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path: root/pgu/gui
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Diffstat (limited to 'pgu/gui')
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/__init__.pycbin0 -> 1856 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/app.pycbin0 -> 6685 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/area.pycbin0 -> 13562 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/basic.pycbin0 -> 4473 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/button.pycbin0 -> 11854 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/const.pycbin0 -> 1133 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/container.pycbin0 -> 12229 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/deprecated.pycbin0 -> 3300 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/dialog.pycbin0 -> 4744 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/document.pycbin0 -> 3731 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/form.pycbin0 -> 2767 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/group.pycbin0 -> 1827 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/input.pycbin0 -> 4938 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/keysym.pycbin0 -> 2638 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/layout.pycbin0 -> 5499 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/menus.pycbin0 -> 4614 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/misc.pycbin0 -> 1797 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/pguglobals.pycbin0 -> 134 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/select.pycbin0 -> 5208 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/slider.pycbin0 -> 9981 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/style.pycbin0 -> 2164 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/surface.pycbin0 -> 7067 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/table.pycbin0 -> 9131 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/textarea.pycbin0 -> 7099 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/theme.pycbin0 -> 15188 bytes
-rw-r--r--pgu/gui/widget.pycbin0 -> 11782 bytes
52 files changed, 4835 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pgu/gui/__init__.py b/pgu/gui/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256fb63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from theme import Theme
+from style import Style
+from widget import Widget
+from surface import subsurface, ProxySurface
+from const import *
+from container import Container
+from app import App, Desktop
+from table import Table
+from document import Document
+from area import SlideBox, ScrollArea, List
+from form import Form
+from group import Group
+from basic import Spacer, Color, Label, Image, parse_color
+from button import Icon, Button, Switch, Checkbox, Radio, Tool, Link
+from input import Input, Password
+from keysym import Keysym
+from slider import VSlider, HSlider, VScrollBar, HScrollBar
+from select import Select
+from misc import ProgressBar
+from menus import Menus
+from dialog import Dialog, FileDialog
+from textarea import TextArea
+from deprecated import Toolbox, action_open, action_setvalue, action_quit, action_exec
diff --git a/pgu/gui/__init__.pyc b/pgu/gui/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da4bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/__init__.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/app.py b/pgu/gui/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ce66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+import pguglobals
+import container
+from const import *
+class App(container.Container):
+ """The top-level widget for an application.
+ <pre>App(theme=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>theme<dd>an instance of a Theme, optional as it will use the default Theme class.
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Basic Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ app = gui.App()
+ app.run(widget=widget,screen=screen)
+ </code>
+ <strong>Integrated Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ app = gui.App()
+ gui.init(widget=widget)
+ while 1:
+ for e in pygame.event.get():
+ app.event(e)
+ app.update(screen)
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,theme=None,**params):
+ self.set_global_app()
+ if theme == None:
+ from theme import Theme
+ theme = Theme()
+ self.theme = theme
+ params['decorate'] = 'app'
+ container.Container.__init__(self,**params)
+ self._quit = False
+ self.widget = None
+ self._chsize = False
+ self._repaint = False
+ self.screen = None
+ self.container = None
+ self.events = []
+ def set_global_app(self):
+ # Keep a global reference to this application instance so that PGU
+ # components can easily find it.
+ pguglobals.app = self
+ # For backwards compatibility we keep a reference in the class
+ # itself too.
+ App.app = self
+ def resize(self):
+ screen = self.screen
+ w = self.widget
+ wsize = 0
+ #5 cases
+ #input screen is already set use its size
+ if screen:
+ self.screen = screen
+ width,height = screen.get_width(),screen.get_height()
+ #display.screen
+ elif pygame.display.get_surface():
+ screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
+ self.screen = screen
+ width,height = screen.get_width(),screen.get_height()
+ #app has width,height
+ elif self.style.width != 0 and self.style.height != 0:
+ screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.style.width,self.style.height),SWSURFACE)
+ self.screen = screen
+ width,height = screen.get_width(),screen.get_height()
+ #widget has width,height, or its own size..
+ else:
+ wsize = 1
+ width,height = w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #w._resize()
+ screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height),SWSURFACE)
+ self.screen = screen
+ #use screen to set up size of this widget
+ self.style.width,self.style.height = width,height
+ self.rect.w,self.rect.h = width,height
+ self.rect.x,self.rect.y = 0,0
+ w.rect.x,w.rect.y = 0,0
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(width,height)
+ for w in self.windows:
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ self._chsize = False
+ def init(self,widget=None,screen=None): #TODO widget= could conflict with module widget
+ """Initialize the application.
+ <pre>App.init(widget=None,screen=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>main widget
+ <dt>screen<dd>pygame.Surface to render to
+ </dl>
+ """
+ self.set_global_app()
+ if widget: self.widget = widget
+ if screen: self.screen = screen
+ self.resize()
+ w = self.widget
+ self.widgets = []
+ self.widgets.append(w)
+ w.container = self
+ self.focus(w)
+ pygame.key.set_repeat(500,30)
+ self._repaint = True
+ self._quit = False
+ self.send(INIT)
+ def event(self,e):
+ """Pass an event to the main widget.
+ <pre>App.event(e)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>e<dd>event
+ </dl>
+ """
+ self.set_global_app()
+ #NOTE: might want to deal with ACTIVEEVENT in the future.
+ self.send(e.type,e)
+ container.Container.event(self,e)
+ if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+ if e.button not in (4,5): #ignore mouse wheel
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(CLICK,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':e.pos})
+ self.send(sub.type,sub)
+ container.Container.event(self,sub)
+ def loop(self):
+ self.set_global_app()
+ s = self.screen
+ for e in pygame.event.get():
+ if not (e.type == QUIT and self.mywindow):
+ self.event(e)
+ us = self.update(s)
+ pygame.display.update(us)
+ def paint(self,screen):
+ self.screen = screen
+ if self._chsize:
+ self.resize()
+ self._chsize = False
+ if hasattr(self,'background'):
+ self.background.paint(screen)
+ container.Container.paint(self,screen)
+ def update(self,screen):
+ """Update the screen.
+ <dl>
+ <dt>screen<dd>pygame surface
+ </dl>
+ """
+ self.screen = screen
+ if self._chsize:
+ self.resize()
+ self._chsize = False
+ if self._repaint:
+ self.paint(screen)
+ self._repaint = False
+ return [pygame.Rect(0,0,screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())]
+ else:
+ us = container.Container.update(self,screen)
+ return us
+ def run(self,widget=None,screen=None):
+ """Run an application.
+ <p>Automatically calls <tt>App.init</tt> and then forever loops <tt>App.event</tt> and <tt>App.update</tt></p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>main widget
+ <dt>screen<dd>pygame.Surface to render to
+ </dl>
+ """
+ self.init(widget,screen)
+ while not self._quit:
+ self.loop()
+ pygame.time.wait(10)
+ def reupdate(self,w=None): pass
+ def repaint(self,w=None): self._repaint = True
+ def repaintall(self): self._repaint = True
+ def chsize(self):
+ self._chsize = True
+ self._repaint = True
+ def quit(self,value=None): self._quit = True
+class Desktop(App):
+ """Create an App using the <tt>desktop</tt> theme class.
+ <pre>Desktop()</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','desktop')
+ App.__init__(self,**params)
diff --git a/pgu/gui/app.pyc b/pgu/gui/app.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3199e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/app.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/area.py b/pgu/gui/area.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39b8cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/area.py
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+import os
+import pguglobals
+from const import *
+import surface
+import container, table
+import group
+import basic, button, slider
+class SlideBox(container.Container):
+ """A scrollable area with no scrollbars.
+ <pre>SlideBox(widget,width,height)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>widget to be able to scroll around
+ <dt>width, height<dd>size of scrollable area
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ c = SlideBox(w,100,100)
+ c.offset = (10,10)
+ c.repaint()
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, widget, width, height, **params):
+ params.setdefault('width', width)
+ params.setdefault('height', height)
+ container.Container.__init__(self, **params)
+ self.offset = [0, 0]
+ self.widget = widget
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'widget':
+ if hasattr(self,'widget'):
+ self.remove(self.widget)
+ self.add(v,0,0)
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ def paint(self, s):
+ #if not hasattr(self,'surface'):
+ self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.max_rect.w,self.max_rect.h),0,s)
+ #self.surface.fill((0,0,0,0))
+ pguglobals.app.theme.render(self.surface,self.style.background,pygame.Rect(0,0,self.max_rect.w,self.max_rect.h))
+ self.bkgr = pygame.Surface((s.get_width(),s.get_height()),0,s)
+ self.bkgr.blit(s,(0,0))
+ container.Container.paint(self,self.surface)
+ s.blit(self.surface,(-self.offset[0],-self.offset[1]))
+ self._offset = self.offset[:]
+ return
+ def paint_for_when_pygame_supports_other_tricks(self,s):
+ #this would be ideal if pygame had support for it!
+ #and if pgu also had a paint(self,s,rect) method to paint small parts
+ sr = (self.offset[0],self.offset[1],self.max_rect.w,self.max_rect.h)
+ cr = (-self.offset[0],-self.offset[1],s.get_width(),s.get_height())
+ s2 = s.subsurface(sr)
+ s2.set_clip(cr)
+ container.Container.paint(self,s2)
+ def proxy_paint(self, s):
+ container.Container.paint(self, surface.ProxySurface(parent=None,
+ rect=self.max_rect,
+ real_surface=s,
+ offset=self.offset))
+ def update(self, s):
+ rects = container.Container.update(self,self.surface)
+ rets = []
+ s_rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,s.get_width(),s.get_height())
+ if self.offset == self._offset:
+ for r in rects:
+ r2 = r.move((-self.offset[0],-self.offset[1]))
+ if r2.colliderect(s_rect):
+ s.blit(self.surface.subsurface(r),r2)
+ rets.append(r2)
+ else:
+ s.blit(self.bkgr,(0,0))
+ sub = pygame.Rect(self.offset[0],self.offset[1],min(s.get_width(),self.max_rect.w-self.offset[0]),min(s.get_height(),self.max_rect.h-self.offset[1]))
+# print sub
+# print self.surface.get_width(),self.surface.get_height()
+# print s.get_width(),s.get_height()
+# print self.offset
+# print self.style.width,self.style.height
+ s.blit(self.surface.subsurface(sub),(0,0))
+ rets.append(s_rect)
+ self._offset = self.offset[:]
+ return rets
+ def proxy_update(self, s):
+ rects = container.Container.update(self, surface.ProxySurface(parent=None,
+ rect=self.max_rect,
+ real_surface=s,
+ offset=self.offset))
+ result = []
+ for r in rects: result.append(pygame.Rect(r).move(self.offset))
+ return result
+ def resize(self, width=None, height=None):
+ container.Container.resize(self)
+ self.max_rect = pygame.Rect(self.widget.rect)
+ #self.max_rect.w = max(self.max_rect.w,self.style.width)
+ #self.max_rect.h = max(self.max_rect.h,self.style.height)
+ return self.style.width,self.style.height
+ #self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.rect[0], self.rect[1], self.style.width, self.style.height)
+ def event(self, e):
+ pos = (e.pos[0] + self.offset[0], e.pos[1] + self.offset[1])
+ if self.max_rect.collidepoint(pos):
+ e_params = {'pos': pos }
+ if e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ e_params['buttons'] = e.buttons
+ e_params['rel'] = e.rel
+ else:
+ e_params['button'] = e.button
+ e = pygame.event.Event(e.type, e_params)
+ container.Container.event(self, e)
+#class SlideBox(Area):
+# def __init__(self,*args,**params):
+# print 'gui.SlideBox','Scheduled to be renamed to Area.'
+# Area.__init__(self,*args,**params)
+class ScrollArea(table.Table):
+ """A scrollable area with scrollbars.
+ <pre>ScrollArea(widget,width,height,hscrollbar=True)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>widget to be able to scroll around
+ <dt>width, height<dd>size of scrollable area. Set either to 0 to default to size of widget.
+ <dt>hscrollbar<dd>set to False if you do not wish to have a horizontal scrollbar
+ <dt>vscrollbar<dd>set to False if you do not wish to have a vertical scrollbar
+ <dt>step<dd>set to how far clicks on the icons will step
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, widget, width=0, height=0, hscrollbar=True, vscrollbar=True,step=24, **params):
+ w= widget
+ params.setdefault('cls', 'scrollarea')
+ table.Table.__init__(self, width=width,height=height,**params)
+ self.sbox = SlideBox(w, width=width, height=height, cls=self.cls+".content")
+ self.widget = w
+ self.vscrollbar = vscrollbar
+ self.hscrollbar = hscrollbar
+ self.step = step
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'widget':
+ self.sbox.widget = v
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ widget = self.widget
+ box = self.sbox
+ #self.clear()
+ table.Table.clear(self)
+ #print 'resize',self,self._rows
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(box)
+ widget.rect.w, widget.rect.h = widget.resize()
+ my_width,my_height = self.style.width,self.style.height
+ if not my_width:
+ my_width = widget.rect.w
+ self.hscrollbar = False
+ if not my_height:
+ my_height = widget.rect.h
+ self.vscrollbar = False
+ box.style.width,box.style.height = my_width,my_height #self.style.width,self.style.height
+ box.rect.w,box.rect.h = box.resize()
+ #print widget.rect
+ #print box.rect
+ #r = table.Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ #print r
+ #return r
+ #print box.offset
+# #this old code automatically adds in a scrollbar if needed
+# #but it doesn't always work
+# self.vscrollbar = None
+# if widget.rect.h > box.rect.h:
+# self.vscrollbar = slider.VScrollBar(box.offset[1],0, 65535, 0,step=self.step)
+# self.td(self.vscrollbar)
+# self.vscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._vscrollbar_changed, None)
+# vs = self.vscrollbar
+# vs.rect.w,vs.rect.h = vs.resize()
+# box.style.width = self.style.width - vs.rect.w
+# self.hscrollbar = None
+# if widget.rect.w > box.rect.w:
+# self.hscrollbar = slider.HScrollBar(box.offset[0], 0,65535, 0,step=self.step)
+# self.hscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._hscrollbar_changed, None)
+# self.tr()
+# self.td(self.hscrollbar)
+# hs = self.hscrollbar
+# hs.rect.w,hs.rect.h = hs.resize()
+# box.style.height = self.style.height - hs.rect.h
+ xt,xr,xb,xl = pguglobals.app.theme.getspacing(box)
+ if self.vscrollbar:
+ self.vscrollbar = slider.VScrollBar(box.offset[1],0, 65535, 0,step=self.step)
+ self.td(self.vscrollbar)
+ self.vscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._vscrollbar_changed, None)
+ vs = self.vscrollbar
+ vs.rect.w,vs.rect.h = vs.resize()
+ if self.style.width:
+ box.style.width = self.style.width - (vs.rect.w + xl+xr)
+ if self.hscrollbar:
+ self.hscrollbar = slider.HScrollBar(box.offset[0], 0,65535, 0,step=self.step)
+ self.hscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._hscrollbar_changed, None)
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(self.hscrollbar)
+ hs = self.hscrollbar
+ hs.rect.w,hs.rect.h = hs.resize()
+ if self.style.height:
+ box.style.height = self.style.height - (hs.rect.h + xt + xb)
+ if self.hscrollbar:
+ hs = self.hscrollbar
+ hs.min = 0
+ hs.max = widget.rect.w - box.style.width
+ hs.style.width = box.style.width
+ hs.size = hs.style.width * box.style.width / max(1,widget.rect.w)
+ else:
+ box.offset[0] = 0
+ if self.vscrollbar:
+ vs = self.vscrollbar
+ vs.min = 0
+ vs.max = widget.rect.h - box.style.height
+ vs.style.height = box.style.height
+ vs.size = vs.style.height * box.style.height / max(1,widget.rect.h)
+ else:
+ box.offset[1] = 0
+ #print self.style.width,box.style.width, hs.style.width
+ r = table.Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ return r
+ def x_resize(self, width=None, height=None):
+ w,h = table.Table.resize(self, width, height)
+ if self.hscrollbar:
+ if self.widget.rect.w <= self.sbox.rect.w:
+ self.hscrollbar.size = self.hscrollbar.style.width
+ else:
+ self.hscrollbar.size = max(20,self.hscrollbar.style.width * self.sbox.rect.w / self.widget.rect.w)
+ self._hscrollbar_changed(None)
+ if self.widget.rect.h <= self.sbox.rect.h:
+ self.vscrollbar.size = self.vscrollbar.style.height
+ else:
+ self.vscrollbar.size = max(20,self.vscrollbar.style.height * self.sbox.rect.h / self.widget.rect.h)
+ self._vscrollbar_changed(None)
+ return w,h
+ def _vscrollbar_changed(self, xxx):
+ #y = (self.widget.rect.h - self.sbox.rect.h) * self.vscrollbar.value / 1000
+ #if y >= 0: self.sbox.offset[1] = -y
+ self.sbox.offset[1] = self.vscrollbar.value
+ self.sbox.reupdate()
+ def _hscrollbar_changed(self, xxx):
+ #x = (self.widget.rect.w - self.sbox.rect.w) * self.hscrollbar.value / 1000
+ #if x >= 0: self.sbox.offset[0] = -x
+ self.sbox.offset[0] = self.hscrollbar.value
+ self.sbox.reupdate()
+ def set_vertical_scroll(self, percents):
+ #if not self.vscrollbar: return
+ if not hasattr(self.vscrollbar,'value'): return
+ self.vscrollbar.value = percents #min(max(percents*10, 0), 1000)
+ self._vscrollbar_changed(None)
+ def set_horizontal_scroll(self, percents):
+ #if not self.hscrollbar: return
+ if not hasattr(self.hscrollbar,'value'): return
+ self.hscrollbar.value = percents #min(max(percents*10, 0), 1000)
+ self._hscrollbar_changed(None)
+class _List_Item(button._button):
+ def __init__(self,label=None,image=None,value=None,**params): #TODO label= could conflict with the module label
+ #param image: an imagez.Image object (optional)
+ #param text: a string object
+ params.setdefault('cls','list.item')
+ button._button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.group = None
+ self.value = value #(self, value)
+ self.widget = None
+ if type(label) == str:
+ label = basic.Label(label, cls=self.cls+".label")
+ if image and label:
+ self.widget = container.Container()
+ self.widget.add(image, 0, 0)
+ #HACK: improper use of .resize()
+ image.rect.w,image.rect.h = image.resize()
+ self.widget.add(label, image.rect.w, 0)
+ elif image: self.widget = image
+ elif label: self.widget = label
+ self.pcls = ""
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ self.widget.rect.w,self.widget.rect.h = self.widget.resize()
+ return self.widget.rect.w,self.widget.rect.h
+# self.widget._resize()
+# self.rect.w,self.rect.h = self.widget.rect_margin.w,self.widget.rect_margin.h
+ def event(self,e):
+ button._button.event(self,e)
+ if self.group.value == self.value: self.pcls = "down"
+ def paint(self,s):
+ if self.group.value == self.value: self.pcls = "down"
+ self.widget.paint(surface.subsurface(s,self.widget.rect))
+ def click(self):
+ self.group.value = self.value
+ for w in self.group.widgets:
+ if w != self: w.pcls = ""
+class List(ScrollArea):
+ """A list of items in an area.
