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path: root/apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js
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authorDaniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
committer Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
commit66dae0ccbc23f4df612711a2e61fadd9b15feb91 (patch)
treea069ef55f4d97b6419f38d8ce86eb19f5cc1f1e7 /apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js
parentb5b9e95e2f4c8ab19cef000c82fcfc0625c52666 (diff)
Empty the system pluginHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 630 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af2abf..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/updatable_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForUpdatable = [
- 'CustomDialog',
- 'UpdateManager',
- 'WindowManager',
- 'UtilityTray',
- 'ManifestHelper',
- 'asyncStorage'
-mocksForUpdatable.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (!window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('system/Updatable', function() {
- var subject;
- var mockApp;
- var realDispatchEvent;
- var realL10n;
- var mocksHelper;
- var lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- var fakeDispatchEvent;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- realL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = {
- get: function get(key) {
- return key;
- }
- };
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForUpdatable);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- navigator.mozL10n = realL10n;
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- });
- setup(function() {
- mockApp = new MockApp();
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- subject._mgmt = MockAppsMgmt;
- fakeDispatchEvent = function(type, value) {
- lastDispatchedEvent = {
- type: type,
- value: value
- };
- };
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- mocksHelper.setup();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- MockAppsMgmt.mTeardown();
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- subject._dispatchEvent = realDispatchEvent;
- lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- });
- function downloadAvailableSuite(name, setupFunc) {
- suite(name, function() {
- setup(setupFunc);
- test('should add self to the available downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- suite('first progress', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- });
- test('should add self to active downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should start with first progress value', function() {
- assert.equal(42, subject.progress);
- });
- });
- });
- }
- suite('init', function() {
- test('should keep a reference to the app', function() {
- assert.equal(mockApp, subject.app);
- });
- test('should handle fresh app with just an updateManifest', function() {
- var freshApp = new MockApp();
- freshApp.manifest = undefined;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(freshApp);
- assert.equal(freshApp, subject.app);
- });
- test('should add itself to updatable apps', function() {
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatableAdd, subject);
- });
- test('should remember about the update on startup', function() {
- asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG] = true;
- var systemUpdatable = new SystemUpdatable();
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mCheckForUpdatesCalledWith, true);
- });
- downloadAvailableSuite('app has a download available', function() {
- mockApp.downloadAvailable = true;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- });
- test('should apply update if downloaded', function() {
- mockApp.readyToApplyDownload = true;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- // We cannot test for this._mgmt methods because it's created in
- // a constructor, so we check if the window is killed because
- // WindowManager.kill() is also called in applyUpdate() method
- assert.equal(MockWindowManager.mLastKilledOrigin, subject.app.origin);
- });
- });
- suite('infos', function() {
- suite('name', function() {
- test('should give a name for system updates', function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- assert.equal('systemUpdate', subject.name);
- });
- test('should give a name for app updates', function() {
- assert.equal('Mock app', subject.name);
- });
- });
- suite('size', function() {
- test('should give packaged app update size', function() {
- assert.equal(null, subject.size);
- });
- test('should return null for hosted apps', function() {
- mockApp.updateManifest = null;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- assert.isNull(subject.size);
- });
- test('should update size on download available', function() {
- mockApp.updateManifest = null;
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- assert.isNull(subject.size);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable(45678);
- assert.equal(45678, subject.size);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('actions', function() {
- suite('ask for download', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- subject.download();
- });
- test('should call download on the app', function() {
- assert.isTrue(mockApp.mDownloadCalled);
- });
- });
- suite('download system update', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- subject.progress = 42;
- subject.download();
- });
- test('should send download message for system updates', function() {
- assert.equal('update-available-result', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- assert.equal('download', lastDispatchedEvent.value);
- });
- test('should add system updates to active downloads too', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd);
- assert.equal(subject, MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsAdd);
- });
- test('should start system updates with progress 0 too', function() {
- assert.equal(subject.progress, 0);
- });
- test('should do nothing if already downloading', function() {
- lastDispatchedEvent = null;
- subject.progress = 42;
- subject.download();
- assert.equal(subject.progress, 42);
- assert.isNull(lastDispatchedEvent);
- });
- });
- suite('cancel app update download', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject.cancelDownload();
- });
- test('should call cancelDownload on the app', function() {
- assert.isTrue(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- });
- suite('cancel system update download', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- subject.download();
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- subject.cancelDownload();
- });
- test('should send cancel message', function() {
- assert.equal('update-download-cancel', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- });
- test('should remove the downloading flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.downloading);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('events', function() {
- suite('apps events', function() {
- // This function checks that we release the callbacks properly
- // at the end of a download. Assumes subject.download() was called.
