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path: root/pgu/gui/area.py
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authorTony Anderson <tony_anderson@usa.net>2009-06-22 14:04:24 (GMT)
committer Tony Anderson <tony_anderson@usa.net>2009-06-22 14:04:24 (GMT)
commit6eb30b09566a53ef510532f2a1705d7fc22985a8 (patch)
treed52765c093219f91d07f030ed597f9491a7f8493 /pgu/gui/area.py
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'pgu/gui/area.py')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pgu/gui/area.py b/pgu/gui/area.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39b8cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/area.py
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+import os
+import pguglobals
+from const import *
+import surface
+import container, table
+import group
+import basic, button, slider
+class SlideBox(container.Container):
+ """A scrollable area with no scrollbars.
+ <pre>SlideBox(widget,width,height)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>widget to be able to scroll around
+ <dt>width, height<dd>size of scrollable area
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ c = SlideBox(w,100,100)
+ c.offset = (10,10)
+ c.repaint()
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, widget, width, height, **params):
+ params.setdefault('width', width)
+ params.setdefault('height', height)
+ container.Container.__init__(self, **params)
+ self.offset = [0, 0]
+ self.widget = widget
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'widget':
+ if hasattr(self,'widget'):
+ self.remove(self.widget)
+ self.add(v,0,0)
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ def paint(self, s):
+ #if not hasattr(self,'surface'):
+ self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.max_rect.w,self.max_rect.h),0,s)
+ #self.surface.fill((0,0,0,0))
+ pguglobals.app.theme.render(self.surface,self.style.background,pygame.Rect(0,0,self.max_rect.w,self.max_rect.h))
+ self.bkgr = pygame.Surface((s.get_width(),s.get_height()),0,s)
+ self.bkgr.blit(s,(0,0))
+ container.Container.paint(self,self.surface)
+ s.blit(self.surface,(-self.offset[0],-self.offset[1]))
+ self._offset = self.offset[:]
+ return
+ def paint_for_when_pygame_supports_other_tricks(self,s):
+ #this would be ideal if pygame had support for it!
+ #and if pgu also had a paint(self,s,rect) method to paint small parts
+ sr = (self.offset[0],self.offset[1],self.max_rect.w,self.max_rect.h)
+ cr = (-self.offset[0],-self.offset[1],s.get_width(),s.get_height())
+ s2 = s.subsurface(sr)
+ s2.set_clip(cr)
+ container.Container.paint(self,s2)
+ def proxy_paint(self, s):
+ container.Container.paint(self, surface.ProxySurface(parent=None,
+ rect=self.max_rect,
+ real_surface=s,
+ offset=self.offset))
+ def update(self, s):
+ rects = container.Container.update(self,self.surface)
+ rets = []
+ s_rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,s.get_width(),s.get_height())
+ if self.offset == self._offset:
+ for r in rects:
+ r2 = r.move((-self.offset[0],-self.offset[1]))
+ if r2.colliderect(s_rect):
+ s.blit(self.surface.subsurface(r),r2)
+ rets.append(r2)
+ else:
+ s.blit(self.bkgr,(0,0))
+ sub = pygame.Rect(self.offset[0],self.offset[1],min(s.get_width(),self.max_rect.w-self.offset[0]),min(s.get_height(),self.max_rect.h-self.offset[1]))
+# print sub
+# print self.surface.get_width(),self.surface.get_height()
+# print s.get_width(),s.get_height()
+# print self.offset
+# print self.style.width,self.style.height
+ s.blit(self.surface.subsurface(sub),(0,0))
+ rets.append(s_rect)
+ self._offset = self.offset[:]
+ return rets
+ def proxy_update(self, s):
+ rects = container.Container.update(self, surface.ProxySurface(parent=None,
+ rect=self.max_rect,
+ real_surface=s,
+ offset=self.offset))
+ result = []
+ for r in rects: result.append(pygame.Rect(r).move(self.offset))
+ return result
+ def resize(self, width=None, height=None):
+ container.Container.resize(self)
+ self.max_rect = pygame.Rect(self.widget.rect)
+ #self.max_rect.w = max(self.max_rect.w,self.style.width)
+ #self.max_rect.h = max(self.max_rect.h,self.style.height)
+ return self.style.width,self.style.height
+ #self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.rect[0], self.rect[1], self.style.width, self.style.height)
+ def event(self, e):
+ pos = (e.pos[0] + self.offset[0], e.pos[1] + self.offset[1])
+ if self.max_rect.collidepoint(pos):
+ e_params = {'pos': pos }
+ if e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
+ e_params['buttons'] = e.buttons
+ e_params['rel'] = e.rel
+ else:
+ e_params['button'] = e.button
+ e = pygame.event.Event(e.type, e_params)
+ container.Container.event(self, e)
+#class SlideBox(Area):
+# def __init__(self,*args,**params):
+# print 'gui.SlideBox','Scheduled to be renamed to Area.'
+# Area.__init__(self,*args,**params)
+class ScrollArea(table.Table):
+ """A scrollable area with scrollbars.
