,18114 11044,29098 6983,17823 15149,39437 26060,54224 6719,9108 35694,29522 46228,34055 11818,5087 53599,13433 53599,26682l0 13381c0,9624 -35692,8247 -36455,36676l-5599 -2268c-1952,8385 -6606,13136 -9126,25281 -2487,11997 -2344,17963 -2342,32064 2,23688 -4693,45331 -3541,64978l9275 250419 0 45877c0,24899 -1896,39698 -11466,55435 -6031,9920 -27088,23820 -39383,27520 -10843,3260 -16724,2205 -28306,4190 -13139,2252 -19288,6176 -27875,6532 -15042,622 -13131,5205 -26855,3999 -10109,-890 -19736,1722 -32416,1722l-7645 0c-46195,0 -123883,-2727 -165226,6809 -15093,3482 -21859,8368 -33405,10559 -15629,2967 -19064,7301 -32683,11283 -10701,3125 -46793,30386 -47765,42074 -15193,1265 -10972,15920 -22938,19114 -651,29228 -62496,136031 -73842,170833 -9582,29389 -19139,63957 -29405,92930 -5603,15817 -10932,27982 -16460,44708 -2293,6942 -15809,42746 -16010,45158 -8667,-4159 -46408,-17203 -57345,-17203l-1911 0c-26328,0 -28422,2451 -45250,12095 -7733,4433 -29300,20795 -29300,29957l0 13381c0,36631 32587,37609 55435,49699z"/>
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11200,-42323 1471,-4364 12071,-42667 12071,-43362l109 -5317 7537 -2330c0,-34954 32129,-105714 44593,-135089 13164,-31025 44353,-97872 70097,-111494 -3754,14059 -12664,21987 -16965,30822 -5826,11962 -10291,21538 -14963,34737 -8264,23344 -13847,52118 -20083,77402 -6363,25794 -13152,51940 -19465,78024 -5342,22077 -17684,47060 -24833,72653 -3695,13233 -4659,27780 -8579,39207 -4550,13264 -6965,24327 -10963,38738 -3804,13709 -6931,22154 -10715,37072 -4486,17689 -7566,18825 -27090,22702 -9360,1857 -71907,-10231 -83291,-12818 -12216,-2775 -29349,-3209 -39074,-8712 -7055,-3995 -31731,-10120 -31731,-17970zm904140 -888847c0,-15919 16354,-35938 32400,-36414 21518,-640 45529,1850 61264,-1817 10598,7096 22608,2335 22938,17204l7733 -1577c10244,19190 7559,47443 7559,70390l0 32495 -4584 93616 762 15342c0,40907 6570,128447 -5727,154838 -17518,37595 -11150,20891 -53251,28945 -17407,3329 -21305,36745 -21305,58976l-3824 0 -9154 35900 -15696 419c933,-11197 10546,-15698 14401,-25741 4998,-13005 3249,-19882 8539,-27782l-2619 -49792 -8851 93c-50661,0 -42053,-78072 -42053,-122336l0 -3821c0,-16969 1501,-31180 4045,-45799 1617,-9293 -221,-30802 -221,-45955 -4,-31907 1910,-57593 1910,-91751l0 -5734c0,-26069 -7005,-30675 5734,-49699zm49699 -55435c0,-5876 5601,-7645 11470,-7645l13381 0c4404,0 5734,1330 5734,5734l0 11470 -24802 -2353 -5783 440 0 -7646zm-49699 -311573c-5712,8531 -10130,20301 -16639,29236 -7147,9813 -13145,17601 -20441,27345 -9259,12364 -38086,38580 -56226,39130l-2441 4877 -47709 10125 -15198 9710c0,34252 -2260,20094 19114,34408 44199,0 43965,25221 43965,68814 0,59252 -14872,318809 277,350034l-4100 5506c1045,4477 1913,5645 1913,11468l0 51611c0,16911 -3793,54274 -15293,57344 4267,20148 -30668,59974 -42833,73769 -20166,22868 -49809,29452 -90971,29452 -14932,9998 -67277,9558 -93665,9558l-3823 0c-35285,0 -56535,-2981 -90630,3034 -10704,1887 -32899,5969 -41240,6546 -17867,1235 -30383,-3800 -47858,-2374l-24802 2351c-9004,6031 -28577,13339 -39888,19370 -4672,2489 -27867,23729 -32264,28904 -14035,16526 -33413,56558 -43837,78498 -13627,28687 -22280,58275 -35680,86658 -6026,12762 -1618,8092 -9910,20673 -2019,3063 -7348,18102 -8547,22037 -2619,8596 -11466,40661 -11190,49931l-2813 5811 -7021 28367 -5736 0c4616,19806 -17480,63734 -31028,74103 -16488,12622 -75452,4047 -89395,-5290 -6343,0 -79536,-11137 -82856,-12719 -17594,-8385 -56684,-18005 -56684,-40803l0 -11470c0,-19826 33342,-36318 55433,-36318l5734 0c11750,0 14475,5380 26729,5768 16844,534 22925,7612 26794,7612l1912 0c5382,0 3539,-827 5808,-4057l7573 2146c9055,-33918 49699,-118311 49699,-151007l3821 0c0,-23251 37570,-94486 47817,-114663 17941,-35333 29168,-80066 52072,-110406 48748,-64575 150244,-65481 255651,-65481l22958 487 68794 -2398c17001,-11385 60908,-11881 82212,-24832 5772,-3509 21859,-21565 25449,-28074 7569,-13720 2551,-33174 8941,-46492l-3824 0 479 -87952 -10036 -219800c-313,-6571 3539,-25427 3750,-40215 183,-12811 1759,-27883 1905,-43972 219,-24426 13970,-49618 39543,-50753l9966 -4634 2182 -20993 0 -21025c-16936,-377 -10544,-7582 -20661,-11835 -2257,-949 -23883,-8761 -25294,-9115 -24142,-6050 -38876,-26838 -41975,-26838l-5734 0c-430,-3924 -24044,-42096 -28672,-53523 -5226,-12895 -17005,-48061 -14544,-69016l10720 -66700c9470,-14139 8028,-22652 21506,-35839 12809,-12534 13077,-17980 29389,-29869 9131,-6654 2982,-7501 15316,-13355 8556,-4061 12572,-5617 20176,-10409 11802,-7440 32200,-11220 41843,-16582l39982 -6725c32769,-5252 109477,21283 125701,34866 22347,18707 55892,66677 55892,106587l0 47786c0,11301 -9558,37036 -9558,51612zm-961484 1.22336e+006l13449 7089 40072 4381c-3367,6365 -7645,13384 -7645,22937l0 3824c0,6726 7030,7610 11468,11468l10185 9092 1285 -1446 0 -3823c10544,877 16623,7424 38076,9710 10997,1172 28458,4264 41125,6663 20041,3795 62368,13751 82622,7823 22376,-6548 20449,-45696 29979,-65598 7307,-15259 14429,-57216 20031,-75543 4241,-13870 6171,-23625 10618,-37169 3874,-11793 9655,-24158 12696,-35091 6987,-25109 12518,-50029 19082,-76494 6374,-25695 13449,-49654 19877,-75698 2689,-10902 26161,-59758 31733,-63842 -5734,24615 -13559,25658 -11461,55426 1505,21351 9734,42061 30577,42061l49699 0c0,21682 3074,39155 3730,61261 559,18908 15250,30259 25435,39558 5653,5160 31853,22594 39018,25970 13893,6548 36400,10433 42684,22309 5126,-1228 3604,-1913 7646,-1913 41,0 63393,14425 73466,16375 30135,5839 46857,9707 73016,18737 41333,14267 71429,55088 71152,110394l2961 5435 -1176 27885 -9293 4384 -854 -1711 -23427 11646 -2342 9475c8819,10145 27725,24850 45878,24850l63079 0c31187,0 55719,-6690 82121,-7718 36759,-1431 53835,4520 66977,-22866 -2930,-4376 -12919,-17204 -19117,-17204l-5734 0 76 -59255 1835 -53524 0 -13381c0,-10418 -1177,-33758 2667,-47046 5434,-18769 -3670,-40037 -2406,-46576l9298 -65032 3822 0 0 -5734c0,-4285 1513,-4195 3823,-7647 0,-11220 4905,-42807 13380,-45875l0 -7647c0,-7363 28674,-31972 28674,-43963l0 -19117c0,-4285 -1513,-4195 -3823,-7644 0,-19106 -4199,-23549 -11470,-34408 -5707,474 -15291,3187 -15291,-5734l0 -5734c0,-2704 9354,-19111 10799,-25519 1345,-5972 2581,-28944 3182,-35429l3424 -11382 9356 -6043c33475,0 43740,-818 53269,-25102 7486,-19082 11721,-40478 11721,-66650l0 -17203c0,-24880 -5421,-53334 -2317,-73044 3131,-19889 676,-56220 2303,-77980 2035,-27234 -128,-48671 7,-74527 67,-12979 568,-27397 81,-40220 -503,-13171 -5808,-22252 -5598,-34584l-23209 -21297 -20966 2432 0 -22940c0,-9018 -6446,-4093 -11536,-5072l-36250 3162c-1000,4287 -1913,4394 -1913,9557l0 13380 -7646 0c-19836,0 -25243,9353 -33583,21851 -6876,10305 -9525,3753 -12245,16429 -2211,10316 -823,15708 -2094,26576 -2975,25427 -1463,69960 -1064,103363l-714 24844c-151,16182 4018,30181 -269,43693 -3313,10438 -3552,33968 -3552,40412l-944 5761 2515 51568 -1571 28688 0 1913c0,7148 8664,35326 11944,39665 3062,4046 27200,23414 28196,23414 5164,0 5272,-913 9559,-1912 2310,3451 3822,3361 3822,7646l0 11470c0,26413 -12299,47192 -22938,63080 -2416,1533 -12045,5734 -15292,5734 -7199,0 -3614,-1258 -11470,-1913 -14504,9714 -45741,9559 -68813,9559l-51610 0c-17324,0 -22846,-2908 -34740,-5401 -11441,-2398 -24421,1704 -35974,1591 -24670,-243 -45868,5721 -72649,5721l-72637 0c-26583,0 -48497,-5072 -72846,-7584 -12081,-1245 -58433,-62 -76251,-62l-19115 0c-26412,0 -59202,10786 -61169,34407l-3823 0c2236,-26865 36264,-38231 64992,-38231 35308,0 46183,1437 78799,-3395 25724,-3811 50044,-6162 74122,-6162l43963 0 106911 -9072c7545,-3536 37861,-8130 44099,-8130l11468 0 -1979 -9541c13161,-8785 28585,-31742 39735,-44458 16019,-18268 16347,-39288 27236,-54958 1227,-14763 9557,-24482 9557,-40140l0 -72639c0,-32443 -3841,-58361 -3805,-93686 29,-28492 1893,-59033 1893,-91730 0,-66672 3823,-126387 3823,-193060l0 -13381c0,-36945 -17742,-45875 -55433,-45875l-2190 309 -1634 -23247c13739,-1144 48578,-16282 63325,-20783 31161,-9512 31296,-14783 50926,-35091 9133,-9449 28672,-38806 34866,-51151 4260,-8490 17184,-57400 17184,-68834l0 -28673c0,-57626 -20886,-91020 -49262,-120861 -17304,-18197 -27947,-22220 -52320,-31788 -14110,-5538 -52749,-15563 -70453,-15563l-17203 0c-22216,0 -61038,8869 -77820,15845 -16837,6999 -46697,23504 -58370,35292 -20130,20331 -27511,24476 -41224,52440 -8313,16954 -21383,48126 -21383,72281l0 22938c0,153 5733,31397 6432,33710 3852,12736 6739,18114 11044,29098 6983,17823 15149,39437 26060,54224 6719,9108 35694,29522 46228,34055 11818,5087 53599,13433 53599,26682l0 13381c0,9624 -35692,8247 -36455,36676l-5599 -2268c-1952,8385 -6606,13136 -9126,25281 -2487,11997 -2344,17963 -2342,32064 2,23688 -4693,45331 -3541,64978l9275 250419 0 45877c0,24899 -1896,39698 -11466,55435 -6031,9920 -27088,23820 -39383,27520 -10843,3260 -16724,2205 -28306,4190 -13139,2252 -19288,6176 -27875,6532 -15042,622 -13131,5205 -26855,3999 -10109,-890 -19736,1722 -32416,1722l-7645 0c-46195,0 -123883,-2727 -165226,6809 -15093,3482 -21859,8368 -33405,10559 -15629,2967 -19064,7301 -32683,11283 -10701,3125 -46793,30386 -47765,42074 -15193,1265 -10972,15920 -22938,19114 -651,29228 -62496,136031 -73842,170833 -9582,29389 -19139,63957 -29405,92930 -5603,15817 -10932,27982 -16460,44708 -2293,6942 -15809,42746 -16010,45158 -8667,-4159 -46408,-17203 -57345,-17203l-1911 0c-26328,0 -28422,2451 -45250,12095 -7733,4433 -29300,20795 -29300,29957l0 13381c0,36631 32587,37609 55435,49699z"/>
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-12499 0 -10865 1683 -3022 -132 -10948 1685 -3022 -134 -14050 0 -1552 0 -3104c-1849,-3497 -4157,-9314 -9309,-9314 -6686,0 -11569,18293 -13962,23282l0 7760 -1685 3024 132 9394 -1836 17056 -9024 17c-15567,0 -61862,-62818 -81000,-72948l-3103 0 -4655 0 -22692 -691 1492 4755 85 3073 0 4656c0,7624 46798,58609 54302,63636l1477 9327 -7616 1887c-1892,-7189 -24394,-27855 -30731,-33309 -6380,-5489 -12863,-8634 -18942,-13646 -11213,-9245 -22569,-13608 -32946,-18589l-6206 0c-2174,0 -3103,2116 -3103,4657 0,5780 9840,19387 13927,21765 8363,4863 23901,18156 31376,23264 6496,4440 13196,10963 19652,14487 7742,4227 13749,9759 20699,13438l0 3106 0 6207c-7124,-593 -25851,-14732 -32021,-19185 -11931,-8608 -27603,-21728 -41220,-28936l-3104 0 -6206 0 -3021 -1685 -3184 132 -15526 1864 -7690 1901c1239,15353 46803,29937 58675,37144 13518,8206 18869,19084 32806,26461l1478 9328c-11519,-273 -11273,-16159 -16671,-16159l-49677 -9319c-5390,0 -2367,3104 -7758,3104l-1551 0c-2344,0 -9309,4327 -9309,6209 0,3662 -8139,10634 -6529,13039l10943 2839 6123 267 3023 1684 32692 9186 3104 0c4112,2176 4510,2963 10860,3104 3492,4770 -999,2505 6206,3105l0 3104c6656,554 29990,6694 31352,11794 8106,675 11864,8000 16673,12810 7324,7327 6564,7078 15908,12024l-1841 4545c8483,6116 44855,31706 52385,41462 1977,2562 12463,10933 16281,14754 5911,5914 10516,8976 16280,14757 9420,9448 56944,56078 57798,66346l9325 1478c2055,7828 34701,37120 42268,44693 7984,7988 15467,12516 23260,20190 4344,4278 6573,6483 10860,10865 3642,3721 6387,6952 10480,9693l0 -7761c10218,850 8932,8506 18618,9313l0 3104 -6146 -1742c3452,15272 67382,49983 86824,54513l4687 -1466 7792 2768 6139 251 3104 0 7756 0 3022 -1685 3184 132c4760,0 6708,3830 7758,7761l9323 1478c9164,-2065 15520,-3865 20155,-10790 9918,-221 18547,-7760 21722,-7760l3102 0c11292,-5977 16209,-8590 26363,-15534 6250,-4276 17298,-13754 26388,-13957 2619,-3913 19479,-15828 24770,-20232 8218,-6842 14769,-14537 22903,-22098 8428,-7838 15066,-13455 23301,-21700l21722 -21729c14781,-14751 28152,-31651 42707,-47299 5861,-6301 34418,-48538 39916,-48538 3574,0 4654,1079 4654,4656l0 7761 1685 3022 -134 12499 0 17072 -1683 3022 132 32677 0 17074 0 54323 -1685 3022 134 21811 0 29491 -1685 3022 134 7842 0 18625 -1685 3023 133 15604 -1684 3022 132 18707 0 24834 0 21729 1684 3022 -132 6291 0 12417 1683 3022 -131 9394 1683 3024 -132 12497 0 3105 0 13969 1683 3022 -132 10947 1685 3023 -134 9393 1685 3022 -133 12499 0 3106 1684 3022 -132 18706 0 6208 1683 3024 -132 15603 0 12417 0 4655 1684 3022 -132 3187 0 10865 1874 12385 2779 32c-795,9580 -7756,11954 -7756,17072l0 9313 0 6208 -5217 20043c-2678,6261 -10103,27057 -10298,35834 -4875,3572 -9121,17928 -9309,26385 -5544,10482 -6515,26102 -12413,37251 -199,8998 -4654,17205 -4654,23282 0,4434 -488,2839 -3102,4657l-4394 20240 -261 6145 -3037 7786 -66 4631 0 3104c-6390,13322 -7514,40874 -13964,54324l0 9313 -2791 10935 -311 6137 -1685 3023 133 7843 -2903 9369 -200 6152 -1684 3022 132 6290 -1684 3022 133 6291 0 3104 0 4657 -4287 18702 -368 7683 0 4657 0 7760 -2792 10935 -311 7690 -2791 10935 -311 3035 0 4655 -6128 18651 -79 7736 -4268 17163 -387 4566 0 1553 0 3104 -5944 18704 -261 3025 0 1552 0 3104 -4532 12460 -123 6165 -5317 18453 -2525 6336 85 4702 -4690 10850 36 6224 -5685 18780 -522 2949 0 4656c-5182,10806 -7256,27504 -12411,37250l-2701 12525 -403 2996 0 1553 0 3104c-649,1355 -7756,23277 -7756,23282l0 10864c0,2305 -3352,6849 -4655,9313l0 3104 0 4657c0,5529 3409,4122 7757,6208l4654 0 7758 0c5390,0 2368,3105 7757,3105l12413 0 3021 1684 17148 -133 40338 0 3104 0 6161 3190 3148 -86 44993 0 10861 0 3020 1686 7840 -133 21631 -3761 90 -4000c0,-4434 488,-2838 3103,-4656 142,-6352 928,-6752 3102,-10865l0 -3104 0 -7760c0,-5392 3104,-2369 3104,-7761 0,-3631 465,-4016 1552,-6209l0 -7761 1683 -3022 -132 -9393 2791 -10936 311 -6138 4230 -15631 426 -4547 0 -9313c0,-2304 3350,-6847 4653,-9312l0 -3104 0 -3105 5838 -20277 369 -6108 7245 -31157 512 -7646 2792 -10935 311 -7690c2079,-4333 15385,-54651 15515,-60533 5921,-11193 7279,-32757 12412,-43459l0 -6208 1684 -3022 -132 -6291c1797,-3745 16969,-60820 17065,-65188 2433,-1782 3104,-286 3104,-4657l0 -1551c0,-5392 3103,-2369 3103,-7761l0 -3105 3188 -6162 -84 -4703 4640 -12421 13 -3100 0 -3104c3154,-5964 4373,-12227 7758,-18625l0 -3103 0 -1553 0 -3104c4996,-9447 5009,-20750 10860,-29491l-1742 -6148 2078 -10885 2767 -39 1280 -6280 272 -4586 