+ <p>This widget can be a form element, it has a value set to whatever item is selected.</p>
+ <pre>List(width,height)</pre>
+ """
+ def _change(self, value):
+ self.value = self.group.value
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def __init__(self, width, height, **params):
+ params.setdefault('cls', 'list')
+ self.table = table.Table(width=width)
+ ScrollArea.__init__(self, self.table, width, height,hscrollbar=False ,**params)
+ self.items = []
+ g = group.Group()
+ self.group = g
+ g.connect(CHANGE,self._change,None)
+ self.value = self.group.value = None
+ self.add = self._add
+ self.remove = self._remove
+ def clear(self):
+ """Clear the list.
+ <pre>List.clear()</pre>
+ """
+ self.items = []
+ self.group = group.Group()
+ self.group.connect(CHANGE,self._change,None)
+ self.table.clear()
+ self.set_vertical_scroll(0)
+ self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ def _docs(self): #HACK: nasty hack to get the docs in "my way"
+ def add(self, label, image=None, value=None):
+ """Add an item to the list.
+ <pre>List.add(label,image=None,value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>label<dd>a label for the item
+ <dt>image<dd>an image for the item
+ <dt>value<dd>a value for the item
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def remove(self,value):
+ """Remove an item from the list.
+ <pre>List.remove(value)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>a value of an item to remove from the list
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def _add(self, label, image = None, value=None):
+ item = _List_Item(label,image=image,value=value)
+ self.table.tr()
+ self.table.add(item)
+ self.items.append(item)
+ item.group = self.group
+ item.group.add(item)
+ def _remove(self, item):
+ for i in self.items:
+ if i.value == item: item = i
+ if item not in self.items: return
+ item.blur()
+ self.items.remove(item)
+ self.group.widgets.remove(item)
+ self.table.remove_row(item.style.row)
+#class List(ListArea):
+# def __init__(self,*args,**params):
+# print 'gui.List','Scheduled to be renamed to ListArea. API may also be changed in the future.'
+# ListArea.__init__(self,*args,**params)
diff --git a/pgu/gui/area.pyc b/pgu/gui/area.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2aa1d1
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+++ b/pgu/gui/area.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/basic.py b/pgu/gui/basic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..093c6ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/basic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+"""These widgets are all grouped together because they are non-interactive widgets.
+import pygame
+from const import *
+import widget
+# Turns a descriptive string or a tuple into a pygame color
+def parse_color(desc):
+ if (isinstance(desc, pygame.Color)):
+ # Already a color
+ return desc
+ elif (desc and desc[0] == "#"):
+ # Because of a bug in pygame 1.8.1 we need to explicitly define the
+ # alpha value otherwise it will default to transparent.
+ if (len(desc) == 7):
+ desc += "FF"
+ return pygame.Color(desc)
+class Spacer(widget.Widget):
+ """A invisible space.
+ <pre>Spacer(width,height)</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,width,height,**params):
+ params.setdefault('focusable',False)
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,width=width,height=height,**params)
+class Color(widget.Widget):
+ """A block of color.
+ <p>The color can be changed at run-time.</p>
+ <pre>Color(value=None)</pre>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ c = Color()
+ c.value = (255,0,0)
+ c.value = (0,255,0)
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('focusable',False)
+ if value != None: params['value']=value
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ def paint(self,s):
+ if hasattr(self,'value'): s.fill(self.value)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value' and type(v) == str:
+ v = parse_color(v)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+class Label(widget.Widget):
+ """A text label.
+ <pre>Label(value)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>text to be displayed
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = Label(value="I own a rubber chicken!")
+ w = Label("3 rubber chickens")
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,**params):
+ params.setdefault('focusable',False)
+ params.setdefault('cls','label')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.font = self.style.font
+ self.style.width, self.style.height = self.font.size(self.value)
+ def paint(self,s):
+ s.blit(self.font.render(self.value, 1, self.style.color),(0,0))
+class Image(widget.Widget):
+ """An image.
+ <pre>Image(value)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>a file name or a pygame.Surface
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,**params):
+ params.setdefault('focusable',False)
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ if type(value) == str: value = pygame.image.load(value)
+ ow,oh = iw,ih = value.get_width(),value.get_height()
+ sw,sh = self.style.width,self.style.height
+ if sw and not sh:
+ iw,ih = sw,ih*sw/iw
+ elif sh and not sw:
+ iw,ih = iw*sh/ih,sh
+ elif sw and sh:
+ iw,ih = sw,sh
+ if (ow,oh) != (iw,ih):
+ value = pygame.transform.scale(value,(iw,ih))
+ self.style.width,self.style.height = iw,ih
+ self.value = value
+ def paint(self,s):
+ s.blit(self.value,(0,0))
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index 0000000..80e1e93
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+++ b/pgu/gui/basic.pyc
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90cdd1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/button.py
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget, surface
+import basic
+class _button(widget.Widget):
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.state = 0
+ def event(self,e):
+ if e.type == ENTER: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == EXIT: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == FOCUS: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == BLUR: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key == K_SPACE or e.key == K_RETURN:
+ self.state = 1
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ self.state = 1
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == KEYUP:
+ if self.state == 1:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(CLICK,{'pos':(0,0),'button':1})
+ #self.send(sub.type,sub)
+ self._event(sub)
+ self.state = 0
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+ self.state = 0
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == CLICK:
+ self.click()
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.state == 0 and self.container.myhover is self:
+ self.pcls = "hover"
+ if self.state == 1 and self.container.myhover is self:
+ self.pcls = "down"
+ def click(self):
+ pass
+class Button(_button):
+ """A button, buttons can be clicked, they are usually used to set up callbacks.
+ <pre>Button(value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>either a widget or a string
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = gui.Button("Click Me")
+ w.connect(gui.CLICK,fnc,value)
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','button')
+ _button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value' and type(v) == str: v = basic.Label(v,cls=self.cls+".label")
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and v != None:
+ pass
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != None and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.chsize()
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ self.value.rect.x,self.value.rect.y = 0,0
+ self.value.rect.w,self.value.rect.h = self.value.resize(width,height)
+ return self.value.rect.w,self.value.rect.h
+# self.value._resize()
+# self.rect.w,self.rect.h = self.value.rect_margin.w,self.value.rect_margin.h
+# if self.style.width: self.rect.w = max(self.rect.w,self.style.width)
+# if self.style.height: self.rect.w = max(self.rect.w,self.style.height)
+# xt,xr,xb,xl = self.value.getspacing()
+# self.value._resize(self.rect.w-(xl+xr),self.rect.h-(xt+xb))
+ def paint(self,s):
+ self.value.pcls = self.pcls
+ self.value.paint(surface.subsurface(s,self.value.rect))
+class Switch(_button):
+ """A switch can have two states, True or False.
+ <pre>Switch(value=False)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>initial value, (True, False)
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = gui.Switch(True)
+ w.connect(gui.CHANGE,fnc,value)
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value=False,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','switch')
+ _button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ img = self.style.off
+ self.style.width = img.get_width()
+ self.style.height = img.get_height()
+ def paint(self,s):
+ #self.pcls = ""
+ #if self.container.myhover is self: self.pcls = "hover"
+ if self.value: img = self.style.on
+ else: img = self.style.off
+ s.blit(img,(0,0))
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+ def click(self):
+ self.value = not self.value
+class Checkbox(_button):
+ """Within a Group of Checkbox widgets several may be selected at a time.
+ <pre>Checkbox(group,value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>group<dd>a gui.Group for the Checkbox to belong to
+ <dt>value<dd>the value
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ g = gui.Group(name='colors',value=['r','b'])
+ t = gui.Table()
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label('Red'))
+ t.td(gui.Checkbox(g,'r'))
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label('Green'))
+ t.td(gui.Checkbox(g,'g'))
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label('Blue'))
+ t.td(gui.Checkbox(g,'b'))
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,group,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','checkbox')
+ _button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.group = group
+ self.group.add(self)
+ if self.group.value == None:
+ self.group.value = []
+ self.value = value
+ img = self.style.off
+ self.style.width = img.get_width()
+ self.style.height = img.get_height()
+ def paint(self,s):
+ #self.pcls = ""
+ #if self.container.myhover is self: self.pcls = "hover"
+ if self.value in self.group.value: img = self.style.on
+ else: img = self.style.off
+ s.blit(img,(0,0))
+ def click(self):
+ if self.value in self.group.value:
+ self.group.value.remove(self.value)
+ else:
+ self.group.value.append(self.value)
+ self.group._change()
+class Radio(_button):
+ """Within a Group of Radio widgets only one may be selected at a time.
+ <pre>Radio(group,value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>group<dd>a gui.Group for the Radio to belong to
+ <dt>value<dd>the value
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ g = gui.Group(name='colors',value='g')
+ t = gui.Table()
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label('Red'))
+ t.td(gui.Radio(g,'r'))
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label('Green'))
+ t.td(gui.Radio(g,'g'))
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label('Blue'))
+ t.td(gui.Radio(g,'b'))
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,group=None,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','radio')
+ _button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.group = group
+ self.group.add(self)
+ self.value = value
+ img = self.style.off
+ self.style.width = img.get_width()
+ self.style.height = img.get_height()
+ def paint(self,s):
+ #self.pcls = ""
+ #if self.container.myhover is self: self.pcls = "hover"
+ if self.group.value == self.value: img = self.style.on
+ else: img = self.style.off
+ s.blit(img,(0,0))
+ def click(self):
+ self.group.value = self.value
+class Tool(_button):
+ """Within a Group of Tool widgets only one may be selected at a time.
+ <pre>Tool(group,widget=None,value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>group<dd>a gui.Group for the Tool to belong to
+ <dt>widget<dd>a widget to appear on the Tool (similar to a Button)
+ <dt>value<dd>the value
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ g = gui.Group(name='colors',value='g')
+ t = gui.Table()
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Tool(g,'Red','r'))
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Tool(g,'Green','g'))
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Tool(g,'Blue','b'))
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,group,widget=None,value=None,**params): #TODO widget= could conflict with module widget
+ params.setdefault('cls','tool')
+ _button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.group = group
+ self.group.add(self)
+ self.value = value
+ if widget:
+ self.setwidget(widget)
+ if self.group.value == self.value: self.pcls = "down"
+ def setwidget(self,w):
+ self.widget = w
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ self.widget.rect.w,self.widget.rect.h = self.widget.resize()
+ #self.widget._resize()
+ #self.rect.w,self.rect.h = self.widget.rect_margin.w,self.widget.rect_margin.h
+ return self.widget.rect.w,self.widget.rect.h
+ def event(self,e):
+ _button.event(self,e)
+ if self.group.value == self.value: self.pcls = "down"
+ def paint(self,s):
+ if self.group.value == self.value: self.pcls = "down"
+ self.widget.paint(surface.subsurface(s,self.widget.rect))
+ def click(self):
+ self.group.value = self.value
+ for w in self.group.widgets:
+ if w != self: w.pcls = ""
+class Icon(_button):
+ """TODO - might be deprecated
+ """
+ def __init__(self,cls,**params):
+ params['cls'] = cls
+ _button.__init__(self,**params)
+ s = self.style.image
+ self.style.width = s.get_width()
+ self.style.height = s.get_height()
+ self.state = 0
+ def paint(self,s):
+ #self.pcls = ""
+ #if self.state == 0 and hasattr(self.container,'myhover') and self.container.myhover is self: self.pcls = "hover"
+ #if self.state == 1 and hasattr(self.container,'myhover') and self.container.myhover is self: self.pcls = "down"
+ s.blit(self.style.image,(0,0))
+class Link(_button):
+ """A link, links can be clicked, they are usually used to set up callbacks.
+ Basically the same as the button widget, just text only with a different cls. Made for
+ convenience.
+ <pre>Link(value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>a string
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = gui.Link("Click Me")
+ w.connect(gui.CLICK,fnc,value)
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,**params):
+ params.setdefault('focusable',True)
+ params.setdefault('cls','link')
+ _button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.font = self.style.font
+ self.style.width, self.style.height = self.font.size(self.value)
+ def paint(self,s):
+ s.blit(self.font.render(self.value, 1, self.style.color),(0,0))
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050236a
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+++ b/pgu/gui/button.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/const.py b/pgu/gui/const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c865cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<strong>Event Types</strong>
+<p>from pygame</p>
+<p>gui specific</p>
+import pygame
+ENTER = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 0
+EXIT = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 1
+BLUR = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 2
+FOCUS = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 3
+CLICK = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 4
+CHANGE = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 5
+OPEN = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 6
+CLOSE = pygame.locals.USEREVENT + 7
+INIT = 'init'
+class NOATTR: pass \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pgu/gui/const.pyc b/pgu/gui/const.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6694c12
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+++ b/pgu/gui/const.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/container.py b/pgu/gui/container.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3dd810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/container.py
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget, surface
+import pguglobals
+class Container(widget.Widget):
+ """The base container widget, can be used as a template as well as stand alone.
