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4 files changed, 741 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/dict.py b/dict.py
index d9a2836..47032be 100644
--- a/dict.py
+++ b/dict.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/env python
import sys
+import random
# Provides the API to control the dictionary.
global __debug
@@ -10,125 +11,123 @@ global word_list
__debug = True
DBname = "dict.db"
word_list = []
-#strings which are tag in XML
-class dict:
- def __init__(self):
- import sqlite3
- self.conn = sqlite3.connect(DBname, isolation_level=None)
- # Turn on autocommit mode
- # Set isolation_level to "IMMEDIATE"
- self.conn.isolation_level = "IMMEDIATE"
- self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
- self.numwords = -1
- self.wordid_list = []
- self.length = 0
- def getnumwords(self, length = 0):
- if self.numwords == -1:
- if length == 0:
- self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(wordid) from las_word")
- else:
- self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(wordid) from las_word where length = ?", (length, ))
- self.numwords = self.cur.fetchone()
- return self.numwords
- def getrandomwordid(self, length=0, numwords = 1):
- if self.wordid_list == [] or self.length != length:
- if length == 0:
- self.cur.execute("SELECT wordid from las_word")
- else:
+class Dict:
+ def __init__(self):
+ import sqlite3
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(DBname, isolation_level=None)
+ # Turn on autocommit mode
+ # Set isolation_level to "IMMEDIATE"
+ self.conn.isolation_level = "IMMEDIATE"
+ self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ self.num_words = -1
+ self.wordid_list = []
+ self.length = 0
+ def get_num_words(self, length = 0):
+ if self.num_words == -1:
+ if length == 0:
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(wordid) from las_word")
+ else:
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(wordid) from las_word where length = ?", (length, ))
+ self.num_words = self.cur.fetchone()
+ return self.num_words
+ def get_random_wordid(self, length=0, numwords = 1):
+ if self.wordid_list == [] or self.length != length:
+ if length == 0:
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT wordid from las_word")
+ else:
+ self.length = length
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT wordid from las_word where length = ?", (length, ))
+ self.wordid_list = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #count = self.wordid_list.count
+ #count = len(self.wordid_list)
+ randids = random.sample(self.wordid_list , numwords)
+ return randids
+class Word:
+ def __init__(self, identifier=None, value= None):
+ import sqlite3
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(DBname, isolation_level=None)
+ # Turn on autocommit mode
+ # Set isolation_level to "IMMEDIATE"
+ self.conn.isolation_level = "IMMEDIATE"
+ self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ if identifier == "las_word_id":
+ self.las_word_id = value
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_word where laswid = ?", (value,))
+ elif identifier == "wordid":
+ self.wordid = value
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_word where wordid = ?", (value,))
+ elif identifier == "word":
+ self.word = value
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_word where lemma = ?", (value,))
+ elif identifier == None or value == None:
+ self.las_word_id = None
+ self.wordid = None
+ self.word = None
+ self.length = None
+ self.synsetid_list = []
+ return
+ else:
+ return "Invalid Usage"
+ (laswid, wordid, lemma, length) = self.cur.fetchone()
+ self.las_word_id = laswid
+ self.wordid = wordid
+ self.word = lemma
self.length = length
- self.cur.execute("SELECT wordid from las_word where length = ?", (length, ))
- self.wordid_list = self.cur.fetchall()
- #count = self.wordid_list.count
- #count = len(self.wordid_list)
- import random
- randids = random.sample(self.wordid_list , numwords)
- return randids
-class word:
- def __init__(self, identifier=None, value= None):
- import sqlite3
- self.conn = sqlite3.connect(DBname, isolation_level=None)
- # Turn on autocommit mode
- # Set isolation_level to "IMMEDIATE"
- self.conn.isolation_level = "IMMEDIATE"
- self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
- if identifier == "las_word_id":
- self.las_word_id = value
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_word where laswid = ?", (value,))
- elif identifier == "wordid":
- self.wordid = value
- print "Word is initiated"
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_word where wordid = ?", (value,))
- elif identifier == "word":
- self.word = value
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_word where lemma = ?", (value,))
