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path: root/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine
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-rwxr-xr-xMAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/fonts/default.ttfbin49224 -> 0 bytes
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 2039 deletions
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DrawableFontObject.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DrawableFontObject.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 92f641f..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DrawableFontObject.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import pygame
-from DrawableObject import DrawableObject
-class DrawableFontObject(DrawableObject, pygame.sprite.Sprite):
- def __init__(self,text,font, x = 0, y = 0):
- self.font = font
- self.textImage = font.render(text, 1, (255,255,255))
- self.text = text
- DrawableObject.__init__(self, [self.textImage], '')
- def changeText(self, newText, color=(0,0,0)):
- self.text = newText
- self._images[0] = self.font.render(str(newText), True, color)
- self.image = self._images[0]
- def getText(self):
- return str(self.text)
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DrawableObject.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DrawableObject.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 96bb8ef..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DrawableObject.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-import pygame
-class DrawableObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
- def __init__(self, images, textfileName, transparent = False, x = 0, y = 0):
- pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
- self._images = []
- self._origImages = []
- for i in range(len(images)):
- self._images.append(images[i].convert_alpha())
- self._origImages.append(images[i].convert_alpha())
- blank = pygame.Surface((0,0))
- if(transparent):
- for i in range(len(images)):
- self._images[i] = blank
- self._start = pygame.time.get_ticks()
- self.image = self._images[0]
- self._last_update = 0
- self._frame = 0
- self.animations = {}
- self._current_anim = ""
- self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
- self.xPos = x
- self.yPos = y
- self.myAngle = 0
- self.xSize = self.image.get_width()
- self.ySize = self.image.get_height()
- self.rect.topleft = (x,y)
- if textfileName != '':
- f = open(textfileName, 'r')
- currentLine = f.readline()
- while currentLine != '':
- animValues = currentLine.split(",")
- self.animations[animValues[0]] = [int(animValues[1]), int(animValues[2])]
- currentLine = f.readline()
- else:
- self.animations["anim1"] = [0, len(self._images)]
- self.goToAnim("anim1")
- self.makeTransparent(transparent)
- def repopulateImages(self, newImages):
- self._images = []
- self._origImages = []
- for i in range(len(newImages)):
- self._images.append(newImages[i].convert_alpha())
- self._origImages.append(newImages[i].convert_alpha())
- self.image = self._images[0]
- self._frame = 0
- self.xSize = self.image.get_width()
- self.ySize = self.image.get_height()
- def addImages(self, images):
- self._images.extend(images)
- self._origImages.extend(images)
- def goToAnim(self, animName):
- if self.animations.get(animName, 0) != 0:
- self._current_anim = animName
- self._frame = self.animations[animName][0]
- self.image = self._images[self._frame]
- def goToFrame(self, frame):
- if frame <= len(self._images):
- self._frame = frame
- self.image = self._images[self._frame]
- def nudge(self, x, y):
- self.xPos += x
- self.yPos += y
- self.rect.right += x
- self.rect.top += y
- def scale(self, x=None, y=None):
- if type(x).__name__=='int': self.xSize = x
- if type(y).__name__=='int': self.ySize = y
- for i in range(len(self._images)):
- self._origImages[i] = pygame.transform.scale(self._origImages[i], (self.xSize, self.ySize))
- self._images[i] = self._origImages[i]
- def fill(self, color):
- for i in range(len(self._images)):
- #print "filling with ", color
- self._origImages[i].fill(color)
- self._images[i].fill(color)
- def getXSize(self):
- return self.xSize
- def getYSize(self):
- return self.ySize
- def rotate(self,angle):
- self.myAngle += angle
- for i in range(len(self._images)):
- self._images[i] = pygame.transform.rotate(self._origImages[i], self.myAngle)
- def getRotation(self):
- return self.myAngle
- def setPosition(self, x = None, y = None):
- if type(x).__name__=='int': self.xPos = x
- if type(y).__name__=='int': self.yPos = y
- self.rect.topleft = (self.xPos, self.yPos)
- def getXPos(self):
- return self.xPos
- def getYPos(self):
- return self.yPos
- def calcColorKey(self, x=0, y=0):
- myColorKey = images[0].get_at((x,y))
- setColorKey(myColorKey)
- def makeTransparent(self, bool = True):
- if bool == True:
- surf = pygame.Surface((0,0))
- for i in range(len(self._images)):
- self._images[i] = surf
- else:
- for i in range(len(self._images)):
- self._images[i] = self._origImages[i]
- self.image = self._images[self._frame]
- def setColorKey(self, aColor):
- for i in range(len(self._images)):
- self._images[i].set_colorkey(aColor)
- def update(self, t=None):
- timePassed = t + self._last_update
- if (timePassed) > 200:
- self.image = self._images[self._frame]
- self._last_update = timePassed%1000
- else:
- self._last_update = timePassed
- def nextFrame(self):
- pass
- def nextCurrentAnimFrame(self):
- pass
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DynamicDrawableObject.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DynamicDrawableObject.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dcb831d..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/DynamicDrawableObject.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import pygame
-from DrawableObject import DrawableObject
-class DynamicDrawableObject(DrawableObject, pygame.sprite.Sprite):
- def __init__(self,images,textfileName,fps = 10, x = 0, y = 0, xVelocity = 0, yVelocity = 0):
- self._delay = 1000/fps
- DrawableObject.__init__(self, images, textfileName, x, y)
- def addImages(self, images):
- self._images.extend(images)
- def setSpeed(self, xVelocity = None, yVelocity = None):
- if xVelocity != None: self.xSpeed = xVelocity
- if yVelocity != None: self.ySpeed = yVelocity
- def getXSpeed(self):
- return self.xSpeed
- def getYSpeed(self):
- return self.ySpeed
- def move(self):
- self.xPos += self.xSpeed
- self.yPos += self.ySpeed
- self.rect.right += self.xSpeed
- self.rect.top += self.ySpeed
- def update(self, t):
- timePassed = t + self._last_update
- if (timePassed) > self._delay:
- if self._frame < self.animations.get(self._current_anim)[0] or self._frame > self.animations.get(self._current_anim)[1]:
- self._frame = self.animations.get(self._current_anim)[0] - 1
- self._frame += timePassed/self._delay
- if self._frame >= self.animations.get(self._current_anim)[1]:
- self._frame = self._frame%(self.animations.get(self._current_anim)[1])
- self.image = self._images[self._frame]
- self._last_update = timePassed%self._delay
- else:
- self._last_update = timePassed
- def nextFrame(self):
- self._frame += 1
- if self._frame >= len(self._images):
- framesPast = self._frame - len(self._images)
- self._frame = framesPast
- self.image = self._images[self._frame]
- def nextCurrentAnimFrame(self):
- for cnt in range(len(animations)):
- if animations[cnt] == self._current_anim:
- if self._frame < self.animations[self._current_anim][0] or self._frame > self.animations[self._current_anim][1]:
- self._frame = self.animations[self._current_anim][0]
- else: self._frame += 1
- if self._frame > self.animations[self._current_anim][1]:
- framesPast = self._frame - self.animations[self._current_anim][1]
- self._frame = framesPast - 1 + self.animations[self._current_anim][0]
- self.image = self._images[self._frame]
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngine.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngine.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 48d7d3e..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngine.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-# FortuneEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FortuneEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with the FortuneEngine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author: Justin Lewis <jlew.blackout@gmail.com>
-import pygame
-from time import time
-from GameEngineConsole import GameEngineConsole
-from GameInspect import GameInspect
-from DrawableFontObject import DrawableFontObject
-from Scene import Scene
-class GameEngine(object):
- """
- The Fortune Engine GameEngine is a main loop wrapper around pygame.