+ <pre>Container()</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.myfocus = None
+ self.mywindow = None
+ self.myhover = None
+ #self.background = 0
+ self.widgets = []
+ self.windows = []
+ self.toupdate = {}
+ self.topaint = {}
+ def update(self,s):
+ updates = []
+ if self.myfocus: self.toupdate[self.myfocus] = self.myfocus
+ for w in self.topaint:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ continue
+ else:
+ sub = surface.subsurface(s,w.rect)
+ sub.blit(w._container_bkgr,(0,0))
+ w.paint(sub)
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(w.rect))
+ for w in self.toupdate:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ continue
+ else:
+ us = w.update(surface.subsurface(s,w.rect))
+ if us:
+ for u in us:
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(u.x + w.rect.x,u.y+w.rect.y,u.w,u.h))
+ for w in self.topaint:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ w.paint(self.top_surface(s,w))
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(w.rect))
+ else:
+ continue
+ for w in self.toupdate:
+ if w is self.mywindow:
+ us = w.update(self.top_surface(s,w))
+ else:
+ continue
+ if us:
+ for u in us:
+ updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(u.x + w.rect.x,u.y+w.rect.y,u.w,u.h))
+ self.topaint = {}
+ self.toupdate = {}
+ return updates
+ def repaint(self,w=None):
+ if not w:
+ return widget.Widget.repaint(self)
+ self.topaint[w] = w
+ self.reupdate()
+ def reupdate(self,w=None):
+ if not w:
+ return widget.Widget.reupdate(self)
+ self.toupdate[w] = w
+ self.reupdate()
+ def paint(self,s):
+ self.toupdate = {}
+ self.topaint = {}
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ try:
+ sub = surface.subsurface(s, w.rect)
+ except:
+ print 'container.paint(): %s not inside %s' % (
+ w.__class__.__name__,self.__class__.__name__)
+ print s.get_width(), s.get_height(), w.rect
+ print ""
+ else:
+ if (not (hasattr(w,'_container_bkgr') and
+ w._container_bkgr.get_width() == sub.get_width() and
+ w._container_bkgr.get_height() == sub.get_height())):
+ w._container_bkgr = sub.copy()
+ w._container_bkgr.fill((0,0,0,0))
+ w._container_bkgr.blit(sub,(0,0))
+ w.paint(sub)
+ for w in self.windows:
+ print 'container: windows', len(self.windows), s, w.rect
+ w.paint(self.top_surface(s,w))
+ def top_surface(self,s,w):
+ x,y = s.get_abs_offset()
+ s = s.get_abs_parent()
+ return surface.subsurface(s,(x+w.rect.x,y+w.rect.y,w.rect.w,w.rect.h))
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = False
+ if self.mywindow and e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ w = self.mywindow
+ if self.myfocus is w:
+ if not w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos): self.blur(w)
+ if not self.myfocus:
+ if w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos): self.focus(w)
+ if not self.mywindow:
+ #### by Gal Koren
+ ##
+ ## if e.type == FOCUS:
+ if e.type == FOCUS and not self.myfocus:
+ #self.first()
+ pass
+ elif e.type == EXIT:
+ if self.myhover: self.exit(self.myhover)
+ elif e.type == BLUR:
+ if self.myfocus: self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ h = None
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ if not w.disabled: #focusable not considered, since that is only for tabs
+ if w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos):
+ h = w
+ if self.myfocus is not w: self.focus(w)
+ if not h and self.myfocus:
+ self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ if 1 in e.buttons:
+ if self.myfocus: ws = [self.myfocus]
+ else: ws = []
+ else: ws = self.widgets
+ h = None
+ for w in ws:
+ if w.rect.collidepoint(e.pos):
+ h = w
+ if self.myhover is not w: self.enter(w)
+ if not h and self.myhover:
+ self.exit(self.myhover)
+ w = self.myhover
+ if w and w is not self.myfocus:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'buttons':e.buttons,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y),
+ 'rel':e.rel})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ w = self.myfocus
+ if w:
+ sub = e
+ if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP or e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y)})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ elif e.type == CLICK and self.myhover is w:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y)})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ elif e.type == CLICK: #a dead click
+ pass
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'buttons':e.buttons,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y),
+ 'rel':e.rel})
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ else:
+ used = w._event(sub)
+ if not used:
+ if e.type is KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key is K_TAB and self.myfocus:
+ if (e.mod&KMOD_SHIFT) == 0:
+ self.myfocus.next()
+ else:
+ self.myfocus.previous()
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_UP:
+ self._move_focus(0,-1)
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ self._move_focus(1,0)
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_DOWN:
+ self._move_focus(0,1)
+ return True
+ elif e.key == K_LEFT:
+ self._move_focus(-1,0)
+ return True
+ return used
+ def _move_focus(self,dx_,dy_):
+ myfocus = self.myfocus
+ if not self.myfocus: return
+ from pgu.gui import App
+ widgets = self._get_widgets(pguglobals.app)
+ #if myfocus not in widgets: return
+ #widgets.remove(myfocus)
+ if myfocus in widgets:
+ widgets.remove(myfocus)
+ rect = myfocus.get_abs_rect()
+ fx,fy = rect.centerx,rect.centery
+ def sign(v):
+ if v < 0: return -1
+ if v > 0: return 1
+ return 0
+ dist = []
+ for w in widgets:
+ wrect = w.get_abs_rect()
+ wx,wy = wrect.centerx,wrect.centery
+ dx,dy = wx-fx,wy-fy
+ if dx_ > 0 and wrect.left < rect.right: continue
+ if dx_ < 0 and wrect.right > rect.left: continue
+ if dy_ > 0 and wrect.top < rect.bottom: continue
+ if dy_ < 0 and wrect.bottom > rect.top: continue
+ dist.append((dx*dx+dy*dy,w))
+ if not len(dist): return
+ dist.sort()
+ d,w = dist.pop(0)
+ w.focus()
+ def _get_widgets(self,c):
+ widgets = []
+ if c.mywindow:
+ widgets.extend(self._get_widgets(c.mywindow))
+ else:
+ for w in c.widgets:
+ if isinstance(w,Container):
+ widgets.extend(self._get_widgets(w))
+ elif not w.disabled and w.focusable:
+ widgets.append(w)
+ return widgets
+ def remove(self,w):
+ """Remove a widget from the container.
+ <pre>Container.remove(w)</pre>
+ """
+ self.blur(w)
+ self.widgets.remove(w)
+ #self.repaint()
+ self.chsize()
+ def add(self,w,x,y):
+ """Add a widget to the container.
+ <pre>Container.add(w,x,y)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>x, y<dd>position of the widget
+ </dl>
+ """
+ w.style.x = x
+ w.style.y = y
+ w.container = self
+ #NOTE: this might fix it, sort of...
+ #but the thing is, we don't really want to resize
+ #something if it is going to get resized again later
+ #for no reason...
+ #w.rect.x,w.rect.y = w.style.x,w.style.y
+ #w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ self.widgets.append(w)
+ self.chsize()
+ def open(self,w=None,x=None,y=None):
+ from app import App #HACK: I import it here to prevent circular importing
+ if not w:
+ if (not hasattr(self,'container') or
+ not self.container) and self is not pguglobals.app:
+ self.container = pguglobals.app
+ #print 'top level open'
+ return widget.Widget.open(self)
+ if self.container:
+ if x != None: return self.container.open(w,self.rect.x+x,self.rect.y+y)
+ return self.container.open(w)
+ w.container = self
+ if w.rect.w == 0 or w.rect.h == 0: #this might be okay, not sure if needed.
+ #_chsize = App.app._chsize #HACK: we don't want this resize to trigger a chsize.
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #App.app._chsize = _chsize
+ if x == None or y == None: #auto center the window
+ #w.style.x,w.style.y = 0,0
+ w.rect.x = (self.rect.w-w.rect.w)/2
+ w.rect.y = (self.rect.h-w.rect.h)/2
+ #w.resize()
+ #w._resize(self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ else: #show it where we want it
+ w.rect.x = x
+ w.rect.y = y
+ #w._resize()
+ self.windows.append(w)
+ self.mywindow = w
+ self.focus(w)
+ self.repaint(w)
+ w.send(OPEN)
+ def close(self,w=None):
+ if not w:
+ return widget.Widget.close(self)
+ if self.container: #make sure we're in the App
+ return self.container.close(w)
+ if self.myfocus is w: self.blur(w)
+ if w not in self.windows: return #no need to remove it twice! happens.
+ self.windows.remove(w)
+ self.mywindow = None
+ if self.windows:
+ self.mywindow = self.windows[-1]
+ self.focus(self.mywindow)
+ if not self.mywindow:
+ self.myfocus = self.widget #HACK: should be done fancier, i think..
+ if not self.myhover:
+ self.enter(self.widget)
+ self.repaintall()
+ w.send(CLOSE)
+ def focus(self,w=None):
+ widget.Widget.focus(self) ### by Gal koren
+# if not w:
+# return widget.Widget.focus(self)
+ if not w: return
+ if self.myfocus: self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ if self.myhover is not w: self.enter(w)
+ self.myfocus = w
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(FOCUS))
+ #print self.myfocus,self.myfocus.__class__.__name__
+ def blur(self,w=None):
+ if not w:
+ return widget.Widget.blur(self)
+ if self.myfocus is w:
+ if self.myhover is w: self.exit(w)
+ self.myfocus = None
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(BLUR))
+ def enter(self,w):
+ if self.myhover: self.exit(self.myhover)
+ self.myhover = w
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(ENTER))
+ def exit(self,w):
+ if self.myhover and self.myhover is w:
+ self.myhover = None
+ w._event(pygame.event.Event(EXIT))
+# def first(self):
+# for w in self.widgets:
+# if w.focusable:
+# self.focus(w)
+# return
+# if self.container: self.container.next(self)
+# def next(self,w):
+# if w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason...
+# for w in self.widgets[self.widgets.index(w)+1:]:
+# if w.focusable:
+# self.focus(w)
+# return
+# if self.container: return self.container.next(self)
+ def _next(self,orig=None):
+ start = 0
+ if orig in self.widgets: start = self.widgets.index(orig)+1
+ for w in self.widgets[start:]:
+ if not w.disabled and w.focusable:
+ if isinstance(w,Container):
+ if w._next():
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.focus(w)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _previous(self,orig=None):
+ end = len(self.widgets)
+ if orig in self.widgets: end = self.widgets.index(orig)
+ ws = self.widgets[:end]
+ ws.reverse()
+ for w in ws:
+ if not w.disabled and w.focusable:
+ if isinstance(w,Container):
+ if w._previous():
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.focus(w)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def next(self,w=None):
+ if w != None and w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason...
+ if self._next(w): return True
+ if self.container: return self.container.next(self)
+ def previous(self,w=None):
+ if w != None and w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason...
+ if self._previous(w): return True
+ if self.container: return self.container.previous(self)
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ #r = self.rect
+ #r.w,r.h = 0,0
+ ww,hh = 0,0
+ if self.style.width: ww = self.style.width
+ if self.style.height: hh = self.style.height
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ #w.rect.w,w.rect.h = 0,0
+ w.rect.x,w.rect.y = w.style.x,w.style.y
+ w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #w._resize()
+ ww = max(ww,w.rect.right)
+ hh = max(hh,w.rect.bottom)
+ return ww,hh
diff --git a/pgu/gui/container.pyc b/pgu/gui/container.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6379fe2
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+++ b/pgu/gui/container.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/deprecated.py b/pgu/gui/deprecated.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d53515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/deprecated.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import pygame
+from const import *
+import table
+import group
+import button, basic
+import pguglobals
+def action_open(value):
+ print 'gui.action_open',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ value.setdefault('x',None)
+ value.setdefault('y',None)
+ value['container'].open(value['window'],value['x'],value['y'])
+def action_setvalue(value):
+ print 'gui.action_setvalue',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ a,b = value
+ b.value = a.value
+def action_quit(value):
+ print 'gui.action_quit',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ value.quit()
+def action_exec(value):
+ print 'gui.action_exec',"Scheduled to be deprecated."
+ exec(value['script'],globals(),value['dict'])
+class Toolbox(table.Table):
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.group.value = v
+ for w in self.group.widgets:
+ if w.value != v: w.pcls = ""
+ else: w.pcls = "down"
+ self.repaint()
+ def _change(self,value):
+ self.value = self.group.value
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def __init__(self,data,cols=0,rows=0,tool_cls='tool',value=None,**params):
+ print 'gui.Toolbox','Scheduled to be deprecated.'
+ params.setdefault('cls','toolbox')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ if cols == 0 and rows == 0: cols = len(data)
+ if cols != 0 and rows != 0: rows = 0
+ self.tools = {}
+ _value = value
+ g = group.Group()
+ self.group = g
+ g.connect(CHANGE,self._change,None)
+ self.group.value = _value
+ x,y,p,s = 0,0,None,1
+ for ico,value in data:
+ #from __init__ import theme
+ img = pguglobals.app.theme.get(tool_cls+"."+ico,"","image")
+ if img:
+ i = basic.Image(img)
+ else: i = basic.Label(ico,cls=tool_cls+".label")
+ p = button.Tool(g,i,value,cls=tool_cls)
+ self.tools[ico] = p
+ #p.style.hexpand = 1
+ #p.style.vexpand = 1
+ self.add(p,x,y)
+ s = 0
+ if cols != 0: x += 1
+ if cols != 0 and x == cols: x,y = 0,y+1
+ if rows != 0: y += 1
+ if rows != 0 and y == rows: x,y = x+1,0
diff --git a/pgu/gui/deprecated.pyc b/pgu/gui/deprecated.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e5c7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/deprecated.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/dialog.py b/pgu/gui/dialog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b48f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/dialog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import os
+from const import *
+import table, area
+import basic, input, button
+import pguglobals
+class Dialog(table.Table):
+ """A dialog window with a title bar and an "close" button on the bar.
+ <pre>Dialog(title,main)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>title<dd>title widget, usually a label
+ <dt>main<dd>main widget, usually a container
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ title = gui.Label("My Title")
+ main = gui.Container()
+ #add stuff to the container...
+ d = gui.Dialog(title,main)
+ d.open()
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,title,main,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','dialog')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(title,align=-1,cls=self.cls+'.bar')
+ clos = button.Icon(self.cls+".bar.close")
+ clos.connect(CLICK,self.close,None)
+ self.td(clos,align=1,cls=self.cls+'.bar')
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(main,colspan=2,cls=self.cls+".main")
+# self.tr()
+# t = table.Table(cls=self.cls+".bar")
+# t.tr()
+# t.td(title)
+# clos = button.Icon(self.cls+".bar.close")
+# t.td(clos,align=1)
+# clos.connect(CLICK,self.close,None)
+# self.add(t,0,0)
+# main.rect.w,main.rect.h = main.resize()
+# clos.rect.w,clos.rect.h = clos.resize()
+# title.container.style.width = main.rect.w - clos.rect.w
+# self.tr()
+# self.td(main,cls=self.cls+".main")
+class FileDialog(Dialog):
+ """A file picker dialog window.
+ <pre>FileDialog()</pre>
+ <p>Some optional parameters:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>title_txt<dd>title text
+ <dt>button_txt<dd>button text
+ <dt>path<dd>initial path
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, title_txt="File Browser", button_txt="Okay", cls="dialog", path=None):
+ cls1 = 'filedialog'
+ if not path: self.curdir = os.getcwd()
+ else: self.curdir = path
+ self.dir_img = basic.Image(
+ pguglobals.app.theme.get(cls1+'.folder', '', 'image'))
+ td_style = {'padding_left': 4,
+ 'padding_right': 4,
+ 'padding_top': 2,
+ 'padding_bottom': 2}
+ self.title = basic.Label(title_txt, cls=cls+".title.label")
+ self.body = table.Table()
+ self.list = area.List(width=350, height=150)
+ self.input_dir = input.Input()
+ self.input_file = input.Input()
+ self._list_dir_()
+ self.button_ok = button.Button(button_txt)
+ self.body.tr()
+ self.body.td(basic.Label("Folder"), style=td_style, align=-1)
+ self.body.td(self.input_dir, style=td_style)
+ self.body.tr()
+ self.body.td(self.list, colspan=3, style=td_style)
+ self.list.connect(CHANGE, self._item_select_changed_, None)
+ self.button_ok.connect(CLICK, self._button_okay_clicked_, None)
+ self.body.tr()
+ self.body.td(basic.Label("File"), style=td_style, align=-1)
+ self.body.td(self.input_file, style=td_style)
+ self.body.td(self.button_ok, style=td_style)
+ self.value = None
+ Dialog.__init__(self, self.title, self.body)
+ def _list_dir_(self):
+ self.input_dir.value = self.curdir
+ self.input_dir.pos = len(self.curdir)
+ self.input_dir.vpos = 0
+ dirs = []
+ files = []
+ try:
+ for i in os.listdir(self.curdir):
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.curdir, i)): dirs.append(i)
+ else: files.append(i)
+ except:
+ self.input_file.value = "Opps! no access"
+ #if '..' not in dirs: dirs.append('..')