- elif identifier == None or value == None:
- self.las_word_id = None
- self.wordid = None
- self.word = None
- self.length = None
- self.synsetid_list = []
- return
- else:
- return "Invalid Usage"
- (laswid, wordid, lemma, length) = self.cur.fetchone()
- self.las_word_id = laswid
- self.wordid = wordid
- self.word = lemma
- self.length = length
- self.synsetid_list = []
- def getword(self):
- return self.word
- def getwordid(self):
- return self.wordid
- def getsynsetid(self):
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_sense where wordid = ?", (self.wordid,))
- for (wordid, synsetid, rank) in self.cur:
- self.synsetid_list.append(synsetid)
- return self.synsetid_list
- def getdef(self):
- self.def_list = []
- if self.synsetid_list == []:
- self.getsynsetid()
- for synsetid in self.synsetid_list:
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_synset where synsetid = ?", (synsetid,) )
- for (synsetid, pos, definition) in self.cur:
- self.def_list.append( (pos, definition))
- return self.def_list
- def getusage(self):
- if self.synsetid_list == []:
- self.getsynsetid()
- self.usage_list = []
- for synsetid in self.synsetid_list:
- self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_sample where synsetid = ?", (synsetid,))
- for (synsetid, sampleid, sample) in self.cur:
- self.usage_list.append( (sample))
- return self.usage_list
+ self.synsetid_list = []
+ def get_word(self):
+ return self.word
+ def get_wordid(self):
+ return self.wordid
+ def get_synsetid(self):
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_sense where wordid = ?", (self.wordid,))
+ for (wordid, synsetid, rank) in self.cur:
+ self.synsetid_list.append(synsetid)
+ return self.synsetid_list
+ def get_def(self):
+ self.def_list = []
+ if self.synsetid_list == []:
+ self.get_synsetid()
+ for synsetid in self.synsetid_list:
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_synset where synsetid = ?", (synsetid,) )
+ for (synsetid, pos, definition) in self.cur:
+ self.def_list.append( (pos, definition))
+ return self.def_list
+ def get_usage(self):
+ if self.synsetid_list == []:
+ self.get_synsetid()
+ self.usage_list = []
+ for synsetid in self.synsetid_list:
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT * from las_sample where synsetid = ?", (synsetid,))
+ for (synsetid, sampleid, sample) in self.cur:
+ self.usage_list.append( (sample))
+ return self.usage_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
- k = dict()
- num_words = k.getnumwords()
- print num_words
- id = k.getrandomwordid(length = 5, numwords = 3) #will return word of length 15
- for (wordid,) in id:
- print wordid
- l = word("wordid", wordid )
- print l.getword()
- print l.getdef()
- print l.getusage() \ No newline at end of file
+ k = Dict()
+ num_words = k.get_num_words()
+ print num_words
+ id = k.get_random_wordid(length = 5, numwords = 3) #will return word of length 15
+ for (wordid,) in id:
+ print wordid
+ l = Word("wordid", wordid )
+ print l.get_word()
+ print l.get_def()
+ print l.get_usage() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/las-gui.py b/las-gui.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2e21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/las-gui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# example helloworld.py
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+from las import Listenspell
+class LS_gui:
+ # This is a callback function. The data arguments are ignored
+ # in this example. More on callbacks below.
+ def __init__(self):
+ DBname = "dict.db"
+ self.las = Listenspell(DBname)
+ self.load_activity_interface()
+ def destroy(self, widget, data=None):
+ #print "destroy signal occurred"
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def load_activity_interface(self):
+ self.main_window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
+ self.main_window.set_border_width(10)
+ self.main_window.set_title("Listen and Spell")
+ self.Hcontainer = gtk.HBox()
+ self.Hcontainer.show()
+ self.main_window.add(self.Hcontainer)
+ self.vcontainer_left = gtk.VBox()
+ self.vcontainer_left.set_border_width(10)
+ self.vcontainer_left.show()
+ self.vcontainer_right = gtk.VBox()
+ self.vcontainer_right.set_border_width(10)
+ self.vcontainer_right.show()
+ self.Hcontainer.pack_start(self.vcontainer_left,True, True,0)
+ self.Hcontainer.pack_start(self.vcontainer_right,True, True,0)
+ #####################Left Pane widgets##########################
+ self.label_v_left_a = gtk.Label("Hello this is label 1")
+ self.label_v_left_b = gtk.Label("label 2")
+ self.label_v_left_a.show()
+ self.label_v_left_b.show()
+ self.text_input = gtk.Entry(0)
+ #self.text_input.set_text("Preset input text")
+ #self.text_input.