0 -4655 0 -3106 3187 -6162 -84 -3149 0 -4657 0 -3104 3188 -6163 8621 -40538 602 -4519 0 -3104c2286,-4764 7758,-25453 7758,-32594l0 -6208 6146 -1744c721,-7749 1239,-1911 3163,-9122l3104 0 -1478 9327 2797 10915 232 6145 0 15521 1683 3022 -132 7842 0 4657 9103 34198 206 4605 0 3103 0 3104 6688 26270 2706 6279 4309 20287 261 4592c0,4434 488,2839 3103,4657l5968 26445 238 7702 1683 3022 -132 6290 7273 28057 485 2985 0 1553 0 4656 4391 15590 263 7692 4229 15631 426 4546 0 4656 7455 28017 303 7681 10253 42052 607 6064 0 3104c5740,10853 5853,26813 10860,37251l0 6208 5945 15620 261 3005 0 3104c5691,11867 10853,33379 15329,46750 4016,11995 9711,38675 14149,47929l0 7761 5916 21805 291 6133 1683 3022 -132 6291 0 3104 0 6208 1683 3022 -132 6291 1685 3022 -134 6291 1685 3022 -133 4739 0 3104 3188 6163 -84 3148 0 7761 1683 3024 -132 3185 0 3104 1841 4545 7547 -1025 4574 -416 3023 1685 7839 -132 9309 0 3021 1684 14045 -133 7757 0 10932 2794 7687 311 1551 0 3103 0 6160 -3190 3149 85 18617 0 10861 0 3022 1686 7839 -133 3021 1684 10942 -132 12413 0 12411 0 3021 -1684 9390 132 18605 -1827 13 -5934 4655 0 -1466 -4688 -85 -3072 0 -3104 -4490 -15564 -165 -7718 -1683 -3022 132 -6291c-6428,-13401 -8479,-38103 -15516,-52771l0 -3105 0 -3104c-4370,-8263 -4689,-17653 -9309,-26386l0 -4656 1685 -3023 -132 -4738 -3036 -7786 -68 -4631c0,-5392 -3102,-2368 -3102,-7761l0 -6207 -10438 -46657 -422 -9220 -5540 -20357 -667 -2924 0 -3104 -4391 -15590 -264 -3035 0 -4657 -4532 -12460 -122 -6165 -2903 -9370 -199 -6151 -7248 -28061 -510 -6086 -7495 -29553 -263 -3041 0 -4656 -9169 -29533 -139 -6166 -3037 -7786 -67 -6182 -1684 -3023 132 -3187 0 -3104 -3187 -6163 85 -3150 0 -3104c-6981,-14553 -7583,-41020 -13964,-54323l0 -6208c-4386,-9144 -4723,-21483 -9309,-31042l0 -4657 0 -1553 0 -3104 -3187 -6163 84 -3150 0 -3104 -5873 -21816 -333 -6122 -3498 -15442 -2793 -6241 86 -4702 -4718 -9281 63 -3136 0 -3104 -6063 -17121 -144 -3057 0 -3104 -6061 -17121 -144 -4609 0 -6208 -1684 -3022 132 -14052 0 -68292 1684 -3022 -132 -85448 0 -43459 0 -26387 -1684 -3022 132 -23363 -1683 -3022 132 -26468 0 -12417 -1684 -3022 132 -41990 0 -37250 0 -32594 -1683 -3023 132 -29571 -1685 -3023 134 -24915 0 -7760 1683 -3023 -132 -10947 1685 -3023 -134 -14050 0 -34147c0,-3633 2575,-6208 6207,-6208 1538,0 24845,20459 26748,22909 5402,6960 15580,21234 21709,26397 10533,8872 14744,14828 24070,24036 8125,8021 14595,17754 22506,25601 16732,16595 30830,33624 47324,50440 4339,4423 6729,8273 11637,13191 2551,2555 9847,9547 11457,11821 4264,6021 7583,7527 12010,12818 2364,2826 8525,11457 11821,11457 2173,0 3102,-2116 3102,-4657l0 -79156 -1683 -3024 132 -83895 0 -26385 0 -3106 1685 -3022 -1817 -3104 1817 -3104 -134 -3187 0 -6208c0,-5654 -74870,-79276 -84339,-92567 -10691,-15003 -31405,-30137 -44831,-43621 -9084,-9121 -39481,-34662 -44596,-42304l-3103 0c-3630,0 -4014,-466 -6206,-1552l-7758 0 -3103 0 -3022 -1685 -14044 132 -48097 0 -4654 0c-7091,-3404 -12345,-6125 -19666,-9816 -8694,-4385 -8006,-10281 -14467,-15017 -111,-4973 506,-7760 -4655,-7760l-10860 0 -6205 0 -4544 1841 -4798 -1757 -6174 -84 -7757 0 -3021 -1685 -9391 132 -4655 0 -7783 -3037 -4628 -67 -6207 0 -3021 -1685 -6288 132 -7783 -3036 -4628 -68 -3104 0 -9366 -2903 -6149 -200c-3574,0 -4654,1079 -4654,4656l0 9312 0 3105c-6783,12823 -5924,9428 -18618,15521l-4655 0 -3103 0 -3020 1685 -4737 -133 -4544 -1841 -4798 1756 -6205 -2932 -4622 -87 -3021 1684 -7839 -132 -6207 0 -3021 1685 -9390 -133 -6207 0 -9366 2904 -6149 199 -3021 1686 -7839 -133 -3021 1685 -6288 -132c-12821,6153 -42223,8487 -49648,18625l-4544 -1842c-14860,7369 -32992,16820 -43949,27830 -5496,5521 -14587,12317 -18564,17127 -4625,5594 -11546,14634 -16326,19366 -7437,7362 -10025,12145 -16274,19419 -3137,3652 -6592,5586 -8979,9642 -2290,3891 -3496,6672 -6565,10506 -5706,7125 -9236,13445 -15082,20609 -3870,4741 -11179,14793 -14006,20136 -6989,4684 -31171,30066 -36675,37812 -3246,4568 -13603,14804 -18020,19223zm-285418 -64458c10205,8144 23442,18913 32523,27995 10483,10485 19873,19686 30253,30268 10979,11193 19399,18793 31661,28859 5567,4570 10252,11083 16041,14995 7919,5347 8499,7683 15136,14348 5968,5995 9981,8606 14946,16090 2682,4044 10361,14836 11686,17801 5472,12249 16176,26179 25340,35181 4268,4192 32202,23406 32202,26765 0,2175 -2116,3104 -4655,3104 -3854,0 -17340,-10576 -25304,-17352 -1415,1236 -6461,4677 -6131,4855 11887,6433 28333,15948 28333,18706 0,2175 -2117,3104 -4656,3104l-1551 0c-1879,0 -17733,-9984 -20728,-11858 -7931,-4959 -14945,-6142 -22714,-9872l-3102 0 -10860 0 -3023 1685 -3184 -132 -7758 0 -10930 2792 -7687 312 -9309 0 -3103 0c-8325,-4408 -21819,-7262 -32034,-11413 -7785,-3162 -19454,-11379 -24978,-16918 -6468,-6489 -15599,-15099 -22475,-20975 -6233,-5326 -16701,-16789 -24463,-17435 -763,-9161 -19784,-25742 -26015,-32956 -1935,-2241 -9426,-15204 -11202,-18283 -3090,-5350 -7192,-13938 -10492,-18993 -6559,-10049 -17338,-26414 -22135,-36837 -3399,-7384 -5756,-13147 -9287,-20199 -2277,-4552 -8182,-14423 -9305,-18629l-6206 0c-2351,-8810 -15250,-13480 -18618,-27939 10576,2465 16730,14276 22799,14276l5905 -8284c-10718,-8187 -22497,-20128 -22497,-23065 0,-2175 2114,-3104 4655,-3104 5059,0 8553,7419 10860,10864l3102 0 3103 0 4545 1842 6962 10085 4041 1957 3071 86 1551 0c5390,0 2367,3104 7758,3104l12411 0 3103 0 6160 3188 3149 -84 1552 0 3103 0c6859,3630 14110,5783 20760,10275 3393,2292 5948,4062 9069,6447 4435,3389 5458,2817 8622,5344zm617830 587913l7679 -1868 -4168 20595 -407 3002 0 3105 -3188 6162 -1051 7885 -416 7682 0 9313 0 4657c-687,1432 -4654,9964 -4654,10864l0 9312 -1684 3022 132 14052 0 17073 0 12416 1684 3024 -132 3185 0 6208 5828 23371 377 6120 1685 3022 -134 4739 0 4656 0 6208 1685 3022 -132 7843 2902 9370 201 6151 0 3103 1684 3024 -133 12498 0 3105 -3035 7786 -68 4631 0 26386 0 7760 -4268 17163 -387 3015 0 4655 -4532 12460 -122 6166 -3600 13855c-4579,1952 -629,-1899 -4157,4770 -210,9365 -5875,19894 -9309,26386l0 3104c0,2824 -13298,24592 -13964,32594l-3103 0c-636,7645 -13180,27468 -17403,33811 -7108,10677 -12476,20936 -19482,31727 -7502,11552 -34164,53596 -34483,67944l-3021 1685 -4363 17050 -374 4547 0 3104 -2791 10934 -312 7691 0 12417c0,3577 -1079,4656 -4655,4656 -2390,0 -4653,-5211 -4653,-7760l0 -9313 1683 -3023 -132 -7842 1683 -3022 -132 -6290c3494,-7286 7177,-24990 9309,-34147l-3103 0c-364,4373 -4524,26387 -7757,26387 -3282,0 -2046,-556 -6207,-1553l-705 17123 -846 4606 0 9313 -1684 3022 133 4739c0,3577 -1080,4656 -4655,4656 -3574,0 -4654,-1079 -4654,-4656l0 -9313 1683 -3023 -132 -6289 1685 -3022 -134 -9395 0 -4657 0 -6208 3239 -10827 -1819 -3061 132 -4737 0 -21730 0 -20178 -1683 -3022 131 -14050 0 -3105 -3187 -6162 -1052 -7886 -414 -4577 0 -3104c-4750,-8981 -8070,-24511 -10858,-35703 -1954,-7847 -6500,-29831 -9313,-35695l0 -4656 0 -4655 -1683 -3023 132 -4738c0,-4434 -487,-2839 -3102,-4657l-1137 -7840 -415 -6129 0 -15521 0 -9312 1683 -3022 -131 -6291 1683 -3023 -132 -9395 0 -4656 0 -6208c5389,-11234 8208,-31458 13964,-43459l0 -6208 1889 -6120 2765 -89c599,-7209 -1665,-2714 3102,-6208 272,-12209 37739,-64156 46136,-73359 5105,-5597 8988,-11177 14007,-17029 3940,-4592 10935,-11735 13771,-15715 5006,-7028 8636,-8946 13320,-16165 4836,-7450 5411,-13128 8959,-20527l0 -4655 0 -3106 1685 -3022 -134 -6289 0 -6210c977,-2035 4655,-14273 4655,-17072 0,-7904 7758,-1409 7758,-9313l0 -6208 1683 -3022 -132 -7844 1685 -3022 -133 -6290c3083,-6428 -763,-7050 7757,-7760l1137 7839 414 3025 0 3104 -1899 7695c4856,-3237 3273,282 3451,-7695l3647 -4312 7293 793c-2609,11280 -8385,36865 -12492,45427l0 6208 -1683 3022 132 3186 0 4657 -1889 6120 3440 89 9107 -38854 202 -7711c0,-7919 10964,-4308 12413,-21729l6205 0 0 -7760z"/>
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7321,3691 12575,6412 19666,9816l4654 0 48097 0 14044 -132 3022 1685 3103 0 7758 0c2192,1086 2576,1552 6206,1552l3103 0c5115,7642 35512,33183 44596,42304 13426,13484 34140,28618 44831,43621 9469,13291 84339,86913 84339,92567l0 6208 134 3187 -1817 3104 1817 3104 -1685 3022 0 3106 0 26385 -132 83895 1683 3024 0 79156c0,2541 -929,4657 -3102,4657 -3296,0 -9457,-8631 -11821,-11457 -4427,-5291 -7746,-6797 -12010,-12818 -1610,-2274 -8906,-9266 -11457,-11821 -4908,-4918 -7298,-8768 -11637,-13191 -16494,-16816 -30592,-33845 -47324,-50440 -7911,-7847 -14381,-17580 -22506,-25601 -9326,-9208 -13537,-15164 -24070,-24036 -6129,-5163 -16307,-19437 -21709,-26397 -1903,-2450 -25210,-22909 -26748,-22909 -3632,0 -6207,2575 -6207,6208l0 34147 134 14050 -1685 3023 132 10947 -1683 3023 0 7760 -134 24915 1685 3023 -132 29571 1683 3023 0 32594 0 37250 -132 41990 1684 3022 0 12417 -132 26468 1683 3022 -132 23363 1684 3022 0 26387 0 43459 132 85448 -1684 3022 0 68292 -132 14052 1684 3022 0 6208 144 4609 6061 17121 0 3104 144 3057 6063 17121 0 3104 -63 3136 4718 9281 -86 4702 2793 6241 3498 15442 333 6122 5873 21816 0 3104 -84 3150 3187 6163 0 3104 0 1553 0 4657c4586,9559 4923,21898 9309,31042l0 6208c6381,13303 6983,39770 13964,54323l0 3104 -85 3150 3187 6163 0 3104 -132 3187 1684 3023 67 6182 3037 7786 139 6166 9169 29533 0 4656 263 3041 7495 29553 510 6086 7248 28061 199 6151 2903 9370 122 6165 4532 12460 0 4657 264 3035 4391 15590 0 3104 667 2924 5540 20357 422 9220 10438 46657 0 6207c0,5393 3102,2369 3102,7761l68 4631 3036 7786 132 4738 -1685 3023 0 4656c4620,8733 4939,18123 9309,26386l0 3104 0 3105c7037,14668 9088,39370 15516,52771l-132 6291 1683 3022 165 7718 4490 15564 0 3104 85 3072 1466 4688 -4655 0 -13 5934 -18605 1827 -9390 -132 -3021 1684 -12411 0 -12413 0 -10942 132 -3021 -1684 -7839 133 -3022 -1686 -10861 0 -18617 0 -3149 -85 -6160 3190 -3103 0 -1551 0 -7687 -311 -10932 -2794 -7757 0 -14045 133 -3021 -1684 -9309 0 -7839 132 -3023 -1685 -4574 416 -7547 1025 -1841 -4545 0 -3104 132 -3185 -1683 -3024 0 -7761 84 -3148 -3188 -6163 0 -3104 133 -4739 -1685 -3022 134 -6291 -1685 -3022 132 -6291 -1683 -3022 0 -6208 0 -3104 132 -6291 -1683 -3022 -291 -6133 -5916 -21805 0 -7761c-4438,-9254 -10133,-35934 -14149,-47929 -4476,-13371 -9638,-34883 -15329,-46750l0 -3104 -261 -3005 -5945 -15620 0 -6208c-5007,-10438 -5120,-26398 -10860,-37251l0 -3104 -607 -6064 -10253 -42052 -303 -7681 -7455 -28017 0 -4656 -426 -4546 -4229 -15631 -263 -7692 -4391 -15590 0 -4656 0 -1553 -485 -2985 -7273 -28057 132 -6290 -1683 -3022 -238 -7702 -5968 -26445c-2615,-1818 -3103,-223 -3103,-4657l-261 -4592 -4309 -20287 -2706 -6279 -6688 -26270 0 -3104 0 -3103 -206 -4605 -9103 -34198 0 -4657 132 -7842 -1683 -3022 0 -15521 -232 -6145 -2797 -10915 1478 -9327 -3104 0c-1924,7211 -2442,1373 -3163,9122l-6146 1744 0 6208c0,7141 -5472,27830 -7758,32594l0 3104 -602 4519 -8621 40538 -3188 6163 0 3104 0 4657 84 3149 -3187 6162 0 3106 0 4655 -272 4586 -1280 6280 -2767 39 -2078 10885 1742 6148c-5851,8741 -5864,20044 -10860,29491l0 3104 0 1553 0 3103c-3385,6398 -4604,12661 -7758,18625l0 3104 -13 3100 -4640 12421 84 4703 -3188 6162 0 3105c0,5392 -3103,2369 -3103,7761l0 1551c0,4371 -671,2875 -3104,4657 -96,4368 -15268,61443 -17065,65188l132 6291 -1684 3022 0 6208c-5133,10702 -6491,32266 -12412,43459 -130,5882 -13436,56200 -15515,60533l-311 7690 -2792 10935 -512 7646 -7245 31157 -369 6108 -5838 20277 0 3105 0 3104c-1303,2465 -4653,7008 -4653,9312l0 9313 -426 4547 -4230 15631 -311 6138 -2791 10936 132 9393 -1683 3022 0 7761c-1087,2193 -1552,2578 -1552,6209 0,5392 -3104,2369 -3104,7761l0 7760 0 3104c-2174,4113 -2960,4513 -3102,10865 -2615,1818 -3103,222 -3103,4656l-90 4000 -21631 3761 -7840 133 -3020 -1686 -10861 0 -44993 0 -3148 86 -6161 -3190 -3104 0 -40338 0 -17148 133 -3021 -1684 -12413 0c-5389,0 -2367,-3105 -7757,-3105l-7758 0 -4654 0c-4348,-2086 -7757,-679 -7757,-6208l0 -4657 0 -3104c1303,-2464 4655,-7008 4655,-9313l0 -10864c0,-5 7107,-21927 7756,-23282l0 -3104 0 -1553 403 -2996 2701 -12525c5155,-9746 7229,-26444 12411,-37250l0 -4656 522 -2949 5685 -18780 -36 -6224 4690 -10850 -85 -4702 2525 -6336 5317 -18453 123 -6165 4532 -12460 0 -3104 0 -1552 261 -3025 5944 -18704 0 -3104 0 -1553 387 -4566 4268 -17163 79 -7736 6128 -18651 0 -4655 311 -3035 2791 -10935 311 -7690 2792 -10935 0 -7760 0 -4657 368 -7683 4287 -18702 0 -4657 0 -3104 -133 -6291 1684 -3022 -132 -6290 1684 -3022 200 -6152 2903 -9369 -133 -7843 1685 -3023 311 -6137 2791 -10935 0 -9313c6450,-13450 7574,-41002 13964,-54324l0 -3104 66 -4631 3037 -7786 261 -6145 4394 -20240c2614,-1818 3102,-223 3102,-4657 0,-6077 4455,-14284 4654,-23282 5898,-11149 6869,-26769 12413,-37251 188,-8457 4434,-22813 9309,-26385 195,-8777 7620,-29573 10298,-35834l5217 -20043 0 -6208 0 -9313c0,-5118 6961,-7492 7756,-17072l-2779 -32 -1874 -12385 0 -10865 132 -3187 -1684 -3022 0 -4655 0 -12417 132 -15603 -1683 -3024 0 -6208 132 -18706 -1684 -3022 0 -3106 133 -12499 -1685 -3022 134 -9393 -1685 -3023 132 -10947 -1683 -3022 0 -13969 0 -3105 132 -12497 -1683 -3024 131 -9394 -1683 -3022 0 -12417 132 -6291 -1684 -3022 0 -21729 0 -24834 -132 -18707 1684 -3022 -133 -15604 1685 -3023 0 -18625 -134 -7842 1685 -3022 0 -29491 -134 -21811 1685 -3022 0 -54323 0 -17074 -132 -32677 1683 -3022 0 -17072 134 -12499 -1685 -3022 0 -7761c0,-3577 -1080,-4656 -4654,-4656 -5498,0 -34055,42237 -39916,48538 -14555,15648 -27926,32548 -42707,47299 -7617,7600 -14113,14112 -21722,21729 -8235,8245 -14873,13862 -23301,21700 -8134,7561 -14685,15256 -22903,22098 -5291,4404 -22151,16319 -24770,20232 -9090,203 -20138,9681 -26388,13957 -10154,6944 -15071,9557 -26363,15534l-3102 0c-3175,0 -11804,7539 -21722,7760 -4635,6925 -10991,8725 -20155,10790l-9323 -1478c-1050,-3931 -2998,-7761 -7758,-7761l-3184 -132 -3022 1685 -7756 0 -3104 0 -6139 -251 -7792 -2768 -4687 1466c-19442,-4530 -83372,-39241 -86824,-54513l6146 1742 0 -3104c-9686,-807 -8400,-8463 -18618,-9313l0 7761c-4093,-2741 -6838,-5972 -10480,-9693 -4287,-4382 -6516,-6587 -10860,-10865 -7793,-7674 -15276,-12202 -23260,-20190 -7567,-7573 -40213,-36865 -42268,-44693l-9325 -1478c-854,-10268 -48378,-56898 -57798,-66346 -5764,-5781 -10369,-8843 -16280,-14757 -3818,-3821 -14304,-12192 -16281,-14754 -7530,-9756 -43902,-35346 -52385,-41462l1841 -4545c-9344,-4946 -8584,-4697 -15908,-12024 -4809,-4810 -8567,-12135 -16673,-12810 -1362,-5100 -24696,-11240 -31352,-11794l0 -3104c-7205,-600 -2714,1665 -6206,-3105 -6350,-141 -6748,-928 -10860,-3104l-3104 0 -32692 -9186 -3023 -1684 -6123 -267 -10943 -2839c-1610,-2405 6529,-9377 6529,-13039 0,-1882 6965,-6209 9309,-6209l1551 0c5391,0 2368,-3104 7758,-3104l49677 9319c5398,0 5152,15886 16671,16159l-1478 -9328c-13937,-7377 -19288,-18255 -32806,-26461 -11872,-7207 -57436,-21791 -58675,-37144l7690 -1901 15526 -1864 3184 -132 3021 1685 6206 0 3104 0c13617,7208 29289,20328 41220,28936 6170,4453 24897,18592 32021,19185l0 -6207 0 -3106c-6950,-3679 -12957,-9211 -20699,-13438 -6456,-3524 -13156,-10047 -19652,-14487 -7475,-5108 -23013,-18401 -31376,-23264 -4087,-2378 -13927,-15985 -13927,-21765 0,-2541 929,-4657 3103,-4657l6206 0c10377,4981 21733,9344 32946,18589 6079,5012 12562,8157 18942,13646 6337,5454 28839,26120 30731,33309l7616 -1887 -1477 -9327c-7504,-5027 -54302,-56012 -54302,-63636l0 -4656 -85 -3073 -1492 -4755 22692 691 4655 0 3103 0c19138,10130 65433,72948 81000,72948l9024 -17 1836 -17056 -132 -9394 1685 -3024 0 -7760c2393,-4989 7276,-23282 13962,-23282 5152,0 7460,5817 9309,9314l0 3104 0 1552 134 14050 -1685 3022 132 10948 -1683 3022 0 10865 -133 12499 1684 3022 0 3104 0 7760c2442,5091 3015,11600 6367,18465 3472,7112 8257,4962 9148,15683 5662,3792 20357,15009 25207,19792 8051,7939 18263,12681 25583,19420 6446,5934 18000,13283 25624,19377 7529,6014 18230,12972 26518,18481 10623,7063 16242,13398 25505,19497 7511,4945 18143,13557 25552,19449 8686,6908 16822,12519 25616,19385 3914,3054 8568,7471 12245,9480 4607,2513 11239,5610 12948,10329 4510,376 40217,19933 46544,23282 1249,-869 3831,-3104 4654,-3104 4292,0 3732,1197 4741,4251l18532 3509c2351,3210 10166,9312 15515,9312 5706,0 13692,-7220 20169,-7760 1570,-4340 1427,-4129 7758,-4656 1178,-4417 23208,-21673 27927,-24834zm474675 -726520l7839 133 3021 1685 10942 -133 3022 1684 9391 -132c1164,559 16841,5101 19151,5675 11074,2751 9661,2632 18643,6182 7347,2904 29064,12473 35126,12977l0 3104c14996,1249 61092,45300 70186,57060 5149,6659 9105,11478 14159,18430 5795,7971 6104,12430 10295,20742 7389,14661 10496,32862 17067,46562l0 4656 0 4657 1684 3022 -132 12499 1683 3022 -132 12499 0 21729 -1684 3022 133 18708 0 6208 -2903 9371 -201 6150 -1683 3022 132 6291c-2738,5709 -5173,21041 -8312,28935 -3222,8105 -6948,17194 -10798,24896 -4081,8166 -8017,16420 -12491,24755 -3157,5884 -12393,12093 -16832,18860 -4936,7526 -31681,28687 -40538,32394 -16714,6997 -27162,23673 -47560,25371l0 3104c-7844,654 -10856,4656 -13964,4656l-4654 0c-5392,0 -2180,2753 -9309,4657l0 -3104 -17066 0c-2995,0 -2763,-489 -4655,-1553 -2429,1838 3159,1553 -3103,1553l-7758 0 -15515 0 -3021 -1684 -6288 131 -6205 0 -9366 -2903 -6149 -200 -7758 0 -3102 0 -20185 -6154 -9295 -54 -3020 -1685 -6289 132c-7651,0 -3607,-10864 -9308,-10864 -2995,0 -2762,487 -4654,1551l-3021 -1685 -3186 134 -3102 0c-6493,-3117 -13616,-3748 -15515,-10865 -14352,-1196 -37407,-23274 -46968,-32172 -6886,-6405 -12642,-12744 -19353,-19442 -3961,-3954 -5815,-6634 -10046,-10127 -4232,-3497 -5702,-5546 -5862,-12760 -9302,3843 -20058,-36000 -24825,-45012 -212,-9510 -3245,-17402 -6726,-24313 -4111,-8159 -3732,-14941 -7238,-22250l0 -6208 -1899 -7695 -2839 -6229 85 -3150 0 -17074 -1685 -3022 133 -17155 0 -4655c3771,-7863 4806,-27537 8755,-37805 4260,-11080 9648,-21723 15731,-30826 4853,-7260 13288,-22669 18571,-27987 3677,-3700 19611,-20914 20555,-24447 6107,-1424 40593,-26185 41890,-31042 11011,-918 15440,-10588 27927,-10866 2781,-3798 27680,-13790 35684,-13968 4575,-6248 14670,-4376 21721,-7761l9309 0 3020 -1684 12495 132 13963 0 10943 133 2939 -1818zm-401755 638051c-5401,8068 -8271,10596 -15117,17470 -5478,5499 -10023,10068 -15521,15516 -4307,4269 -28717,30566 -29871,33754l-3102 0c-5661,8456 -49007,46563 -60509,46563l-4654 0 0 -3105 -1785 3027 -4421 78c-5624,0 -8660,-1303 -12412,-3105l-3103 0 -3103 0c-5828,-3084 -11322,-4097 -17588,-7239 -5774,-2893 -11134,-6595 -15983,-8844 -11715,-5436 -21329,-9858 -30406,-17697 -5049,-4362 -9552,-5286 -14739,-10089 -3673,-3402 -8323,-5914 -13184,-10092 -7562,-6503 -19483,-15125 -27564,-20540l-7758 -6208c-3739,-2505 -11136,-8059 -15128,-11252 -5375,-4296 -8631,-8282 -13995,-12387 -5916,-4529 -9509,-5218 -15912,-10466 -4109,-3367 -10705,-8828 -17025,-9354 -1867,-6994 -45660,-34565 -54302,-40356 -1044,-12544 -13128,-12176 -18622,-20172 -5167,-7519 -12118,-13353 -12409,-26391 -2431,-1782 -3102,-285 -3102,-4655l0 -7760 0 -31044 1683 -3022 -132 -21811 0 -6209c-6128,-12774 880,-9216 -13964,-17072l-3103 0c-13404,0 -16260,27551 -20169,35698l0 6208 -1684 3022 133 4739 0 3104 -3515 7572c-9025,-598 -29571,-21028 -35365,-26906 -2721,-2761 -15167,-13003 -17521,-16306 -8873,-12455 -10859,-20720 -29254,-29549l-3103 0c-4477,0 -33528,2664 -33528,8690l0 7761 0 3103 7838 10800 -3184 65 1891 6120c3900,1623 2852,7 4315,6297l-5072 -2440 -31039 -15884 -4549 -308 -1552 0c-2995,0 -2762,-488 -4655,-1551 -3390,5065 -4510,3581 -6206,10864l1466 4690 86 3071 0 3104c1513,2861 3264,7498 5381,10137 2657,3313 4802,5157 7031,8489l-27937 1864 -4655 0 -6116 1889 -89 10526c0,11592 21604,13718 29142,18661 5087,3336 8555,3388 13159,7014 3333,2626 -8056,6205 -3212,6609l0 3104 -7757 0c-7398,0 -22997,7369 -26376,12417 4377,18797 -8924,19170 5884,27009l3103 0 4655 0 4653 0 44807 14710c14250,6694 34237,9769 45140,20765 5489,5539 9228,8800 14778,14706 5457,5805 6210,13287 13541,15942l1281 6280 -2832 -70c2611,9782 76394,54812 86995,65417 11895,11900 18577,20004 29446,32626 6697,7777 20262,28198 29117,31404l0 4656 12351 1940 62 2717 -6147 -1742c1471,2477 19873,19015 23213,21920l2793 -932 1240 1241 -930 2795c8636,5786 24599,19168 32187,26779 5930,5947 8830,8621 15382,14103 3405,2849 8559,10590 13296,14635 3110,2657 5451,3516 9008,6512 2473,2083 5306,5002 7838,6128 9631,4282 9492,4646 16616,11314 5424,5079 12146,6615 18373,11110 5940,4290 10148,7888 16073,11858l4545 -1842 13987 3740 87 2759c10647,236 10361,4437 20169,4656l0 3104 23397 4067 6081 590 6207 0 3020 -1685 9391 132 7758 0 10930 -2793 7687 -311 3103 0c2995,0 2763,488 4655,1551 -614,-7376 -1755,-5442 -6206,-9311 7541,-1758 20564,-7345 26411,-10830 4462,-2660 18083,-14005 23237,-14005 2995,0 2761,489 4654,1553 4932,-3305 7578,-8932 12434,-12394 5107,-3642 9424,-4446 13996,-9282 3541,-3745 8047,-5753 12751,-10526 3746,-3801 8196,-7432 12358,-10919 15441,-12932 32823,-31198 47363,-45743 8428,-8430 15096,-16702 23272,-24834 8173,-8128 13951,-17103 21717,-24837 9504,-9465 35398,-46214 43840,-49270 0,10309 2067,26602 -1552,34146l0 24834 0 7761 0 7760 -1683 3022 132 12499 1685 3022 -134 14050 0 34148 -1683 3022 132 18707 0 18625 -1684 3022 133 15604 -1685 3022 134 18707 0 24834 -1685 3023 132 37331 0 21731 1685 3022 -132 6289 0 18627 1683 3022 -132 15603 1683 3022 -132 10946 1685 3022 -134 10948 1685 3022 -133 10946 0 3104 0 7761 1684 3022 -132 7844 1683 3022 -131 10946 0 17074 1683 3022 -132 6289 0 21731 -1685 3022 134 18707 1683 3022 -132 7842 0 10866 -1685 3022 134 7842 -1685 3023 133 4738 0 4657c-3562,7426 -6992,23949 -9914,33542 -3534,11610 -6847,22268 -11807,31646 -170,7591 -8081,33546 -10861,38802l0 3104c0,5392 -3102,2369 -3102,7761 0,6815 -4456,15902 -4655,24834l-7688 23303 -70 7739 -18334 77671 -284 7695 -1684 3022 133 9395 -2793 10935 -309 6139 -2904 9369 -200 6152 0 6208 -1684 3022 132 9395 -1684 3022 133 4738 0 3104 -3188 6164 86 3149 0 3104 0 12417 -1685 3023 132 4738 0 4657 -4518 14010 -136 6166 -1684 3023 133 6290 0 4657 -3702 12256 -2589 6323 85 3150 0 3105 -1685 3022 133 4738 0 4656 -7311 24960 -446 4530 0 3104c-9364,17702 -10663,50024 -20169,69845l0 3104 0 1553 0 4656 -3600 13855 -1345 4660 -4397 1577 33 3190 0 4656 -1685 3023 132 7842 -3598 13855c-1936,1897 -2607,399 -2607,4770l0 1553 0 3103 -3188 6164 -7126 31224 -546 4519 0 3104 0 3105 -4545 1841 -110 7471c0,8800 -3103,8843 -3103,20178l9232 4787 3180 -131 3102 0 3022 1685 9391 -132 3021 -1686 12494 133 1552 0 9308 0 3021 1685 6288 -132 3021 -1686 9391 133 32582 0 4653 0 7784 3037 12387 67 10942 -132 3020 1685 12413 0 49647 0 3149 85 6160 -3189 6207 0 0 -3105c-1064,-1893 -1552,-1661 -1552,-4657l0 -3104c5817,-12127 5636,-25993 12412,-38802 209,-9424 9309,-24445 9309,-24833 0,-2829 -2363,-2493 -4385,-3199l-3172 -9161 2903 -9371 0 -6207 -133 -6291 1684 -3023 0 -6208c0,-5392 3103,-2368 3103,-7760l0 -4657c0,-5392 3102,-2368 3102,-7760 0,-3982 1811,-8171 3104,-10865l0 -4656 179 -3060 7579 -29535 249 -7699 5956 -23343 0 -3104 401 -6113 4254 -20273c5719,-10814 6760,-22689 9868,-36692 1328,-5981 8467,-32434 10301,-36258l67 -6182 3035 -7786 0 -6209c2560,-5332 7048,-21543 8776,-28472 1398,-5598 1708,-10000 3039,-15584 1054,-4416 5252,-14699 5252,-14925l0 -3103c3047,-5760 19541,-60740 20170,-68293l2422 -111 3783 -18514 0 -7761c5704,-11890 8663,-44823 13965,-55875l0 -3104 -85 -3150 2691 -6277 3600 -13855 66 -6183 3036 -7787 0 -4656 415 -3025 1137 -7840c2615,-1818 3102,-222 3102,-4656l0 -1552c0,-3691 4655,-6166 4655,-13969l1552 0 0 7760 -132 9395 1683 3022 426 6098 4229 15631 67 6184 3035 7786 0 4657 0 7760c1087,2192 1552,2576 1552,6208 0,4371 671,2874 3104,4657 185,8303 4653,15291 4653,23281 0,5392 3104,2369 3104,7761l409 4563 2694 14062c5226,9879 4860,23318 9309,32594l-132 7843 1683 3022 0 4656 -85 3150 2590 6323 3701 12256 0 4657 -133 3187 1685 3022 265 7699 4388 17134 724 6054 10138 45166 0 3104 0 3105 199 3047 2903 9369 0 6209c5352,11157 7911,33838 12231,46745 5233,15637 5424,34380 12594,47934 218,9818 10146,37793 13962,45011 76,3379 14132,54541 15516,57427l278 6125 4377 14053 0 3105 66 4631 3036 7785 0 4656 -132 9395 1683 3023 312 9242 2792 10935 0 4657 -86 3150 3189 6162 0 3103 414 4578 1053 7885 3243 6177 -1608 7747c2223,1176 9428,4657 12413,4657l10942 132 3021 -1685 4655 0 4628 68 7783 3036 3103 0 10943 -132 3021 1685 12411 0 88436 0 18699 132 3022 -1685 4654 0 10943 134 3021 -1685 9567 258 -1809 1293 1689 1769 9171 -6425 3102 -1552 0 -3105 -1551 -6208 -408 -6114 -2610 -14108 -3188 -6163 0 -3104 -415 -4578 -1052 -7885 -3187 -6164 0 -3104 0 -3103c0,-5393 -3104,-2369 -3104,-7761 0,-5664 -2947,-11647 -3039,-18658l-4717 -9280c-205,-9200 -4456,-24799 -7758,-31042l85 -4701 -3189 -6164c1064,-1894 1553,-1660 1553,-4656 0,-2968 -3104,-1058 -3104,-6208 0,-2941 -6813,-33729 -7758,-35699l-377 -6120 -5828 -23371 0 -3104 0 -3104 -200 -3046 -2903 -9371 -386 -7670 -4268 -17164 0 -7760c-5498,-11463 -7425,-34482 -13964,-48115l0 -3105 0 -1551 -406 -4558 -8903 -35798 -386 -7670 -4268 -17163 0 -3105 0 -3104c-7538,-14249 -8073,-35832 -13964,-48116l-67 -6182 -3035 -7786 -402 -6113 -4169 -20318 -2839 -6230 -1899 -7694 -647 -6059 -8578 -40550 -2838 -6230 -1901 -7693 -263 -6139 -4391 -15591 0 -3104 -280 -4572 -4375 -14053 0 -3104 0 -4657c-1292,-2695 -3103,-6883 -3103,-10864 0,-4371 -671,-2875 -2368,-4875l-5389 -16855 0 -6208c-6856,-14294 -8431,-39685 -13965,-51220l0 -4657 -131 -14051 1683 -3022 0 -13969c0,-5934 -476,-565 1471,-4523l-3023 -1685c1064,-1893 1552,-1660 1552,-4656l0 -161420 133 -29573 -1685 -3022 134 -26467 -1685 -3022 0 -29491 134 -7842 -1685 -3022 0 -40354 0 -52773 132 -32676 -1683 -3022 0 -10865 132 -18707 -1684 -3023 -133 -15603 1685 -3022 0 -10865 199 -6150 2903 -9371 0 -6208 0 -26387c9563,6406 17230,16313 24853,24806 8281,9223 15315,16331 24416,25243 17072,16721 30732,35448 47317,51998 8669,8650 15379,16959 24037,25620 4512,4513 7967,7860 12426,12404 4322,4406 6712,9600 10817,14012 7100,7634 18668,17509 24256,25402 1962,2770 9676,10999 11881,12947 9577,8466 -433,9344 15486,9344l0 -245235c-12557,-8411 -32281,-33108 -44601,-45404 -15190,-15160 -28420,-31597 -43438,-46568 -10547,-10513 -86088,-86520 -93486,-86520l-13964 0 -3021 -1684 -18699 131 -3104 0 -3021 -1684 -24906 133 -10860 0c-2995,0 -2761,489 -4654,1551 -2248,-1561 -11000,-5416 -13964,-6207l-5210 -12862 -2684 -10394c11056,-5267 17404,-6406 30220,-10285 14685,-4445 13655,-9081 25591,-14754 4180,-1986 21756,-12016 25396,-14949 4794,-3864 6505,-5635 10826,-9348 3243,-2787 9601,-4956 12398,-7773 1587,-1599 6721,-9291 8376,-11800 5087,-7713 5264,-4778 10351,-9820 1797,-1780 13514,-22184 15062,-25288 4759,-9544 8046,-17759 12412,-27938 3796,-8854 5357,-21251 9309,-29491l0 -4656 0 -3104 2903 -9369 199 -6152 1685 -3023 -134 -9394 0 -12416 1772 -27933 -219 -27943 3335 -855 -4888 -698 -1135 -7840 -416 -3025 0 -4656 -3035 -7787 -67 -3078 0 -3104c-3176,-6004 -4516,-10754 -6442,-18389 -1256,-4985 -5231,-12432 -7325,-17507 -3383,-8211 -11274,-28115 -18815,-30844 -810,-9749 -27875,-31779 -35290,-39197 -8168,-8169 -10971,-10139 -20195,-17048 -6837,-5121 -17808,-8757 -22089,-15153l-3104 0c-9897,-5238 -20005,-8610 -31227,-12219 -5623,-1808 -27641,-8844 -30833,-11062l-3102 0 -3021 -1685 -6288 132 -10930 -2793 -7688 -311 -26375 0 -10860 0 -3023 1685 -4735 -132 -3103 0 -3022 -1685 -3102 1817 -3186 -132 -9309 0 -3021 1684 -4735 -133 -3104 0c-9373,4962 -22624,7094 -33577,11421 -5174,2044 -11327,5022 -16044,7231 -4948,2316 -10943,3186 -16108,5616 -13148,6188 -17792,13257 -26825,18175 -7259,3950 -6482,6324 -13453,9825 -6609,3320 -7240,4774 -12894,8828 -13895,9962 -33504,32720 -41924,48083 -5469,9980 -12889,17639 -15806,29199 -1411,5592 -3685,12028 -5920,17359 -2439,5809 -2935,11869 -5180,16547l0 7761 -1683 3022 132 10948 0 29489 0 7760 2793 10935 310 6139 5318 18452 2524 6337c109,8692 3135,11472 6122,17118l8405 33975c4214,3735 22890,46287 30381,48287l1608 7747c5360,1460 6226,7822 10407,12829 23,27 11089,9350 11830,9894 4418,3243 19539,20749 22700,20749 824,0 3406,-2235 4655,-3104 334,455 23386,16456 24793,17104 3667,1691 26322,10569 29509,10835l-1466 4688c1753,2398 1466,-3193 1466,3072l0 4657c0,3818 -5145,9114 -7757,10864l0 -3104 -10674 6481 -3289 -273 -17067 0 -3103 0 -6161 3189 -3148 -85 -4654 0 -3021 -1685 -3186 134 -4653 0 -7784 3036 -4629 68 -3103 0 -7757 0 -10931 2793 -6136 311 -9366 2904 -6149 200 -6118 1891 -87 -3443c-13715,0 -21761,12072 -37236,12416 -8615,4561 -15997,6702 -25360,11882 -4579,2535 -17804,11028 -21528,14161 -13313,11203 -25237,23178 -36532,36404 -6077,7117 -11272,12982 -17097,20146 -5650,6948 -11131,11897 -16183,19510 -9633,14514 -19716,29611 -30692,42245z"/>