- It manages the event and drawing loops allowing the user to just
- register for user events and drawing time in the draw loop.
- """
- instance = None
- def __init__(self, width=1200, height=900, always_draw=False,
- fps_cap=15, version=False, title="FortuneEngine"):
- """
- Constructor for the game engine.
- @param width: Window width
- @param height: Window height
- @param always_draw: Boolean to set the animation mode to always
- draw vs draw when set_dirty is called
- @param fps_cap: Sets the framerate cap. Set to 0 to disable
- the cap. Warning: setting the cap to 0 when
- always draw = False will cause cpu 100% when
- not driving.
- @param version: If true, use new rendering system, false uses
- only the draw system
- @param title: Window Title
- """
- GameEngine.instance = self
- pygame.init()
- pygame.mouse.set_visible(False)
- self.__version = version #true is new, false is old
- # Window Settings
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- size = width, height
- self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
- pygame.display.set_caption(title)
- self.__fps = DrawableFontObject("", pygame.font.Font(None, 17))
- self.__fps.setPosition(0, 0)
- self.__scene = Scene(self.__fps)
- # Engine Internal Variables
- self.__fps_cap = fps_cap
- self.__showfps = False
- self.__dirty = True
- self.__always_draw = always_draw
- self.__font = pygame.font.Font(None, 17)
- self.__run_event = False
- # Variables to hold game engine elements and callbacks
- self.__event_cb = []
- self.__draw_lst = []
- self.__object_hold = {}
- # Game Timers
- self.__active_event_timers = []
- self.__active_event_timers_tick = []
- # Game Clock
- self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- self.__tick_time = 0
- # Inspector
- self._inspector = GameInspect(self.__object_hold)
- # Time Profiler Timers
- self.__draw_time = {}
- self.__draw_calls = {}
- self.__event_time = {}
- self.__event_calls = {}
- self.__timer_time = {}
- self.__timer_calls = {}
- # Initialize Py Console
- self.console = GameEngineConsole(self, (0, 0, width, height / 2))
- # Disable Mouse Usage
- # TODO Allow mouse motion on request
- pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.MOUSEMOTION)
- def set_dirty(self):
- """
- Sets the dirty flag to force the engine to draw the next time
- it enters the draw flag.
- """
- self.__dirty = True
- def get_scene(self):
- """
- Returns the scene object
- @return: Returns the scene object held by the game engine
- """
- return self.__scene
- def start_event_timer(self, function_cb, time):
- """
- Starts a timer that fires a user event into the queue every "time"
- milliseconds
- @param function_cb: The function to call when timer fires
- @param time: Milliseconds between fires
- """
- avail_timer = len(self.__active_event_timers)
- if avail_timer + pygame.USEREVENT < pygame.NUMEVENTS:
- if function_cb not in self.__active_event_timers:
- self.__timer_time[str(function_cb)] = 0
- self.__timer_calls[str(function_cb)] = 0
- self.__active_event_timers.append(function_cb)
- self.__active_event_timers_tick.append(time)
- pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + avail_timer, time)
- else:
- else:
- print "Ran out of timers :("
- self.stop_event_loop()
- def stop_event_timer(self, function_cb):
- """
- Stops the timer that has id from firing
- @param function_cb: The function registered with the timer that
- should be canceled
- """
- try:
- timer_id = self.__active_event_timers.index(function_cb)
- except ValueError:
- return
- pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + timer_id, 0)
- del self.__active_event_timers[timer_id]
- del self.__active_event_timers_tick[timer_id]
- # Timers have been removed, now need to clear any events
- # already fired and in the queue
- pygame.event.clear(pygame.USEREVENT + timer_id)
- def list_event_timers(self):
- """
- returns a list of configured timers, if the timers has a time of 0 the
- timer is disabled
- """
- timer_list = "Event Timers:\n"
- i = 0
- for timer_item in self.__active_event_timers:
- timer_list += "\t%d: %d\n" % (timer_item,
- self.__active_event_timers_tick[i])
- i = i + 1
- return timer_list
- def list_timer_time(self):
- """
- Returns a string representation of the time the game spends
- in each timer callback.
- """
- mystr = "Timer Times:\n\tName\tCalls\tTotal Time\tAvg"
- for key in self.__timer_time:
- timer_times = self.__timer_time[key]
- timer_calls = self.__timer_calls[key]
- if timer_calls == 0:
- avg = 0
- else:
- avg = timer_times / timer_calls
- mystr = "%s\n\t%s\n\t\t%d\t%f\t%f" % \
- (mystr, key, timer_calls, timer_times, avg)
- return mystr
- def start_main_loop(self):
- """
- Starts the game loop.
- This function does not return until after the game loop exits
- """
- self.__run_event = True
- self._event_loop()
- def _draw(self, tick_time):
- """
- Draws all elements in draw callback to the screen
- @param tick_time: The amount of time passed since last
- draw cycle. (should be produced by
- pygamme.clock.tick method)
- """
- screen = self.screen
- # If console is active, we want to draw console, pausing
- # game drawing (events are still being fired, just no
- # draw updates.
- if self.__version:
- if self.console.active:
- self.console.draw()
- pygame.display.flip()
- else:
- for fnc in self.__draw_lst:
- start = time()
- fnc()
- self.__draw_time[str(fnc)] += time() - start
- self.__draw_calls[str(fnc)] += 1
- # Print Frame Rate
- if self.__showfps:
- self.__fps.changeText('FPS: %d' % self.clock.get_fps(),
- (255, 255, 255))
- else:
- self.__fps.changeText('')
- self.__scene.update(tick_time)
- pygame.display.update(self.__scene.draw(screen))
- else:
- if self.console.active:
- self.console.draw()
- pygame.display.flip()
- else:
- for fnc in self.__draw_lst:
- start = time()
- fnc(screen, tick_time)
- self.__draw_time[str(fnc)] += time() - start
- self.__draw_calls[str(fnc)] += 1
- # Print Frame Rate
- if self.__showfps:
- text = self.__font.render('FPS: %d' % \
- self.clock.get_fps(), False, (255, 255, 255),
- (159, 182, 205))
- screen.blit(text, (0, 0))
- pygame.display.flip()
- def _event_loop(self):
- """
- The main event loop.