+ self.text_input.show()
+ self.text_input.connect("focus-in-event", self.text_input_focus, None)
+ self.text_input.connect("activate", self.text_input_activate, None)
+ self.console_text_view = gtk.TextView()
+ #self.console_text_view.show()
+ self.console_text_sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ self.console_text_sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN)
+ self.console_text_sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.console_text_sw.add(self.console_text_view)
+ self.text_submit_button = gtk.Button(label="Submit")
+ self.text_submit_button.show()
+ self.text_submit_button.connect("clicked", self.submit_button_clicked, None)
+ self.console_text_buffer = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ self.console_text_buffer.set_text("This is hint text")
+ self.console_text_view.set_editable(False)
+ self.console_text_view.set_buffer(self.console_text_buffer)
+ self.console_text_frame = gtk.Frame("Console:")
+ self.console_text_frame.add(self.console_text_sw)
+ self.console_text_frame.show_all()
+ self.vcontainer_left.add(self.label_v_left_a)
+ self.vcontainer_left.add(self.label_v_left_b)
+ self.vcontainer_left.add(self.text_input)
+ self.vcontainer_left.add(self.text_submit_button)
+ self.vcontainer_left.add(self.console_text_frame)
+ ################################################################
+ #################Right pane wigets##############################
+ self.v_buttonbox = gtk.VButtonBox()
+ self.repeat_word_button = gtk.Button(label="Repeat Word")
+ self.repeat_word_button.connect("clicked", self.repeat_word_button_clicked, None)
+ self.get_def_button = gtk.Button(label="Get Def")
+ self.get_def_button.connect("clicked", self.get_def_button_clicked, None)
+ self.get_usage_button = gtk.Button("Get Usage")
+ self.get_usage_button.connect("clicked", self.get_usage_button_clicked, None)
+ self.get_word_length_button = gtk.Button("Get Word Length")
+ self.get_word_length_button.connect("clicked", self.get_word_length_button_clicked, None)
+ self.v_buttonbox.add(self.repeat_word_button)
+ self.v_buttonbox.add(self.get_def_button)
+ self.v_buttonbox.add(self.get_usage_button)
+ self.v_buttonbox.add(self.get_word_length_button)
+ self.v_buttonbox.show_all()
+ self.button_frame = gtk.Frame("Buttons")
+ self.button_frame.add(self.v_buttonbox)
+ self.button_frame.show()
+ self.vcontainer_right.add(self.button_frame)
+ self.stats_frame = gtk.Frame("Stats")
+ self.stats_table = gtk.Table(4,2,True)
+ self.score_label = gtk.Label("Score: ")
+ self.score_value_label = gtk.Label("s")
+ #self.score_value_label.
+ self.skill_level_label = gtk.Label("Skill Level: ")
+ self.skill_level_value_label = gtk.Label("sl")
+ self.words_played_label = gtk.Label("Words played: ")
+ self.words_played_value_label = gtk.Label("wp")
+ self.words_correct_label = gtk.Label("Correct Words: ")
+ self.words_correct_value_label = gtk.Label("cw")
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.score_label, 0, 1, 0, 1)
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.score_value_label, 1, 2, 0, 1)
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.skill_level_label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.skill_level_value_label, 1, 2, 1, 2)
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.words_played_label, 0, 1, 2, 3)
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.words_played_value_label, 1, 2, 2, 3)
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.words_correct_label, 0, 1, 3, 4)
+ self.stats_table.attach(self.words_correct_value_label, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+ self.vcontainer_right.add(self.stats_frame)
+ self.stats_frame.add(self.stats_table)
+ self.stats_frame.show_all()
+ ################################################################
+ self.main_window.show()
+ ##################Call Backs####################################
+ def submit_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
+ answer = self.text_input.get_text()
+ self.las.say_text("You typed")
+ self.shout(answer)
+ if answer == self.elem:
+ self.las.say_text("Correct")