+ <pre>ScrollArea(widget,width,height,hscrollbar=True)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>widget<dd>widget to be able to scroll around
+ <dt>width, height<dd>size of scrollable area. Set either to 0 to default to size of widget.
+ <dt>hscrollbar<dd>set to False if you do not wish to have a horizontal scrollbar
+ <dt>vscrollbar<dd>set to False if you do not wish to have a vertical scrollbar
+ <dt>step<dd>set to how far clicks on the icons will step
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, widget, width=0, height=0, hscrollbar=True, vscrollbar=True,step=24, **params):
+ w= widget
+ params.setdefault('cls', 'scrollarea')
+ table.Table.__init__(self, width=width,height=height,**params)
+ self.sbox = SlideBox(w, width=width, height=height, cls=self.cls+".content")
+ self.widget = w
+ self.vscrollbar = vscrollbar
+ self.hscrollbar = hscrollbar
+ self.step = step
+ def __setattr__(self,k,v):
+ if k == 'widget':
+ self.sbox.widget = v
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ widget = self.widget
+ box = self.sbox
+ #self.clear()
+ table.Table.clear(self)
+ #print 'resize',self,self._rows
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(box)
+ widget.rect.w, widget.rect.h = widget.resize()
+ my_width,my_height = self.style.width,self.style.height
+ if not my_width:
+ my_width = widget.rect.w
+ self.hscrollbar = False
+ if not my_height:
+ my_height = widget.rect.h
+ self.vscrollbar = False
+ box.style.width,box.style.height = my_width,my_height #self.style.width,self.style.height
+ box.rect.w,box.rect.h = box.resize()
+ #print widget.rect
+ #print box.rect
+ #r = table.Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ #print r
+ #return r
+ #print box.offset
+# #this old code automatically adds in a scrollbar if needed
+# #but it doesn't always work
+# self.vscrollbar = None
+# if widget.rect.h > box.rect.h:
+# self.vscrollbar = slider.VScrollBar(box.offset[1],0, 65535, 0,step=self.step)
+# self.td(self.vscrollbar)
+# self.vscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._vscrollbar_changed, None)
+# vs = self.vscrollbar
+# vs.rect.w,vs.rect.h = vs.resize()
+# box.style.width = self.style.width - vs.rect.w
+# self.hscrollbar = None
+# if widget.rect.w > box.rect.w:
+# self.hscrollbar = slider.HScrollBar(box.offset[0], 0,65535, 0,step=self.step)
+# self.hscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._hscrollbar_changed, None)
+# self.tr()
+# self.td(self.hscrollbar)
+# hs = self.hscrollbar
+# hs.rect.w,hs.rect.h = hs.resize()
+# box.style.height = self.style.height - hs.rect.h
+ xt,xr,xb,xl = pguglobals.app.theme.getspacing(box)
+ if self.vscrollbar:
+ self.vscrollbar = slider.VScrollBar(box.offset[1],0, 65535, 0,step=self.step)
+ self.td(self.vscrollbar)
+ self.vscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._vscrollbar_changed, None)
+ vs = self.vscrollbar
+ vs.rect.w,vs.rect.h = vs.resize()
+ if self.style.width:
+ box.style.width = self.style.width - (vs.rect.w + xl+xr)
+ if self.hscrollbar:
+ self.hscrollbar = slider.HScrollBar(box.offset[0], 0,65535, 0,step=self.step)
+ self.hscrollbar.connect(CHANGE, self._hscrollbar_changed, None)
+ self.tr()
+ self.td(self.hscrollbar)
+ hs = self.hscrollbar
+ hs.rect.w,hs.rect.h = hs.resize()
+ if self.style.height:
+ box.style.height = self.style.height - (hs.rect.h + xt + xb)
+ if self.hscrollbar:
+ hs = self.hscrollbar
+ hs.min = 0
+ hs.max = widget.rect.w - box.style.width
+ hs.style.width = box.style.width
+ hs.size = hs.style.width * box.style.width / max(1,widget.rect.w)
+ else:
+ box.offset[0] = 0
+ if self.vscrollbar:
+ vs = self.vscrollbar
+ vs.min = 0
+ vs.max = widget.rect.h - box.style.height
+ vs.style.height = box.style.height
+ vs.size = vs.style.height * box.style.height / max(1,widget.rect.h)
+ else:
+ box.offset[1] = 0
+ #print self.style.width,box.style.width, hs.style.width
+ r = table.Table.resize(self,width,height)
+ return r
+ def x_resize(self, width=None, height=None):
+ w,h = table.Table.resize(self, width, height)
+ if self.hscrollbar:
+ if self.widget.rect.w <= self.sbox.rect.w:
+ self.hscrollbar.size = self.hscrollbar.style.width
+ else:
+ self.hscrollbar.size = max(20,self.hscrollbar.style.width * self.sbox.rect.w / self.widget.rect.w)
+ self._hscrollbar_changed(None)
+ if self.widget.rect.h <= self.sbox.rect.h:
+ self.vscrollbar.size = self.vscrollbar.style.height
+ else:
+ self.vscrollbar.size = max(20,self.vscrollbar.style.height * self.sbox.rect.h / self.widget.rect.h)