- """
- while self.__run_event:
- event = pygame.event.poll()
- # Handle Game Quit Message
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- self.__run_event = False
- # No-Op sent, draw if set to always draw
- elif event.type == pygame.NOEVENT:
- # Tick even if not drawing
- # We want to pause the cpu from getting into a
- # 100% usage looping on the poll until something
- # becomes dirty
- self.__tick_time += self.clock.tick(self.__fps_cap)
- if self.__always_draw or self.__dirty:
- self.__dirty = False
- self._draw(self.__tick_time)
- self.__tick_time = 0
- # Handle User event Timers
- elif event.type >= pygame.USEREVENT and \
- event.type < pygame.NUMEVENTS:
- timer_id = event.type - pygame.USEREVENT
- # Call timer
- str_rep = str(self.__active_event_timers[timer_id])
- start = time()
- self.__active_event_timers[timer_id]()
- self.__timer_time[str_rep] += time() - start
- self.__timer_calls[str_rep] += 1
- # Check if we should activate the console
- elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_w \
- and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL:
- self.console.set_active()
- self.set_dirty()
- # Pass event to console
- elif self.console.process_input(event):
- self.set_dirty()
- # Pass events to all others
- else:
- # Make a copy first so that adding events don't get fired
- # right away
- list_cp = self.__event_cb[:]
- # Reverse list so that newest stuff is on top
- # TODO: cache this list
- list_cp.reverse()
- for cb in list_cp:
- # Fire the event for all in cb and stop
- # if the callback returns True
- start = time()
- retur_val = cb(event)
- self.__event_time[str(cb)] += time() - start
- self.__event_calls[str(cb)] += 1
- if retur_val:
- break
- def stop_event_loop(self):
- """
- Sends a pygame.QUIT event into the event queue which
- exits the event loop
- """
- pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(pygame.QUIT))
- def add_event_callback(self, cb):
- """
- Adds event callback to the event callback stack
- @param cb: Callback to be added to the stack when events are fired.
- """
- self.__event_time[str(cb)] = 0
- self.__event_calls[str(cb)] = 0
- self.__event_cb.append(cb)
- def remove_event_callback(self, cb):
- """
- Removes an event from the event callback stack
- @param cb: The callback to remove from the event callback stack
- @return: Returns true if successful in removing callback
- """
- try:
- self.__event_cb.remove(cb)
- return True
- except:
- return False
- def list_event_callbacks(self):
- """
- Returns a string representation of all events registered with the game
- engine
- """
- event_callbacks = "Event Listeners:\n"
- for eventlst in self.__event_cb:
- event_callbacks = "%s\t%s\n" % (event_callbacks, str(eventlst))
- return event_callbacks
- def list_event_time(self):
- """
- Returns a string representation of the time the game spends
- in each event callback.
- """
- mystr = "Event Times:\n\tName\tCalls\tTotal Time\tAvg"
- for key in self.__event_time:
- event_times = self.__event_time[key]
- event_calls = self.__event_calls[key]
- if event_calls == 0:
- avg = 0
- else:
- avg = event_times / event_calls
- mystr = "%s\n\t%s\n\t\t%d\t%f\t%f" % \
- (mystr, key, event_calls, event_times, avg)
- return mystr
- def add_draw_callback(self, fnc):
- """
- Adds a callback to the draw list. Function will be passed the
- game screen it should draw too.
- @param fnc: The function to call when system is drawing
- """
- self.__draw_time[str(fnc)] = 0
- self.__draw_calls[str(fnc)] = 0
- self.__draw_lst.append(fnc)
- def pop_draw_callback(self):
- """
- Removes top of draw stack and returns it
- @return: Returns the top callback function that was removed
- """
- return self.__draw_lst.pop()
- def clear_draw_callback(self):
- """
- Empties draw callback stack
- """
- self.__draw_lst = []
- def remove_draw_callback(self, fnc):
- """
- Removes a draw callback from the game engine draw function
- @param fnc: The callback function to remove
- @return: Returns true if successful removal of the function
- """
- try:
- self.__draw_lst.remove(fnc)
- return True
- except:
- return False
- def list_draw_callbacks(self):
- """
- Lists all the draw callbacks currently registered with the game engine
- """
- callbacks = "Draw Callbacks:\n"
- for eventlst in self.__draw_lst:
- callbacks += "\t%s\n" % str(eventlst)
- return callbacks
- def list_draw_time(self):
- """
- Returns a string representation of the time the game spends
- in each drawing callback.
- """
- mystr = "Drawing Times:\n\tName\tCalls\tTotal Time\tAvg"
- for key in self.__draw_time:
- draw_times = self.__draw_time[key]
- draw_calls = self.__draw_calls[key]
- if draw_calls == 0:
- avg = 0
- else:
- avg = draw_times / draw_calls
- mystr = "%s\n\t%s\n\t\t%d\t%f\t%f" % \
- (mystr, key, draw_calls, draw_times, avg)
- return mystr
- def has_object(self, name):
- """
- Returns true if object is stored in game engine
- @param name: Name of the object to check if exists
- @return: Returns true if object found
- """
- return name in self.__object_hold
- def add_object(self, name, obj):
- """
- Adds an object to the game engine datastore
- @param name: The name used to store the object
- @param obj: The object to store
- """
- self.__object_hold[name] = obj
- def get_object(self, name):
- """
- Returns an object from the game engine datastore
- @param name: The name of object to return
- @return: Returns the object
- """
- return self.__object_hold[name]
- def remove_object(self, name):
- """
- Removes an object from the game engine datastore
- @param name: The name of the object to remove
- """
- del self.__object_hold[name]
- def list_objects(self):
- """
- Returns a sting of registered objects
- """
- objlist = "Objects Registered:\n"
- for eventlst in self.__object_hold:
- objlist += "\t%s\n" % str(eventlst)
- return objlist
- def toggle_fps(self):
- """
- Toggles fps display
- """
- self.__showfps = not self.__showfps
- def art_scale(self, original, expected, width=True):
- if width:
- return int(self.width / float(expected) * float(original))
- else:
- return int(self.height / float(expected) * float(original))
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngineConsole.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngineConsole.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5efdc..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngineConsole.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# FortuneEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FortuneEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with the FortuneEngine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author: Justin Lewis <jlew.blackout@gmail.com>
-from pyconsole.pyconsole import Console
-class GameEngineConsole(Console):
- """
- GameEngineConsole is a class that extends the pyconsole adding
- in game engine specific functions.