+ <path id="_970211312" class="fil1" d="M959842 1.66213e+006c-2575,5370 -3516,11096 -5239,18040 -2004,8077 -4010,9742 -5635,16093 -2745,10737 -10619,22395 -10847,32607 -5423,3976 -29670,63577 -40339,71398 648,-7788 4983,-11842 7584,-17249 2753,-5724 4084,-10664 6884,-16394 2927,-5987 5392,-9881 7017,-16262 1117,-4386 3482,-15452 4890,-18389l0 -7760c0,-5392 3104,-2369 3104,-7761l0 -4656 0 -3104 3187 -6164 -84 -3149 0 -3104 1684 -3023 -133 -6291 3036 -7784 68 -6184 2791 -10935 311 -7690 2792 -10935 311 -7690 0 -4656 1684 -3023 -133 -15602 1685 -3024 -132 -4737 0 -10866 -1685 -3022 132 -7842 1685 -3023 -132 -10946 0 -15521 -1685 -3022 132 -29573 0 -6207 0 -12417 1685 -3023 -132 -9395 1683 -3022 -132 -4738 0 -7761 0 -3104 1683 -3022 -132 -3187 273 -4585 1617 -6190 2765 -89 569 23316 983 13934 1683 3023 -132 9394 1683 3022 -132 4738 0 4657 3037 7786 66 6184 2903 9369 200 6152 0 3104 0 6208 2902 9370 201 6151 0 15521 -1685 3022 134 24916 0 12417 0 9313 -1685 3022 133 6290 -2792 10935 -311 6139zm-23813 -169465l541 6492 -1685 3024 134 7842 0 63635 0 18627 1683 3022 -132 15603 -1685 3022 134 4738 0 10865 -1685 3022 132 7842 -1683 3022 132 6291 -8918 37342 -391 6118 -4268 17162 -386 6119 0 6208c-3786,7895 -6787,24556 -10860,34148 -2933,6910 -9990,24916 -13964,29489l1137 -7839 414 -7682 1685 -3022 -134 -7842 1685 -3023 -133 -9395 1684 -3022 -132 -4738 0 -4657 4532 -12460 122 -4612 0 -1553 0 -4656 3037 -7787 67 -4630 0 -6208 0 -7761 2791 -10934 312 -7691 0 -3105 1683 -3022 -132 -6290 1684 -3022 -133 -4738 0 -4657 3037 -7786 67 -3078 0 -1553 0 -3104 4489 -15564 165 -9270 1684 -3023 -133 -6289 1684 -3022 -133 -3187 0 -6208 0 -3104 1685 -3022 -132 -6291 1683 -3023 -132 -9394 0 -3104 0 -4657c1799,-3753 3103,-6790 3103,-12417l0 -6208 -6147 1742 1407 4499 -4237 4956 -332 2771c0,3632 -465,4016 -1552,6210l0 7760 0 6208 -1684 3022 133 10948 -1684 3022 133 7842 -4287 18703 -368 7683 -5901 24900 -306 6142 -1683 3022 132 7842 -1683 3023 132 12498 -1685 3024 134 9394 -1685 3022 133 6291 -1684 3022 132 6291 -1683 3022 131 6290 0 4656 -5836 20277 -369 4558 0 4655 -1684 3022 132 9395 -1683 3022 132 7842 -1684 3024 132 9393 -1684 3023 133 6291 -1891 6120 5259 6057c-4152,7589 -15012,32913 -15779,42146l-3104 0 2790 -12487 314 -6138 1683 -3022 -132 -9395 0 -3104 3187 -6163 -85 -3150 0 -3104 0 -10864 1685 -3022 -133 -7844 1684 -3022 -133 -10947 0 -3103 1684 -3023 -131 -9395 0 -4656 3035 -7787 67 -4630 0 -1552 0 -15521 1685 -3022 -134 -12499 1685 -3022 -133 -10947 1684 -3023 -133 -4738 0 -9312 0 -3105 1684 -3022 -132 -6290 0 -3104 3188 -6163 -1770 -3068 2985 -7910 251 -3036 0 -3104 6063 -17121 144 -4610 0 -3104 3187 -6163 1052 -7885 414 -4577 0 -3105c10433,-19725 15020,-53029 26376,-74500l0 -3105 -78 -3144 4192 -8005zm-22732 -10580c1445,-6205 3376,-10757 7758,-13970 -1503,6453 -25131,55379 -27927,57429 -129,5807 -11487,32196 -14472,38294 -5660,11558 -8250,27919 -13455,37759l0 3105 0 3104 -7723 23292 -34 6197 0 4657 -1685 3022 133 14052 0 3104 -1684 3022 133 20259 0 35699 0 20178 -1684 3022 131 17154 -1683 3022 132 20259 0 3106 0 38802 -1683 3023 132 23363 0 12417 -1685 3022 134 10946c-4493,-3293 -4241,-3704 -1552,-9311l0 -4657 0 -6209 -1684 -3023 133 -6289 -1684 -3022 132 -9395 0 -4657 -1684 -3022 132 -10946 -1683 -3022 132 -7843 0 -7760 -2791 -10936 -311 -7691 -1685 -3022 133 -6289 -1684 -3023 132 -9394 0 -9314 -1684 -3022 132 -21810 0 -4657 -1683 -3022 132 -24916 0 -20178 1685 -3022 -134 -6291 0 -17072 1685 -3023 -133 -12498c0,-4435 488,-2839 3104,-4657l1816 -12373c3652,-7451 3008,-15798 9044,-20222 354,-15912 19868,-36163 20169,-49667l5257 -7422c6879,-2337 7048,-18658 16464,-22067 618,-7444 7420,-11861 11230,-16704 4704,-5982 4962,-14000 12042,-15891zm-46545 31042c4974,-1801 16584,-17831 20534,-22917 2501,-3223 18953,-20483 21357,-22095l-9978 18226c-3465,1504 -18080,23050 -21389,28000 -6767,10128 -12839,20462 -18281,31381 -5629,11293 -11064,20828 -16079,33582 -1558,3964 -13399,33458 -13399,34710l0 6209 -4287 18701 -368 7685 0 3103 -1683 3023 131 14051 0 3104 -1683 3022 132 20260 0 6208 1685 3022 -134 10947 0 20178 1685 3022 -133 17154 1684 3022 -133 18709 0 3104 3188 6163 -84 3150 0 3104 1683 3022 -132 9395 0 7760 1685 3022 -134 14051 1685 3022 -133 9395 1684 3022 -132 7842 1683 3022 -131 4739 0 6209 1840 4545 -3159 11041 -233 7696 -1552 0 0 -34146 0 -6210 -2902 -9369 -201 -6152 0 -7760 -5067 -23200c-2445,-5485 -8721,-23259 -8897,-31124l-5970 -15607 -235 -3018 0 -6209 -5984 -23335 -222 -7707 -1685 -3023 133 -10946 0 -4656 -1684 -3023 133 -18706 0 -3106c3527,-6669 -421,-2817 4654,-4655l2744 -14046c-1515,-2725 -2744,-2652 -2744,-6131l0 -4657c5310,-11071 11492,-50653 18618,-55876l0 -6208 3104 0 0 -6210c0,-1724 9578,-17695 11251,-19786 6225,-7777 5448,-10190 16675,-12807l-1137 -7841 11632 -12702 365 -2738 0 -4657zm58958 -29491c188,-8469 4013,-22582 12411,-23281 -1772,3696 -6265,19499 -7968,24623 -2641,7950 -5414,14996 -7761,23279 -1942,6860 -6189,14562 -8509,24081 -1819,7470 -2013,5642 -4255,11265 -1588,3981 -1663,8248 -3072,12447 -3457,10294 -4776,12421 -7438,25153 -1306,6242 -4265,16944 -6238,24802 -1967,7840 -9911,46770 -12163,51468l0 7761 0 7760 -1685 3022 132 10946 0 7762 -2792 10935 -311 7690 0 4657 -1684 3022 133 9394 0 6209 0 3104 -1684 3022 133 6291 -1685 3022 134 6290 0 3104 0 7760 -1685 3024 132 7842 -1683 3022 132 9395 -1683 3023 131 9393 0 3105 0 4656 -1901 7694 -2838 6229 84 3150 0 4657c-2431,-1782 -3102,-285 -3102,-4657l0 -35698 1684 -3023 -133 -40437 0 -4656 1685 -3022 -134 -48197 0 -7762 0 -21728 1685 -3023 -132 -10946 0 -7760 4228 -15633 426 -6098 5831 -17197 375 -2980 0 -3104c4420,-9216 7657,-25516 12367,-34192 5151,-9490 8707,-20975 14009,-30996l0 -3104c0,-3087 5671,-10889 7757,-12417l0 -6210c8516,-6242 9110,-22106 17067,-27938zm4654 -122616l133 6290 -1685 3022 132 7844 -1683 3022 0 6208c0,7904 -7758,1409 -7758,9313 0,2799 -3678,15037 -4655,17072l0 6210 134 6289 -1685 3022 0 3106 0 4655c-3548,7399 -4123,13077 -8959,20527 -4684,7219 -8314,9137 -13320,16165 -2836,3980 -9831,11123 -13771,15715 -5019,5852 -8902,11432 -14007,17029 -8397,9203 -45864,61150 -46136,73359 -4767,3494 -2503,-1001 -3102,6208l-2765 89 -1889 6120 0 6208c-5756,12001 -8575,32225 -13964,43459l0 6208 0 4656 132 9395 -1683 3023 131 6291 -1683 3022 0 9312 0 15521 415 6129 1137 7840c2615,1818 3102,223 3102,4657l-132 4738 1683 3023 0 4655 0 4656c2813,5864 7359,27848 9313,35695 2788,11192 6108,26722 10858,35703l0 3104 414 4577 1052 7886 3187 6162 0 3105 -131 14050 1683 3022 0 20178 0 21730 -132 4737 1819 3061 -3239 10827 0 6208 0 4657 134 9395 -1685 3022 132 6289 -1683 3023 0 9313c0,3577 1080,4656 4654,4656 3575,0 4655,-1079 4655,-4656l-133 -4739 1684 -3022 0 -9313 846 -4606 705 -17123c4161,997 2925,1553 6207,1553 3233,0 7393,-22014 7757,-26387l3103 0c-2132,9157 -5815,26861 -9309,34147l132 6290 -1683 3022 132 7842 -1683 3023 0 9313c0,2549 2263,7760 4653,7760 3576,0 4655,-1079 4655,-4656l0 -12417 312 -7691 2791 -10934 0 -3104 374 -4547 4363 -17050 3021 -1685c319,-14348 26981,-56392 34483,-67944 7006,-10791 12374,-21050 19482,-31727 4223,-6343 16767,-26166 17403,-33811l3103 0c666,-8002 13964,-29770 13964,-32594l0 -3104c3434,-6492 9099,-17021 9309,-26386 3528,-6669 -422,-2818 4157,-4770l3600 -13855 122 -6166 4532 -12460 0 -4655 387 -3015 4268 -17163 0 -7760 0 -26386 68 -4631 3035 -7786 0 -3105 133 -12498 -1684 -3024 0 -3103 -201 -6151 -2902 -9370 132 -7843 -1685 -3022 0 -6208 0 -4656 134 -4739 -1685 -3022 -377 -6120 -5828 -23371 0 -6208 132 -3185 -1684 -3024 0 -12416 0 -17073 -132 -14052 1684 -3022 0 -9312c0,-900 3967,-9432 4654,-10864l0 -4657 0 -9313 416 -7682 1051 -7885 3188 -6162 0 -3105 407 -3002 4168 -20595 -7679 1868 0 7760 -6205 0c-1449,17421 -12413,13810 -12413,21729l-202 7711 -9107 38854 -3440 -89 1889 -6120 0 -4657 -132 -3186 1683 -3022 0 -6208c4107,-8562 9883,-34147 12492,-45427l-7293 -793 -3647 4312c-178,7977 1405,4458 -3451,7695l1899 -7695 0 -3104 -414 -3025 -1137 -7839c-8520,710 -4674,1332 -7757,7760z"/>
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-1685 -3022 134 -12499 -1685 -3022 132 -7842 -4388 -17136 -266 -4595 0 -3104 0 -3103 -4375 -14053 -280 -4572 0 -3106 -10625 -37317 -235 -7693 -1683 -3022 132 -6291c-5887,-12276 -10102,-30327 -17067,-40354l1685 -3024c-3369,-6199 -6207,-12588 -9442,-18707l-6145 1742c3055,13193 13380,29577 17005,43270 1495,5645 5594,15428 7931,21557 2437,6391 4720,15928 7584,21901l0 3105 0 3104 3189 6164 -85 3149 0 3104 7564 26439 192 6155 2903 9370 201 6151c0,5392 3103,2368 3103,7760l0 13970 1684 3022 -133 14050 1684 3024 -133 12499 0 4655 -1683 3022 132 6291 -1683 3023 132 9394 -1685 3023 133 6289 -1684 3022 133 7844 -1684 3022 133 9394 -2793 10936 -311 7690 -3600 13855 -5566 17235 -143 4609 0 13968 0 4657c-2912,6070 470,4004 -4654,7760l0 -10864 -2792 -10936 -312 -7690 0 -4656 1685 -3023 -1874 -6230c2065,-2861 3293,-2788 3293,-6268 0,-3982 1810,-8170 3103,-10866l-2959 -9362 -144 -4606 0 -3104 -1684 -3022 132 -7844 0 -13968 1684 -3022 -132 -12499 0 -7761 -2792 -10934 -312 -7691 0 -7760 -1683 -3022 132 -10948 -1683 -3022 132 -14050 -1685 -3023 134 -10947 0 -4657 -6171 -20187 -36 -6198 -4519 -10921 -134 -3048 0 -3104 -6689 -26270c-1796,-4423 -16484,-43735 -16584,-48231 -4352,-3190 -13220,-24858 -16548,-31561 -4730,-9527 -14482,-20943 -14482,-32076l4654 0 0 -3104c-5768,-1541 -20073,-15397 -23273,-20177l3104 0c-3323,-4965 -2548,-1087 -3104,-7761l3104 0c-421,-1577 -11078,-28261 -12413,-31042l0 -6209c-1281,-2674 -3595,-7544 -5363,-12284 -668,128 -1520,267 -2466,344l-6753 1075 -932 10865 1684 3022 -132 3187 0 4655zm17066 60533l85 -3071 1756 -4579 4364 -110 1280 6279 273 4585 0 34146 0 26387 -1685 3022 132 23364 1685 3022 -132 26467 0 43459 0 18627 1683 3022 -132 3185 0 12418 1683 3022 -132 4738 0 4657 3035 7785 68 6183c3013,6283 4233,13779 7217,20718 2906,6760 7015,12687 9674,18260 5933,12434 11983,23453 18276,36041 6546,13092 10668,23902 18597,35720 7953,11852 17157,18363 20708,33607l-3103 0 0 -3104 -4687 1467c-2159,-8128 -18429,-22797 -23758,-33543 -6381,-12867 -11293,-26022 -18123,-37746 -7051,-12103 -11719,-24487 -19167,-36702 -4919,-8066 -4601,-10856 -7722,-20213 -1438,-4314 -2767,-4493 -4134,-9833 -1001,-3905 -1491,-7555 -3087,-10880l0 -6209 -1683 -3022 132 -6290 0 -3105 0 -4655 -2792 -10936 -311 -4585 0 -3106 0 -21729 -1684 -3022 133 -21812 1683 -3022 -132 -24916 0 -103991zm9309 18625l0 -17072c0,-3577 1080,-4657 4654,-4657l6206 0c4956,21282 12721,45156 19629,65729 6256,18632 10189,53727 17607,67753l0 3104 0 3104c1921,4005 11230,42012 12358,48169 1626,8873 8209,43975 10915,49614l0 6209 2791 10935 311 7690 4287 18702 368 7683 2792 10935 311 6139 0 1551 0 7761 1685 3022 -134 6291 1887 10826c-11633,-214 -5968,-1610 -9644,-9275l0 -6207 0 -3104 -1684 -3023 132 -7842 0 -4656 -3035 -7787 -67 -4631 0 -3104 -1685 -3022 134 -6291 0 -6208 -4390 -17135 -266 -4595 0 -3104 0 -3104 -7621 -29522 -136 -6176 -4376 -14053 -278 -3021 0 -3104 -3189 -6164 -1050 -7885 -416 -6129 -9904 -38658 -2592 -6306 84 -3150 0 -3106c-2226,-4640 -9308,-34808 -9308,-41906l-3104 0c-141,-6351 -927,-6751 -3103,-10865l0 -3103 0 -3104c-687,-1434 -4654,-9966 -4654,-10866l0 -3104 0 -3104c-2560,-4842 -7757,-16281 -7757,-23282l-1553 0 0 18625 0 6208 2903 9371 201 6152 1683 3022 -132 7842 0 1551 0 7761 1685 3022 -134 6291 1685 3022 -133 6291 1684 3022 -132 10947 1684 3022 -132 7842 1683 3022 -132 10948 1683 3022 -132 3186 0 7760 5802 23378 405 4560 0 1553 0 3104 10230 34327 630 2923 0 3104c1618,3061 27878,89357 27926,91575 918,1733 10861,25967 10861,26385 0,7804 4655,10279 4655,13970l0 4657 -3104 0 0 -4657c-5313,2197 -5296,-6408 -9354,-13924 -2405,-4457 -4778,-12094 -7172,-17658 -5134,-11933 -7794,-28511 -12952,-38262l0 -4657c-2175,-4113 -2962,-4513 -3103,-10864l-3020 -1687c-243,-7033 -1635,-5069 -1635,-10731 0,-5392 -3102,-2368 -3102,-7760 0,-6340 -8559,-34006 -10860,-38803l0 -3105 0 -3104 -5970 -15607 -237 -3018 0 -3104 -1684 -3022 133 -7842 -4393 -15592 -262 -6139 0 -1551 0 -7761 -2792 -10936 -311 -9241 -1684 -3022 133 -3187 0 -9312 -1685 -3022 134 -6291 -1685 -3023 132 -9395 -1683 -3022 132 -7842 -1683 -3022 132 -7842 -1684 -3023 132 -10947 0 -3104 -1684 -3022 133 -17156z"/>