+ self._vscrollbar_changed(None)
+ return w,h
+ def _vscrollbar_changed(self, xxx):
+ #y = (self.widget.rect.h - self.sbox.rect.h) * self.vscrollbar.value / 1000
+ #if y >= 0: self.sbox.offset[1] = -y
+ self.sbox.offset[1] = self.vscrollbar.value
+ self.sbox.reupdate()
+ def _hscrollbar_changed(self, xxx):
+ #x = (self.widget.rect.w - self.sbox.rect.w) * self.hscrollbar.value / 1000
+ #if x >= 0: self.sbox.offset[0] = -x
+ self.sbox.offset[0] = self.hscrollbar.value
+ self.sbox.reupdate()
+ def set_vertical_scroll(self, percents):
+ #if not self.vscrollbar: return
+ if not hasattr(self.vscrollbar,'value'): return
+ self.vscrollbar.value = percents #min(max(percents*10, 0), 1000)
+ self._vscrollbar_changed(None)
+ def set_horizontal_scroll(self, percents):
+ #if not self.hscrollbar: return
+ if not hasattr(self.hscrollbar,'value'): return
+ self.hscrollbar.value = percents #min(max(percents*10, 0), 1000)
+ self._hscrollbar_changed(None)
+class _List_Item(button._button):
+ def __init__(self,label=None,image=None,value=None,**params): #TODO label= could conflict with the module label
+ #param image: an imagez.Image object (optional)
+ #param text: a string object
+ params.setdefault('cls','list.item')
+ button._button.__init__(self,**params)
+ self.group = None
+ self.value = value #(self, value)
+ self.widget = None
+ if type(label) == str:
+ label = basic.Label(label, cls=self.cls+".label")
+ if image and label:
+ self.widget = container.Container()
+ self.widget.add(image, 0, 0)
+ #HACK: improper use of .resize()
+ image.rect.w,image.rect.h = image.resize()
+ self.widget.add(label, image.rect.w, 0)
+ elif image: self.widget = image
+ elif label: self.widget = label
+ self.pcls = ""
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ self.widget.rect.w,self.widget.rect.h = self.widget.resize()
+ return self.widget.rect.w,self.widget.rect.h
+# self.widget._resize()
+# self.rect.w,self.rect.h = self.widget.rect_margin.w,self.widget.rect_margin.h
+ def event(self,e):
+ button._button.event(self,e)
+ if self.group.value == self.value: self.pcls = "down"
+ def paint(self,s):
+ if self.group.value == self.value: self.pcls = "down"
+ self.widget.paint(surface.subsurface(s,self.widget.rect))
+ def click(self):
+ self.group.value = self.value
+ for w in self.group.widgets:
+ if w != self: w.pcls = ""
+class List(ScrollArea):
+ """A list of items in an area.
+ <p>This widget can be a form element, it has a value set to whatever item is selected.</p>
+ <pre>List(width,height)</pre>
+ """
+ def _change(self, value):
+ self.value = self.group.value
+ self.send(CHANGE)
+ def __init__(self, width, height, **params):
+ params.setdefault('cls', 'list')
+ self.table = table.Table(width=width)
+ ScrollArea.__init__(self, self.table, width, height,hscrollbar=False ,**params)
+ self.items = []
+ g = group.Group()
+ self.group = g
+ g.connect(CHANGE,self._change,None)
+ self.value = self.group.value = None
+ self.add = self._add
+ self.remove = self._remove
+ def clear(self):
+ """Clear the list.
+ <pre>List.clear()</pre>
+ """
+ self.items = []
+ self.group = group.Group()
+ self.group.connect(CHANGE,self._change,None)
+ self.table.clear()
+ self.set_vertical_scroll(0)
+ self.blur(self.myfocus)
+ def _docs(self): #HACK: nasty hack to get the docs in "my way"
+ def add(self, label, image=None, value=None):
+ """Add an item to the list.
+ <pre>List.add(label,image=None,value=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>label<dd>a label for the item
+ <dt>image<dd>an image for the item
+ <dt>value<dd>a value for the item
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def remove(self,value):
+ """Remove an item from the list.
+ <pre>List.remove(value)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>value<dd>a value of an item to remove from the list
+ </dl>
+ """
+ def _add(self, label, image = None, value=None):
+ item = _List_Item(label,image=image,value=value)
+ self.table.tr()
+ self.table.add(item)
+ self.items.append(item)
+ item.group = self.group
+ item.group.add(item)
+ def _remove(self, item):
+ for i in self.items:
+ if i.value == item: item = i
+ if item not in self.items: return
+ item.blur()
+ self.items.remove(item)
+ self.group.widgets.remove(item)
+ self.table.remove_row(item.style.row)
+#class List(ListArea):
+# def __init__(self,*args,**params):
+# print 'gui.List','Scheduled to be renamed to ListArea. API may also be changed in the future.'
+# ListArea.__init__(self,*args,**params)