- function testCleanup() {
- test('should stop responding to progress', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- assert.notEqual(subject.progress, 42);
- });
- test('should stop responding to error', function() {
- MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested = false;
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError();
- assert.isFalse(MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested);
- });
- test('progress should be reset', function() {
- assert.isNull(subject.progress);
- });
- }
- downloadAvailableSuite('ondownloadavailable', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- suite('ondownloadavailable when not installed', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.installState = 'pending';
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- test('should not add self to the available downloads', function() {
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd);
- });
- test('should not answer to progress', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- });
- suite('downloadavailable at init when not installed', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.installState = 'pending';
- subject = new AppUpdatable(mockApp);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- test('should not add self to the available downloads', function() {
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesAdd);
- });
- test('should not answer to progress', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- });
- suite('ondownloadsuccess', function() {
- test('should remove self from active downloads', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should not remove self if not downloading', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- test('should remove self from available downloads', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesRemoval);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastUpdatesRemoval.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- suite('application of the download', function() {
- test('should apply if the app is not in foreground', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- MockWindowManager.mDisplayedApp =
- 'http://homescreen.gaiamobile.org';
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNotNull(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied);
- assert.equal(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied.mId, mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should wait for appwillclose if it is', function() {
- var origin = 'http://testapp.gaiamobile.org';
- mockApp.origin = origin;
- MockWindowManager.mDisplayedApp = origin;
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.isNull(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied);
- var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
- evt.initCustomEvent('appwillclose', true, false,
- { origin: origin });
- window.dispatchEvent(evt);
- assert.isNotNull(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied);
- assert.equal(MockAppsMgmt.mLastAppApplied.mId, mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('should kill the app before applying the update', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.equal('https://testapp.gaiamobile.org',
- MockWindowManager.mLastKilledOrigin);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('ondownloaderror', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError();
- });
- test('should request error banner', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested);
- });
- test('should remove self from active downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval.app.mId,
- mockApp.mId);
- });
- test('progress should be reset', function() {
- assert.isNull(subject.progress);
- });
- test('should still answer to progress events', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(42);
- assert.equal(42, subject.progress);
- });
- });
- suite('onprogress', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- });
- test('should send progress to update manager', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(1234);
- assert.equal(1234, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- test('should send progress delta to update manager', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(1234);
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(2234);
- assert.equal(1000, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- });
- suite('ondownloadapplied', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadAvailable();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadApplied();
- });
- testCleanup();
- });
- });
- suite('system update events', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- subject._dispatchEvent = fakeDispatchEvent;
- subject.download();
- });
- suite('update-downloaded', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-downloaded'
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should reset the downloading flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.downloading);
- });
- test('should reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isUndefined(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- testSystemApplyPrompt();
- });
- suite('update-prompt-apply', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- MockUtilityTray.show();
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-prompt-apply'
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isUndefined(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- testSystemApplyPrompt();
- });
- suite('update-error', function() {
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(42);
- var event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-error'
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should request error banner', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockUpdateManager.mErrorBannerRequested);
- });
- test('should remove self from active downloads', function() {
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(subject, MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- test('should remove the downloading flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.downloading);
- });
- });
- suite('update download events', function() {
- var event;
- setup(function() {
- subject = new SystemUpdatable(98734);
- subject.download();
- });
- suite('when the download starts', function() {
- setup(function() {
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-started',
- total: 98734
- });
- });
- test('should clear paused flag', function() {
- subject.paused = true;
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- assert.isFalse(subject.paused);
- });
- });
- suite('when the download receives progress', function() {
- setup(function() {
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-progress',
- progress: 1234,
- total: 98734
- });
- });
- test('should send progress to update manager', function() {
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- assert.equal(1234, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- test('should send progress delta to update manager', function() {
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- event.detail.progress = 2234;
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- assert.equal(1000, MockUpdateManager.mProgressCalledWith);
- });
- });
- suite('when the download is paused', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-stopped',
- paused: true
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should set the paused flag', function() {
- assert.isTrue(subject.paused);
- });
- test('shouldn\'t signal "started uncompressing"', function() {
- assert.isFalse(MockUpdateManager.mStartedUncompressingCalled);
- });
- test('should not reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isTrue(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- });
- suite('when the download is complete', function() {
- setup(function() {
- asyncStorage.setItem(SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG, true);
- event = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'update-download-stopped',
- paused: false
- });
- subject.handleEvent(event);
- });
- test('should clear the paused flag', function() {
- assert.isFalse(subject.paused);
- });
- test('should signal the UpdateManager', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockUpdateManager.mStartedUncompressingCalled);
- });
- test('should not reset SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG', function() {
- assert.isTrue(asyncStorage.mItems[SystemUpdatable.KNOWN_UPDATE_FLAG]);
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- function testSystemApplyPrompt() {
- test('apply prompt shown', function() {
- assert.isTrue(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- assert.equal('systemUpdateReady', MockCustomDialog.mShowedTitle);
- assert.equal('wantToInstall', MockCustomDialog.mShowedMsg);
- assert.equal('later', MockCustomDialog.mShowedCancel.title);
- assert.equal('installNow', MockCustomDialog.mShowedConfirm.title);
- });
- test('utility tray hidden', function() {
- assert.isFalse(MockUtilityTray.mShown);
- });
- test('apply prompt cancel callback', function() {
- assert.equal(subject.declineInstall.name,
- MockCustomDialog.mShowedCancel.callback.name);
- subject.declineInstall();
- assert.isFalse(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- assert.equal('update-prompt-apply-result', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- assert.equal('wait', lastDispatchedEvent.value);
- });
- test('canceling should remove from downloads queue', function() {
- subject.declineInstall();
- assert.isNotNull(MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- assert.equal(subject, MockUpdateManager.mLastDownloadsRemoval);
- });
- test('apply prompt confirm callback', function() {
- assert.equal(subject.acceptInstall.name,
- MockCustomDialog.mShowedConfirm.callback.name);
- subject.acceptInstall();
- assert.isFalse(MockCustomDialog.mShown);
- assert.equal('update-prompt-apply-result', lastDispatchedEvent.type);
- assert.equal('restart', lastDispatchedEvent.value);
- });
- }