- """
- def __init__(self, gei, pos):
- """
- Init function of the GameEngineConsole
- @param gei: Passing in the Game Engine Instance.
- @param pos: The position tuple to place the pyconsole
- (startx, starty, width, height)
- """
- # functions exposed to the console
- function_list = {
- "quit": gei.stop_event_loop,
- "list_objects": gei.list_objects,
- "list_drawcb": gei.list_draw_callbacks,
- "list_eventcb": gei.list_event_callbacks,
- "list_timers": gei.list_event_timers,
- "inspect": gei._inspector.inspect_object,
- "profile_draw":gei.list_draw_time,
- "profile_event":gei.list_event_time,
- "profile_timer":gei.list_timer_time,
- "set_str": gei._inspector.set_str,
- "set_int": gei._inspector.set_int,
- "set_eval": gei._inspector.set_eval,
- "fps": gei.toggle_fps,
- }
- # Ctrl + key mappings
- key_calls = {
- "d": gei.stop_event_loop,
- "m": self.console_mode,
- }
- # Call parent class's init function passing in the
- # function and key mapping dictionaries
- Console.__init__(self, gei.screen, pos,
- functions=function_list, key_calls=key_calls,
- vars={}, syntax={})
- def console_mode(self):
- """
- Switches console between console and python interpreter
- """
- # Deactivate Console if showing
- if self.active:
- self.set_active()
- self.setvar("python_mode",
- not self.getvar("python_mode"))
- self.set_interpreter()
- self.set_active()
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngineElement.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngineElement.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f51f2f..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameEngineElement.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# FortuneEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FortuneEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with the FortuneEngine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author: Justin Lewis <jlew.blackout@gmail.com>
-from fortuneengine.GameEngine import GameEngine
-#from fortuneengine.DrawableFontObject import DrawableFontObject
-#from fortuneengine.DrawableObject import DrawableObject
-#from fortuneengine.DynamicDrawableObject import DynamicDrawableObject
-class GameEngineElement(object):
- """
- The GameEngineElement is a helper object that can be extended by
- other classes. When the class is extended, it will automatically
- register its self for the event and draw loops with the game engine.
- """
- def __init__(self, has_draw=True, has_event=True):
- """
- Default constructor for GameEngineElement
- @param has_draw: boolean to signify if element should be drawn
- @param has_event: boolean to signify whether the element should be
- given events from the queue
- """
- self.__has_draw = has_draw
- self.__has_event = has_event
- self.__in_engine = False
- self.game_engine = GameEngine.instance
- self.__ddo_list = []
- def is_in_engine(self):
- """
- Returns true if object has been registered with the game engine.
- """
- return self.__in_engine
- def add_to_scene(self, objects):
- """
- Adds some objects to the DynamicDrawableObject list and the
- game engine's scene.
- @param objects: A list of DynamicDrawableObjects
- """
- self.game_engine.get_scene().addObjects(objects)
- self.__ddo_list += objects
- def add_to_engine(self):
- """
- Registers the object with the game engine. Registers draw and event
- call backs separately if they were set to true in the constructor.
- """
- if not self.__in_engine:
- self.__in_engine = True
- if self.__has_draw:
- self.game_engine.add_draw_callback(self.draw)
- if self.__has_event:
- self.game_engine.add_event_callback(self.event_handler)
- def remove_from_engine(self):
- """
- Removes the object from the correct queues in the engine
- """
- if self.__in_engine:
- self.__in_engine = False
- if self.__has_draw:
- self.game_engine.remove_draw_callback(self.draw)
- if self.__has_event:
- self.game_engine.remove_event_callback(self.event_handler)
- if not (self.__ddo_list == []):
- for object in self.__ddo_list:
- self.game_engine.get_scene().removeObject(object)
- def event_handler(self, event):
- """
- This method should be overridden by the user-specified class that
- extends this GameEngineElement class. This method specifies how that
- class will handle events given to it by the engine.
- @return: true if the user wants to prevent the event from
- continuing down the queue
- """
- pass
- def draw(self, screen):
- """
- This method should be overridden by the user-specified class that
- extends this GameEngineElement class. This method specifies how the
- class will be drawn.
- """
- pass
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameInspect.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameInspect.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 33a9938..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/GameInspect.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-# FortuneEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FortuneEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with the FortuneEngine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author: Justin Lewis <jlew.blackout@gmail.com>
-import inspect
-class GameInspect(object):
- """
- GameInspect is a class that can inspect and modify object trees.
- The top most object must be a dictionary
- """
- def __init__(self, object_root):
- """
- Init function of the GameInspect class.
- @param object_root: The root dictionary of the tree
- """
- self.root = object_root
- def drilldown_object(self, objectname):
- """
- Takes the objectname string and tries to find the object that it is
- representing and returns that object.
- Example: battle.enemy_list[1].sprite._images[1]
- @param objectname: The string that represents the object's path.
- @return: Returns the object requested
- @raise Exception: Throws an Exception with the string being the
- path error.
- """
- last = "empt"
- obj = "empt"
- last_token = ""
- # Objects are separated by the period (".") symbol
- object_tokens = objectname.split(".")
- # Check if the first part of the name is registered with the
- # game engine as that is our starting point
- try:
- obj = self.root[object_tokens[0]]
- last = obj
- last_token = object_tokens[0]
- except KeyError:
- raise Exception("%s is not registered with the game engine" %
- object_tokens[0])
- # Handles dot notation for sub modules by looping through the tokens
- for token in object_tokens[1:]:
- # Splits the dictionary/list token ("[")
- dict_token = token.split('[')
- try:
- last = obj
- obj = getattr(obj, dict_token[0])
- last_token = dict_token[0]
- except:
- raise Exception("Error finding member element: %s" % token)
- # Handles dictionaries
- for d_token in dict_token[1:]:
- if d_token[-1] == "]":
- d_token = d_token[:-1]
- # Try list notation first then try dictionary notation
- try:
- key = int(d_token)
- except:
- key = d_token
- try:
- last = obj
- obj = obj[key]
- last_token = key
- except:
- raise Exception("Unable to find %s" % key)
- else:
- raise Exception("Invalid Syntax, expected ] at end of %s" %
- d_token)
- return obj, last, last_token
- def set_eval(self, objectname, statement):
- """
- Sets the object referenced by objectname to a value returned by
- passing the string stored in the val parameter to an eval statement.
- @param objectname: A string representation of the location
- of the object being inspected in relation
- to the game engine registered object.
- @param statement: A string to be evaluated and set to the object.
- """
- try:
- obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname)
- except Exception, detail:
- return str(detail)
- try:
- setattr(last, last_token, eval(str(statement)))
- except Exception, detail:
- return str(detail)
- def set_str(self, objectname, val):
- """
- Sets the object referenced by objectname to a string passed into the
- val parameter.