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144 3073 6095 17211 0 3120 -63 3154 4743 9329 -86 4727 2807 6274 3517 15524 334 6154 5905 21932 0 3120 -85 3166 3204 6196 0 3121 0 1561 0 4681c4610,9610 4949,22013 9358,31206l0 6240c6415,13374 7020,39981 14038,54611l0 3120 -85 3167 3204 6195 0 3121 -133 3204 1692 3038 68 6214 3052 7828 140 6199 9218 29688 0 4681 264 3057 7535 29709 513 6118 7286 28209 200 6183 2918 9420 123 6198 4556 12526 0 4681 265 3051 4414 15672 0 3121 671 2940 5569 20464 425 9269 10492 46902 0 6241c0,5421 3119,2381 3119,7801l68 4656 3052 7827 133 4763 -1694 3039 0 4681c4644,8778 4966,18219 9358,26525l0 3120 0 3122c7074,14745 9137,39578 15598,53049l-133 6324 1692 3039 166 7758 4514 15646 0 3120 85 3089 1474 4713 -4679 0 -13 5965 -18704 1836 -9440 -132 -3036 1693 -12477 0 -12479 0 -10999 133 -3037 -1694 -7881 134 -3038 -1694 -10917 0 -18717 0 -3165 -85 -6193 3206 -3118 0 -1560 0 -7728 -312 -10989 -2809 -7798 0 -14120 134 -3036 -1694 -9358 0 -7881 133 -3038 -1694 -4599 418 -7587 1031 -1851 -4569 0 -3120 133 -3203 -1692 -3039 0 -7802 85 -3165 -3205 -6196 0 -3120 134 -4764 -1694 -3038 134 -6324 -1693 -3038 132 -6324 -1692 -3038 0 -6241 0 -3120 133 -6325 -1692 -3038 -293 -6165 -5946 -21920 0 -7802c-4462,-9303 -10187,-36123 -14224,-48182 -4500,-13441 -9690,-35067 -15410,-46997l0 -3120 -262 -3021 -5977 -15702 0 -6241c-5033,-10494 -5147,-26538 -10918,-37448l0 -3120 -609 -6097 -10308 -42273 -304 -7722 -7495 -28165 0 -4680 -428 -4570 -4251 -15714 -264 -7733 -4415 -15672 0 -4681 0 -1561 -487 -3000 -7311 -28206 132 -6323 -1692 -3038 -239 -7742 -6000 -26585c-2629,-1828 -3119,-224 -3119,-4682l-262 -4616 -4332 -20394 -2720 -6312 -6724 -26408 0 -3121 0 -3120 -207 -4629 -9151 -34378 0 -4682 133 -7883 -1692 -3038 0 -15603 -234 -6178 -2811 -10972 1486 -9377 -3121 0c-1934,7250 -2454,1381 -3179,9171l-6179 1753 0 6240c0,7179 -5501,27978 -7798,32767l0 3120 -606 4543 -8666 40752 -3205 6196 0 3120 0 4681 85 3166 -3204 6195 0 3122 0 4679 -274 4611 -1287 6313 -2782 39 -2088 10943 1751 6180c-5882,8787 -5895,20150 -10917,29647l0 3120 0 1561 0 3120c-3403,6431 -4628,12728 -7799,18723l0 3121 -13 3116 -4665 12487 85 4727 -3206 6195 0 3121c0,5421 -3119,2381 -3119,7802l0 1559c0,4395 -674,2890 -3120,4681 -96,4392 -15349,61768 -17155,65533l133 6324 -1694 3038 0 6241c-5160,10759 -6524,32436 -12477,43688 -131,5914 -13507,56497 -15597,60853l-313 7731 -2806 10992 -514 7686 -7285 31322 -370 6141 -5869 20383 0 3122 0 3121c-1310,2477 -4678,7044 -4678,9360l0 9363 -428 4570 -4252 15714 -313 6170 -2806 10994 133 9443 -1692 3038 0 7802c-1093,2205 -1560,2591 -1560,6242 0,5420 -3120,2381 -3120,7801l0 7802 0 3120c-2186,4135 -2976,4537 -3119,10922 -2629,1827 -3119,223 -3119,4681l-90 4021 -21746 3780 -7881 134 -3036 -1694 -10918 0 -45231 0 -3165 86 -6193 -3207 -3120 0 -40551 0 -17239 134 -3037 -1693 -12478 0c-5418,0 -2380,-3122 -7799,-3122l-7798 0 -4679 0c-4371,-2097 -7798,-682 -7798,-6241l0 -4681 0 -3120c1310,-2478 4680,-7045 4680,-9362l0 -10922c0,-5 7144,-22043 7797,-23405l0 -3120 0 -1561 405 -3012 2715 -12591c5183,-9798 7267,-26584 12477,-37446l0 -4682 525 -2964 5714 -18879 -36 -6257 4714 -10907 -85 -4727 2538 -6369 5346 -18551 124 -6197 4556 -12526 0 -3120 0 -1561 262 -3041 5976 -18803 0 -3120 0 -1561 389 -4590 4290 -17254 80 -7777 6159 -18749 0 -4680 313 -3051 2806 -10992 313 -7731 2806 -10992 0 -7802 0 -4681 371 -7724 4309 -18801 0 -4681 0 -3120 -134 -6325 1693 -3038 -132 -6323 1692 -3038 202 -6184 2918 -9419 -134 -7885 1694 -3038 312 -6170 2806 -10992 0 -9363c6485,-13520 7615,-41218 14038,-54610l0 -3121 67 -4655 3052 -7827 262 -6177 4418 -20348c2627,-1828 3119,-223 3119,-4681 0,-6110 4478,-14359 4678,-23405 5929,-11208 6905,-26911 12478,-37448 189,-8502 4458,-22933 9358,-26525 196,-8823 7661,-29728 10353,-36022l5245 -20149 0 -6240 0 -9363c0,-5145 6997,-7532 7797,-17162l-2795 -32 -1884 -12451 0 -10922 133 -3204 -1692 -3038 0 -4680 0 -12482 133 -15685 -1692 -3040 0 -6241 132 -18805 -1693 -3038 0 -3122 134 -12565 -1694 -3038 134 -9443 -1693 -3038 132 -11006 -1692 -3038 0 -14042 0 -3122 133 -12563 -1692 -3040 133 -9443 -1692 -3038 0 -12483 132 -6324 -1693 -3038 0 -21844 0 -24965 -133 -18805 1694 -3038 -134 -15687 1693 -3038 0 -18724 -134 -7883 1693 -3038 0 -29647 -134 -21926 1694 -3038 0 -54610 0 -17164 -133 -32849 1692 -3038 0 -17163 134 -12565 -1693 -3038 0 -7801c0,-3596 -1085,-4681 -4678,-4681 -5528,0 -34236,42460 -40128,48795 -14631,15729 -28072,32719 -42932,47548 -7657,7640 -14187,14186 -21836,21844 -8279,8288 -14952,13935 -23425,21814 -8176,7602 -14763,15337 -23024,22214 -5318,4428 -22267,16406 -24900,20339 -9138,205 -20244,9733 -26528,14031 -10207,6981 -15150,9607 -26502,15616l-3119 0c-3191,0 -11865,7579 -21836,7801 -4660,6962 -11049,8772 -20261,10847l-9373 -1486c-1055,-3952 -3013,-7801 -7798,-7801l-3201 -133 -3038 1694 -7798 0 -3120 0 -6171 -253 -7834 -2783 -4711 1475c-19545,-4555 -83812,-39449 -87282,-54801l6178 1751 0 -3120c-9737,-812 -8444,-8508 -18716,-9362l0 7801c-4114,-2756 -6874,-6003 -10535,-9744 -4310,-4405 -6551,-6621 -10918,-10922 -7834,-7715 -15356,-12267 -23383,-20297 -7606,-7613 -40425,-37059 -42490,-44928l-9374 -1486c-859,-10323 -48634,-57199 -58104,-66697 -5794,-5811 -10424,-8890 -16366,-14835 -3838,-3841 -14379,-12256 -16367,-14832 -7569,-9808 -44134,-35532 -52662,-41681l1851 -4569c-9393,-4972 -8629,-4721 -15992,-12087 -4834,-4836 -8612,-12199 -16760,-12878 -1370,-5127 -24827,-11299 -31518,-11856l0 -3120 120911 -66182c2455,5118 22531,20111 25901,27012 3491,7150 8300,4988 9197,15765 5691,3813 20464,15089 25340,19897 8092,7982 18358,12748 25717,19523 6480,5966 18095,13353 25760,19479 7568,6046 18325,13040 26657,18579 10680,7099 16328,13468 25640,19599 7551,4971 18239,13629 25687,19552 8732,6944 16911,12585 25751,19488 3935,3069 8613,7510 12310,9529 4631,2527 11298,5640 13016,10384 4534,378 40430,20038 46790,23405 1256,-874 3851,-3120 4679,-3120 4315,0 3751,1203 4766,4273l18629 3528c2364,3227 10220,9361 15598,9361 5736,0 13764,-7258 20275,-7801 1578,-4363 1434,-4151 7799,-4680 1184,-4441 23331,-21788 28074,-24966zm477181 -730355l7881 134 3036 1693 11000 -134 3038 1694 9440 -133c1171,562 16931,5128 19253,5704 11132,2766 9712,2647 18742,6215 7385,2920 29217,12539 35310,13046l0 3121c15076,1255 61415,45539 70557,57360 5177,6695 9153,11539 14234,18527 5825,8014 6137,12496 10349,20852 7429,14739 10552,33035 17157,46808l0 4681 0 4681 1693 3038 -132 12565 1692 3038 -133 12565 0 21844 -1693 3038 134 18807 0 6241 -2919 9420 -201 6183 -1692 3038 132 6324c-2753,5739 -5200,21152 -8356,29087 -3239,8148 -6985,17285 -10854,25028 -4104,8209 -8060,16506 -12558,24886 -3174,5915 -12458,12157 -16920,18959 -4962,7565 -31849,28838 -40753,32565 -16802,7034 -27305,23798 -47811,25505l0 3120c-7885,657 -10913,4681 -14038,4681l-4678 0c-5420,0 -2192,2768 -9358,4681l0 -3120 -17157 0c-3010,0 -2777,-491 -4679,-1561 -2442,1848 3176,1561 -3119,1561l-7799 0 -15597 0 -3037 -1693 -6321 132 -6238 0 -9415 -2918 -6182 -202 -7799 0 -3118 0 -20292 -6186 -9343 -55 -3037 -1693 -6322 132c-7691,0 -3626,-10921 -9358,-10921 -3010,0 -2775,490 -4678,1559l-3037 -1693 -3202 134 -3119 0c-6527,-3134 -13687,-3768 -15597,-10922 -14427,-1202 -37604,-23397 -47216,-32342 -6922,-6439 -12709,-12811 -19455,-19545 -3982,-3975 -5846,-6668 -10099,-10181 -4254,-3515 -5732,-5574 -5893,-12827 -9351,3864 -20163,-36190 -24955,-45249 -214,-9560 -3263,-17494 -6763,-24441 -4132,-8202 -3751,-15021 -7275,-22368l0 -6241 -1910 -7735 -2854 -6262 85 -3167 0 -17164 -1693 -3038 134 -17246 0 -4680c3791,-7903 4831,-27682 8800,-38004 4284,-11138 9700,-21838 15815,-30988 4879,-7299 13358,-22789 18669,-28135 3697,-3720 19715,-21025 20663,-24576 6140,-1431 40808,-26323 42112,-31206 11069,-923 15521,-10644 28074,-10923 2796,-3818 27826,-13864 35873,-14043 4599,-6280 14747,-4398 21835,-7801l9358 0 3037 -1693 12560 132 14036 0 11001 134 2955 -1827zm-403876 641419c-5429,8111 -8315,10652 -15197,17563 -5507,5527 -10076,10120 -15603,15597 -4329,4292 -28868,30727 -30028,33933l-3119 0c-5690,8500 -49265,46809 -60828,46809l-4678 0 0 -3122 -1795 3042 -4445 80c-5654,0 -8705,-1310 -12477,-3122l-3120 0 -3119 0c-5858,-3100 -11381,-4119 -17681,-7277 -5804,-2908 -11193,-6630 -16067,-8891 -11777,-5465 -21442,-9910 -30566,-17791 -5076,-4384 -9603,-5314 -14818,-10142 -3692,-3420 -8366,-5945 -13253,-10145 -7602,-6537 -19586,-15205 -27710,-20649l-7798 -6240c-3759,-2518 -11195,-8102 -15209,-11311 -5403,-4320 -8676,-8326 -14068,-12453 -5948,-4553 -9559,-5246 -15996,-10521 -4131,-3385 -10762,-8875 -17115,-9404 -1876,-7030 -45901,-34747 -54589,-40568 -1049,-12611 -13197,-12241 -18720,-20279 -5194,-7559 -12182,-13424 -12474,-26530 -2445,-1792 -23269,-8737 -24569,-11180l-137896 74331c14324,6729 34417,9821 45377,20875 5519,5568 9278,8847 14857,14783 5485,5836 6242,13358 13613,16027l1287 6312 -2847 -70c2625,9834 76797,55102 87454,65763 11958,11962 18676,20110 29602,32798 6732,7818 20369,28347 29270,31569l0 4682 12416 1950 62 2731 -6178 -1751c1478,2490 19977,19115 23335,22035l2808 -937 1246 1248 -935 2809c8682,5817 24729,19270 32357,26921 5961,5979 8877,8667 15464,14178 3423,2864 8604,10645 13366,14712 3126,2671 5479,3534 9055,6547 2486,2094 5334,5028 7880,6159 9682,4305 9542,4672 16704,11375 5452,5105 12210,6650 18469,11168 5971,4312 10201,7930 16158,11921l4569 -1852 14061 3760 88 2773c10702,238 10416,4461 20275,4681l0 3120 23520 4089 6114 593 6239 0 3037 -1694 9440 133 7799 0 10988 -2808 7728 -313 3118 0c3011,0 2778,490 4680,1560 -617,-7415 -1764,-5471 -6239,-9361 7581,-1767 20673,-7384 26551,-10887 4485,-2674 18178,-14079 23360,-14079 3010,0 2775,492 4678,1561 4958,-3322 7618,-8979 12500,-12459 5134,-3661 9473,-4470 14069,-9331 3560,-3764 8090,-5784 12819,-10582 3766,-3820 8239,-7471 12423,-10976 15523,-13000 32996,-31363 47614,-45985 8471,-8474 15175,-16790 23394,-24965 8217,-8171 14025,-17193 21832,-24968 9554,-9515 35585,-46458 44071,-49530 0,10364 2078,26742 -1560,34326l0 24965 0 7802 0 7801 -1692 3038 133 12565 1693 3038 -134 14125 0 34327 -1692 3039 133 18805 0 18723 -1694 3038 134 15687 -1693 3038 134 18806 0 24965 -1694 3038 133 37529 0 21845 1694 3038 -133 6323 0 18725 1692 3038 -133 15685 1692 3038 -132 11004 1693 3038 -134 11006 1694 3038 -134 11004 0 3120 0 7802 1693 3038 -132 7885 1692 3038 -133 11004 0 17164 1692 3038 -133 6323 0 21845 -1693 3038 134 18805 1692 3039 -133 7883 0 10923 -1693 3039 134 7883 -1693 3038 134 4764 0 4681c-3582,7466 -7029,24076 -9967,33719 -3552,11672 -6883,22386 -11870,31813 -170,7632 -8123,33724 -10917,39008l0 3120c0,5421 -3119,2381 -3119,7801 0,6852 -4480,15987 -4680,24966l-7728 23426 -71 7780 -18430 78081 -286 7735 -1693 3038 134 9445 -2808 10992 -311 6172 -2918 9418 -202 6185 0 6240 -1692 3039 132 9444 -1693 3038 134 4764 0 3120 -3205 6196 86 3166 0 3121 0 12482 -1693 3038 132 4764 0 4681 -4541 14084 -137 6199 -1694 3039 134 6323 0 4681 -3721 12321 -2603 6356 85 3167 0 3122 -1693 3038 134 4763 0 4680 -7351 25092 -448 4554 0 3121c-9413,17795 -10718,50288 -20275,70213l0 3120 0 1561 0 4682 -3619 13928 -1352 4684 -4421 1585 34 3207 0 4681 -1694 3038 133 7884 -3618 13928c-1945,1907 -2620,401 -2620,4795l0 1561 0 3120 -3205 6196 -7163 31389 -549 4543 0 3121 0 3121 -4569 1851 -111 7510c0,8847 -3119,8890 -3119,20284l9280 4813 3197 -131 3119 0 3038 1693 9440 -133 3037 -1694 12560 134 1560 0 9358 0 3036 1693 6322 -133 3037 -1694 9440 134 32754 0 4678 0 7824 3052 12453 68 11000 -133 3036 1694 12479 0 49909 0 3165 85 6193 -3206 6239 0 0 -3121c-1069,-1903 -1560,-1669 -1560,-4681l0 -3121c5848,-12191 5666,-26130 12477,-39007 211,-9474 9358,-24574 9358,-24964 0,-2844 -2375,-2506 -4407,-3216l-3189 -9209 2918 -9420 0 -6241 -134 -6324 1694 -3038 0 -6241c0,-5420 3118,-2381 3118,-7801l0 -4681c0,-5421 3119,-2381 3119,-7802 0,-4002 1821,-8214 3121,-10922l0 -4681 180 -3076 7618 -29691 251 -7739 5987 -23467 0 -3120 404 -6146 4276 -20379c5749,-10871 6795,-22809 9920,-36886 1334,-6013 8512,-32605 10355,-36449l68 -6215 3051 -7827 0 -6242c2573,-5360 7085,-21657 8822,-28622 1405,-5628 1717,-10053 3055,-15667 1060,-4439 5280,-14777 5280,-15003l0 -3120c3062,-5790 19644,-61060 20277,-68653l2434 -112 3803 -18611 0 -7803c5734,-11952 8709,-45059 14038,-56170l0 -3120 -85 -3167 2705 -6310 3619 -13928 67 -6216 3052 -7827 0 -4682 417 -3041 1143 -7880c2629,-1828 3119,-224 3119,-4682l0 -1559c0,-3711 4679,-6199 4679,-14044l1560 0 0 7802 -133 9445 1692 3038 428 6129 4252 15714 68 6216 3051 7828 0 4681 0 7802c1092,2203 1559,2589 1559,6240 0,4395 675,2890 3121,4681 186,8348 4678,15373 4678,23405 0,5420 3120,2381 3120,7801l411 4588 2708 14136c5253,9931 4886,23442 9358,32766l-132 7884 1692 3038 0 4681 -85 3167 2602 6356 3722 12321 0 4681 -134 3204 1693 3038 267 7740 4411 17224 728 6087 10191 45403 0 3121 0 3121 201 3063 2918 9419 0 6242c5380,11216 7953,34016 12296,46992 5260,15719 5452,34561 12660,48187 219,9869 10199,37992 14036,45248 76,3397 14206,54829 15597,57730l280 6157 4400 14128 0 3121 66 4656 3053 7826 0 4681 -133 9444 1692 3038 313 9292 2807 10993 0 4681 -86 3166 3205 6195 0 3120 417 4602 1058 7927 3260 6209 -1616 7788c2234,1182 9478,4681 12479,4681l10999 133 3037 -1693 4680 0 4652 67 7825 3053 3118 0 11002 -133 3036 1694 12477 0 88902 0 18799 132 3038 -1693 4678 0 11001 134 3037 -1694 9617 260 -1819 1300 1698 1778 9220 -6459 3119 -1560 0 -3121 -1560 -6241 -410 -6147 -2623 -14182 -3206 -6196 0 -3120 -416 -4602 -1058 -7927 -3204 -6196 0 -3120 0 -3121c0,-5420 -3120,-2380 -3120,-7801 0,-5694 -2964,-11709 -3056,-18756l-4742 -9330c-206,-9248 -4479,-24929 -7798,-31206l85 -4726 -3206 -6195c1070,-1904 1561,-1669 1561,-4682 0,-2983 -3120,-1063 -3120,-6240 0,-2956 -6849,-33907 -7799,-35887l-379 -6153 -5858 -23494 0 -3120 0 -3121 -202 -3062 -2919 -9420 -387 -7711 -4291 -17255 0 -7801c-5527,-11523 -7464,-34664 -14038,-48369l0 -3121 0 -1560 -408 -4581 -8950 -35987 -387 -7711 -4291 -17253 0 -3122 0 -3120c-7578,-14325 -8116,-36021 -14038,-48370l-68 -6215 -3051 -7827 -403 -6146 -4191 -20425 -2854 -6262 -1910 -7735 -650 -6091 -8623 -40764 -2853 -6263 -1912 -7733 -263 -6172 -4415 -15674 0 -3120 -281 -4596 -4399 -14127 0 -3120 0 -4682c-1298,-2709 -3118,-6919 -3118,-10921 0,-4395 -675,-2890 -2381,-4901l-5418 -16945 0 -6240c-6892,-14369 -8475,-39894 -14038,-51490l0 -4681 -132 -14126 1692 -3038 0 -14042c0,-5966 -479,-568 1478,-4548l-3038 -1693c1070,-1904 1560,-1669 1560,-4681l0 -162272 134 -29729 -1694 -3038 134 -26607 -1693 -3038 0 -29647 134 -7883 -1694 -3039 0 -40566 0 -53051 133 -32849 -1692 -3039 0 -10921 132 -18806 -1692 -3040 -134 -15685 1694 -3038 0 -10922 200 -6183 2919 -9420 0 -6240 0 -26526c9613,6439 17321,16398 24984,24936 8324,9272 15395,16417 24544,25376 17163,16810 30895,35635 47567,52273 8716,8695 15461,17049 24164,25755 4536,4537 8009,7901 12492,12470 4345,4429 6748,9650 10874,14085 7137,7675 18766,17602 24384,25536 1972,2785 9727,11058 11944,13016 9628,8511 -435,9393 15567,9393l0 -246529c-12622,-8456 -32451,-33283 -44836,-45645 -15270,-15239 -28570,-31763 -43667,-46813 -10603,-10569 -86543,-86977 -93980,-86977l-14037 0 -3037 -1693 -18798 133 -3121 0 -3036 -1694 -25038 134 -10917 0c-3011,0 -2776,492 -4679,1560 -2259,-1570 -11058,-5445 -14037,-6241l-5238 -12929 -2698 -10450c11114,-5295 17495,-6439 30379,-10339 14763,-4468 13728,-9129 25726,-14832 4203,-1996 21871,-12079 25531,-15028 4819,-3884 6538,-5664 10882,-9397 3261,-2802 9652,-4982 12464,-7814 1596,-1607 6757,-9340 8420,-11862 5114,-7754 5292,-4804 10406,-9872 1806,-1789 13585,-22301 15142,-25421 4783,-9595 8088,-17853 12477,-28086 3816,-8901 5386,-21364 9358,-29646l0 -4682 0 -3120 2918 -9419 201 -6184 1693 -3038 -134 -9445 0 -12481 1781 -28080 -220 -28091 3352 -859 -4913 -702 -1141 -7881 -418 -3041 0 -4681 -3052 -7828 -67 -3094 0 -3120c-3193,-6036 -4540,-10811 -6476,-18487 -1262,-5011 -5259,-12497 -7363,-17599 -3402,-8254 -11334,-28263 -18915,-31007 -814,-9801 -28022,-31947 -35477,-39404 -8210,-8212 -11028,-10193 -20301,-17138 -6873,-5148 -17902,-8803 -22205,-15233l-3121 0c-9949,-5266 -20111,-8656 -31392,-12283 -5652,-1818 -27787,-8892 -30995,-11121l-3119 0 -3037 -1694 -6321 133 -10988 -2808 -7728 -312 -26515 0 -10917 0 -3039 1693 -4760 -132 -3119 0 -3038 -1694 -3119 1826 -3202 -132 -9358 0 -3037 1693 -4761 -134 -3120 0c-9423,4988 -22743,7131 -33754,11481 -5201,2055 -11387,5049 -16129,7270 -4974,2327 -11001,3202 -16192,5645 -13218,6220 -17886,13327 -26968,18271 -7297,3970 -6516,6357 -13523,9877 -6644,3338 -7278,4799 -12963,8875 -13968,10014 -33680,32892 -42145,48337 -5498,10032 -12957,17731 -15890,29352 -1418,5622 -3704,12092 -5950,17451 -2452,5840 -2951,11932 -5208,16635l0 7801 -1692 3038 133 11006 0 29645 0 7801 2807 10993 312 6171 5347 18549 2536 6370c110,8739 3152,11533 6155,17209l8450 34155c4235,3754 23011,46531 30541,48541l1616 7789c5389,1467 6259,7863 10462,12896 23,27 11148,9400 11893,9946 4441,3260 19641,20859 22819,20859 829,0 3425,-2247 4680,-3120 336,457 23510,16543 24924,17194 3686,1699 26461,10625 29665,10892l-1474 4713c1762,2411 1474,-3210 1474,3088l0 4681c0,3838 -5173,9162 -7799,10922l0 -3120 -10730 6514 -3306 -274 -17157 0 -3120 0 -6193 3206 -3165 -85 -4678 0 -3037 -1694 -3202 134 -4679 0 -7824 3053 -4654 68 -3119 0 -7799 0 -10988 2807 -6168 313 -9416 2920 -6181 200 -6150 1901 -88 -3460c-13787,0 -21876,12135 -37432,12481 -8661,4585 -16082,6738 -25495,11945 -4603,2548 -17897,11086 -21642,14235 -13383,11262 -25370,23301 -36724,36597 -6110,7154 -11331,13050 -17187,20252 -5680,6984 -11190,11960 -16269,19613 -9684,14591 -19820,29767 -30854,42468z"/>
+ <path class="fil1" d="M2.47795e+006 1.64948e+006c-2588,5399 -3534,11155 -5266,18135 -2015,8120 -4031,9794 -5664,16178 -2760,10794 -10676,22514 -10905,32780 -5452,3997 -29827,63913 -40552,71775 651,-7829 5009,-11905 7624,-17340 2767,-5755 4106,-10720 6921,-16481 2941,-6018 5420,-9933 7053,-16348 1123,-4409 3501,-15534 4916,-18485l0 -7802c0,-5420 3121,-2381 3121,-7801l0 -4682 0 -3120 3204 -6196 -86 -3166 0 -3121 1694 -3038 -134 -6324 3052 -7826 68 -6216 2806 -10993 313 -7730 2806 -10993 313 -7731 0 -4681 1693 -3038 -134 -15685 1694 -3040 -133 -4762 0 -10923 -1693 -3038 132 -7884 1694 -3038 -133 -11004 0 -15603 -1693 -3038 132 -29729 0 -6240 0 -12483 1694 -3038 -133 -9445 1692 -3038 -132 -4763 0 -7802 0 -3120 1692 -3038 -133 -3204 274 -4609 1626 -6223 2780 -90 572 23439 987 14008 1692 3039 -132 9443 1692 3039 -133 4763 0 4681 3053 7828 66 6216 2919 9418 201 6185 0 3120 0 6241 2917 9420 202 6183 0 15603 -1693 3038 134 25047 0 12483 0 9362 -1694 3038 134 6323 -2807 10993 -313 6171zm-23938 -170359l544 6526 -1694 3040 134 7884 0 63971 0 18725 1692 3038 -132 15685 -1694 3038 134 4763 0 10922 -1693 3038 132 7884 -1692 3038 133 6324 -8965 37539 -393 6150 -4291 17253 -387 6152 0 6240c-3807,7937 -6823,24686 -10918,34328 -2949,6947 -10043,25047 -14038,29645l1143 -7881 417 -7722 1693 -3038 -134 -7884 1694 -3038 -134 -9444 1693 -3039 -133 -4763 0 -4681 4556 -12526 123 -4637 0 -1560 0 -4682 3052 -7827 68 -4655 0 -6241 0 -7801 2806 -10993 313 -7731 0 -3121 1692 -3039 -133 -6322 1694 -3039 -134 -4763 0 -4681 3052 -7827 68 -3095 0 -1561 0 -3120 4513 -15646 165 -9319 1694 -3039 -134 -6322 1693 -3039 -134 -3203 0 -6241 0 -3120 1694 -3038 -133 -6325 1692 -3038 -132 -9444 0 -3121 0 -4681c1808,-3773 3118,-6826 3118,-12483l0 -6240 -6178 1751 1414 4523 -4259 4982 -335 2786c0,3651 -467,4037 -1559,6242l0 7801 0 6241 -1693 3038 134 11006 -1694 3038 134 7883 -4309 18802 -371 7723 -5932 25032 -307 6174 -1692 3038 133 7884 -1692 3038 132 12565 -1693 3040 134 9443 -1694 3038 134 6324 -1693 3038 133 6324 -1692 3039 132 6322 0 4682 -5867 20383 -371 4582 0 4680 -1693 3038 133 9444 -1692 3039 132 7883 -1692 3040 133 9443 -1694 3038 134 6324 -1901 6153 5287 6089c-4174,7629 -15092,33087 -15863,42369l-3120 0 2805 -12554 315 -6170 1692 -3038 -132 -9444 0 -3121 3204 -6196 -85 -3166 0 -3120 0 -10922 1693 -3038 -134 -7885 1694 -3038 -134 -11004 0 -3121 1693 -3038 -133 -9444 0 -4682 3052 -7827 67 -4655 0 -1560 0 -15603 1694 -3038 -134 -12565 1693 -3038 -134 -11005 1694 -3038 -134 -4764 0 -9361 0 -3121 1693 -3039 -133 -6322 0 -3121 3204 -6196 -1778 -3084 3001 -7951 252 -3053 0 -3120 6095 -17212 144 -4633 0 -3121 3204 -6195 1058 -7927 416 -4601 0 -3122c10488,-19828 15099,-53309 26515,-74893l0 -3122 -78 -3160 4214 -8047zm-22852 -10636c1453,-6238 3394,-10814 7798,-14044 -1510,6487 -25263,55672 -28074,57733 -129,5837 -11547,32366 -14548,38495 -5690,11620 -8294,28067 -13526,37959l0 3121 0 3121 -7764 23414 -34 6231 0 4681 -1694 3038 134 14126 0 3120 -1693 3038 134 20367 0 35887 0 20284 -1694 3038 133 17245 -1692 3038 132 20366 0 3122 0 39007 -1692 3039 133 23486 0 12483 -1694 3038 134 11004c-4516,-3311 -4263,-3724 -1559,-9361l0 -4681 0 -6242 -1693 -3038 134 -6323 -1694 -3038 133 -9445 0 -4681 -1692 -3038 132 -11004 -1692 -3038 133 -7884 0 -7801 -2806 -10994 -313 -7731 -1693 -3038 134 -6323 -1694 -3038 133 -9445 0 -9362 -1692 -3038 132 -21926 0 -4681 -1692 -3038 133 -25048 0 -20284 1693 -3038 -134 -6324 0 -17163 1694 -3038 -134 -12565c0,-4458 491,-2854 3120,-4681l1826 -12438c3671,-7490 3024,-15881 9091,-20329 356,-15996 19973,-36354 20276,-49929l5285 -7462c6915,-2349 7085,-18756 16551,-22183 622,-7483 7459,-11924 11290,-16792 4729,-6013 4988,-14074 12105,-15975zm-46790 31206c4999,-1810 16671,-17925 20641,-23039 2515,-3240 19054,-20591 21471,-22211l-10032 18323c-3483,1512 -18175,23171 -21502,28148 -6802,10181 -12906,20569 -18377,31546 -5658,11352 -11122,20938 -16164,33760 -1566,3985 -13470,33634 -13470,34892l0 6242 -4309 18800 -370 7725 0 3120 -1692 3039 132 14125 0 3121 -1692 3038 133 20366 0 6241 1693 3038 -134 11005 0 20284 1694 3039 -134 17244 1693 3038 -134 18807 0 3121 3205 6195 -85 3167 0 3120 1692 3038 -132 9445 0 7801 1693 3039 -134 14124 1694 3038 -134 9445 1693 3038 -132 7883 1692 3038 -133 4764 0 6242 1851 4569 -3177 11099 -233 7736 -1561 0 0 -34326 0 -6242 -2917 -9419 -202 -6184 0 -7801 -5094 -23323c-2458,-5514 -8767,-23381 -8944,-31288l-6001 -15689 -237 -3034 0 -6242 -6015 -23458 -224 -7748 -1693 -3038 134 -11004 0 -4682 -1694 -3038 134 -18805 0 -3122c3546,-6705 -423,-2832 4679,-4680l2758 -14120c-1523,-2739 -2758,-2666 -2758,-6164l0 -4681c5338,-11129 11553,-50921 18716,-56171l0 -6241 3120 0 0 -6242c0,-1734 9629,-17789 11311,-19891 6258,-7819 5477,-10244 16763,-12875l-1143 -7882 11693 -12769 368 -2753 0 -4681zm59268 -29647c189,-8513 4034,-22701 12477,-23404 -1781,3715 -6298,19602 -8010,24753 -2655,7992 -5443,15076 -7802,23402 -1953,6896 -6222,14639 -8554,24209 -1829,7509 -2023,5671 -4277,11324 -1597,4002 -1672,8291 -3089,12512 -3475,10349 -4801,12487 -7477,25286 -1313,6275 -4288,17034 -6271,24933 -1977,7881 -9963,47017 -12228,51740l0 7801 0 7802 -1693 3038 133 11004 0 7803 -2807 10992 -312 7731 0 4681 -1694 3039 134 9443 0 6242 0 3120 -1693 3038 134 6324 -1694 3039 134 6322 0 3121 0 7801 -1693 3040 132 7883 -1692 3039 133 9444 -1692 3038 133 9443 0 3122 0 4680 -1912 7735 -2853 6262 85 3167 0 4681c-2445,-1792 -3119,-287 -3119,-4681l0 -35887 1693 -3039 -134 -40650 0 -4681 1694 -3038 -134 -48451 0 -7803 0 -21844 1693 -3038 -132 -11004 0 -7801 4250 -15716 428 -6129 5862 -17288 377 -2996 0 -3121c4444,-9264 7698,-25650 12432,-34372 5179,-9540 8753,-21086 14083,-31160l0 -3120c0,-3103 5702,-10947 7799,-12483l0 -6242c8561,-6275 9157,-22223 17156,-28086zm4678 -123263l135 6323 -1694 3038 133 7885 -1692 3038 0 6241c0,7946 -7799,1417 -7799,9362 0,2814 -3698,15116 -4680,17163l0 6242 134 6323 -1693 3038 0 3122 0 4679c-3567,7439 -4145,13146 -9007,20636 -4708,7257 -8357,9185 -13390,16250 -2851,4001 -9883,11181 -13843,15798 -5046,5883 -8949,11492 -14081,17119 -8442,9251 -46106,61472 -46380,73746 -4792,3512 -2516,-1006 -3119,6241l-2779 89 -1899 6153 0 6240c-5787,12065 -8620,32395 -14038,43689l0 6241 0 4681 133 9444 -1692 3038 132 6325 -1692 3038 0 9361 0 15603 417 6161 1143 7882c2628,1828 3119,224 3119,4681l-133 4764 1692 3038 0 4680 0 4681c2828,5895 7398,27995 9362,35883 2802,11252 6140,26863 10915,35891l0 3121 416 4601 1058 7927 3204 6195 0 3122 -132 14124 1692 3038 0 20284 0 21845 -133 4762 1829 3077 -3256 10885 0 6240 0 4681 134 9445 -1693 3038 132 6323 -1692 3038 0 9362c0,3596 1086,4682 4679,4682 3594,0 4679,-1086 4679,-4682l-134 -4763 1694 -3038 0 -9363 850 -4630 709 -17213c4183,1002 2940,1561 6239,1561 3250,0 7433,-22131 7799,-26527l3119 0c-2143,9206 -5846,27004 -9358,34328l132 6323 -1692 3038 133 7884 -1692 3038 0 9362c0,2563 2276,7802 4678,7802 3595,0 4680,-1085 4680,-4681l0 -12483 313 -7731 2806 -10992 0 -3121 376 -4570 4386 -17141 3037 -1693c321,-14424 27124,-56690 34665,-68303 7043,-10848 12439,-21161 19585,-31894 4246,-6377 16855,-26305 17495,-33989l3119 0c670,-8046 14038,-29928 14038,-32767l0 -3121c3452,-6526 9147,-17110 9358,-26524 3547,-6705 -424,-2834 4179,-4795l3619 -13929 123 -6199 4556 -12525 0 -4680 389 -3031 4290 -17253 0 -7802 0 -26525 68 -4655 3051 -7827 0 -3122 134 -12563 -1693 -3040 0 -3120 -202 -6183 -2917 -9420 133 -7884 -1694 -3038 0 -6241 0 -4681 134 -4763 -1693 -3038 -379 -6153 -5859 -23494 0 -6241 133 -3202 -1694 -3040 0 -12481 0 -17164 -133 -14126 1694 -3038 0 -9361c0,-905 3988,-9482 4678,-10921l0 -4682 0 -9362 418 -7722 1057 -7927 3205 -6195 0 -3121 409 -3018 4190 -20704 -7719 1878 0 7802 -6238 0c-1457,17512 -12478,13882 -12478,21843l-204 7751 -9154 39060 -3459 -90 1899 -6152 0 -4682 -132 -3202 1692 -3038 0 -6241c4127,-8607 9934,-34328 12557,-45667l-7331 -797 -3667 4335c-179,8019 1412,4481 -3469,7735l1910 -7735 0 -3120 -417 -3042 -1143 -7880c-8565,713 -4698,1339 -7799,7801z"/>
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-12564 -1693 -3039 132 -7883 -4411 -17226 -267 -4619 0 -3121 0 -3120 -4399 -14127 -281 -4596 0 -3122 -10681 -37514 -236 -7734 -1692 -3038 132 -6324c-5917,-12340 -10155,-30487 -17156,-40567l1693 -3040c-3387,-6232 -6239,-12654 -9492,-18805l-6177 1751c3071,13262 13451,29733 17094,43498 1504,5674 5624,15509 7973,21671 2451,6425 4745,16012 7625,22016l0 3122 0 3120 3205 6196 -85 3167 0 3120 7604 26578 193 6188 2919 9420 202 6183c0,5420 3118,2381 3118,7801l0 14044 1694 3038 -134 14124 1693 3040 -134 12564 0 4680 -1692 3038 133 6325 -1692 3038 132 9444 -1693 3038 134 6323 -1694 3038 135 7885 -1694 3039 134 9443 -2807 10994 -313 7730 -3619 13929 -5595 17325 -144 4634 0 14042 0 4681c-2927,6102 472,4025 -4679,7801l0 -10921 -2807 -10994 -313 -7731 0 -4680 1694 -3040 -1884 -6262c2075,-2876 3310,-2803 3310,-6301 0,-4004 1819,-8214 3119,-10923l-2974 -9412 -145 -4630 0 -3121 -1693 -3038 133 -7885 0 -14042 1693 -3038 -133 -12565 0 -7801 -2807 -10993 -313 -7731 0 -7801 -1692 -3038 133 -11006 -1692 -3038 132 -14124 -1693 -3038 134 -11006 0 -4681 -6203 -20294 -36 -6231 -4543 -10978 -136 -3064 0 -3120 -6723 -26410c-1806,-4446 -16572,-43965 -16673,-48485 -4374,-3207 -13289,-24990 -16634,-31728 -4755,-9577 -14559,-21053 -14559,-32245l4679 0 0 -3120c-5798,-1549 -20179,-15479 -23396,-20284l3120 0c-3341,-4991 -2561,-1093 -3120,-7802l3120 0c-423,-1585 -11136,-28410 -12478,-31206l0 -6242c-1289,-2688 -3615,-7584 -5392,-12348 -671,128 -1528,268 -2479,346l-6788 1081 -937 10921 1692 3038 -132 3204 0 4680zm17156 60853l85 -3087 1766 -4604 4387 -111 1287 6313 274 4609 0 34326 0 26527 -1694 3038 133 23486 1693 3038 -132 26607 0 43689 0 18725 1692 3038 -133 3202 0 12483 1692 3038 -132 4764 0 4681 3051 7826 68 6216c3029,6315 4256,13852 7255,20827 2921,6796 7052,12754 9725,18356 5964,12500 12046,23578 18372,36232 6581,13161 10724,24028 18696,35909 7995,11914 17247,18459 20817,33784l-3120 0 0 -3120 -4711 1474c-2171,-8170 -18526,-22917 -23883,-33719 -6415,-12936 -11353,-26161 -18219,-37946 -7088,-12167 -11781,-24616 -19268,-36896 -4945,-8108 -4625,-10913 -7763,-20320 -1445,-4337 -2782,-4517 -4156,-9884 -1006,-3926 -1499,-7595 -3104,-10938l0 -6242 -1692 -3038 133 -6323 0 -3121 0 -4680 -2806 -10994 -313 -4609 0 -3122 0 -21844 -1693 -3038 134 -21927 1692 -3038 -133 -25048 0 -104539zm9358 18723l0 -17162c0,-3596 1086,-4682 4679,-4682l6239 0c4982,21394 12788,45394 19732,66076 6290,18730 10243,54011 17700,68111l0 3120 0 3120c1931,4027 11289,42235 12424,48423 1634,8920 8252,44208 10972,49876l0 6242 2806 10993 313 7731 4309 18801 370 7724 2806 10992 313 6171 0 1560 0 7801 1694 3039 -134 6324 1896 10883c-11694,-215 -6000,-1619 -9695,-9324l0 -6240 0 -3121 -1692 -3038 133 -7884 0 -4681 -3052 -7827 -67 -4655 0 -3121 -1694 -3038 134 -6324 0 -6241 -4413 -17226 -266 -4619 0 -3120 0 -3120 -7662 -29679 -137 -6209 -4399 -14127 -279 -3036 0 -3121 -3206 -6196 -1056 -7927 -418 -6161 -9956 -38862 -2606 -6340 85 -3166 0 -3122c-2238,-4665 -9358,-34992 -9358,-42128l-3120 0c-142,-6385 -931,-6787 -3119,-10922l0 -3120 0 -3120c-691,-1442 -4679,-10018 -4679,-10924l0 -3120 0 -3120c-2574,-4867 -7798,-16367 -7798,-23405l-1561 0 0 18724 0 6240 2919 9420 201 6185 1692 3038 -132 7884 0 1559 0 7801 1693 3039 -134 6324 1694 3038 -134 6324 1693 3038 -133 11004 1692 3038 -132 7884 1692 3038 -133 11006 1692 3038 -132 3202 0 7802 5833 23501 406 4584 0 1561 0 3121 10285 34508 632 2938 0 3121c1628,3077 28026,89828 28075,92058 922,1743 10917,26104 10917,26525 0,7845 4680,10332 4680,14043l0 4682 -3121 0 0 -4682c-5341,2208 -5323,-6442 -9402,-13997 -2419,-4481 -4804,-12158 -7211,-17752 -5161,-11995 -7834,-28661 -13020,-38464l0 -4681c-2186,-4135 -2978,-4537 -3119,-10922l-3037 -1695c-243,-7071 -1643,-5096 -1643,-10788 0,-5420 -3119,-2381 -3119,-7801 0,-6373 -8604,-34185 -10917,-39008l0 -3121 0 -3121 -6001 -15689 -238 -3034 0 -3120 -1694 -3039 134 -7883 -4416 -15674 -263 -6171 0 -1560 0 -7801 -2807 -10994 -312 -9290 -1694 -3038 134 -3204 0 -9361 -1693 -3038 134 -6325 -1694 -3038 133 -9444 -1692 -3039 133 -7883 -1692 -3038 132 -7884 -1692 -3038 133 -11006 0 -3120 -1694 -3038 134 -17246z"/>