+ self.las.ans_correct(self.wordid)
+ else:
+ self.las.ans_incorrect(self.wordid)
+ self.las.say_text("Incorrect")
+ self.display_console("Incorrect. The correct spelling is.. ")
+ self.las.say_text("The correct spelling is..\n")
+ self.shout(self.elem)
+ self.update_all()
+ self.play_game("next word")
+ return False
+ def text_input_focus(self, widget, event, data= None):
+ #print "text_input_focus_in"
+ return False
+ def text_input_activate(self, widget, data=None):
+ self.submit_button_clicked(widget, data)
+ #print "text_input_activate"
+ return False
+ def repeat_word_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
+ self.las.say_text(self.elem)
+ def get_def_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
+ definition = self.las.get_word_info(self.wordid, "def")
+ self.display_console("Definition: ")
+ for (pos, definition) in definition:
+ self.display_console(pos + " : " + definition)
+ def get_usage_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
+ if self.usage_used == 0:
+ usage = self.las.get_word_info(self.wordid, "usage")
+ self.total_num_usage = len(usage)
+ if self.total_num_usage == 0:
+ self.display_console("No usage in the database")
+ elif self.total_num_usage == self.usage_used:
+ self.display_console("No more usage in the database")
+ else:
+ (sample) = usage[self.usage_used]
+ las.say_text(sample)
+ self.usage_used = self.usage_used + 1
+ def get_word_length_button_clicked(self, widget, data = None):
+ self.display_console("Word Length: " + str(len(self.elem)))
+ def ask_skill_level(self):
+ dialog = gtk.Dialog("Enter Skill Level", self.main_window, 0,(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK, "Cancel", gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL))
+ self.las.say_text("Skill Level")
+ hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 8)
+ hbox.set_border_width(8)
+ dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0)
+ stock = gtk.image_new_from_stock(
+ hbox.pack_start(stock, False, False, 0)
+ table = gtk.Table(1, 1)
+ table.set_row_spacings(4)
+ table.set_col_spacings(4)
+ hbox.pack_start(table, True, True, 0)
+ label = gtk.Label("Skill Level")
+ label.set_use_underline(True)
+ table.attach(label, 0, 1, 0, 1)
+ local_skill_level = gtk.Entry()
+ local_skill_level.set_text(str(self.las.get_skill_level()))
+ table.attach(local_skill_level, 1, 2, 0, 1)
+ label.set_mnemonic_widget(local_skill_level)
+ dialog.show_all()
+ response = dialog.run()
+ if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ skill_level = int (local_skill_level.get_text())
+ dialog.destroy()
+ self.las.set_skill_level(skill_level)
+ self.update_all()
+ def shout(self,string):
+ self.display_console("")
+ for char in string:
+ self.display_console(char, newline = False)
+ self.las.say_text(char)
+ ################################################################
+ #####################Update methods#############################
+ def update_all(self):
+ self.update_score()
+ self.update_skill_level()
+ self.update_words_played()
+ self.update_words_correct()
+ def update_score(self, score = None):
+ if score ==None:
+ score = self.las.get_points()
+ self.score_value_label.set_text(str(score))
+ def update_skill_level(self, skill_level = None):
+ if skill_level ==None:
+ skill_level = self.las.get_skill_level()
+ self.skill_level_value_label.set_text(str(skill_level))
+ def update_words_played(self, words_played = None):
+ if words_played ==None:
+ words_played = self.las.get_words_played()
+ self.words_played_value_label.set_text(str(words_played))
+ def update_words_correct(self, words_correct = None):
+ if words_correct ==None:
+ words_correct = self.las.get_words_correct()
+ self.words_correct_value_label.set_text(str(words_correct))
+ def play_word(self):
+ self.usage_used = -1
+ self.total_num_usage = -1
+ # Initilazing variable for eacch word
+ self.elem = self.las.get_word_info(self.wordid, "word") #get a word from the list
+ self.pronounelem = self.las.get_word_info(self.wordid, "phnm") #get a pronounciation from the list
+ self.display_console("Spell...") # say the explanation if the word is ambiguous.