- @param objectname: A string representation of the location
- of the object being inspected in relation
- to the game engine registered object.
- @param val: A string to be set as the value of the object.
- """
- try:
- obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname)
- except Exception, detail:
- return str(detail)
- setattr(last, last_token, val)
- def set_int(self, objectname, val):
- """
- Sets the object referenced by objectname to an integer passed into the
- val parameter. It may be a string that holds the int as it will be
- type casted.
- @param objectname: A string representation of the location
- of the object being inspected in relation
- to the game engine registered object.
- @param val: An int/string containing an int to be set as
- the value of the object.
- """
- try:
- obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname)
- except Exception, detail:
- return str(detail)
- try:
- setattr(last, last_token, int(val))
- except:
- return str(detail)
- def inspect_object(self, objectname):
- """
- Displays information about the object path it is passed
- @param objectname: A string representation of the location
- of the object being inspected in relation
- to the game engine registered object.
- """
- try:
- obj, last, last_token = self.drilldown_object(objectname)
- except Exception, detail:
- return str(detail)
- classname = obj.__class__.__name__
- # If it has the __dict__ attribute, it is an object we can inspect
- if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
- attribute_list = "Attributes:"
- attributes = obj.__dict__
- for attribute_key in attributes.keys():
- attribute_list = "%s\n\t%s:%s" % (attribute_list,
- attribute_key, str(attributes[attribute_key]))
- # Inspect the object for all its methods
- method_list = inspect.getmembers(obj, inspect.ismethod)
- if method_list != []:
- # Loop through the methods in the object and print them
- # to the console
- attribute_list = "%s\n\nMethods:" % attribute_list
- for method in method_list:
- attribute_list = "%s\n\t%s" % (attribute_list, method[0])
- # Inspect the arguments to the current method
- args, vargs, kwargs, local = inspect.getargspec(method[1])
- # Display function arguments
- attribute_list = "%s\n\t\tArgs: %s" % \
- (attribute_list, ",".join(args))
- # Display * and ** arguments if they were found
- if vargs:
- attribute_list = "%s\n\t\tVArgs: %s" % \
- (attribute_list, ",".join(vargs))
- # Display KW Arguments if they were found
- if kwargs:
- attribute_list = "%s\n\t\tKWArgs: %s" % \
- (attribute_list, ",".join(kwargs))
- # If dictionary, show keys
- elif hasattr(obj, "keys"):
- attribute_list = "Dictionary Items:"
- for d_obj in obj.keys():
- attribute_list = "%s\n\t%s:%s" % (attribute_list, d_obj,
- str(obj[d_obj]))
- # If list, iterate over the list and show its values
- elif type(obj).__name__ == 'list':
- i = 0
- attribute_list = "List Items:"
- for item in obj:
- attribute_list = "%s\n\t%d:%s" % (attribute_list, i, str(item))
- i = i + 1
- # We don't know what it is, so just display string representation
- # of the object in question
- else:
- attribute_list = str(obj)
- return "Class: %s\n%s" % (classname, attribute_list)
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/Scene.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/Scene.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d2e50a9..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/Scene.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-import pygame
-from pygame.sprite import RenderUpdates
-class Scene(pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates):
- def __init__(self, sprites):
- self._spritelist = [[sprites, sprites.getXPos(), sprites.getYPos()]]
- #self._spritelist.append([sprites, sprites.getXPos(), sprites.getYPos()])
- RenderUpdates.__init__(self, sprites)
- self.xPos = 0
- self.yPos = 0
- self.xSize = 0
- self.ySize = 0
- self.calcPosition()
- self.calcSize()
- self.setRelativePositions()
- def calcPosition(self):
- lowestX = 9000
- lowestY = 9000
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- if self._spritelist[i][0].getXPos() < lowestX: lowestX = self._spritelist[i][0].getXPos()
- if self._spritelist[i][0].getYPos() < lowestY: lowestY = self._spritelist[i][0].getYPos()
- self.xPos = lowestX
- self.yPos = lowestY
- def calcSize(self):
- highestX = 0
- highestY = 0
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- if (self._spritelist[i][0].getXPos() + self._spritelist[i][0].getXSize()) > highestX: highestX = self._spritelist[i][0].getXPos() + self._spritelist[i][0].getXSize()
- if (self._spritelist[i][0].getYPos() + self._spritelist[i][0].getYSize()) > highestY: highestY = self._spritelist[i][0].getYPos() + self._spritelist[i][0].getYSize()
- self.xSize = highestX - self.xPos
- self.ySize = highestY - self.yPos
- def addObject(self, newDrawableObject):
- RenderUpdates.add_internal(self, newDrawableObject)
- self._spritelist.insert(len(self._spritelist) - 1, [newDrawableObject, newDrawableObject.getXPos(), newDrawableObject.getYPos()])
- def addObjects(self, newDrawableObjects):
- for sprite in newDrawableObjects:
- RenderUpdates.add_internal(self, sprite)
- self._spritelist.insert(len(self._spritelist) - 1, [sprite, sprite.getXPos(), sprite.getYPos()])
- def setRelativePositions(self):
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- self._spritelist[i][1] = self._spritelist[i][0].getXPos() - self.xPos
- self._spritelist[i][2] = self._spritelist[i][0].getYPos() - self.yPos
- def removeObject(self, sprite):
- for i in self._spritelist:
- if i[0] == sprite:
- self._spritelist.remove(i)
- break
- RenderUpdates.remove_internal(self, sprite)
- def getObject(self, index):
- if index < len(self._spritelist):
- return self._spritelist[index][0]
- def getListSize(self):
- return len(self._spritelist)
- def getList(self):
- return list(self._spritelist)
- def moveObjects(self):
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- self._spritelist[i][0].move()
- self.calcPosition()
- self.calcSize()
- self.setRelativePositions()
- def moveScene(self, xNudge = 0, yNudge = 0):
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- self._spritelist[i][0].nudge(xNudge, yNudge)
- self.calcPosition()
- def setPosition(self, newXPos = None, newYPos = None):
- if newXPos != None: self.xPos = newXPos
- if newYPos != None: self.yPos = newYPos
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- self._spritelist[i][0].setPosition(self.xPos + self._spritelist[i][1], self.yPos + self._spritelist[i][2])
- def getXPos(self):
- return self.xPos
- def getYPos(self):
- return self.yPos
- def getXSize(self):
- return self.xSize
- def getYSize(self):
- return self.ySize
- def scaleObjects(self, newXSize = None, newYSize = None):
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- self._spritelist[i][0].scale(newXSize, newYSize)
- def scaleScene(self, newXSize = None, newYSize = None):
- self.calcPosition()
- self.calcSize()
- xScale = 1
- yScale = 1
- if newXSize != None: xScale = (newXSize * 1.0)/self.xSize
- if newYSize != None: yScale = (newYSize * 1.0)/self.ySize
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- self._spritelist[i][0].scale(xScale * self._spritelist[iaw][0].getXSize(), yScale * self._spritelist[i][0].getYSize())
- self._spritelist[i][1] = xScale * self._spritelist[i][1]
- self._spritelist[i][2] = yScale * self._spritelist[i][2]
- self.calcPosition()