+ dirs.sort()
+ dirs = ['..'] + dirs
+ files.sort()
+ for i in dirs:
+ #item = ListItem(image=self.dir_img, text=i, value=i)
+ self.list.add(i,image=self.dir_img,value=i)
+ for i in files:
+ #item = ListItem(image=None, text=i, value=i)
+ self.list.add(i,value=i)
+ #self.list.resize()
+ self.list.set_vertical_scroll(0)
+ #self.list.repaintall()
+ def _item_select_changed_(self, arg):
+ self.input_file.value = self.list.value
+ fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.curdir, self.input_file.value))
+ if os.path.isdir(fname):
+ self.input_file.value = ""
+ self.curdir = fname
+ self.list.clear()
+ self._list_dir_()
+ def _button_okay_clicked_(self, arg):
+ if self.input_dir.value != self.curdir:
+ if os.path.isdir(self.input_dir.value):
+ self.input_file.value = ""
+ self.curdir = os.path.abspath(self.input_dir.value)
+ self.list.clear()
+ self._list_dir_()
+ else:
+ self.value = os.path.join(self.curdir, self.input_file.value)
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.close()
diff --git a/pgu/gui/dialog.pyc b/pgu/gui/dialog.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8837016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/dialog.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/document.py b/pgu/gui/document.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bd96df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/document.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import pygame
+import container
+import layout
+class _document_widget:
+ def __init__(self,w,align=None):
+ #w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #self.rect = w.rect
+ self.widget = w
+ if align != None: self.align = align
+class Document(container.Container):
+ """A document container contains many widgets strung together in a document format. (How informative!)
+ <pre>Document()</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','document')
+ container.Container.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.layout = layout.Layout(pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h))
+ def add(self,e,align=None):
+ """Add a widget.
+ <pre>Document.add(e,align=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>e<dd>widget
+ <dt>align<dd>alignment (None,-1,0,1)
+ </dl>
+ """
+ dw = _document_widget(e,align)
+ self.layout.add(dw)
+ e.container = self
+ e._c_dw = dw
+ self.widgets.append(e)
+ self.chsize()
+ def remove(self,e):
+ self.layout._widgets.remove(e._c_dw)
+ self.widgets.remove(e)
+ self.chsize()
+ def block(self,align):
+ """Start a new block.
+ <pre>Document.block(align)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>align<dd>alignment of block (-1,0,1)
+ </dl>
+ """
+ self.layout.add(align)
+ def space(self,e):
+ """Add a spacer.
+ <pre>Document.space(e)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>e<dd>a (w,h) size for the spacer
+ </dl>
+ """
+ self.layout.add(e)
+ def br(self,height):
+ """Add a line break.
+ <pre>Document.br(height)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>height<dd>height of line break
+ </dl>
+ """
+ self.layout.add((0,height))
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ if self.style.width: width = self.style.width
+ if self.style.height: height = self.style.height
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ if (width != None and w.rect.w > width) or (height != None and w.rect.h > height):
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(width,height)
+ dw = w._c_dw
+ dw.rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,w.rect.w,w.rect.h)
+ if width == None: width = 65535
+ self.layout.rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,width,0)
+ self.layout.resize()
+ _max_w = 0
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ #xt,xl,xb,xr = w.getspacing()
+ dw = w._c_dw
+ w.style.x,w.style.y,w.rect.w,w.rect.h = dw.rect.x,dw.rect.y,dw.rect.w,dw.rect.h
+ #w.resize()
+ w.rect.x,w.rect.y = w.style.x,w.style.y
+ _max_w = max(_max_w,w.rect.right)
+ #self.rect.w = _max_w #self.layout.rect.w
+ #self.rect.h = self.layout.rect.h
+ #print 'document',_max_w,self.layout.rect.h
+ return _max_w,self.layout.rect.h
diff --git a/pgu/gui/document.pyc b/pgu/gui/document.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cbdfed
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+++ b/pgu/gui/document.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/form.py b/pgu/gui/form.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a874f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/form.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import widget
+class Form(widget.Widget):
+ """A form that automatically will contain all named widgets.
+ <p>After a form is created, all named widget that are subsequently created are added
+ to that form. You may use dict style access to access named widgets.</p>
+ <pre>Form()</pre>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ f = gui.Form()
+ w = gui.Input("Phil",name="firstname")
+ w = gui.Input("Hassey",name="lastname")
+ print f.results()
+ print ''
+ print f.items()
+ print ''
+ print f['firstname'].value
+ print f['lastname'].value
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,decorate=False)
+ self._elist = []
+ self._emap = {}
+ self._dirty = 0
+ Form.form = self
+ def add(self,e,name=None,value=None):
+ if name != None: e.name = name
+ if value != None: e.value = value
+ self._elist.append(e)
+ self._dirty = 1
+ def _clean(self):
+ for e in self._elist[:]:
+ if not hasattr(e,'name') or e.name == None:
+ self._elist.remove(e)
+ self._emap = {}
+ for e in self._elist:
+ self._emap[e.name] = e
+ self._dirty = 0
+ def __getitem__(self,k):
+ if self._dirty: self._clean()
+ return self._emap[k]
+ def __contains__(self,k):
+ if self._dirty: self._clean()
+ if k in self._emap: return True
+ return False
+ def results(self):
+ """Return a dict of name => values.
+ <pre>Form.results(): return dict</pre>
+ """
+ if self._dirty: self._clean()
+ r = {}
+ for e in self._elist:
+ r[e.name] = e.value
+ return r
+ def items(self):
+ """Return a list of name, value keys.
+ <pre>Form.items(): return list</pre>
+ """
+ return self.results().items()
+ #def start(self):
+ # Object.start(self,-1)
diff --git a/pgu/gui/form.pyc b/pgu/gui/form.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9e0e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/form.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/group.py b/pgu/gui/group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcb231a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from const import *
+import widget
+class Group(widget.Widget):
+ """An object for grouping together Form elements.
+ <pre>Group(name=None,value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>name<dd>name as used in the Form
+ <dt>value<dd>values that are currently selected in the group
+ </dl>
+ <p>See [[gui-button]] for several examples.</p>
+ <p>When the value changes, an <tt>gui.CHANGE</tt> event is sent.
+ Although note, that when the value is a list, it may have to be sent by hand via
+ <tt>g.send(gui.CHANGE)</tt></p>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,name=None,value=None):
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,name=name,value=value)
+ self.widgets = []
+ def add(self,w):
+ """Add a widget to this group.
+ <pre>Group.add(w)</pre>
+ """
+ self.widgets.append(w)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self._change()
+ def _change(self):
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ w.repaint()
diff --git a/pgu/gui/group.pyc b/pgu/gui/group.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1766fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/group.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/input.py b/pgu/gui/input.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74c3c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/input.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+class Input(widget.Widget):
+ """A single line text input.
+ <pre>Input(value="",size=20)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>initial text
+ <dt>size<dd>size for the text box, in characters
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = Input(value="Cuzco the Goat",size=20)
+ w = Input("Marbles")
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value="",size=20,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','input')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.pos = len(str(value))
+ self.vpos = 0
+ self.font = self.style.font
+ w,h = self.font.size("e"*size)
+ if not self.style.height: self.style.height = h
+ if not self.style.width: self.style.width = w
+ #self.style.height = max(self.style.height,h)
+ #self.style.width = max(self.style.width,w)
+ #self.rect.w=w+self.style.padding_left+self.style.padding_right;
+ #self.rect.h=h+self.style.padding_top+self.style.padding_bottom;
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ cs = 2 #NOTE: should be in a style
+ w,h = self.font.size(self.value[0:self.pos])
+ x = w-self.vpos
+ if x < 0: self.vpos -= -x
+ if x+cs > s.get_width(): self.vpos += x+cs-s.get_width()
+ s.blit(self.font.render(self.value, 1, self.style.color),(-self.vpos,0))
+ if self.container.myfocus is self:
+ w,h = self.font.size(self.value[0:self.pos])
+ r.x = w-self.vpos
+ r.w = cs
+ r.h = h
+ s.fill(self.style.color,r)
+ def _setvalue(self,v):
+ self.__dict__['value'] = v
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ if e.type == KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key == K_BACKSPACE:
+ if self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos-1] + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos -= 1
+ elif e.key == K_DELETE:
+ if len(self.value) > self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + self.value[self.pos+1:])
+ elif e.key == K_HOME:
+ self.pos = 0
+ elif e.key == K_END:
+ self.pos = len(self.value)
+ elif e.key == K_LEFT:
+ if self.pos > 0: self.pos -= 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ if self.pos < len(self.value): self.pos += 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_RETURN:
+ self.next()
+ elif e.key == K_TAB:
+ pass
+ else:
+ #c = str(e.unicode)
+ try:
+ c = (e.unicode).encode('latin-1')
+ if c:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + c + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos += 1
+ except: #ignore weird characters
+ pass
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == FOCUS:
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == BLUR:
+ self.repaint()
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myfocus is self: self.pcls = "focus"
+ return used
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ if v == None: v = ''
+ v = str(v)
+ self.pos = len(v)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+class Password(Input):
+ """A password input, text is *-ed out.
+ <pre>Password(value="",size=20)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>initial text
+ <dt>size<dd>size for the text box, in characters
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = Password(value="password",size=20)
+ w = Password("53[r3+")
+ </code>
+ """
+ def paint(self,s):
+ hidden="*"
+ show=len(self.value)*hidden
+ #print "self.value:",self.value
+ if self.pos == None: self.pos = len(self.value)
+ r = pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ cs = 2 #NOTE: should be in a style
+ w,h = self.font.size(show)
+ x = w-self.vpos
+ if x < 0: self.vpos -= -x
+ if x+cs > s.get_width(): self.vpos += x+cs-s.get_width()
+ s.blit(self.font.render(show, 1, self.style.color),(-self.vpos,0))
+ if self.container.myfocus is self:
+ #w,h = self.font.size(self.value[0:self.pos])
+ w,h = self.font.size(show[0:self.pos])
+ r.x = w-self.vpos
+ r.w = cs
+ r.h = h
+ s.fill(self.style.color,r)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ba8c1
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+++ b/pgu/gui/input.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/keysym.py b/pgu/gui/keysym.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc24089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/keysym.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+class Keysym(widget.Widget):
+ """A keysym input.
+ <p>This widget records the keysym of the key pressed while this widget is in focus.</p>
+ <pre>Keysym(value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>initial keysym, see <a href="http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/key.html">pygame keysyms</a> </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = Input(value=pygame.locals.K_g)
+ w = Input(pygame.locals.K_g)
+ w = Input()
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','keysym')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.font = self.style.font
+ w,h = self.font.size("Right Super") #"Right Shift")
+ self.style.width,self.style.height = w,h
+ #self.rect.w=w+self.style.padding_left+self.style.padding_right
+ #self.rect.h=h+self.style.padding_top+self.style.padding_bottom
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ if e.type == FOCUS or e.type == BLUR: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key != K_TAB:
+ self.value = e.key
+ self.repaint()
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ used = True
+ self.next()
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myfocus is self: self.pcls = "focus"
+ return used
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ #render_box(s,self.style.background,r)
+ if self.value == None: return
+ name = ""
+ for p in pygame.key.name(self.value).split(): name += p.capitalize()+" "
+ #r.x = self.style.padding_left;
+ #r.y = self.style.padding_bottom;
+ s.blit(self.style.font.render(name, 1, self.style.color), r)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value' and v != None:
+ v = int(v)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
diff --git a/pgu/gui/keysym.pyc b/pgu/gui/keysym.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4bf2a
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+++ b/pgu/gui/keysym.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/layout.py b/pgu/gui/layout.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fe0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/layout.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+"""document layout engine."""
+class Layout:
+ """the document layout engine
+ .widgets -- elements are kept in this list. read-only, use add to add items to it.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,rect=None):
+ """initialize the object with the size of the box."""
+ self._widgets = []
+ self.rect = rect
+ def add(self,e):
+ """add a document element to the layout.
+ a document element may be
+ - a tuple (w,h) if it is a whitespace element
+ - a tuple (0,h) if it is a linebreak element
+ - an integer -1,0,1 if it is a command to start a new block of elements that are aligned either left,center, or right.
+ - an object with a .rect (for size) -- such as a word element
+ - an object with a .rect (for size) and .align -- such as an image element
+ """
+ self._widgets.append(e)
+ def resize(self):
+ """resize the layout
+ this method recalculates the position of all document elements
+ after they have been added to the document. .rect.x,y will be updated for all
+ objects.
+ """
+ self.init()
+ self.widgets = []
+ for e in self._widgets:
+ if type(e) is tuple and e[0] != 0:
+ self.do_space(e)
+ elif type(e) is tuple and e[0] == 0:
+ self.do_br(e[1])
+ elif type(e) is int:
+ self.do_block(align=e)
+ elif hasattr(e,'align'):
+ self.do_align(e)
+ else:
+ self.do_item(e)
+ self.line()
+ self.rect.h = max(self.y,self.left_bottom,self.right_bottom)
+ def init(self):
+ self.x,self.y = self.rect.x,self.rect.y
+ self.left = self.rect.left
+ self.right = self.rect.right
+ self.left_bottom = 0
+ self.right_bottom = 0
+ self.y = self.rect.y
+ self.x = self.rect.x
+ self.h = 0
+ self.items = []
+ self.align = -1
+ def getleft(self):
+ if self.y > self.left_bottom:
+ self.left = self.rect.left
+ return self.left
+ def getright(self):
+ if self.y > self.right_bottom:
+ self.right = self.rect.right
+ return self.right
+ def do_br(self,h):
+ self.line()
+ self.h = h
+ def do_block(self,align=-1):
+ self.line()
+ self.align = align
+ def do_align(self,e):
+ align = e.align
+ ox,oy,oh = self.x,self.y,self.h
+ w,h = e.rect.w,e.rect.h
+ if align == 0:
+ self.line()
+ self.x = self.rect.left + (self.rect.width-w)/2
+ self.fit = 0
+ elif align == -1:
+ self.line()
+ self.y = max(self.left_bottom,self.y + self.h)
+ self.h = 0
+ self.x = self.rect.left
+ elif align == 1:
+ self.line()
+ self.y = max(self.right_bottom,self.y + self.h)
+ self.h = 0
+ self.x = self.rect.left + (self.rect.width-w)
+ e.rect.x,e.rect.y = self.x,self.y
+ self.x = self.x + w
+ self.y = self.y
+ if align == 0:
+ self.h = max(self.h,h)
+ self.y = self.y + self.h
+ self.x = self.getleft()
+ self.h = 0
+ elif align == -1:
+ self.left = self.x
+ self.left_bottom = self.y + h
+ self.x,self.y,self.h = ox + w,oy,oh
+ elif align == 1:
+ self.right = self.x - w
+ self.right_bottom = self.y + h
+ self.x,self.y,self.h = ox,oy,oh
+ self.widgets.append(e)
+ def do_space(self,e):
+ w,h = e
+ if self.x+w >= self.getright():
+ self.line()
+ else:
+ self.items.append(e)
+ self.h = max(self.h,h)
+ self.x += w
+ def do_item(self,e):
+ w,h = e.rect.w,e.rect.h
+ if self.x+w >= self.getright():
+ self.line()
+ self.items.append(e)
+ self.h = max(self.h,h)
+ self.x += w
+ def line(self):
+ x1 = self.getleft()
+ x2 = self.getright()
+ align = self.align
+ y = self.y
+ if len(self.items) != 0 and type(self.items[-1]) == tuple:
+ del self.items[-1]
+ w = 0
+ for e in self.items:
+ if type(e) == tuple: w += e[0]
+ else: w += e.rect.w
+ if align == -1: x = x1
+ elif align == 0:
+ x = x1 + ((x2-x1)-w)/2
+ self.fit = 0
+ elif align == 1: x = x2 - w
+ for e in self.items:
+ if type(e) == tuple: x += e[0]
+ else:
+ e.rect.x,e.rect.y = x,y
+ self.widgets.append(e)
+ x += e.rect.w
+ self.items = []
+ self.y = self.y + self.h
+ self.x = self.getleft()
+ self.h = 0
+# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :
diff --git a/pgu/gui/layout.pyc b/pgu/gui/layout.pyc
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/pgu/gui/layout.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/menus.py b/pgu/gui/menus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f8a08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/menus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+from const import *
+import table
+import basic, button
+class _Menu_Options(table.Table):
+ def __init__(self,menu,**params):
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.menu = menu
+ def event(self,e):
+ handled = False
+ arect = self.get_abs_rect()
+ if e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ abspos = e.pos[0]+arect.x,e.pos[1]+arect.y
+ for w in self.menu.container.widgets:
+ if not w is self.menu:
+ mrect = w.get_abs_rect()
+ if mrect.collidepoint(abspos):
+ self.menu._close(None)
+ w._open(None)
+ handled = True
+ if not handled: table.Table.event(self,e)
+class _Menu(button.Button):
+ def __init__(self,parent,widget=None,**params): #TODO widget= could conflict with module widget
+ params.setdefault('cls','menu')
+ button.Button.__init__(self,widget,**params)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self._cls = self.cls
+ self.options = _Menu_Options(self, cls=self.cls+".options")
+ self.connect(CLICK,self._open,None)
+ self.pos = 0
+ def _open(self,value):
+ self.parent.value = self
+ self.pcls = 'down'
+ self.repaint()
+ self.container.open(self.options,self.rect.x,self.rect.bottom)
+ self.options.connect(BLUR,self._pass,None)
+ self.options.blur(self.options.myfocus)
+ self.options.connect(BLUR,self._close,None)
+ self.options.focus()
+ self.repaint()
+ def _pass(self,value):
+ pass
+ def _close(self,value):
+ self.pcls = ''
+ self.parent.value = None
+ self.repaint()
+ self.options.close()
+ def _value(self,value):
+ self._close(None)
+ if value['fnc'] != None:
+ value['fnc'](value['value'])
+ def event(self,e):
+ button.Button.event(self,e)
+ if self.parent.value == self:
+ self.pcls = 'down'
+ def add(self,w,fnc=None,value=None):
+ w.style.align = -1
+ b = button.Button(w,cls=self.cls+".option")
+ b.connect(CLICK,self._value,{'fnc':fnc,'value':value})
+ self.options.tr()
+ self.options.add(b)
+ return b
+class Menus(table.Table):
+ """A drop down menu bar.