+ if self.elem != self.pronounelem: # determine whether to bother pronouncing a description
+ self.las.say_text("Spell... ... " + self.elem + "... " + self.pronounelem)
+ else:
+ #print "Spell... "
+ self.las.say_text("Spell... ... " + self.elem)
+ def play_game(self,mode = "start"):
+ if mode == "start":
+ self.las.play_sound("begin")
+ self.this_level_size = 7
+ self.this_level_max_error = 3
+ self.display_label_a("Welcome")
+ self.las.say_text("Welcome")
+ self.ask_skill_level()
+ self.wordid_list = self.las.load_wordid(self.this_level_size + self.this_level_max_error)
+ self.this_level_num_words = len(self.wordid_list)
+ self.this_level_words_left = self.this_level_num_words
+ self.word_index = 1
+ self.wordid = self.wordid_list[self.word_index]
+ self.play_word()
+ elif mode == "next word":
+ self.this_level_words_left -= 1
+ if self.this_level_num_words == 0:
+ if self.las.words_correct == self.this_level_size:
+ self.display_console("You have crossed this level")
+ self.las.say_text("congratulation")
+ self.display_console("Please select new level to play the game")
+ else:
+ self.display_console("Sorry you are not able to cross this level")
+ self.las.say_text("Game Over")
+ self.display_console("Please select lower level to play the game")
+ self.play_game("start")
+ self.word_index += 1
+ self.wordid = self.wordid_list[self.word_index]
+ self.play_word()
+ ########################Display Methods#########################
+ def display_console(self, text, newline = True ):
+ if newline == True:
+ text = "\n" + text
+ self.console_text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(text)
+ def display_label_a(self, text):
+ self.label_v_left_a.set_text(text)
+ def display_label_b(self, text):
+ self.label_v_left_b.set_text(text)
+ ################################################################
+ ########################Game Logic##############################
+ ################################################################
+ def main(self):
+ # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here
+ # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event).
+ gtk.main()
+# If the program is run directly or passed as an argument to the python
+# interpreter then create a HelloWorld instance and show it
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ gui = LS_gui()
+ #gui.__init__()
+ gui.play_game("start")
+ gui.main()
diff --git a/las.py b/las.py
index 9ed08d3..f9bb3be 100644
--- a/las.py
+++ b/las.py
@@ -5,159 +5,155 @@ import dbus
import random
import time
import csnd
-from dict import dict
-from dict import word
+from dict import Dict
+from dict import Word
# My class for key detection
class _Getch:
- """Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the screen."""
- def __init__(self):
- try:
- self.impl = _GetchWindows()
- except ImportError:
- self.impl = _GetchUnix()
+ """Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the screen."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ try:
+ self.impl = _GetchWindows()
+ except ImportError:
+ self.impl = _GetchUnix()
- def __call__(self): return self.impl()
+ def __call__(self): return self.impl()
class _GetchUnix:
- def __init__(self):
- import tty, sys
- def __call__(self):
- import sys, tty, termios
- fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
- old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
- try:
- tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
- ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
- finally:
- termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
- return ch
+ def __init__(self):
+ import tty, sys
+ def __call__(self):
+ import sys, tty, termios
+ fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
+ try:
+ tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
+ ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
+ finally:
+ termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
+ return ch
class _GetchWindows:
- def __init__(self):
- import msvcrt
+ def __init__(self):
+ import msvcrt
- def __call__(self):
- import msvcrt
- return msvcrt.getch()
+ def __call__(self):
+ import msvcrt
+ return msvcrt.getch()
-class listenspell():
+class Listenspell():
- def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self):