- self.calcSize()
- self.setPosition()
- def update(self, t):
- for s in self._spritelist: s[0].update(t);
- def draw(self, surface):
- spritedict = self.spritedict
- surface_blit = surface.blit
- dirty = self.lostsprites
- self.lostsprites = []
- dirty_append = dirty.append
- for s in self._spritelist:
- r = spritedict[s[0]]
- newrect = surface_blit(s[0].image, s[0].rect)
- if r is 0:
- dirty_append(newrect)
- else:
- if newrect.colliderect(r):
- dirty_append(newrect.union(r))
- else:
- dirty_append(newrect)
- dirty_append(r)
- spritedict[s[0]] = newrect
- return dirty
- def drawEntireScene(self, surface):
- spritedict = self.spritedict
- surface_blit = surface.blit
- dirty = self.lostsprites
- self.lostsprites = []
- dirty_append = dirty.append
- for s in self._spritelist:
- dirty_append(spritedict[s[0]])
- dirty_append(surface_blit(s[0].image, s[0].rect))
- return dirty
- def nextFrame(self):
- for i in range(len(self._spritelist)):
- self._spritelist[i][0].nextFrame()
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/__init__.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 211298b..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# FortuneEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FortuneEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with the FortuneEngine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author: Justin Lewis <jlew.blackout@gmail.com>
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/__init__.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/fonts/default.ttf b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/fonts/default.ttf
deleted file mode 100755
index 139f0b4..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/fonts/default.ttf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/pyconsole.cfg b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/pyconsole.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f8c0f..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/pyconsole.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-# Available variables:
-# bg_alpha - background alpha value, range 0 to 255 (Pretty, but a big performance hit)
-# bg_color - Background Color, RGB format
-# txt_color_i - Text Color (Input). Color of the input line, RGB format
-# txt_color_o - Text Color (Output). Color of the output lines, RGB format
-# ps1/ps2/ps3 - strings that are prefixed to each input line, like their POSIX counterparts
-# active - Whether or not the console is initially displayed
-# repeat_rate - value to pass to pygame.key.set_repeat
-# preserve_events - determines whether or not the console puts unused events back on the event queue
-# python_mode - Send commands to the python interpreter instead of the pyconsole interpreter
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-bg_alpha 255
-bg_color [0x0,0x44,0xAA]
-txt_color_i [0xFF,0xFF,0xFF]
-txt_color_o [0xEE,0xEE,0xEE]
-ps1 "] "
-ps2 ">>> "
-ps3 "... "
-active False
-repeat_rate [500,30]
-preserve_events True
-python_mode False
-motd ["|Fortune Engine || PyConsole 0.7|","Type help for a list of commands","Ctrl_w toggle the console","Ctrl_m toggle python mode"]
diff --git a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/pyconsole.py b/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/pyconsole.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb68e4..0000000
--- a/MAFH2/fortuneengine/fortuneengine/pyconsole/pyconsole.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-# pyconsole - a simple console for pygame based applications
-# Copyright (C) 2006 John Schanck
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-import pygame, os, sys
-from pygame.locals import *
-import re # Python's Regexp library. Used in pyconsole for parsing
-import textwrap # Used for proper word wrapping
-from string import ascii_letters
-from code import InteractiveConsole # Gives us access to the python interpreter
-__version__ = "0.7"
-OUT = 0
-IN = 1
-ERR = 2
-path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-font_path = os.path.join(path, "fonts")
-cfg_path = os.path.join(path, "pyconsole.cfg")
-re_token = re.compile(r"""[\"].*?[\"]|[\{].*?[\}]|[\(].*?[\)]|[\[].*?[\]]|\S+""")
-re_is_list = re.compile(r'^[{\[(]')
-re_is_number = re.compile(r"""
- (?x)
- [-]?[0][x][0-9a-fA-F]+[lLjJ]? | # Hexadecimal
- [-]?[0][0-7]+[lLjJ]? | # Octal
- [-]?[\d]+(?:[.][\d]*)?[lLjJ]? # Decimal (Int or float)
- """)
-re_is_assign = re.compile(r'[$](?P<name>[a-zA-Z_]+\S*)\s*[=]\s*(?P<value>.+)')
-re_is_comment = re.compile(r'\s*#.*')
-re_is_var = re.compile(r'^[$][a-zA-Z_]+\w*\Z')
-class Writable(list):
- line_pointer = -1
- def write(self, line):
- self.append(str(line))
- def reset(self):
- self.__init__()
- def readline(self, size=-1):
- # Python's interactive help likes to try and call this, which causes the program to crash
- # I see no reason to implement interactive help.
- raise NotImplementedError
-class ParseError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, token):
- self.token = token
- def at_token(self):
- return self.token
-def balanced(t):
- stack = []
- pairs = {"\'":"\'", '\"':'\"', "{":"}", "[":"]", "(":")"}
- for char in t:
- if stack and char == pairs[stack[-1]]:
- stack.pop()
- elif char in pairs:
- stack.append(char)
- return not bool(stack)
-class Console:
- def __init__(self, screen, rect, functions={}, key_calls={}, vars={}, syntax={}):
- if not pygame.display.get_init():
- raise pygame.error, "Display not initialized. Initialize the display before creating a Console"
- if not pygame.font.get_init():
- pygame.font.init()
- self.parent_screen = screen
- self.rect = pygame.Rect(rect)
- self.size = self.rect.size
- self.user_vars = vars
- self.user_syntax = syntax
- self.user_namespace = {}
- self.variables = {\
- "bg_alpha":int,\
- "bg_color": list,\
- "txt_color_i": list,\
- "txt_color_o": list,\
- "ps1": str,\
- "ps2": str,\
- "ps3": str,\
- "active": bool,\
- "repeat_rate": list,\
- "preserve_events":bool,\
- "python_mode":bool,\
- "motd":list
- }
- self.load_cfg()
- self.set_interpreter()
- #pygame.key.set_repeat(*self.repeat_rate)
- self.bg_layer = pygame.Surface(self.size)
- self.bg_layer.set_alpha(self.bg_alpha)
- self.txt_layer = pygame.Surface(self.size)
- self.txt_layer.set_colorkey(self.bg_color)
- try:
- self.font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(font_path,"default.ttf"), 14)
- except IOError:
- self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 14)
- self.font_height = self.font.get_linesize()
- self.max_lines = (self.size[HEIGHT] / self.font_height) - 1
- self.max_chars = (self.size[WIDTH]/(self.font.size(ascii_letters)[WIDTH]/len(ascii_letters))) - 1
- self.txt_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper()
- self.c_out = self.motd
- self.c_hist = [""]
- self.c_hist_pos = 0
- self.c_in = ""
- self.c_pos = 0
- self.c_draw_pos = 0
- self.c_scroll = 0
- self.changed = True
- self.func_calls = {}
- self.key_calls = {}
- self.add_func_calls({"echo":self.output, "clear": self.clear, "help":self.help})
- self.add_func_calls(functions)
- self.add_key_calls({"l":self.clear, "c":self.clear_input, "w":self.set_active})
- self.add_key_calls(key_calls)
- ##################
- #-Initialization-#
- def load_cfg(self):
- '''\
- Loads the config file path/pygame-console.cfg\
- All variables are initialized to their defaults,\
- then new values will be loaded from the config file if it exists.