+ <pre>Menus(data)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>data<dd>Menu data, a list of (path,fnc,value), see example below
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ data = [
+ ('File/Save',fnc_save,None),
+ ('File/New',fnc_new,None),
+ ('Edit/Copy',fnc_copy,None),
+ ('Edit/Cut',fnc_cut,None),
+ ('Help/About',fnc_help,help_about_content),
+ ('Help/Reference',fnc_help,help_reference_content),
+ ]
+ w = Menus(data)
+ """
+ def __init__(self,data,menu_cls='menu',**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','menus')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = None
+ n,m,mt = 0,None,None
+ for path,cmd,value in data:
+ parts = path.split("/")
+ if parts[0] != mt:
+ mt = parts[0]
+ m = _Menu(self,basic.Label(mt,cls=menu_cls+".label"),cls=menu_cls)
+ self.add(m,n,0)
+ n += 1
+ m.add(basic.Label(parts[1],cls=m.cls+".option.label"),cmd,value)
diff --git a/pgu/gui/menus.pyc b/pgu/gui/menus.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..911de1b
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+++ b/pgu/gui/menus.pyc
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diff --git a/pgu/gui/misc.py b/pgu/gui/misc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb10c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/misc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from const import *
+import widget
+import pguglobals
+class ProgressBar(widget.Widget):
+ """A progress bar.
+ <pre>ProgressBar(value,min,max)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>starting value
+ <dt>min<dd>minimum value rendered on the screen (usually 0)
+ <dt>max<dd>maximum value
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = gui.ProgressBar(0,0,100)
+ w.value = 25
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,min,max,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','progressbar')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.min,self.max,self.value = min,max,value
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
+ r.w = r.w*(self.value-self.min)/(self.max-self.min)
+ self.bar = r
+ pguglobals.app.theme.render(s,self.style.bar,r)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ v = int(v)
+ v = max(v,self.min)
+ v = min(v,self.max)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
diff --git a/pgu/gui/misc.pyc b/pgu/gui/misc.pyc
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index 0000000..fcc796f
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+++ b/pgu/gui/misc.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/pguglobals.py b/pgu/gui/pguglobals.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc0e673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/pguglobals.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# pguglobals.py - A place to stick global variables that need to be accessed
+# from other modules. To avoid problems with circular imports
+# this module should not import any other PGU module.
+# A global reference to the application instance (App class)
+app = None
diff --git a/pgu/gui/pguglobals.pyc b/pgu/gui/pguglobals.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5a648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/pguglobals.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/select.py b/pgu/gui/select.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90fcfe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/select.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+from const import *
+import table
+import basic, button
+class Select(table.Table):
+ """A select input.
+ <pre>Select(value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>initial value
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = Select(value="goats")
+ w.add("Cats","cats")
+ w.add("Goats","goats")
+ w.add("Dogs","Dogs")
+ w.value = 'dogs' #changes the value from goats to dogs
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value=None,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','select')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.top_selected = button.Button(cls=self.cls+".selected")
+ table.Table.add(self,self.top_selected) #,hexpand=1,vexpand=1)#,0,0)
+ self.top_selected.value = basic.Label(" ",cls=self.cls+".option.label")
+ self.top_arrow = button.Button(basic.Image(self.style.arrow),cls=self.cls+".arrow")
+ table.Table.add(self,self.top_arrow) #,hexpand=1,vexpand=1) #,1,0)
+ self.options = table.Table() #style={'border':3})
+ self.options_first = None
+ self.options.tr()
+ self.spacer_top = basic.Spacer(0,0)
+ self.options.add(self.spacer_top)
+ self.options.tr()
+ self._options = table.Table(cls=self.cls+".options")
+ self.options.add(self._options)
+ self.options.tr()
+ self.spacer_bottom = basic.Spacer(0,0)
+ self.options.add(self.spacer_bottom)
+ self.options.connect(BLUR,self._close,None)
+ self.spacer_top.connect(CLICK,self._close,None)
+ self.spacer_bottom.connect(CLICK,self._close,None)
+ self.values = []
+ self.value = value
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ max_w,max_h = 0,0
+ for w in self._options.widgets:
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ max_w,max_h = max(max_w,w.rect.w),max(max_h,w.rect.h)
+ #xt,xr,xb,xl = self.top_selected.getspacing()
+ self.top_selected.style.width = max_w #+ xl + xr
+ self.top_selected.style.height = max_h #+ xt + xb
+ self.top_arrow.connect(CLICK,self._open,None)
+ self.top_selected.connect(CLICK,self._open,None)
+ w,h = table.Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ self.spacer_top.style.width, self.spacer_top.style.height = w,h
+ self.spacer_bottom.style.width, self.spacer_bottom.style.height = w,h
+ self._options.style.width = w
+ #HACK: sort of, but not a big one..
+ self._options.resize()
+ return w,h
+ def _open(self,value):
+ sh = self.rect.h #spacer height
+ opts = self.options
+ self.spacer_top.style.height = 0
+ self.spacer_bottom.style.height = 0
+ opts.rect.w, opts.rect.h = opts.resize()
+ h = opts.rect.h
+ y = self.rect.y
+ c = self.container
+ while hasattr(c,'container'):
+ y += c.rect.y
+ if c.container == None: break
+ c = c.container
+ if y + sh + h <= c.rect.h: #down
+ self.spacer_top.style.height = sh
+ dy = self.rect.y
+ else: #up
+ self.spacer_bottom.style.height = sh
+ dy = self.rect.y - h
+ opts.rect.w, opts.rect.h = opts.resize()
+ self.container.open(opts,self.rect.x,dy)
+ self.options_first.focus()
+ def _close(self,value):
+# print 'my close!'
+ self.options.close()
+ self.top_selected.focus()
+# self.blur()
+# self.focus()
+# print self.container.myfocus == self
+ def _setvalue(self,value):
+ self.value = value._value
+ if hasattr(self,'container'):
+ #self.chsize()
+ #HACK: improper use of resize()
+ #self.resize() #to recenter the new value, etc.
+ pass
+ # #self._resize()
+ self._close(None)
+ #self.repaint() #this will happen anyways
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ mywidget = None
+ if k == 'value':
+ for w in self.values:
+ if w._value == v:
+ mywidget = w
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+ if k == 'value':
+ if not mywidget:
+ mywidget = basic.Label(" ",cls=self.cls+".option.label")
+ self.top_selected.value = mywidget
+ def add(self,w,value=None):
+ """Add a widget, value item to the Select.
+ <pre>Select.add(widget,value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>Widget or string to represent the item
+ <dt>value<dd>value for this item
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = Select()
+ w.add("Goat") #adds a Label
+ w.add("Goat","goat") #adds a Label with the value goat
+ w.add(gui.Label("Cuzco"),"goat") #adds a Label with value goat
+ </code>
+ """
+ if type(w) == str: w = basic.Label(w,cls=self.cls+".option.label")
+ w.style.align = -1
+ b = button.Button(w,cls=self.cls+".option")
+ b.connect(CLICK,self._setvalue,w)
+ #b = w
+ #w.cls = self.cls+".option"
+ #w.cls = self.cls+".option"
+ self._options.tr()
+ self._options.add(b) #,align=-1)
+ if self.options_first == None:
+ self.options_first = b
+ #self._options.td(b, align=-1, cls=self.cls+".option")
+ #self._options.td(_List_Item(w,value=value),align=-1)
+ if value != None: w._value = value
+ else: w._value = w
+ if self.value == w._value:
+ self.top_selected.value = w
+ self.values.append(w)
diff --git a/pgu/gui/select.pyc b/pgu/gui/select.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..152ad9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/select.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/slider.py b/pgu/gui/slider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4fa623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/slider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+"""All sliders and scroll bar widgets have the same parameters.
+<dt>value<dd>initial value
+<dt>min<dd>minimum value
+<dt>max<dd>maximum value
+<dt>size<dd>size of bar in pixels
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+import table
+import basic
+import pguglobals
+class _slider(widget.Widget):
+ def __init__(self,value,orient,min,max,size,step=1,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','slider')
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.min,self.max,self.value,self.orient,self.size,self.step = min,max,value,orient,size,step
+ def paint(self,s):
+ self.value = self.value
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,self.style.width,self.style.height)
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL:
+ r.x = (self.value-self.min) * (r.w-self.size) / max(1,self.max-self.min);
+ r.w = self.size;
+ else:
+ r.y = (self.value-self.min) * (r.h-self.size) / max(1,self.max-self.min);
+ r.h = self.size;
+ self.bar = r
+ pguglobals.app.theme.render(s,self.style.bar,r)
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ r = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,self.style.width,self.style.height)
+ adj = 0
+ if e.type == ENTER: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == EXIT: self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ if self.bar.collidepoint(e.pos):
+ self.grab = e.pos[0],e.pos[1]
+ self.grab_value = self.value
+ else:
+ x,y,adj = e.pos[0],e.pos[1],1
+ self.grab = None
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+ #x,y,adj = e.pos[0],e.pos[1],1
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ if 1 in e.buttons and self.container.myfocus is self:
+ if self.grab != None:
+ rel = e.pos[0]-self.grab[0],e.pos[1]-self.grab[1]
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL:
+ d = (r.w - self.size)
+ if d != 0: self.value = self.grab_value + ((self.max-self.min) * rel[0] / d)
+ else:
+ d = (r.h - self.size)
+ if d != 0: self.value = self.grab_value + ((self.max-self.min) * rel[1] / d)
+ else:
+ x,y,adj = e.pos[0],e.pos[1],1
+ elif e.type is KEYDOWN:
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL and e.key == K_LEFT:
+ self.value -= self.step
+ used = True
+ elif self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL and e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ self.value += self.step
+ used = True
+ elif self.orient == _SLIDER_VERTICAL and e.key == K_UP:
+ self.value -= self.step
+ used = True
+ elif self.orient == _SLIDER_VERTICAL and e.key == K_DOWN:
+ self.value += self.step
+ used = True
+ if adj:
+ if self.orient == _SLIDER_HORIZONTAL:
+ d = self.size/2 - (r.w/(self.max-self.min+1))/2
+ self.value = (x-d) * (self.max-self.min) / (r.w-self.size+1) + self.min
+ else:
+ d = self.size/2 - (r.h/(self.max-self.min+1))/2
+ self.value = (y-d) * (self.max-self.min) / (r.h-self.size+1) + self.min
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myhover is self: self.pcls = "hover"
+ if (self.container.myfocus is self and 1 in pygame.mouse.get_pressed()): self.pcls = "down"
+ return used
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ v = int(v)
+ v = max(v,self.min)
+ v = min(v,self.max)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+ if hasattr(self,'size'):
+ sz = min(self.size,max(self.style.width,self.style.height))
+ sz = max(sz,min(self.style.width,self.style.height))
+ self.__dict__['size'] = sz
+ if hasattr(self,'max') and hasattr(self,'min'):
+ if self.max < self.min: self.max = self.min
+class VSlider(_slider):
+ """A verticle slider.
+ <pre>VSlider(value,min,max,size)</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,min,max,size,step=1,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','vslider')
+ _slider.__init__(self,value,_SLIDER_VERTICAL,min,max,size,step,**params)
+class HSlider(_slider):
+ """A horizontal slider.
+ <pre>HSlider(value,min,max,size)</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,min,max,size,step=1,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','hslider')
+ _slider.__init__(self,value,_SLIDER_HORIZONTAL,min,max,size,step,**params)
+class HScrollBar(table.Table):
+ """A horizontal scroll bar.
+ <pre>HScrollBar(value,min,max,size,step=1)</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,min,max,size,step=1,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','hscrollbar')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.slider = _slider(value,_SLIDER_HORIZONTAL,min,max,size,step=step,cls=self.cls+'.slider')
+ self.minus = basic.Image(self.style.minus)
+ self.minus.connect(MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,self._click,-1)
+ self.slider.connect(CHANGE,self.send,CHANGE)
+ self.minus2 = basic.Image(self.style.minus)
+ self.minus2.connect(MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,self._click,-1)
+ self.plus = basic.Image(self.style.plus)
+ self.plus.connect(MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,self._click,1)
+ self.size = size
+ def _click(self,value):
+ self.slider.value += self.slider.step*value
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ self.clear()
+ self.tr()
+ w = self.style.width
+ h = self.slider.style.height
+ ww = 0
+ if w > (h*2 + self.minus.style.width+self.plus.style.width):
+ self.td(self.minus)
+ ww += self.minus.style.width
+ self.td(self.slider)
+ if w > (h*2 + self.minus.style.width+self.minus2.style.width+self.plus.style.width):
+ self.td(self.minus2)
+ ww += self.minus2.style.width
+ if w > (h*2 + self.minus.style.width+self.plus.style.width):
+ self.td(self.plus)
+ ww += self.plus.style.width
+ #HACK: handle theme sizing properly
+ xt,xr,xb,xl = pguglobals.app.theme.getspacing(self.slider)
+ ww += xr+xl
+ self.slider.style.width = self.style.width - ww
+ setattr(self.slider,'size',self.size * self.slider.style.width / max(1,self.style.width))
+ return table.Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k in ('min','max','value','step'):
+ return setattr(self.slider,k,v)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ def __getattr__(self,k):
+ if k in ('min','max','value','step'):
+ return getattr(self.slider,k)
+ return table.Table.__getattr__(self,k) #self.__dict__[k]
+class VScrollBar(table.Table):
+ """A vertical scroll bar.
+ <pre>VScrollBar(value,min,max,size,step=1)</pre>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value,min,max,size,step=1,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','vscrollbar')
+ table.Table.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.minus = basic.Image(self.style.minus)
+ self.minus.connect(MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,self._click,-1)
+ self.minus2 = basic.Image(self.style.minus)
+ self.minus2.connect(MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,self._click,-1)
+ self.plus = basic.Image(self.style.plus)
+ self.plus.connect(MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,self._click,1)
+ self.slider = _slider(value,_SLIDER_VERTICAL,min,max,size,step=step,cls=self.cls+'.slider')
+ self.slider.connect(CHANGE,self.send,CHANGE)
+ self.size = size
+ def _click(self,value):
+ self.slider.value += self.slider.step*value
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ self.clear()
+ h = self.style.height
+ w = self.slider.style.width
+ hh = 0
+ if h > (w*2 + self.minus.style.height+self.plus.style.height):
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(self.minus)
+ hh += self.minus.style.height
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(self.slider)
+ if h > (w*2 + self.minus.style.height+self.minus2.style.height+self.plus.style.height):
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(self.minus2)
+ hh += self.minus2.style.height
+ if h > (w*2 + self.minus.style.height+self.plus.style.height):
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(self.plus)
+ hh += self.plus.style.height
+ #HACK: handle theme sizing properly
+ xt,xr,xb,xl = pguglobals.app.theme.getspacing(self.slider)
+ hh += xt+xb
+ self.slider.style.height = self.style.height - hh
+ setattr(self.slider,'size',self.size * self.slider.style.height / max(1,self.style.height))
+ return table.Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k in ('min','max','value','step'):
+ return setattr(self.slider,k,v)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ def __getattr__(self,k):
+ if k in ('min','max','value','step'):
+ return getattr(self.slider,k)
+ return table.Table.__getattr__(self,k)
diff --git a/pgu/gui/slider.pyc b/pgu/gui/slider.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ccc719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/slider.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/style.py b/pgu/gui/style.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3060928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/style.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import pguglobals
+class Style:
+ """The class used by widget for the widget.style
+ <p>This object is used mainly as a dictionary, accessed via <tt>widget.style.attr</tt>, as opposed to
+ <tt>widget.style['attr']</tt>. It automatically grabs information from the theme via <tt>value = theme.get(widget.cls,widget.pcls,attr)</tt>.</p>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,o,dict):
+ self.obj = o
+ for k,v in dict.items(): self.__dict__[k]=v
+ self._cache = {}
+ def __getattr__(self,k):
+ key = self.obj.cls,self.obj.pcls,k
+ if key not in self._cache:
+ self._cache[key] = Style_get(self.obj.cls,self.obj.pcls,k)
+ v = self._cache[key]
+ if k in (
+ 'border_top','border_right','border_bottom','border_left',
+ 'padding_top','padding_right','padding_bottom','padding_left',
+ 'margin_top','margin_right','margin_bottom','margin_left',
+ 'align','valign','width','height',
+ ): self.__dict__[k] = v
+ return v
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+Style_cache = {}
+def Style_get(cls,pcls,k):
+ key = cls,pcls,k
+ if key not in Style_cache:
+ Style_cache[key] = pguglobals.app.theme.get(cls,pcls,k)
+ return Style_cache[key]
diff --git a/pgu/gui/style.pyc b/pgu/gui/style.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae59cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/style.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/surface.py b/pgu/gui/surface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82d92d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/surface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import pygame
+def subsurface(s,r):
+ """Return the subsurface of a surface, with some help, checks.