- self.skill_level = 0
- self.level_threshold = 5
- self.points = 0
- self.words_played = 0
- self.words_correct = 0
- self.init = False
- from dict import dict
- from dict import word
- self.dict_obj = dict()
- self.word_obj = word()
+ self.skill_level = 0
+ self.level_threshold = 5
+ self.points = 0
+ self.words_played = 0
+ self.words_correct = 0
+ self.init = False
+ self.dict_obj = Dict()
+ self.word_obj = Word()
- def startspeechd(self): # Currently not in use have to manually start sugar-speechd
- import os
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid:
- return
- else:
- # we are the child
- os.popen("./sugar-speechd")
+ def start_speechd(self): # Currently not in use have to manually start sugar-speechd
+ import os
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid:
+ return
+ else:
+ # we are the child
+ os.popen("./sugar-speechd")
- def playsound(self,event):
- if event == "begin":
- os.popen("aplay --quiet begin.wav")
- elif event == "correct":
- os.popen("aplay --quiet correct.wav")
- elif event == "incorrect":
- os.popen("aplay --quiet incorrect.wav")
+ def play_sound(self,event):
+ if event == "begin":
+ os.popen("aplay --quiet begin.wav")
+ elif event == "correct":
+ os.popen("aplay --quiet correct.wav")
+ elif event == "incorrect":
+ os.popen("aplay --quiet incorrect.wav")
- def setskill_level(self,level):
- self.skill_level = level
+ def set_skill_level(self,level):
+ self.skill_level = level
- def getskill_level(self):
- return self.skill_level
+ def get_skill_level(self):
+ return self.skill_level
- def getwords_played(self):
- return self.words_played
+ def get_words_played(self):
+ return self.words_played
- def getwords_correct(self):
- return self.words_correct
+ def get_words_correct(self):
+ return self.words_correct
- def getpoints(self):
- return self.points
+ def get_points(self):
+ return self.points
- def ans_correct(self, wordid):
- self.playsound("correct")
- self.points = self.points + self.skill_level
- self.words_correct = self.words_correct + 1
+ def ans_correct(self, wordid):
+ self.play_sound("correct")
+ self.points = self.points + self.skill_level
+ self.words_correct = self.words_correct + 1
- def ans_incorrect(self, wordid):
- self.playsound("incorrect")
- def clearscreen(self,numlines=100):
- """Clear the console.
+ def ans_incorrect(self, wordid):
+ self.play_sound("incorrect")
+ def clear_screen(self,numlines=100):
+ """Clear the console.
numlines is an optional argument used only as a fall-back.
- import os
- if os.name == "posix":
- # Unix/Linux/MacOS/BSD/etc
- os.system('clear')
- elif os.name in ("nt", "dos", "ce"):
- # DOS/Windows
- os.system('CLS')
- else:
- # Fallback for other operating systems.
- print '\n' * numlines
- def load_wordid(self, num_words):
- temp_list = []
- self.wordid_list = []
- temp_list = self.dict_obj.getrandomwordid(length = self.skill_level,numwords = num_words)
- for(wordid, ) in temp_list:
- self.wordid_list.append(wordid)
- return self.wordid_list
- def getwordinfo(self,wordid, attribute):
- if self.word_obj.getwordid() != wordid:
- self.word_obj.__init__(identifier = "wordid", value= wordid)
- print "Hello Again"
- self.words_played = self.words_played + 1
- if attribute == "def":
- return self.word_obj.getdef()
- elif attribute == "usage":
- return self.word_obj.getusage()
- elif attribute == "word":
- return self.word_obj.getword()
- elif attribute == "phnm":
- return self.word_obj.getword() # For the time being
- else: return "Invalid attribute"
- def saytext(self, text):
- if self.init == False:
- bus = dbus.SessionBus()
- self.espeak_object = bus.get_object('org.laptop.Speech','/org/laptop/Speech')
- self.init = True
- text = str(text)
- self.espeak_object.SayText(text)
- def getkey(self):
- for longestinput in range(15):
- inkey = _Getch()
- import sys
- for i in xrange(sys.maxint):
- k=inkey()
- if k<>'':break
- elif k == '\r': break
- return k
- def exitgame(self):
- self.saytext("goodbye")
- sys.exit()
+ import os
+ if os.name == "posix":
+ # Unix/Linux/MacOS/BSD/etc
+ os.system('clear')
+ elif os.name in ("nt", "dos", "ce"):
+ # DOS/Windows
+ os.system('CLS')
+ else:
+ # Fallback for other operating systems.