- '''
- self.init_default_cfg()
- if os.path.exists(cfg_path):
- for line in file(cfg_path):
- tokens = self.tokenize(line)
- if re_is_comment.match(line):
- continue
- elif len(tokens) != 2:
- continue
- self.safe_set_attr(tokens[0],tokens[1])
- def init_default_cfg(self):
- self.bg_alpha = 255
- self.bg_color = [0x0,0x0,0x0]
- self.txt_color_i = [0xFF,0xFF,0xFF]
- self.txt_color_o = [0xCC,0xCC,0xCC]
- self.ps1 = "] "
- self.ps2 = ">>> "
- self.ps3 = "... "
- self.active = False
- self.repeat_rate = [500,30]
- self.python_mode = False
- self.preserve_events = False
- self.motd = ["[PyConsole 0.5]"]
- def safe_set_attr(self, name, value):
- '''\
- Safely set the console variables
- '''
- if name in self.variables:
- if isinstance(value, self.variables[name]) or not self.variables[name]:
- self.__dict__[name] = value
- def add_func_calls(self, functions):
- '''\
- Add functions to the func_calls dictionary.
- Arguments:
- functions -- dictionary of functions to add.
- '''
- if isinstance(functions,dict):
- self.func_calls.update(functions)
- self.user_namespace.update(self.func_calls)
- def add_key_calls(self, functions):
- '''\
- Add functions to the key_calls dictionary.
- Arguments:
- functions -- dictionary of key_calls to add.
- '''
- if isinstance(functions,dict):
- self.key_calls.update(functions)
- def output(self, text):
- '''\
- Prepare text to be displayed
- Arguments:
- text -- Text to be displayed
- '''
- if not str(text):
- return;
- try:
- self.changed = True
- if not isinstance(text,str):
- text = str(text)
- text = text.expandtabs()
- text = text.splitlines()
- self.txt_wrapper.width = self.max_chars
- for line in text:
- for w in self.txt_wrapper.wrap(line):
- self.c_out.append(w)
- except:
- pass
- def set_active(self,b=None):
- '''\
- Activate or Deactivate the console
- Arguments:
- b -- Optional boolean argument, True=Activate False=Deactivate
- '''
- if not b:
- self.active = not self.active
- else:
- self.active = b
- def format_input_line(self):
- '''\
- Format input line to be displayed
- '''
- # The \v here is sort of a hack, it's just a character that isn't recognized by the font engine
- text = self.c_in[:self.c_pos] + "\v" + self.c_in[self.c_pos+1:]
- n_max = self.max_chars - len(self.c_ps)
- vis_range = self.c_draw_pos, self.c_draw_pos + n_max
- return self.c_ps + text[vis_range[0]:vis_range[1]]
- def draw(self):
- '''\
- Draw the console to the parent screen
- '''
- if not self.active:
- return;
- if self.changed:
- self.changed = False
- # Draw Output
- self.txt_layer.fill(self.bg_color)
- lines = self.c_out[-(self.max_lines+self.c_scroll):len(self.c_out)-self.c_scroll]
- y_pos = self.size[HEIGHT]-(self.font_height*(len(lines)+1))
- for line in lines:
- tmp_surf = self.font.render(line, True, self.txt_color_o)
- self.txt_layer.blit(tmp_surf, (1, y_pos, 0, 0))
- y_pos += self.font_height
- # Draw Input
- tmp_surf = self.font.render(self.format_input_line(), True, self.txt_color_i)
- self.txt_layer.blit(tmp_surf, (1,self.size[HEIGHT]-self.font_height,0,0))
- # Clear background and blit text to it
- self.bg_layer.fill(self.bg_color)
- self.bg_layer.blit(self.txt_layer,(0,0,0,0))
- # Draw console to parent screen
- # self.parent_screen.fill(self.txt_color_i, (self.rect.x-1, self.rect.y-1, self.size[WIDTH]+2, self.size[HEIGHT]+2))
- pygame.draw.rect(self.parent_screen, self.txt_color_i, (self.rect.x-1, self.rect.y-1, self.size[WIDTH]+2, self.size[HEIGHT]+2), 1)
- self.parent_screen.blit(self.bg_layer,self.rect)
- #######################################################################
- # Functions to communicate with the console and the python interpreter#
- def set_interpreter(self):
- if self.python_mode:
- self.output("Entering Python mode")
- self.python_mode = True
- self.python_interpreter = InteractiveConsole()
- self.tmp_fds = []
- self.py_fds = [Writable() for i in range(3)]
- self.c_ps = self.ps2
- else:
- self.output("Entering Pyconsole mode")
- self.python_mode = False
- self.c_ps = self.ps1
- def catch_output(self):
- if not self.tmp_fds:
- self.tmp_fds = [sys.stdout, sys.stdin, sys.stderr]
- sys.stdout, sys.stdin, sys.stderr = self.py_fds
- def release_output(self):
- if self.tmp_fds:
- sys.stdout, sys.stdin, sys.stderr = self.tmp_fds
- self.tmp_fds = []
- [fd.reset() for fd in self.py_fds]
- def submit_input(self, text):
- '''\
- Submit input
- 1) Move input to output
- 2) Evaluate input
- 3) Clear input line
- '''
- self.clear_input()
- self.output(self.c_ps + text)
- self.c_scroll = 0
- if self.python_mode:
- self.send_python(text)
- else:
- self.send_pyconsole(text)
- def send_python(self, text):
- '''\
- Sends input the the python interpreter in effect giving the user the ability to do anything python can.