+ <pre>subsurface(s,r): return surface</pre>
+ """
+ r = pygame.Rect(r)
+ if r.x < 0 or r.y < 0:
+ raise "gui.subsurface: %d %d %s"%(s.get_width(),s.get_height(),r)
+ w,h = s.get_width(),s.get_height()
+ if r.right > w:
+ r.w -= r.right-w
+ if r.bottom > h:
+ r.h -= r.bottom-h
+ assert(r.w >= 0 and r.h >= 0)
+ return s.subsurface(r)
+class ProxySurface:
+ """
+ A surface-like object which smartly handle out-of-area blitting.
+ <pre>ProxySurface(parent, rect, real_surface=None, offset=(0, 0))</pre>
+ <p>only one of parent and real_surface should be supplied (non None)</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>parent<dd>a ProxySurface object
+ <dt>real_surface<dd>a pygame Surface object
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Variables</strong>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>mysubsurface<dd>a real and valid pygame.Surface object to be used
+ for blitting.
+ <dt>x, y<dd>if the proxy surface is lefter or higher than the parent,
+ x, y hold the diffs.
+ <dt>offset<dd>an optional feature which let you scroll the whole blitted
+ content.
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, rect, real_surface, offset=(0, 0)):
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.x = self.y = 0
+ if rect.x < 0: self.x = rect.x
+ if rect.y < 0: self.y = rect.y
+ self.real_surface = real_surface
+ if real_surface == None:
+ self.mysubsurface = parent.mysubsurface.subsurface(
+ parent.mysubsurface.get_rect().clip(rect))
+ else:
+ self.mysubsurface = real_surface.subsurface(
+ real_surface.get_rect().clip(rect))
+ rect.topleft = (0, 0)
+ self.rect = rect
+ def blit(self, s, pos, rect=None):
+ if rect == None: rect = s.get_rect()
+ pos = (pos[0] + self.offset[0] + self.x, pos[1] + self.offset[1] + self.y)
+ self.mysubsurface.blit(s, pos, rect)
+ def subsurface(self, rect):
+ r = pygame.Rect(rect).move(self.offset[0] + self.x,
+ self.offset[1] + self.y)
+ return ProxySurface(self, r, self.real_surface)
+ def fill(self, color, rect=None):
+ if rect != None: self.mysubsurface.fill(color, rect)
+ else: self.mysubsurface.fill(color)
+ def get_rect(self): return self.rect
+ def get_width(self): return self.rect[2]
+ def get_height(self): return self.rect[3]
+ def get_abs_offset(): return self.rect[:2]
+ def get_abs_parent(): return self.mysubsurface.get_abs_parent()
+ def set_clip(self, rect=None):
+ if rect == None: self.mysubsurface.set_clip()
+ else:
+ rect = [rect[0] + self.offset[0] + self.x, rect[1] + self.offset[0] + self.y, rect[2], rect[3]]
+ self.mysubsurface.set_clip(rect)
+class xProxySurface:
+ """
+ A surface-like object which smartly handle out-of-area blitting.
+ <pre>ProxySurface(parent, rect, real_surface=None, offset=(0, 0))</pre>
+ <p>only one of parent and real_surface should be supplied (non None)</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>parent<dd>a ProxySurface object
+ <dt>real_surface<dd>a pygame Surface object
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Variables</strong>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>mysubsurface<dd>a real and valid pygame.Surface object to be used
+ for blitting.
+ <dt>x, y<dd>if the proxy surface is lefter or higher than the parent,
+ x, y hold the diffs.
+ <dt>offset<dd>an optional feature which let you scroll the whole blitted
+ content.
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, rect, real_surface, offset=(0, 0)):
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.x = self.y = 0
+ if rect[0] < 0: self.x = rect[0]
+ if rect[1] < 0: self.y = rect[1]
+ self.real_surface = real_surface
+ if real_surface == None:
+ self.mysubsurface = parent.mysubsurface.subsurface(parent.mysubsurface.get_rect().clip(rect))
+ else:
+ self.mysubsurface = real_surface.subsurface(real_surface.get_rect().clip(rect))
+ rect[0], rect[1] = 0, 0
+ self.rect = rect
+ def blit(self, s, pos, rect=None):
+ if rect == None: rect = s.get_rect()
+ pos = (pos[0] + self.offset[0] + self.x, pos[1] + self.offset[1] + self.y)
+ self.mysubsurface.blit(s, pos, rect)
+ def subsurface(self, rect): return ProxySurface(self, pygame.Rect(rect).move(self.offset[0] + self.x, self.offset[1] + self.y),self.real_surface)
+ def fill(self, color, rect=None):
+ if rect != None: self.mysubsurface.fill(color, rect)
+ else: self.mysubsurface.fill(color)
+ def get_rect(self): return self.rect
+ def get_width(self): return self.rect[2]
+ def get_height(self): return self.rect[3]
+ def get_abs_offset(): return self.rect[:2]
+ def get_abs_parent(): return self.mysubsurface.get_abs_parent()
+ def set_clip(self, rect=None):
+ if rect == None: self.mysubsurface.set_clip()
+ else:
+ rect = [rect[0] + self.offset[0] + self.x, rect[1] + self.offset[0] + self.y, rect[2], rect[3]]
+ self.mysubsurface.set_clip(rect)
diff --git a/pgu/gui/surface.pyc b/pgu/gui/surface.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f9f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/surface.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/table.py b/pgu/gui/table.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a92593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+from const import *
+import container
+class Table(container.Container):
+ """A table style container.
+ <p>If you know HTML, this should all work roughly how you would expect. If you are not
+ familiar with HTML, please read <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/tables.html">Tables in HTML Documents</a>. Pay attention to TABLE, TR, TD related parts of the document.</p>
+ <pre>Table()</pre>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ t = gui.Table()
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label("First Name"), align=-1)
+ t.td(gui.Input())
+ t.tr()
+ t.td(gui.Label("Last Name"), align=-1)
+ t.td(gui.Input())
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','table')
+ container.Container.__init__(self, **params)
+ self._rows = []
+ self._curRow = 0
+ self._trok = False
+ def getRows(self):
+ return len(self._rows)
+ def getColumns(self):
+ if self._rows:
+ return len(self._rows[0])
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def remove_row(self, n): #NOTE: won't work in all cases.
+ if n >= self.getRows():
+ print "Trying to remove a nonexistant row:", n, "there are only", self.getRows(), "rows"
+ return
+ for cell in self._rows[n]:
+ if isinstance(cell, dict) and cell["widget"] in self.widgets:
+ #print 'removing widget'
+ self.widgets.remove(cell["widget"])
+ del self._rows[n]
+ #print "got here"
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ if w.style.row > n: w.style.row -= 1
+ if self._curRow >= n:
+ self._curRow -= 1
+ #self.rect.w, self.rect.h = self.resize()
+ #self.repaint()
+ self.chsize()
+ def clear(self):
+ self._rows = []
+ self._curRow = 0
+ self._trok = False
+ self.widgets = []
+ self.chsize()
+ #print 'clear',self,self._rows
+ def _addRow(self):
+ self._rows.append([None for x in xrange(self.getColumns())])
+ def tr(self):
+ """Start on the next row."""
+ if not self._trok:
+ self._trok = True
+ return
+ self._curRow += 1
+ if self.getRows() <= self._curRow:
+ self._addRow()
+ def _addColumn(self):
+ if not self._rows:
+ self._addRow()
+ for row in self._rows:
+ row.append(None)
+ def _setCell(self, w, col, row, colspan=1, rowspan=1):
+ #make room for the widget by adding columns and rows
+ while self.getColumns() < col + colspan:
+ self._addColumn()
+ while self.getRows() < row + rowspan:
+ self._addRow()
+ #print w.__class__.__name__,col,row,colspan,rowspan
+ #actual widget setting and modification stuff
+ w.container = self
+ w.style.row = row #HACK - to work with gal's list
+ w.style.col = col #HACK - to work with gal's list
+ self._rows[row][col] = {"widget":w, "colspan":colspan, "rowspan":rowspan}
+ self.widgets.append(self._rows[row][col]["widget"])
+ #set the spanned columns
+ #for acell in xrange(col + 1, col + colspan):
+ # self._rows[row][acell] = True
+ #set the spanned rows and the columns on them
+ #for arow in xrange(row + 1, row + rowspan):
+ # for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ # self._rows[arow][acell] = True
+ for arow in xrange(row, row + rowspan):
+ for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ if row != arow or col != acell:
+ self._rows[arow][acell] = True
+ def td(self, w, col=None, row=None, colspan=1, rowspan=1, **params):
+ """Add a widget to a table after wrapping it in a TD container.
+ <pre>Table.td(w,col=None,row=None,colspan=1,rowspan=1,**params)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>w<dd>widget
+ <dt>col<dd>column
+ <dt>row<dd>row
+ <dt>colspan<dd>colspan
+ <dt>rowspan<dd>rowspan
+ <dt>align<dd>horizontal alignment (-1,0,1)
+ <dt>valign<dd>vertical alignment (-1,0,1)
+ <dt>params<dd>other params for the TD container, style information, etc
+ </dl>
+ """
+ Table.add(self,_Table_td(w, **params), col=col, row=row, colspan=colspan, rowspan=rowspan)
+ def add(self, w, col=None, row=None, colspan=1, rowspan=1):
+ """Add a widget directly into the table, without wrapping it in a TD container.
+ <pre>Table.add(w,col=None,row=None,colspan=1,rowspan=1)</pre>
+ <p>See Table.td for an explanation of the parameters.</p>
+ """
+ self._trok = True
+ #if no row was specifically specified, set it to the current row
+ if row is None:
+ row = self._curRow
+ #print row
+ #if its going to be a new row, have it be on the first column
+ if row >= self.getRows():
+ col = 0
+ #try to find an open cell for the widget
+ if col is None:
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if col is None and not self._rows[row][cell]:
+ col = cell
+ break
+ #otherwise put the widget in a new column
+ if col is None:
+ col = self.getColumns()
+ self._setCell(w, col, row, colspan=colspan, rowspan=rowspan)
+ self.chsize()
+ return
+ def remove(self,w):
+ if hasattr(w,'_table_td'): w = w._table_td
+ row,col = w.style.row,w.style.col
+ cell = self._rows[row][col]
+ colspan,rowspan = cell['colspan'],cell['rowspan']
+ for arow in xrange(row , row + rowspan):
+ for acell in xrange(col, col + colspan): #incorrect?
+ self._rows[arow][acell] = False
+ self.widgets.remove(w)
+ self.chsize()
+ def resize(self, width=None, height=None):
+ #if 1 or self.getRows() == 82:
+ #print ''
+ #print 'resize',self.getRows(),self.getColumns(),width,height
+ #import inspect
+ #for obj,fname,line,fnc,code,n in inspect.stack()[9:20]:
+ # print fname,line,':',fnc,code[0].strip()
+ #resize the widgets to their smallest size
+ for w in self.widgets:
+ w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #calculate row heights and column widths
+ rowsizes = [0 for y in xrange(self.getRows())]
+ columnsizes = [0 for x in xrange(self.getColumns())]
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ if not self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"] > 1:
+ columnsizes[cell] = max(columnsizes[cell], self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w)
+ if not self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"] > 1:
+ rowsizes[row] = max(rowsizes[row], self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h)
+ #distribute extra space if necessary for wide colspanning/rowspanning
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ if self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"] > 1:
+ columns = xrange(cell, cell + self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"])
+ totalwidth = 0
+ for acol in columns:
+ totalwidth += columnsizes[acol]
+ if totalwidth < self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w:
+ for acol in columns:
+ columnsizes[acol] += _table_div(self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.w - totalwidth, self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"],acol)
+ if self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"] > 1:
+ rows = xrange(row, row + self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"])
+ totalheight = 0
+ for arow in rows:
+ totalheight += rowsizes[arow]
+ if totalheight < self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h:
+ for arow in rows:
+ rowsizes[arow] += _table_div(self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect.h - totalheight, self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"],arow)
+ #make everything fill out to self.style.width, self.style.heigh, not exact, but pretty close...
+ w, h = sum(columnsizes), sum(rowsizes)
+ if w > 0 and w < self.style.width and len(columnsizes):
+ d = (self.style.width - w)
+ for n in xrange(0, len(columnsizes)):
+ v = columnsizes[n]
+ columnsizes[n] += v * d / w
+ if h > 0 and h < self.style.height and len(rowsizes):
+ d = (self.style.height - h) / len(rowsizes)
+ for n in xrange(0, len(rowsizes)):
+ v = rowsizes[n]
+ rowsizes[n] += v * d / h
+ #set the widget's position by calculating their row/column x/y offset
+ cellpositions = [[[sum(columnsizes[0:cell]), sum(rowsizes[0:row])] for cell in xrange(self.getColumns())] for row in xrange(self.getRows())]
+ for row in xrange(self.getRows()):
+ for cell in xrange(self.getColumns()):
+ if self._rows[row][cell] and self._rows[row][cell] is not True:
+ x, y = cellpositions[row][cell]
+ w = sum(columnsizes[cell:cell+self._rows[row][cell]["colspan"]])
+ h = sum(rowsizes[row:row+self._rows[row][cell]["rowspan"]])
+ widget = self._rows[row][cell]["widget"]
+ widget.rect.x = x
+ widget.rect.y = y
+ if 1 and (w,h) != (widget.rect.w,widget.rect.h):
+# if h > 20:
+# print widget.widget.__class__.__name__, (widget.rect.w,widget.rect.h),'=>',(w,h)
+ widget.rect.w, widget.rect.h = widget.resize(w, h)
+ #print self._rows[row][cell]["widget"].rect
+ print 'columnsizes', columnsizes
+ print sum(columnsizes)
+ size = sum(columnsizes), sum(rowsizes); print size
+ #return the tables final size
+ return sum(columnsizes),sum(rowsizes)
+def _table_div(a,b,c):
+ v,r = a/b, a%b
+ if r != 0 and (c%b)<r: v += 1
+ return v
+class _Table_td(container.Container):
+ def __init__(self,widget,**params):#hexpand=0,vexpand=0,
+ container.Container.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.widget = widget
+ #self.hexpand=hexpand
+ #self.vexpand=vexpand
+ widget._table_td = self
+ self.add(widget,0,0)
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ w = self.widget
+ #expansion code, but i didn't like the idea that much..
+ #a bit obscure, fairly useless when a user can just
+ #add a widget to a table instead of td it in.
+ #ww,hh=None,None
+ #if self.hexpand: ww = self.style.width
+ #if self.vexpand: hh = self.style.height
+ #if self.hexpand and width != None: ww = max(ww,width)
+ #if self.vexpand and height != None: hh = max(hh,height)
+ #w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(ww,hh)
+ #why bother, just do the lower mentioned item...
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize()
+ #this should not be needed, widgets should obey their sizing on their own.