+ print '\n' * numlines
+ def load_wordid(self, num_words):
+ temp_list = []
+ self.wordid_list = []
+ temp_list = self.dict_obj.get_random_wordid(length = self.skill_level,numwords = num_words)
+ for(wordid, ) in temp_list:
+ self.wordid_list.append(wordid)
+ return self.wordid_list
+ def get_word_info(self,wordid, attribute):
+ if self.word_obj.get_wordid() != wordid:
+ self.word_obj.__init__(identifier = "wordid", value= wordid)
+ print "Hello Again"
+ self.words_played = self.words_played + 1
+ if attribute == "def":
+ return self.word_obj.get_def()
+ elif attribute == "usage":
+ return self.word_obj.get_usage()
+ elif attribute == "word":
+ return self.word_obj.get_word()
+ elif attribute == "phnm":
+ return self.word_obj.get_word() # For the time being
+ else: return "Invalid attribute"
+ def say_text(self, text):
+ if self.init == False:
+ bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+ self.espeak_object = bus.get_object('org.laptop.Speech','/org/laptop/Speech')
+ self.init = True
+ text = str(text)
+ self.espeak_object.SayText(text)
+ def get_key(self):
+ for longestinput in range(15):
+ inkey = _Getch()
+ import sys
+ for i in xrange(sys.maxint):
+ k=inkey()
+ if k<>'':break
+ elif k == '\r': break
+ return k
+ def exit_game(self):
+ self.say_text("goodbye")
+ sys.exit() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ls.py b/ls.py
index 6871e61..52b0a34 100644
--- a/ls.py
+++ b/ls.py
@@ -1,156 +1,153 @@
-from las import listenspell
+from las import Listenspell
-def playword(wordid):
- elem = las.getwordinfo(wordid, "word") #get a word from the list
- pronounelem = las.getwordinfo(wordid, "phnm") #get a pronounciation from the list
+def play_word(wordid):
+ elem = las.get_word_info(wordid, "word") #get a word from the list
+ pronounelem = las.get_word_info(wordid, "phnm") #get a pronounciation from the list
- if elem != pronounelem: # determine whether to bother pronouncing a description
- print "Spell..." # say the explanation if the word is ambiguous.
- las.saytext("Spell... ... " + elem + "... " + pronounelem)
- else:
- print "Spell... "
- las.saytext("Spell... ... " + elem)
+ if elem != pronounelem: # determine whether to bother pronouncing a description
+ print "Spell..." # say the explanation if the word is ambiguous.
+ las.say_text("Spell... ... " + elem + "... " + pronounelem)
+ else:
+ print "Spell... "
+ las.say_text("Spell... ... " + elem)
## get an answer
- print 'Press $ to answer or spacebar to get a clue. Press * to quit'
- k = las.getkey()
- #las.saytext(k)
- if k == "*":
- las.exitgame()
- if k == " ": # if the user wants a clue
- cluemode = True
- reprint = True
- while(cluemode):
- string = """press
- 1 for definition
- 2 for Sample
- 3 to repete the word
- 4 for word length
- * to quit
- or any other key to answer"""
- if reprint == True:
- print string
- #las.saytext(string)
- k = las.getkey()
- if k == "1":
+ print 'Press $ to answer or spacebar to get a clue. Press * to quit'
+ k = las.get_key()
+ #las.saytext(k)
+ if k == "*":
+ las.exit_game()
+ if k == " ": # if the user wants a clue
+ cluemode = True
reprint = True
- definition = las.getwordinfo(wordid, "def")
- for (pos, definition) in definition:
- print pos + " : " + definition
- elif k == "2":
- usage = las.getwordinfo(wordid, "usage")
- num_sample = len(usage)
- if num_sample == 0:
- print "No usage in the database"
- reprint = True
- for (sample) in usage:
- las.saytext(sample)
- reprint = False
- num_sample = num_sample - 1
- if num_sample != 0:
- reprint = True
- print "To get another sample press 'n' or anyother key to answer"
- k = las.getkey()
- if k != 'n': break
- elif k == "3":
- las.saytext(elem)
- reprint = False
- elif k == "4":
- print "Word Length:" + str(len(elem))
- elif k =="*":
- las.exitgame()
- else:
- cluemode = False
- answer = raw_input( "Your answer: " )
- answer = answer.strip()
- las.saytext("You typed\n")
- shout(answer)
- if answer == elem:
- las.saytext("Correct")
- las.ans_correct(wordid)
- return True
- else:
- las.ans_incorrect(wordid)
- las.saytext("Incorrect")
- print "Incorrect. The correct spelling is.. "
- las.saytext("The correct spelling is..\n")