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34600,-48795 40128,-48795 3593,0 4678,1085 4678,4681l0 7801 1693 3038 -134 12565 0 17163 -1692 3038 133 32849 0 17164 0 54610 -1694 3038 134 21926 0 29647 -1693 3038 134 7883 0 18724 -1693 3038 134 15687 -1694 3038 133 18805 0 24965 0 21844 1693 3038 -132 6324 0 12483 1692 3038 -133 9443 1692 3040 -133 12563 0 3122 0 14042 1692 3038 -132 11006 1693 3038 -134 9443 1694 3038 -134 12565 0 3122 1693 3038 -132 18805 0 6241 1692 3040 -133 15685 0 12482 0 4680 1692 3038 -133 3204 0 10922 1884 12451 2795 32c-800,9630 -7797,12017 -7797,17162l0 9363 0 6240 -5245 20149c-2692,6294 -10157,27199 -10353,36022 -4900,3592 -9169,18023 -9358,26525 -5573,10537 -6549,26240 -12478,37448 -200,9046 -4678,17295 -4678,23405 0,4458 -492,2853 -3119,4681l-4418 20348 -262 6177 -3052 7827 -67 4655 0 3121c-6423,13392 -7553,41090 -14038,54610l0 9363 -2806 10992 -312 6170 -1694 3038 134 7885 -2918 9419 -202 6184 -1692 3038 132 6323 -1693 3038 134 6325 0 3120 0 4681 -4309 18801 -371 7724 0 4681 0 7802 -2806 10992 -313 7731 -2806 10992 -313 3051 0 4680 -6159 18749 -80 7777 -4290 17254 -389 4590 0 1561 0 3120 -5976 18803 -262 3041 0 1561 0 3120 -4556 12526 -124 6197 -5346 18551 -2538 6369 85 4727 -4714 10907 36 6257 -5714 18879 -525 2964 0 4682c-5210,10862 -7294,27648 -12477,37446l-2715 12591 -405 3012 0 1561 0 3120c-653,1362 -7797,23400 -7797,23405l0 10922c0,2317 -3370,6884 -4680,9362l0 3120 0 4681c0,5559 3427,4144 7798,6241l4679 0 7798 0c5419,0 2381,3122 7799,3122l12478 0 3037 1693 17239 -134 40551 0 3120 0 6193 3207 3165 -86 45231 0 10918 0 3036 1694 7881 -134 21746 -3780 90 -4021c0,-4458 490,-2854 3119,-4681 143,-6385 933,-6787 3119,-10922l0 -3120 0 -7802c0,-5420 3120,-2381 3120,-7801 0,-3651 467,-4037 1560,-6242l0 -7802 1692 -3038 -133 -9443 2806 -10994 313 -6170 4252 -15714 428 -4570 0 -9363c0,-2316 3368,-6883 4678,-9360l0 -3121 0 -3122 5869 -20383 370 -6141 7285 -31322 514 -7686 2806 -10992 313 -7731c2090,-4356 15466,-54939 15597,-60853 5953,-11252 7317,-32929 12477,-43688l0 -6241 1694 -3038 -133 -6324c1806,-3765 17059,-61141 17155,-65533 2446,-1791 3120,-286 3120,-4681l0 -1559c0,-5421 3119,-2381 3119,-7802l0 -3121 3206 -6195 -85 -4727 4665 -12487 13 -3116 0 -3121c3171,-5995 4396,-12292 7799,-18723l0 -3120 0 -1561 0 -3120c5022,-9497 5035,-20860 10917,-29647l-1751 -6180 2088 -10943 2782 -39 1287 -6313 274 -4611 0 -4679 0 -3122 3204 -6195 -85 -3166 0 -4681 0 -3120 3205 -6196 8666 -40752 606 -4543 0 -3120c2297,-4789 7798,-25588 7798,-32767l0 -6240 6179 -1753c725,-7790 1245,-1921 3179,-9171l3121 0 -1486 9377 2811 10972 234 6178 0 15603 1692 3038 -133 7883 0 4682 9151 34378 207 4629 0 3120 0 3121 6724 26408 2720 6312 4332 20394 262 4616c0,4458 490,2854 3119,4682l6000 26585 239 7742 1692 3038 -132 6323 7311 28206 487 3000 0 1561 0 4681 4415 15672 264 7733 4251 15714 428 4570 0 4680 7495 28165 304 7722 10308 42273 609 6097 0 3120c5771,10910 5885,26954 10918,37448l0 6241 5977 15702 262 3021 0 3120c5720,11930 10910,33556 15410,46997 4037,12059 9762,38879 14224,48182l0 7802 5946 21920 293 6165 1692 3038 -133 6325 0 3120 0 6241 1692 3038 -132 6324 1693 3038 -134 6324 1694 3038 -134 4764 0 3120 3205 6196 -85 3165 0 7802 1692 3039 -133 3203 0 3120 1851 4569 7587 -1031 4599 -418 3038 1694 7881 -133 9358 0 3036 1694 14120 -134 7798 0 10989 2809 7728 312 1560 0 3118 0 6193 -3206 3165 85 18717 0 10917 0 3038 1694 7881 -134 3037 1694 10999 -133 12479 0 12477 0 3036 -1693 9440 132 18704 -1836 13 -5965 4679 0 -1474 -4713 -85 -3089 0 -3120 -4514 -15646 -166 -7758 -1692 -3039 133 -6324c-6461,-13471 -8524,-38304 -15598,-53049l0 -3122 0 -3120c-4392,-8306 -4714,-17747 -9358,-26525l0 -4681 1694 -3039 -133 -4763 -3052 -7827 -68 -4656c0,-5420 -3119,-2380 -3119,-7801l0 -6241 -10492 -46902 -425 -9269 -5569 -20464 -671 -2940 0 -3121 -4414 -15672 -265 -3051 0 -4681 -4556 -12526 -123 -6198 -2918 -9420 -200 -6183 -7286 -28209 -513 -6118 -7535 -29709 -264 -3057 0 -4681 -9218 -29688 -140 -6199 -3052 -7828 -68 -6214 -1692 -3038 133 -3204 0 -3121 -3204 -6195 85 -3167 0 -3120c-7018,-14630 -7623,-41237 -14038,-54611l0 -6240c-4409,-9193 -4748,-21596 -9358,-31206l0 -4681 0 -1561 0 -3121 -3204 -6196 85 -3166 0 -3120 -5905 -21932 -334 -6154 -3517 -15524 -2807 -6274 86 -4727 -4743 -9329 63 -3154 0 -3120 -6095 -17211 -144 -3073 0 -3120 -6094 -17212 -144 -4633 0 -6241 -1693 -3038 132 -14126 0 -68652 1694 -3039 -133 -85898 0 -43689 0 -26526 -1693 -3038 132 -23487 -1692 -3038 133 -26607 0 -12483 -1692 -3038 133 -42211 0 -37447 0 -32767 -1692 -3038 132 -29727 -1693 -3040 134 -25046 0 -7801 1692 -3038 -133 -11006 1694 -3038 -134 -14124 0 -34328c0,-3652 2588,-6241 6239,-6241 1546,0 24977,20567 26889,23030 5431,6997 15662,21347 21824,26537 10589,8918 14821,14906 24197,24162 8167,8064 14672,17849 22625,25737 16820,16682 30992,33801 47574,50706 4361,4446 6764,8317 11699,13261 2564,2568 9898,9597 11517,11883 4286,6053 7622,7566 12073,12886 2377,2841 8570,11517 11883,11517 2185,0 3119,-2127 3119,-4681l0 -79575 -1692 -3039 132 -84338 0 -26525 0 -3121 1694 -3039 -1826 -3120 1826 -3120 -134 -3204 0 -6241c0,-5684 -75265,-79695 -84785,-93056 -10747,-15082 -31570,-30296 -45068,-43851 -9131,-9169 -39689,-34845 -44831,-42527l-3119 0c-3649,0 -4035,-469 -6239,-1561l-7799 0 -3119 0 -3038 -1694 -14118 133 -48351 0 -4679 0c-7128,-3421 -12410,-6157 -19769,-9868 -8740,-4408 -8048,-10335 -14544,-15096 -111,-5000 509,-7801 -4680,-7801l-10917 0 -6238 0 -4567 1850 -4824 -1765 -6206 -85 -7799 0 -3037 -1694 -9440 133 -4679 0 -7825 -3053 -4652 -68 -6240 0 -3036 -1693 -6322 133 -7824 -3053 -4653 -68 -3120 0 -9416 -2918 -6181 -202c-3593,0 -4678,1085 -4678,4681l0 9361 0 3122c-6819,12890 -5956,9478 -18716,15603l-4680 0 -3119 0 -3037 1693 -4762 -134 -4567 -1850 -4824 1765 -6238 -2947 -4646 -88 -3037 1693 -7881 -132 -6239 0 -3037 1693 -9440 -134 -6239 0 -9416 2920 -6181 201 -3037 1695 -7881 -135 -3036 1694 -6322 -133c-12889,6186 -42446,8533 -49910,18724l-4568 -1852c-14938,7408 -33166,16908 -44181,27977 -5525,5550 -14663,12382 -18662,17217 -4649,5624 -11607,14711 -16412,19469 -7476,7401 -10078,12209 -16360,19522 -3154,3670 -6627,5615 -9027,9692 -2301,3912 -3513,6708 -6599,10562 -5736,7163 -9285,13516 -15162,20717 -3890,4767 -11238,14871 -14080,20243 -7026,4708 -31335,30224 -36868,38011 -3263,4592 -13675,14883 -18116,19325 -6838,6838 -13142,12725 -19880,19119 -4743,3178 -26890,20525 -28074,24966 -6365,529 -6221,317 -7799,4680 -6511,543 -14539,7801 -20275,7801 -5378,0 -13234,-6134 -15598,-9361l-18629 -3528c-1015,-3070 -451,-4273 -4766,-4273 -828,0 -3423,2246 -4679,3120 -6360,-3367 -42256,-23027 -46790,-23405 -1718,-4744 -8385,-7857 -13016,-10384 -3697,-2019 -8375,-6460 -12310,-9529 -8840,-6903 -17019,-12544 -25751,-19488 -7448,-5923 -18136,-14581 -25687,-19552 -9312,-6131 -14960,-12500 -25640,-19599 -8332,-5539 -19089,-12533 -26657,-18579 -7665,-6126 -19280,-13513 -25760,-19479 -7359,-6775 -17625,-11541 -25717,-19523 -4876,-4808 -19649,-16084 -25340,-19897 -897,-10777 -5706,-8615 -9197,-15765 -3107,-6362 -20411,-19600 -25019,-25640zm18142 94764l5936 -8329c-10776,-8228 -22616,-20232 -22616,-23185 0,-2187 2125,-3121 4680,-3121 5085,0 8598,7458 10917,10921l3118 0 3120 0 4569 1852 6998 10138 4063 1968 3087 86 1559 0c5419,0 2380,3121 7799,3121l12477 0 3119 0 6193 3204 3165 -84 1560 0 3120 0c6895,3649 14184,5814 20869,10329 3411,2304 5980,4084 9117,6481 4459,3407 5487,2832 8668,5372 10259,8187 23566,19013 32694,28143 10539,10541 19978,19790 30413,30428 11037,11252 19502,18892 31828,29011 5597,4595 10306,11142 16126,15075 7961,5375 8544,7723 15216,14423 5999,6027 10034,8652 15025,16175 2696,4066 10416,14915 11748,17895 5500,12314 16261,26317 25473,35367 4291,4214 32372,23530 32372,26906 0,2187 -2127,3121 -4679,3121 -3875,0 -17432,-10633 -25438,-17443 -1423,1243 -6494,4702 -6163,4880 11950,6467 28482,16032 28482,18804 0,2187 -2128,3121 -4680,3121l-1559 0c-1889,0 -17827,-10037 -20838,-11921 -7973,-4985 -15024,-6174 -22834,-9924l-3118 0 -10917 0 -3039 1694 -3201 -133 -7799 0 -10988 2807 -7727 314 -9359 0 -3119 0c-8369,-4432 -21934,-7301 -32203,-11474 -7826,-3178 -19557,-11439 -25110,-17007 -6502,-6523 -15681,-15179 -22594,-21086 -6266,-5354 -16789,-16877 -24592,-17527 -767,-9209 -19888,-25878 -26152,-33130 -1945,-2252 -9476,-15284 -11261,-18379 -3107,-5378 -7230,-14012 -10548,-19093 -6593,-10102 -17429,-26554 -22251,-37032 -3417,-7423 -5787,-13216 -9337,-20306 -2289,-4576 -8225,-14499 -9354,-18727l-6238 0c-2364,-8856 -15331,-13551 -18717,-28086 10632,2478 16819,14351 22920,14351zm353390 202957c4743,-5100 10401,-13080 13612,-19151 7400,-5423 37555,-63573 42284,-76282 6653,-17876 30941,-62586 43498,-73506l3121 0c746,-8990 19762,-25280 27129,-29029 13837,-7041 23689,-9990 39394,-15203 8294,-2750 9788,-4903 20256,-7821 7213,-2009 14897,-4146 20513,-7563 6308,-3839 12911,-4853 18521,-9559 1988,-1670 9129,-13422 9879,-16642l4678 0c5420,0 2382,-3120 7799,-3120l4680 0c-281,12602 -9734,10000 -12479,20284l6240 0c1756,-6583 7528,-9182 15597,-9363 -1300,15618 -18298,19494 -24598,26883 -6900,8090 -10934,26037 -15955,35530l0 3121 0 3120c-2174,4109 -6239,15930 -6239,21844 0,4365 -16214,39751 -19276,44688 -8651,13942 -17463,24065 -28677,35284 -10946,10948 -19656,22941 -33118,30841 -7644,4489 -11439,9706 -19731,13028 -5646,2259 -16569,7836 -19293,11906 -9859,219 -9573,4442 -20275,4682 -2478,1310 -7042,4679 -9358,4679 -3649,0 -4037,469 -6240,1561l-7798 0c-6475,3108 -12225,2884 -18357,8160 -5115,4403 -8292,8388 -13598,12922 -9907,8467 -17046,21411 -28873,24166 -2158,-3842 -1560,398 -1560,-3120 0,-5988 15935,-20318 23100,-27078 -243,-1182 -488,-2382 -724,-3424 -318,-1037 -589,-1973 -753,-2683 -159,-362 -304,-507 -432,-353 -3984,4815 -12589,14514 -15374,17565 -3918,4294 -7497,6612 -8936,6612 -1898,0 -4680,-3228 -4680,-6242 0,-283 14237,-14816 16023,-16737zm217930 631497c273,-12273 37938,-64494 46380,-73746 5132,-5627 9035,-11236 14081,-17119 3960,-4616 10992,-11797 13843,-15798 5033,-7065 8682,-8993 13391,-16250 4861,-7490 5439,-13198 9006,-20636l0 -4679 0 -3123 1694 -3038 -135 -6322 0 -6243c982,-2045 4680,-14348 4680,-17162 0,-7945 7799,-1416 7799,-9362l0 -6241 1691 -3038 -132 -7885 1694 -3038 -134 -6323c3099,-6462 -767,-7087 7798,-7801l1143 7880 416 3041 0 3121 -1909 7735c4882,-3254 3290,284 3469,-7735l3667 -4335 7331 797c-2623,11340 -8429,37060 -12558,45667l0 6241 -1692 3038 133 3202 0 4682 -1899 6152 3458 90 9155 -39059 203 -7752c0,-7961 11022,-4331 12479,-21844l6238 0 0 -7801 7719 -1878 -4190 20704 -409 3018 0 3121 -3205 6195 -1056 7927 -419 7722 0 9362 0 4682c-690,1439 -4678,10016 -4678,10921l0 9361 -1693 3038 133 14126 0 17164 0 12481 1692 3040 -132 3202 0 6241 5859 23494 379 6152 1693 3038 -134 4764 0 4681 0 6241 1694 3038 -133 7884 2917 9420 202 6183 0 3119 1693 3040 -134 12564 0 3122 -3051 7827 -68 4655 0 26526 0 7801 -4290 17253 -389 3031 0 4680 -4556 12525 -123 6199 -3619 13928c-4603,1962 -632,-1909 -4179,4795 -211,9415 -5906,19999 -9358,26526l0 3120c0,2839 -13368,24722 -14038,32766l-3119 0c-640,7685 -13250,27613 -17495,33990 -7146,10733 -12542,21046 -19585,31894 -7542,11613 -34344,53879 -34665,68303l-3037 1694 -4386 17140 -376 4571 0 3120 -2806 10992 -313 7731 0 12483c0,3596 -1085,4681 -4680,4681 -2403,0 -4678,-5239 -4678,-7801l0 -9363 1692 -3039 -132 -7883 1692 -3038 -133 -6323c3512,-7325 7215,-25122 9358,-34327l-3119 0c-366,4396 -4548,26526 -7798,26526 -3300,0 -2057,-559 -6240,-1561l-709 17213 -850 4630 0 9363 -1693 3038 134 4764c0,3595 -1086,4680 -4680,4680 -3593,0 -4679,-1085 -4679,-4680l0 -9363 1692 -3039 -132 -6322 1693 -3038 -134 -9444 0 -4682 0 -6241 3256 -10884 -1829 -3077 133 -4762 0 -21845 0 -20284 -1692 -3038 132 -14124 0 -3122 -3204 -6194 -1058 -7928 -416 -4601 0 -3120c-4775,-9029 -8112,-24641 -10915,-35892 -1964,-7888 -6534,-29988 -9362,-35883l0 -4681 0 -4680 -1692 -3039 133 -4763c0,-4457 -490,-2854 -3119,-4681l-1143 -7881 -417 -6162 0 -15603 0 -9361 1692 -3038 -132 -6324 1692 -3039 -133 -9445 0 -4680 0 -6241c5418,-11293 8252,-31624 14038,-43688l0 -6241 1899 -6153 2780 -89c602,-7247 -1674,-2728 3118,-6241zm312135 -170088l-1757 -9348 0 -4680 -1694 -3038 135 -6324 -2808 -10993 -313 -6171 -1900 -6151c1295,-1515 2881,-4770 5021,-4770 1898,0 4677,3228 4677,6241l0 3121c0,9262 6453,10202 10838,9842l2470 -394c-1320,-3547 -2334,-7018 -2388,-9448l6237 0c1636,6126 4699,9474 6829,18134 1998,8131 3556,10859 5849,17554 3693,10792 9659,23670 18149,30212 9943,7658 42971,39844 44040,52683 12027,1000 5932,10543 15596,14042 365,4396 7015,18724 9357,18724 3064,0 10470,-10202 10919,-15603l3119 0c-2614,11224 -7407,11149 -12478,18724l7164 21530 5436 14302 -122 4735 0 3120c3747,7813 6369,24843 10918,34328l0 6241 2918 9420 200 7744 2918 9418 202 3064 0 4680 4514 15646 165 7759 0 3121 1693 3038 -134 7884 1694 3038 -133 7884 1692 3038 -132 11006 0 21843 0 9362 -1694 3038 134 4764c0,5421 -3120,2381 -3120,7801l0 10923 0 3119 -4665 12488 -14 6235 0 3121 -1911 7735 -4363 10974 36 4697 0 3120 -4399 14127 -280 6158 -1694 3038 133 9443 0 6242 0 9361 1694 3039 -133 6323 3051 7827 68 3095 0 1561 0 3120c2316,4829 10918,31245 10918,37448 -9167,-204 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+ <path id="_159491504" class="fil1" d="M2.67402e+006 588368c16451,4394 20785,25499 20785,46786l0 1733c0,17306 3275,53335 -13858,53716l0 17329 -1855 -124 -5072 72903c18925,28273 29339,79708 74480,79708l3464 0c21707,0 24251,-21766 24251,-43320 0,-28044 -6963,-38579 -13112,-59659 -5785,-19827 -16334,-33184 -16334,-58173l0 -31190c0,-52042 29446,-99518 29446,-152488 0,-27702 -10116,-76243 -36375,-76243l-13857 0c-17322,0 -22784,35559 -28367,49598 -9775,24572 -18721,29803 -30525,47440l6929 51984zm36373 -67580c-9776,0 2136,4880 -12124,5198 1420,-6093 1448,-13862 8661,-13862l8660 0c4828,0 9596,10085 12125,13862l2175 24216 -443 3510 -472 13861 -7946 3922 -3961 -47226c-2872,-2110 -2790,-3481 -6675,-3481zm45245 254473l4987 3716c0,18839 6929,16912 6929,31191l0 12130c0,10880 -6422,24260 -17322,24260l-8661 0c-3668,0 -20785,-10859 -20785,-13863 0,-3993 1205,-5199 5197,-5199 4970,0 8219,8664 22517,8664l5198 0c8941,-38398 -3466,-25713 -3466,-53717 0,-4634 2500,-5125 5406,-7182zm-15798 -315122l-6990 -16 2146 -8560 10041 -88c7443,0 19053,21544 19053,29458l0 24260c0,10522 -4609,28720 -13858,31191 -2263,-4568 -1732,1426 -1732,-5199 0,-14367 6929,-23615 6929,-39855 0,-9381 -7526,-31191 -15589,-31191zm-39839 304976c3587,0 -665,2689 8134,3178l12990 -23786 4733 1871c125,15687 -7758,27237 -18928,32599 -4844,-2324 -12125,-3340 -12125,-10397 0,-2428 2361,-3465 5196,-3465z"/>