+# if (self.style.width!=0 and w.rect.w > self.style.width) or (self.style.height!=0 and w.rect.h > self.style.height):
+# ww,hh = None,None
+# if self.style.width: ww = self.style.width
+# if self.style.height: hh = self.style.height
+# w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(ww,hh)
+ #in the case that the widget is too big, we try to resize it
+ if (width != None and width < w.rect.w) or (height != None and height < w.rect.h):
+ w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize(width,height)
+ width = max(width,w.rect.w,self.style.width) #,self.style.cell_width)
+ height = max(height,w.rect.h,self.style.height) #,self.style.cell_height)
+ dx = width-w.rect.w
+ dy = height-w.rect.h
+ w.rect.x = (self.style.align+1)*dx/2
+ w.rect.y = (self.style.valign+1)*dy/2
+ return width,height
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1e5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/table.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/textarea.py b/pgu/gui/textarea.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667076a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/textarea.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import *
+from const import *
+import widget
+class TextArea(widget.Widget):
+ """A multi-line text input.
+ <pre>TextArea(value="",width = 120, height = 30, size=20)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>initial text
+ <dt>size<dd>size for the text box, in characters
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ w = TextArea(value="Cuzco the Goat",size=20)
+ w = TextArea("Marbles")
+ w = TextArea("Groucho\nHarpo\nChico\nGummo\nZeppo\n\nMarx", 200, 400, 12)
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,value="",width = 120, height = 30, size=20,**params):
+ params.setdefault('cls','input')
+ params.setdefault('width', width)
+ params.setdefault('height', height)
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value # The value of the TextArea
+ self.pos = len(str(value)) # The position of the cursor
+ self.vscroll = 0 # The number of lines that the TextArea is currently scrolled
+ self.font = self.style.font # The font used for rendering the text
+ self.cursor_w = 2 # Cursor width (NOTE: should be in a style)
+ w,h = self.font.size("e"*size)
+ if not self.style.height: self.style.height = h
+ if not self.style.width: self.style.width = w
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ if (width != None) and (height != None):
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.rect.x, self.rect.y, width, height)
+ return self.rect.w, self.rect.h
+ def paint(self,s):
+ # TODO: What's up with this 20 magic number? It's the margin of the left and right sides, but I'm not sure how this should be gotten other than by trial and error.
+ max_line_w = self.rect.w - 20
+ # Update the line allocation for the box's value
+ self.doLines(max_line_w)
+ # Make sure that the vpos and hpos of the cursor is set properly
+ self.updateCursorPos()
+ # Make sure that we're scrolled vertically such that the cursor is visible
+ if (self.vscroll < 0):
+ self.vscroll = 0
+ if (self.vpos < self.vscroll):
+ self.vscroll = self.vpos
+ elif ((self.vpos - self.vscroll + 1) * self.line_h > self.rect.h):
+ self.vscroll = - (self.rect.h / self.line_h - self.vpos - 1)
+ # Blit each of the lines in turn
+ cnt = 0
+ for line in self.lines:
+ line_pos = (0, (cnt - self.vscroll) * self.line_h)
+ if (line_pos[1] >= 0) and (line_pos[1] < self.rect.h):
+ s.blit( self.font.render(line, 1, self.style.color), line_pos )
+ cnt += 1
+ # If the textarea is focused, then also show the cursor
+ if self.container.myfocus is self:
+ r = self.getCursorRect()
+ s.fill(self.style.color,r)
+ # This function updates self.vpos and self.hpos based on self.pos
+ def updateCursorPos(self):
+ self.vpos = 0 # Reset the current line that the cursor is on
+ self.hpos = 0
+ line_cnt = 0
+ char_cnt = 0
+ for line in self.lines:
+ line_char_start = char_cnt # The number of characters at the start of the line
+ # Keep track of the character count for words
+ char_cnt += len(line)
+ # If our cursor count is still less than the cursor position, then we can update our cursor line to assume that it's at least on this line
+ if (char_cnt > self.pos):
+ self.vpos = line_cnt
+ self.hpos = self.pos - line_char_start
+ break # Now that we know where our cursor is, we exit the loop
+ line_cnt += 1
+ if (char_cnt <= self.pos) and (len(self.lines) > 0):
+ self.vpos = len(self.lines) - 1
+ self.hpos = len(self.lines[ self.vpos ] )
+ # Returns a rectangle that is of the size and position of where the cursor is drawn
+ def getCursorRect(self):
+ lw = 0
+ if (len(self.lines) > 0):
+ lw, lh = self.font.size( self.lines[ self.vpos ][ 0:self.hpos ] )
+ r = pygame.Rect(lw, (self.vpos - self.vscroll) * self.line_h, self.cursor_w, self.line_h)
+ return r
+ # This function sets the cursor position according to an x/y value (such as by from a mouse click)
+ def setCursorByXY(self, (x, y)):
+ self.vpos = ((int) (y / self.line_h)) + self.vscroll
+ if (self.vpos >= len(self.lines)):
+ self.vpos = len(self.lines) - 1
+ currentLine = self.lines[ self.vpos ]
+ for cnt in range(0, len(currentLine) ):
+ self.hpos = cnt
+ lw, lh = self.font.size( currentLine[ 0:self.hpos + 1 ] )
+ if (lw > x):
+ break
+ lw, lh = self.font.size( currentLine )
+ if (lw < x):
+ self.hpos = len(currentLine)
+ self.setCursorByHVPos()
+ # This function sets the cursor position by the horizontal/vertical cursor position.
+ def setCursorByHVPos(self):
+ line_cnt = 0
+ char_cnt = 0
+ for line in self.lines:
+ line_char_start = char_cnt # The number of characters at the start of the line
+ # Keep track of the character count for words
+ char_cnt += len(line)
+ # If we're on the proper line
+ if (line_cnt == self.vpos):
+ # Make sure that we're not trying to go over the edge of the current line
+ if ( self.hpos >= len(line) ):
+ self.hpos = len(line) - 1
+ # Set the cursor position
+ self.pos = line_char_start + self.hpos
+ break # Now that we've set our cursor position, we exit the loop
+ line_cnt += 1
+ # Splits up the text found in the control's value, and assigns it into the lines array
+ def doLines(self, max_line_w):
+ self.line_h = 10
+ self.lines = [] # Create an empty starter list to start things out.
+ inx = 0
+ line_start = 0
+ while inx >= 0:
+ # Find the next breakable whitespace
+ # HACK: Find a better way to do this to include tabs and system characters and whatnot.
+ prev_word_start = inx # Store the previous whitespace
+ spc_inx = self.value.find(' ', inx+1)
+ nl_inx = self.value.find('\n', inx+1)
+ if (min(spc_inx, nl_inx) == -1):
+ inx = max(spc_inx, nl_inx)
+ else:
+ inx = min(spc_inx, nl_inx)
+ # Measure the current line
+ lw, self.line_h = self.font.size( self.value[ line_start : inx ] )
+ # If we exceeded the max line width, then create a new line
+ if (lw > max_line_w):
+ #Fall back to the previous word start
+ self.lines.append(self.value[ line_start : prev_word_start + 1 ])
+ line_start = prev_word_start + 1
+ # TODO: Check for extra-long words here that exceed the length of a line, to wrap mid-word
+ # If we reached the end of our text
+ if (inx < 0):
+ # Then make sure we added the last of the line
+ if (line_start < len( self.value ) ):
+ self.lines.append( self.value[ line_start : len( self.value ) ] )
+ # If we reached a hard line break
+ elif (self.value[inx] == "\n"):
+ # Then make a line break here as well.
+ newline = self.value[ line_start : inx + 1 ]
+ newline = newline.replace("\n", " ") # HACK: We know we have a newline character, which doesn't print nicely, so make it into a space. Comment this out to see what I mean.
+ self.lines.append( newline )
+ line_start = inx + 1
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, we just continue progressing to the next space
+ pass
+ def _setvalue(self,v):
+ self.__dict__['value'] = v
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def event(self,e):
+ used = None
+ if e.type == KEYDOWN:
+ if e.key == K_BACKSPACE:
+ if self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos-1] + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos -= 1
+ elif e.key == K_DELETE:
+ if len(self.value) > self.pos:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + self.value[self.pos+1:])
+ elif e.key == K_HOME:
+ # Find the previous newline
+ newPos = self.value.rfind('\n', 0, self.pos)
+ if (newPos >= 0):
+ self.pos = newPos
+ elif e.key == K_END:
+ # Find the previous newline
+ newPos = self.value.find('\n', self.pos, len(self.value) )
+ if (newPos >= 0):
+ self.pos = newPos
+ elif e.key == K_LEFT:
+ if self.pos > 0: self.pos -= 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_RIGHT:
+ if self.pos < len(self.value): self.pos += 1
+ used = True
+ elif e.key == K_UP:
+ self.vpos -= 1
+ self.setCursorByHVPos()
+ elif e.key == K_DOWN:
+ self.vpos += 1
+ self.setCursorByHVPos()
+ # The following return/tab keys are standard for PGU widgets, but I took them out here to facilitate multi-line text editing
+# elif e.key == K_RETURN:
+# self.next()
+# elif e.key == K_TAB:
+# pass
+ else:
+ #c = str(e.unicode)
+ try:
+ if (e.key == K_RETURN):
+ c = "\n"
+ elif (e.key == K_TAB):
+ c = " "
+ else:
+ c = (e.unicode).encode('latin-1')
+ if c:
+ self._setvalue(self.value[:self.pos] + c + self.value[self.pos:])
+ self.pos += len(c)
+ except: #ignore weird characters
+ pass
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ self.setCursorByXY(e.pos)
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == FOCUS:
+ self.repaint()
+ elif e.type == BLUR:
+ self.repaint()
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if self.container.myfocus is self: self.pcls = "focus"
+ return used
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'value':
+ if v == None: v = ''
+ v = str(v)
+ self.pos = len(v)
+ _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR)
+ self.__dict__[k]=v
+ if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v:
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ self.repaint()
+# The first version of this code was done by Clint Herron, and is a modified version of input.py (by Phil Hassey).
+# It is under the same license as the rest of the PGU library. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pgu/gui/textarea.pyc b/pgu/gui/textarea.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c94884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/textarea.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pgu/gui/theme.py b/pgu/gui/theme.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c75329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/theme.py
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+import os, re
+import pygame
+from const import *
+import surface
+from basic import parse_color
+__file__ = os.path.abspath(__file__)
+def _list_themes(dir):
+ d = {}
+ for entry in os.listdir(dir):
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, entry, 'config.txt')):
+ d[entry] = os.path.join(dir, entry)
+ return d
+class Theme:
+ """Theme interface.
+ <p>If you wish to create your own theme, create a class with this interface, and
+ pass it to gui.App via <tt>gui.App(theme=MyTheme())</tt>.</p>
+ <strong>Default Theme</strong>
+ <pre>Theme(dirs='default')</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>dirs<dd>Name of the theme dir to load a theme from. May be an absolute path to a theme, if pgu is not installed, or if you created your own theme. May include several dirs in a list if data is spread across several themes.
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ theme = gui.Theme("default")
+ theme = gui.Theme(["mytheme","mytheme2"])
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,dirs='default'):
+ self.config = {}
+ self.dict = {}
+ self._loaded = []
+ self.cache = {}
+ self._preload(dirs)
+ pygame.font.init()
+ def _preload(self,ds):
+ if not isinstance(ds, list):
+ ds = [ds]
+ for d in ds:
+ if d not in self._loaded:
+ self._load(d)
+ self._loaded.append(d)
+ def _load(self, name):
+ #theme_dir = themes[name]
+ #try to load the local dir, or absolute path
+ dnames = [name]
+ #if the package isn't installed and people are just
+ #trying out the scripts or examples
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","data","themes",name))
+ #if the package is installed, and the package is installed
+ #in /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pgu/
+ #or c:\python23\lib\site-packages\pgu\
+ #the data is in ... lib/../share/ ...
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","..","..","share","pgu","themes",name))
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","..","..","..","share","pgu","themes",name))
+ dnames.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","..","share","pgu","themes",name))
+ for dname in dnames:
+ if os.path.isdir(dname): break
+ if not os.path.isdir(dname):
+ raise 'could not find theme '+name
+ fname = os.path.join(dname,"config.txt")
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ try:
+ f = open(fname)
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ vals = line.strip().split()
+ if len(vals) < 3: continue
+ cls = vals[0]
+ del vals[0]
+ pcls = ""
+ if cls.find(":")>=0:
+ cls,pcls = cls.split(":")
+ attr = vals[0]
+ del vals[0]
+ self.config[cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr] = (dname, vals)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ fname = os.path.join(dname,"style.ini")
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ import ConfigParser
+ cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ f = open(fname,'r')
+ cfg.readfp(f)
+ for section in cfg.sections():
+ cls = section
+ pcls = ''
+ if cls.find(":")>=0:
+ cls,pcls = cls.split(":")
+ for attr in cfg.options(section):
+ vals = cfg.get(section,attr).strip().split()
+ self.config[cls+':'+pcls+' '+attr] = (dname,vals)
+ is_image = re.compile('\.(gif|jpg|bmp|png|tga)$', re.I)
+ def _get(self,key):
+ if not key in self.config: return
+ if key in self.dict: return self.dict[key]
+ dvals = self.config[key]
+ dname, vals = dvals
+ #theme_dir = themes[name]
+ v0 = vals[0]
+ if v0[0] == '#':
+ v = parse_color(v0)
+ #if (len(v0) == 7):
+ # # Due to a bug in pygame 1.8 (?) we need to explicitly
+ # # specify the alpha value (otherwise it defaults to zero)
+ # v0 += "FF"
+ #v = pygame.color.Color(v0)
+ elif v0.endswith(".ttf") or v0.endswith(".TTF"):
+ v = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(dname, v0),int(vals[1]))
+ elif self.is_image.search(v0) is not None:
+ v = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(dname, v0))
+ else:
+ try: v = int(v0)
+ except: v = pygame.font.SysFont(v0, int(vals[1]))
+ self.dict[key] = v
+ return v
+ def get(self,cls,pcls,attr):
+ """Interface method -- get the value of a style attribute.
+ <pre>Theme.get(cls,pcls,attr): return value</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>cls<dd>class, for example "checkbox", "button", etc.
+ <dt>pcls<dd>pseudo class, for example "hover", "down", etc.
+ <dt>attr<dd>attribute, for example "image", "background", "font", "color", etc.
+ </dl>
+ <p>returns the value of the attribute.</p>
+ <p>This method is called from [[gui-style]].</p>
+ """
+ if not self._loaded: self._preload("default")
+ o = cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr
+ #if not hasattr(self,'_count'):
+ # self._count = {}
+ #if o not in self._count: self._count[o] = 0
+ #self._count[o] += 1
+ if o in self.cache:
+ return self.cache[o]
+ v = self._get(cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr)
+ if v:
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ pcls = ""
+ v = self._get(cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr)
+ if v:
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ cls = "default"
+ v = self._get(cls+":"+pcls+" "+attr)
+ if v:
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ v = 0
+ self.cache[o] = v
+ return v
+ def box(self,w,s):
+ style = w.style
+ c = (0,0,0)
+ if style.border_color != 0: c = style.border_color
+ w,h = s.get_width(),s.get_height()
+ s.fill(c,(0,0,w,style.border_top))
+ s.fill(c,(0,h-style.border_bottom,w,style.border_bottom))
+ s.fill(c,(0,0,style.border_left,h))
+ s.fill(c,(w-style.border_right,0,style.border_right,h))
+ def getspacing(self,w):
+ # return the top, right, bottom, left spacing around the widget
+ if not hasattr(w,'_spacing'): #HACK: assume spacing doesn't change re pcls
+ s = w.style
+ xt = s.margin_top+s.border_top+s.padding_top
+ xr = s.padding_right+s.border_right+s.margin_right
+ xb = s.padding_bottom+s.border_bottom+s.margin_bottom
+ xl = s.margin_left+s.border_left+s.padding_left
+ w._spacing = xt,xr,xb,xl
+ return w._spacing
+ def resize(self,w,m):
+ # Returns the rectangle expanded in each direction
+ def expand_rect(rect, left, top, right, bottom):
+ return pygame.Rect(rect.x - left,
+ rect.y - top,
+ rect.w + left + right,
+ rect.h + top + bottom)
+ def func(width=None,height=None):
+ s = w.style
+ pt,pr,pb,pl = s.padding_top,s.padding_right,s.padding_bottom,s.padding_left
+ bt,br,bb,bl = s.border_top,s.border_right,s.border_bottom,s.border_left
+ mt,mr,mb,ml = s.margin_top,s.margin_right,s.margin_bottom,s.margin_left
+ # Calculate the total space on each side
+ top = pt+bt+mt
+ right = pr+br+mr
+ bottom = pb+bb+mb
+ left = pl+bl+ml
+ ttw = left+right
+ tth = top+bottom
+ ww,hh = None,None
+ if width != None: ww = width-ttw
+ if height != None: hh = height-tth
+ ww,hh = m(ww,hh)
+ if width == None: width = ww
+ if height == None: height = hh
+ #if the widget hasn't respected the style.width,
+ #style height, we'll add in the space for it...