- shout(elem)
- return False
+ while(cluemode):
+ string = """press
+ 1 for definition
+ 2 for Sample
+ 3 to repete the word
+ 4 for word length
+ * to quit
+ or any other key to answer"""
+ if reprint == True:
+ print string
+ #las.saytext(string)
+ k = las.get_key()
+ if k == "1":
+ reprint = True
+ definition = las.get_word_info(wordid, "def")
+ for (pos, definition) in definition:
+ print pos + " : " + definition
+ elif k == "2":
+ usage = las.get_word_info(wordid, "usage")
+ num_sample = len(usage)
+ if num_sample == 0:
+ print "No usage in the database"
+ reprint = True
+ for (sample) in usage:
+ las.say_text(sample)
+ reprint = False
+ num_sample = num_sample - 1
+ if num_sample != 0:
+ reprint = True
+ print "To get another sample press 'n' or anyother key to answer"
+ k = las.get_key()
+ if k != 'n': break
+ elif k == "3":
+ las.say_text(elem)
+ reprint = False
+ elif k == "4":
+ print "Word Length:" + str(len(elem))
+ elif k =="*":
+ las.exit_game()
+ else:
+ cluemode = False
+ answer = raw_input( "Your answer: " )
+ answer = answer.strip()
+ las.say_text("You typed\n")
+ shout(answer)
+ if answer == elem:
+ las.say_text("Correct")
+ las.ans_correct(wordid)
+ return True
+ else:
+ las.ans_incorrect(wordid)
+ las.say_text("Incorrect")
+ print "Incorrect. The correct spelling is.. "
+ las.say_text("The correct spelling is..\n")
+ shout(elem)
+ return False
def shout(string):
- for character in string:
- print character + " "
- las.saytext(character)
+ for character in string:
+ print character + " "
+ las.say_text(character)
-def getskilllevel():
+def get_skill_level():
# get a skill level
- print 'Enter skill level between 1 and 9, or * to quit'
- las.saytext("Skill level")
- k = las.getkey()
- if k == "*":
- las.exitgame() # quit the program
- print k
- las.saytext(k)
- skill_level = int(k) + 3
- las.setskill_level( skill_level)
+ print 'Enter skill level between 1 and 9, or * to quit'
+ las.say_text("Skill level")
+ k = las.get_key()
+ if k == "*":
+ las.exit_game() # quit the program
+ print k
+ las.say_text(k)
+ skill_level = int(k) + 3
+ las.set_skill_level( skill_level)
if __name__=='__main__':
- las = listenspell()
- las.clearscreen()
- las.playsound("begin")
- gameover = False
- while gameover == False:
- levelsize = 7 # this stays constant throughout
- getskilllevel()
- wordidlist = las.load_wordid(levelsize + 3) # At max Three error possible
- num_words = len(wordidlist)
- las.clearscreen()
- #### MAIN LOOP
- las.playsound("begin")
- for index in range(num_words):
- ## print pronouncedict
- ## print pronouncedictstring
- ## print pronouncelist
- wordid = wordidlist[index]
- result = playword(wordid)
- print "Your score is " + str(las.getpoints())
- if result == True:
- if las.getwords_correct == 7:
- print "Very good."
- print "If you want to play game again with another level press % or any other key to quit"
- k = las.getkey()
- if k == '%':
- break # Restart game with next level
- else:
- las.exitgame()
- if las.getwords_correct == 7:
- continue # Restart game with next level
- else:
- gameover = True
- las.saytext("Game Over")
- print "Game Over."
- las.exitgame()
+ las = Listenspell()
+ las.clear_screen()
+ las.play_sound("begin")
+ gameover = False
+ while gameover == False:
+ levelsize = 7 # this stays constant throughout
+ get_skill_level()
+ wordidlist = las.load_wordid(levelsize + 3) # At max Three error possible
+ num_words = len(wordidlist)
+ las.clear_screen()
+ #### MAIN LOOP
+ las.play_sound("begin")
+ for index in range(num_words):
+ ## print pronouncedict
+ ## print pronouncedictstring
+ ## print pronouncelist
+ wordid = wordidlist[index]
+ result = play_word(wordid)
+ print "Your score is " + str(las.getpoints())
+ if result == True:
+ if las.get_words_correct == 7:
+ print "Very good."
+ print "If you want to play game again with another level press % or any other key to quit"
+ k = las.get_key()
+ if k == '%':
+ break # Restart game with next level
+ else:
+ las.exit_game()
+ if las.get_words_correct == 7:
+ continue # Restart game with next level
+ else:
+ gameover = True
+ las.say_text("Game Over")
+ print "Game Over."
+ las.exit_game()