+ <path id="_155811792" class="fil1" d="M2.66362e+006 593567c0,-21402 -2787,-34839 -5607,-53308 -2713,-17760 -9983,-33272 -9908,-51051l8586 2122c-4487,-19265 -9295,-28847 -18705,-43670 -7489,-11798 -3191,-12330 -7900,-23286 -3097,-7203 -8061,-14417 -11502,-21418 -10836,-22048 -36920,-56344 -52951,-75255 -26296,-31016 -36849,-34490 -71741,-54728 -16516,-9579 -69922,-34544 -91825,-36367l0 -6931c-25031,-5834 -33060,-12758 -62013,-17670 -13674,-2321 -47986,-11622 -65119,-16298 -30565,-8340 -105971,-18016 -143079,-18016l-12125 0c-5509,0 -48301,7406 -56493,9332 -17690,4156 -34968,8608 -51539,14287 -18825,6450 -31630,9626 -47882,17944 -8421,4310 -37086,20353 -38083,29481 -34810,0 -176958,167033 -196908,201562 -24782,42893 -50326,81346 -69637,129611 -14497,36232 -41774,110367 -41774,157483 0,38385 5335,77296 5171,110923 -156,32532 13882,66263 13631,102421l3715 4990c0,12038 7019,25210 9727,37056 7323,32026 11910,17062 16739,30040 6239,16772 22748,47365 32777,62513 28837,43549 55664,62079 100167,88671 37802,22588 79475,48737 123960,64866 24229,8786 43676,18121 67074,28208 13320,5741 67911,20209 72195,23079 11652,0 36154,8493 45215,11950 7340,2801 41753,3645 53516,3645l20785 0c38466,0 148146,-30782 171132,-45403 11843,-7533 24872,-10702 36386,-17317 11275,-6476 24158,-14261 35561,-19875 13371,-6583 50257,-38452 59750,-49393 16866,-19439 33272,-37649 50075,-57339 10197,-11949 36825,-51529 43778,-65372 11347,-22589 24827,-49905 33929,-75225 4580,-12736 9671,-26524 14507,-39205 2266,-5947 13456,-36569 15630,-39815 0,-29573 22744,-82217 20655,-112518 -408,-5920 2283,-48426 4269,-60088 9050,-53141 -1786,-22938 724,-46353 -898,-3722 -1702,-7349 -2417,-10886 -5066,-547 -15321,-2474 -16118,-5389l-1018 -3721 3719 -1018c2081,-570 7306,105 11914,2060 -4408,-25871 -3917,-46842 -943,-65329zm-414400 -102658c8653,-11186 2975,-12310 18882,-20966 7989,-4346 18812,-9804 30039,-9804 6189,0 8688,972 10392,5199 10851,-5208 31703,14663 36956,23678 7727,13259 16740,25070 16740,45635l0 20793c0,22908 -34649,64115 -57159,64115 -100,0 -26799,-4651 -30878,-5501 -5259,-1096 -17277,-9157 -21512,-13136 -13848,-13016 -22093,-22551 -22093,-48943 0,-34930 2992,-40846 18633,-61070zm-93114 603439l33118 -1482 4990 -3716c29670,0 66020,-16759 83141,-29459 14703,-10907 51399,-39934 60624,-53717l46940 -46606 1560 1553c5743,3848 22517,9323 22517,17328 0,149 -14719,21297 -16751,24828 -3216,5582 -12437,22121 -15728,25855 -5099,5784 -12281,17392 -17094,24486 -8138,11996 -8663,11662 -18410,21438 -13404,13445 -31111,25099 -47722,35434 -8956,5572 -16971,10127 -25940,15637 -8094,4973 -20681,6770 -28103,11742 -15266,0 -31013,8664 -53695,8664 -79078,0 -131563,-24104 -177393,-58201 -11217,-8346 -22879,-17109 -32382,-26521 -9157,-9065 -19532,-22693 -28940,-29963 -9293,-7182 -20831,-21110 -28345,-30560 -2505,-3150 -22206,-33238 -22206,-34968l0 -6933c0,-6023 17471,-15594 20786,-15594 8880,0 18293,19865 29446,20793 1665,20024 67898,73019 85221,84561 26242,17485 82115,45401 124366,45401zm385142 -430318c-412,-2205 -1377,-5394 1099,-5864l10284 -1252c969,808 3321,2385 3501,3043 1375,5022 -11060,3359 -14884,4073zm-24320 -50083l8683 -2376c-982,4406 -1010,6945 -6985,8580l-3719 1018c-1055,-4216 -2001,-5813 2021,-7222zm-13406 14339c3958,-2312 2602,-3381 4281,-3840 4743,-1297 347,-504 4061,222 -1465,6564 1117,9716 -5967,12303l-2375 -8685zm-2520 12926c6388,-1477 12669,4327 15171,8951l-4962 1359 -2835 912 -7374 -11222zm15628 15496c-203,-742 1007,-3043 1462,-4402 1668,373 12857,3142 13200,4390 475,1740 -1012,2945 -3041,3501 -4080,1115 -10956,-1065 -11621,-3489zm14961 -42772c-782,-2860 -155,-3958 2704,-4741 5784,-1583 1994,789 7780,-795 3750,-1025 3829,523 5079,3945l-11163 3054c-2031,556 -3924,276 -4400,-1463zm114137 -1887c-760,-2782 236,-2991 1127,-5376l10598 -500 1359 4964 -8683 2375c-2032,556 -3925,275 -4401,-1463zm-88873 1644c-555,-2031 -277,-3926 1463,-4402 4586,-1255 6497,423 11841,-573l1358 4964 -8682 2375c-2396,656 -5567,-855 -5980,-2364zm64290 1080l-680 -2481 -988 -4124 14631 392c738,4619 -80,5357 -4843,6660 -3488,956 -5529,282 -8120,-447zm-36471 -1996l160 -4358 15889 -61c4622,8543 864,5098 -9804,8018l-6245 -3599zm-20102 53486c-410,-2204 -1375,-5392 1101,-5864l10284 -1252c968,808 3319,2385 3500,3044 1375,5023 -11060,3360 -14885,4072zm59852 -730l-3723 -3857 2992 -3144 13671 -1988 4689 5658 -2075 1655 -15554 1676zm-31206 -1773c-1915,-6995 18254,-6371 18944,-3850 783,2859 156,3959 -2703,4741l-6201 1697c-3528,965 -9362,-106 -10040,-2588zm-669676 -188484c39311,-7905 80138,11416 80138,52444l0 8664c0,26050 -10030,47813 -21695,63205 -15739,20767 -24009,26144 -57983,26901l-578 -5199c-11062,-259 -28428,-14650 -35375,-21216 -12529,-11843 -17744,-14777 -17744,-39432 0,-36497 23236,-79334 53237,-85367z"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/po/HelloDoctor.pot b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/po/HelloDoctor.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757612f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/po/HelloDoctor.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
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+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-28 20:26+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: activity/activity.info:2 HelloDoctor.py:33
+msgid "HelloDoctor"
+msgstr ""
+#: HelloDoctor.py:52
+msgid ""
+"Hello \n"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/rules.clp b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/rules.clp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04e2b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/rules.clp
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+(deffacts startup "All possible diseases"
+ (disease 1 Bacillary_dysentery)
+ (disease 2 Dengue)
+ (disease 3 Hepatitis_A)
+ (disease 4 Hepatitis_B)
+ (disease 5 HIV-1)
+ (disease 6 Influenza)
+ (disease 7 Malaria)
+ (disease 8 Measles)
+ (disease 9 Meningoencephalitis)
+ (disease 10 Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis)
+ (disease 11 Mycobacterium_tuberculosis)
+ (disease 12 Onchocerciasis)
+ (disease 13 Pneumonia)
+ (disease 14 Rotavirus)
+ (disease 15 Schistosoma_haematobium)
+ (disease 16 Sleeping_sickness)
+ (disease 17 Strep_throat)
+ (disease 18 Typhoid_fever)
+ (disease 19 Yellow_fever))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomPyrexia "Raised body temperature"
+ (symptom Pyrexia yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Rotavirus
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomNausea_vomiting "Feeling of sickness, vomiting"
+ (symptom Nausea_vomiting yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Dengue
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |HIV-1
+ |Malaria
+ |Measles
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Mycobacterium_tuberculosis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Schistosoma_haematobium
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomDiarrhoea "Faeces discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form"
+ (symptom Diarrhoea yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Dengue
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |Influenza
+ |Malaria
+ |Measles
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Mycobacterium_tuberculosis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Schistosoma_haematobium
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Yellow_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomRash "Area of redness and spots on a person's skin"
+ (symptom Rash yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |Influenza
+ |Malaria
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Rotavirus
+ |Schistosoma_haematobium
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Yellow_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomMyalgia "Pain in a muscle or in a group of muscles"
+ (symptom Myalgia yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Dengue
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |HIV-1
+ |Malaria
+ |Measles
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Mycobacterium_tuberculosis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Rotavirus
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Typhoid_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomHaematuria "Presence of blood in urine"
+ (symptom Haematuria yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |HIV-1
+ |Influenza
+ |Measles
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Mycobacterium_tuberculosis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Rotavirus
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Typhoid_fever
+ |Yellow_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomConjunctivitis "Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye"
+ (symptom Conjunctivitis yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Dengue
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |HIV-1
+ |Influenza
+ |Malaria
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Mycobacterium_tuberculosis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Rotavirus
+ |Schistosoma_haematobium
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Typhoid_fever
+ |Yellow_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomSuppurative_otitis_media "Inflammation of the middle ear with purulent discharge"
+ (symptom Suppurative_otitis_media yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Dengue
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |HIV-1
+ |Malaria
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Mycobacterium_tuberculosis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Rotavirus
+ |Schistosoma_haematobium
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Typhoid_fever
+ |Yellow_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomAcute_confusional_state "Transient disorder of cognition and attention accompanied by disturbances of the sleep-wake cycle and psychomotor behavior"
+ (symptom Acute_confusional_state yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Dengue
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |HIV-1
+ |Influenza
+ |Measles
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Mycobacterium_tuberculosis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Pneumonia
+ |Rotavirus
+ |Schistosoma_haematobium
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Yellow_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN::symptomHaemoptysis "Coughing up of blood"
+ (symptom Haemoptysis yes)
+ ?adr <- (disease ?
+ Bacillary_dysentery
+ |Hepatitis_A
+ |Hepatitis_B
+ |HIV-1
+ |Influenza
+ |Malaria
+ |Measles
+ |Meningoencephalitis
+ |Mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis
+ |Onchocerciasis
+ |Rotavirus
+ |Schistosoma_haematobium
+ |Sleeping_sickness
+ |Strep_throat
+ |Typhoid_fever
+ |Yellow_fever
+ )
+ (retract ?adr))
+(defrule MAIN:Solution "Answer what disease is"
+ (declare (salience -10000))
+ (disease ? ?sol)
+ (open "logfile.txt" logfile "a")
+ (printout logfile ?sol crlf)
+ (close logfile))
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/setup.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/setup.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf647c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2006, Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
+# Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+# your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will
+# be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+# the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General
+# Public License along with this program; if not,
+# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301 USA
+ from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder
+ bundlebuilder.start()
+except ImportError:
+ import os
+ os.system("find ./ | sed 's,^./,HelloDoctor.activity/,g' > MANIFEST")
+ os.chdir('..')
+ os.system('zip -r HelloDoctor.xo HelloDoctor.activity')
+ os.system('mv HelloDoctor.xo ./HelloDoctor.activity')
+ os.chdir('HelloDoctor.activity')