+ width = max(width-ttw, ww, w.style.width)
+ height = max(height-tth, hh, w.style.height)
+ #width = max(ww,w.style.width-tw)
+ #height = max(hh,w.style.height-th)
+ r = pygame.Rect(left,top,width,height)
+ w._rect_padding = expand_rect(r, pl, pt, pr, pb)
+ w._rect_border = expand_rect(w._rect_padding, bl, bt, br, bb)
+ w._rect_margin = expand_rect(w._rect_border, ml, mt, mr, mb)
+ #w._rect_padding = pygame.Rect(r.x-pl,r.y-pt,r.w+pl+pr,r.h+pt+pb)
+ #r = w._rect_padding
+ #w._rect_border = pygame.Rect(r.x-bl,r.y-bt,r.w+bl+br,r.h+bt+bb)
+ #r = w._rect_border
+ #w._rect_margin = pygame.Rect(r.x-ml,r.y-mt,r.w+ml+mr,r.h+mt+mb)
+ # align it within it's zone of power.
+ rect = pygame.Rect(left, top, ww, hh)
+ dx = width-rect.w
+ dy = height-rect.h
+ rect.x += (w.style.align+1)*dx/2
+ rect.y += (w.style.valign+1)*dy/2
+ w._rect_content = rect
+ return (w._rect_margin.w, w._rect_margin.h)
+ return func
+ def paint(self,w,m):
+ def func(s):
+# if w.disabled:
+# if not hasattr(w,'_disabled_bkgr'):
+# w._disabled_bkgr = s.convert()
+# orig = s
+# s = w._disabled_bkgr.convert()
+# if not hasattr(w,'_theme_paint_bkgr'):
+# w._theme_paint_bkgr = s.convert()
+# else:
+# s.blit(w._theme_paint_bkgr,(0,0))
+# if w.disabled:
+# orig = s
+# s = w._theme_paint_bkgr.convert()
+ if w.disabled:
+ if (not (hasattr(w,'_theme_bkgr') and
+ w._theme_bkgr.get_width() == s.get_width() and
+ w._theme_bkgr.get_height() == s.get_height())):
+ w._theme_bkgr = s.copy()
+ orig = s
+ s = w._theme_bkgr
+ s.fill((0,0,0,0))
+ s.blit(orig,(0,0))
+ if hasattr(w,'background'):
+ w.background.paint(surface.subsurface(s,w._rect_border))
+ self.box(w,surface.subsurface(s,w._rect_border))
+ r = m(surface.subsurface(s,w._rect_content))
+ if w.disabled:
+ s.set_alpha(128)
+ orig.blit(s,(0,0))
+# if w.disabled:
+# orig.blit(w._disabled_bkgr,(0,0))
+# s.set_alpha(128)
+# orig.blit(s,(0,0))
+ w._painted = True
+ return r
+ return func
+ def event(self,w,m):
+ def func(e):
+ rect = w._rect_content
+ if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP or e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-rect.x,e.pos[1]-rect.y)})
+ elif e.type == CLICK:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'button':e.button,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-rect.x,e.pos[1]-rect.y)})
+ elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{
+ 'buttons':e.buttons,
+ 'pos':(e.pos[0]-rect.x,e.pos[1]-rect.y),
+ 'rel':e.rel})
+ else:
+ sub = e
+ r = m(sub)
+ return r
+ return func
+ def update(self,w,m):
+ def func(s):
+ if w.disabled: return []
+ r = m(surface.subsurface(s,w._rect_content))
+ if type(r) == list:
+ dx,dy = w._rect_content.topleft
+ for rr in r:
+ rr.x,rr.y = rr.x+dx,rr.y+dy
+ return r
+ return func
+ def open(self,w,m):
+ def func(widget=None,x=None,y=None):
+ if not hasattr(w,'_rect_content'): w.rect.w,w.rect.h = w.resize() #HACK: so that container.open won't resize again!
+ rect = w._rect_content
+ ##print w.__class__.__name__, rect
+ if x != None: x += rect.x
+ if y != None: y += rect.y
+ return m(widget,x,y)
+ return func
+ #def open(self,w,m):
+ # def func(widget=None):
+ # return m(widget)
+ # return func
+ def decorate(self,widget,level):
+ """Interface method -- decorate a widget.
+ <p>The theme system is given the opportunity to decorate a widget methods at the
+ end of the Widget initializer.</p>
+ <pre>Theme.decorate(widget,level)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>the widget to be decorated
+ <dt>level<dd>the amount of decoration to do, False for none, True for normal amount, 'app' for special treatment of App objects.
+ </dl>
+ """
+ w = widget
+ if level == False: return
+ if type(w.style.background) != int:
+ w.background = Background(w,self)
+ if level == 'app': return
+ for k,v in w.style.__dict__.items():
+ if k in ('border','margin','padding'):
+ for kk in ('top','bottom','left','right'):
+ setattr(w.style,'%s_%s'%(k,kk),v)
+ w.paint = self.paint(w,w.paint)
+ w.event = self.event(w,w.event)
+ w.update = self.update(w,w.update)
+ w.resize = self.resize(w,w.resize)
+ w.open = self.open(w,w.open)
+ def render(self,s,box,r):
+ """Interface method - render a special widget feature.
+ <pre>Theme.render(s,box,r)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s<dt>pygame.Surface
+ <dt>box<dt>box data, a value returned from Theme.get, typically a pygame.Surface
+ <dt>r<dt>pygame.Rect with the size that the box data should be rendered
+ </dl>
+ """
+ if box == 0: return
+ if isinstance(box, pygame.Color) or type(box) == tuple:
+ s.fill(box,r)
+ return
+ x,y,w,h=r.x,r.y,r.w,r.h
+ ww,hh=box.get_width()/3,box.get_height()/3
+ xx,yy=x+w,y+h
+ src = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,ww,hh)
+ dest = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,ww,hh)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,y+hh,w-ww*2,h-hh*2))
+ src.x,src.y = ww,hh
+ for dest.y in xrange(y+hh,yy-hh,hh):
+ for dest.x in xrange(x+ww,xx-ww,ww): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,y,w-ww*3,hh))
+ src.x,src.y,dest.y = ww,0,y
+ for dest.x in xrange(x+ww,xx-ww*2,ww): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.x = xx-ww*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,y,w-ww*2,hh))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,yy-hh,w-ww*3,hh))
+ src.x,src.y,dest.y = ww,hh*2,yy-hh
+ for dest.x in xrange(x+ww,xx-ww*2,ww): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.x = xx-ww*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x+ww,yy-hh,w-ww*2,hh))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x,y+hh,xx,h-hh*3))
+ src.y,src.x,dest.x = hh,0,x
+ for dest.y in xrange(y+hh,yy-hh*2,hh): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.y = yy-hh*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(x,y+hh,xx,h-hh*2))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(xx-ww,y+hh,xx,h-hh*3))
+ src.y,src.x,dest.x=hh,ww*2,xx-ww
+ for dest.y in xrange(y+hh,yy-hh*2,hh): s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ dest.y = yy-hh*2
+ s.set_clip(pygame.Rect(xx-ww,y+hh,xx,h-hh*2))
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ s.set_clip()
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = 0,0,x,y
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = ww*2,0,xx-ww,y
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = 0,hh*2,x,yy-hh
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+ src.x,src.y,dest.x,dest.y = ww*2,hh*2,xx-ww,yy-hh
+ s.blit(box,dest,src)
+import pygame
+import widget
+class Background(widget.Widget):
+ def __init__(self,value,theme,**params):
+ params['decorate'] = False
+ widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.value = value
+ self.theme = theme
+ def paint(self,s):
+ r = pygame.Rect(0,0,s.get_width(),s.get_height())
+ v = self.value.style.background
+ if isinstance(v, pygame.Color) or type(v) == tuple:
+ s.fill(v)
+ else:
+ self.theme.render(s,v,r)
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index 0000000..eb0a7bc
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+++ b/pgu/gui/widget.py
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+import pygame
+import pguglobals
+import style
+class SignalCallback:
+ # The function to call
+ func = None
+ # The parameters to pass to the function (as a list)
+ params = None
+class Widget:
+ """Template object - base for all widgets.
+ <pre>Widget(**params)</pre>
+ <p>A number of optional params may be passed to the Widget initializer.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>decorate<dd>defaults to True. If true, will call <tt>theme.decorate(self)</tt> to allow the theme a chance to decorate the widget.
+ <dt>style<dd>a dict of style parameters.
+ <dt>x, y, width, height<dd>position and size parameters, passed along to style
+ <dt>align, valign<dd>alignment parameters, passed along to style
+ <dt>font, color, background<dd>other common parameters that are passed along to style
+ <dt>cls<dd>class name as used by Theme
+ <dt>name<dd>name of widget as used by Form. If set, will call <tt>form.add(self,name)</tt> to add the widget to the most recently created Form.
+ <dt>focusable<dd>True if this widget can receive focus via Tab, etc. Defaults to True.
+ <dt>disabled<dd>True of this widget is disabled. Defaults to False.
+ <dt>value<dd>initial value
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example - Creating your own Widget</strong>
+ <p>This example shows which methods are template methods.</p>
+ <code>
+ class Draw(gui.Widget):
+ def paint(self,s):
+ #paint the pygame.Surface
+ return
+ def update(self,s):
+ #update the pygame.Surface and return the update rects
+ return [pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)]
+ def event(self,e):
+ #handle the pygame.Event
+ return
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ #return the width and height of this widget
+ return 256,256
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ #object.Object.__init__(self)
+ self.connects = {}
+ params.setdefault('decorate',True)
+ params.setdefault('style',{})
+ params.setdefault('focusable',True)
+ params.setdefault('disabled',False)
+ self.focusable = params['focusable']
+ self.disabled = params['disabled']
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(params.get('x',0),params.get('y',0),params.get('width',0),params.get('height',0))
+ s = params['style']
+ #some of this is a bit "theme-ish" but it is very handy, so these
+ #things don't have to be put directly into the style.
+ for att in ('align','valign','x','y','width','height','color','font','background'):
+ if att in params: s[att] = params[att]
+ self.style = style.Style(self,s)
+ self.cls = 'default'
+ if 'cls' in params: self.cls = params['cls']
+ if 'name' in params:
+ import form
+ self.name = params['name']
+ if hasattr(form.Form,'form') and form.Form.form != None:
+ form.Form.form.add(self)
+ self.form = form.Form.form
+ if 'value' in params: self.value = params['value']
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if params['decorate'] != False:
+ if (not pguglobals.app):
+ # TODO - fix this somehow
+ import app
+ print 'gui.widget: creating an App'
+ app.App()
+ pguglobals.app.theme.decorate(self,params['decorate'])
+ def focus(self):
+ """Focus this Widget.
+ <pre>Widget.focus()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None:
+ if self.container.myfocus != self: ## by Gal Koren
+ self.container.focus(self)
+ def blur(self):
+ """Blur this Widget.
+ <pre>Widget.blur()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.blur(self)
+ def open(self):
+ """Open this Widget as a modal dialog.
+ <pre>Widget.open()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.open(self)
+ def close(self):
+ """Close this Widget (if it is a modal dialog.)
+ <pre>Widget.close()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.close(self)
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ """Template method - return the size and width of this widget.
+ <p>Responsible for also resizing all sub-widgets.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.resize(width,height): return width,height</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>width<dd>suggested width
+ <dt>height<dd>suggested height
+ </dl>
+ <p>If not overridden, will return self.style.width, self.style.height</p>
+ """
+ return self.style.width, self.style.height
+ def chsize(self):
+ """Change the size of this widget.
+ <p>Calling this method will cause a resize on all the widgets,
+ including this one.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.chsize()</pre>
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self,'_painted'): return
+ if not hasattr(self,'container'): return
+ if pguglobals.app:
+ if pguglobals.app._chsize:
+ return
+ pguglobals.app.chsize()
+ return
+ #if hasattr(app.App,'app'):
+ # w,h = self.rect.w,self.rect.h
+ # w2,h2 = self.resize()
+ # if w2 != w or h2 != h:
+ # app.App.app.chsize()
+ # else:
+ # self.repaint()
+ def update(self,s):
+ """Template method - update the surface
+ <pre>Widget.update(s): return list of pygame.Rect(s)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s<dd>pygame.Surface to update
+ </dl>
+ <p>return - a list of the updated areas as pygame.Rect(s).</p>
+ """
+ return
+ def paint(self,s):
+ """Template method - paint the surface
+ <pre>Widget.paint(s)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s<dd>pygame.Surface to paint
+ </dl>
+ """
+ return
+ def repaint(self):
+ """Request a repaint of this Widget.
+ <pre>Widget.repaint()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.repaint(self)
+ def repaintall(self):
+ """Request a repaint of all Widgets.
+ <pre>Widget.repaintall()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.repaintall()
+ def reupdate(self):
+ """Request a reupdate of this Widget
+ <pre>Widget.reupdate()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.reupdate(self)
+ def next(self):
+ """Pass focus to next Widget.
+ <p>Widget order determined by the order they were added to their container.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.next()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.next(self)
+ def previous(self):
+ """Pass focus to previous Widget.
+ <p>Widget order determined by the order they were added to their container.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.previous()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.previous(self)
+ def get_abs_rect(self):
+ """Get the absolute rect of this widget on the App screen
+ <pre>Widget.get_abs_rect(): return pygame.Rect</pre>
+ """
+ x, y = self.rect.x , self.rect.y
+ x += self._rect_content.x
+ y += self._rect_content.y
+ c = getattr(self,'container',None)
+ while c:
+ x += c.rect.x
+ y += c.rect.y
+ if hasattr(c,'_rect_content'):
+ x += c._rect_content.x
+ y += c._rect_content.y
+ c = getattr(c,'container',None)
+ return pygame.Rect(x, y, self.rect.w, self.rect.h)
+ def connect(self,code,func,*params):
+ """Connect a event code to a callback function.
+ <p>There may be multiple callbacks per event code.</p>
+ <pre>Object.connect(code,fnc,value)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>code<dd>event type [[gui-const]]
+ <dt>fnc<dd>callback function
+ <dt>*values<dd>values to pass to callback. Please note that callbacks may also have "magicaly" parameters. Such as:
+ <dl>
+ <dt>_event<dd>receive the event
+ <dt>_code<dd>receive the event code
+ <dt>_widget<dd>receive the sending widget
+ </dl>
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ def onclick(value):
+ print 'click',value
+ w = Button("PGU!")
+ w.connect(gui.CLICK,onclick,'PGU Button Clicked')
+ </code>
+ """
+ # Wrap the callback function and add it to the list
+ cb = SignalCallback()
+ cb.func = func
+ cb.params = params
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ self.connects[code] = []
+ self.connects[code].append(cb)
+ # Remove signal handlers from the given event code. If func is specified,
+ # only those handlers will be removed. If func is None, all handlers
+ # will be removed.
+ def disconnect(self, code, func=None):
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ return
+ if (not func):
+ # Remove all signal handlers
+ del self.connects[code]
+ else:
+ # Remove handlers that call 'func'
+ n = 0
+ callbacks = self.connects[code]
+ while (n < len(callbacks)):
+ if (callbacks[n].func == func):
+ # Remove this callback
+ del callbacks[n]
+ else:
+ n += 1
+ def send(self,code,event=None):
+ """Send a code, event callback trigger.
+ <pre>Object.send(code,event=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>code<dd>event code
+ <dt>event<dd>event
+ </dl>
+ """
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ return
+ # Trigger all connected signal handlers
+ for cb in self.connects[code]:
+ func = cb.func
+ values = list(cb.params)
+ nargs = func.func_code.co_argcount
+ names = list(func.func_code.co_varnames)[:nargs]
+ if hasattr(func,'im_class'): names.pop(0)
+ args = []
+ magic = {'_event':event,'_code':code,'_widget':self}
+ for name in names:
+ if name in magic.keys():
+ args.append(magic[name])
+ elif len(values):
+ args.append(values.pop(0))
+ else:
+ break
+ args.extend(values)
+ func(*args)
+ def _event(self,e):
+ if self.disabled: return
+ self.send(e.type,e)
+ return self.event(e)
+# return
+# import app
+# if hasattr(app.App,'app'):
+# app.App.app.events.append((self,e))
+ def event(self,e):
+ """Template method - called when an event is passed to this object.
+ <p>Please note that if you use an event, returning the value True
+ will stop parent containers from also using the event. (For example, if
+ your widget handles TABs or arrow keys, and you don't want those to
+ also alter the focus.)</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>e<dd>event
+ </dl>
+ """
+ return
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