- '''
- self.c_ps = self.ps2
- self.catch_output()
- if text:
- self.add_to_history(text)
- r = self.python_interpreter.push(text)
- if r:
- self.c_ps = self.ps3
- else:
- code = "".join(self.py_fds[OUT])
- self.python_interpreter.push("\n")
- self.python_interpreter.runsource(code)
- for i in self.py_fds[OUT]+self.py_fds[ERR]:
- self.output(i)
- self.release_output()
- def send_pyconsole(self, text):
- '''\
- Sends input to pyconsole to be interpreted
- '''
- if not text: # Output a blank row if nothing is entered
- self.output("")
- return;
- self.add_to_history(text)
- #Determine if the statement is an assignment
- assign = re_is_assign.match(text)
- try:
- #If it is tokenize only the "value" part of $name = value
- if assign:
- tokens = self.tokenize(assign.group('value'))
- else:
- tokens = self.tokenize(text)
- except ParseError, e:
- self.output(r'At Token: "%s"' % e.at_token())
- return;
- if tokens == None:
- return
- #Evaluate
- try:
- out = None
- # A variable alone on a line
- if (len(tokens) is 1) and re_is_var.match(text) and not assign:
- out = tokens[0]
- # Statement in the form $name = value
- elif (len(tokens) is 1) and assign:
- self.setvar(assign.group('name'), tokens[0])
- else:
- # Function
- out = self.func_calls[tokens[0]](*tokens[1:])
- # Assignment from function's return value
- if assign:
- self.setvar(assign.group('name'), out)
- if not out == None:
- self.output(out)
- except (KeyError,TypeError):
- self.output("Unknown Command: " + str(tokens[0]))
- self.output(r'Type "help" for a list of commands.')
- ####################################################
- #-Functions for sharing variables with the console-#
- def setvar(self, name, value):
- '''\
- Sets the value of a variable
- '''
- if self.user_vars.has_key(name) or not self.__dict__.has_key(name):
- self.user_vars.update({name:value})
- self.user_namespace.update(self.user_vars)
- elif self.__dict__.has_key(name):
- self.__dict__.update({name:value})
- def getvar(self, name):
- '''\
- Gets the value of a variable, this is useful for people that want to access console variables from within their game
- '''
- if self.user_vars.has_key(name) or not self.__dict__.has_key(name):
- return self.user_vars[name]
- elif self.__dict__.has_key(name):
- return self.__dict__[name]
- def setvars(self, vars):
- try:
- self.user_vars.update(vars)
- self.user_namespace.update(self.user_vars)
- except TypeError:
- self.output("setvars requires a dictionary")
- def getvars(self, opt_dict=None):
- if opt_dict:
- opt_dict.update(self.user_vars)
- else:
- return self.user_vars
- def add_to_history(self, text):
- '''\
- Add specified text to the history
- '''
- self.c_hist.insert(-1,text)
- self.c_hist_pos = len(self.c_hist)-1
- def clear_input(self):
- '''\
- Clear input line and reset cursor position
- '''
- self.c_in = ""
- self.c_pos = 0
- self.c_draw_pos = 0
- def set_pos(self, newpos):
- '''\
- Moves cursor safely
- '''
- self.c_pos = newpos
- if (self.c_pos - self.c_draw_pos) >= (self.max_chars - len(self.c_ps)):
- self.c_draw_pos = max(0, self.c_pos - (self.max_chars - len(self.c_ps)))
- elif self.c_draw_pos > self.c_pos:
- self.c_draw_pos = self.c_pos - (self.max_chars/2)
- if self.c_draw_pos < 0:
- self.c_draw_pos = 0
- self.c_pos = 0
- def str_insert(self, text, strn):
- '''\
- Insert characters at the current cursor position
- '''
- foo = text[:self.c_pos] + strn + text[self.c_pos:]
- self.set_pos(self.c_pos + len(strn))
- return foo
- def process_input(self, event):
- '''\
- Loop through pygame events and evaluate them
- '''
- if not self.active:
- return False;
- if event.type == KEYDOWN:
- self.changed = True
- ## Special Character Manipulation
- if event.key == K_TAB:
- self.c_in = self.str_insert(self.c_in, " ")
- elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE:
- if self.c_pos > 0:
- self.c_in = self.c_in[:self.c_pos-1] + self.c_in[self.c_pos:]
- self.set_pos(self.c_pos-1)
- elif event.key == K_DELETE:
- if self.c_pos < len(self.c_in):
- self.c_in = self.c_in[:self.c_pos] + self.c_in[self.c_pos+1:]
- elif event.key == K_RETURN or event.key == 271:
- self.submit_input(self.c_in)
- ## Changing Cursor Position
- elif event.key == K_LEFT:
- if self.c_pos > 0:
- self.set_pos(self.c_pos-1)
- elif event.key == K_RIGHT:
- if self.c_pos < len(self.c_in):
- self.set_pos(self.c_pos+1)
- elif event.key == K_HOME:
- self.set_pos(0)
- elif event.key == K_END:
- self.set_pos(len(self.c_in))
- ## History Navigation
- elif event.key == K_UP:
- if len(self.c_out):
- if self.c_hist_pos > 0:
- self.c_hist_pos -= 1
- self.c_in = self.c_hist[self.c_hist_pos]
- self.set_pos(len(self.c_in))
- elif event.key == K_DOWN:
- if len(self.c_out):
- if self.c_hist_pos < len(self.c_hist)-1:
- self.c_hist_pos += 1
- self.c_in = self.c_hist[self.c_hist_pos]
- self.set_pos(len(self.c_in))
- ## Scrolling
- elif event.key == K_PAGEUP:
- if self.c_scroll < len(self.c_out)-1:
- self.c_scroll += 1
- elif event.key == K_PAGEDOWN:
- if self.c_scroll > 0:
- self.c_scroll -= 1
- ## Normal character printing
- elif event.key >= 32:
- mods = pygame.key.get_mods()
- if mods & KMOD_CTRL:
- if event.key in range(256) and chr(event.key) in self.key_calls:
- self.key_calls[chr(event.key)]()
- else:
- char = str(event.unicode)
- self.c_in = self.str_insert(self.c_in, char)
- return True
- def convert_token(self, tok):
- '''\
- Convert a token to its proper type
- '''
- tok = tok.strip("$")
- try:
- tmp = eval(tok, self.__dict__, self.user_namespace)
- except SyntaxError, strerror:
- self.output("SyntaxError: " + str(strerror))
- raise ParseError, tok
- except TypeError, strerror:
- self.output("TypeError: " + str(strerror))
- raise ParseError, tok
- except NameError, strerror:
- self.output("NameError: " + str(strerror))
- except:
- self.output("Error:")
- raise ParseError, tok
- else:
- return tmp
- def tokenize(self, s):
- '''\
- Tokenize input line, convert tokens to proper types
- '''
- if re_is_comment.match(s):
- return [s]
- for re in self.user_syntax:
- group = re.match(s)
- if group:
- self.user_syntax[re](self, group)
- return
- tokens = re_token.findall(s)
- tokens = [i.strip("\"") for i in tokens]
- cmd = []
- i = 0
- while i < len(tokens):
- t_count = 0
- val = tokens[i]
- if re_is_number.match(val):
- cmd.append(self.convert_token(val))
- elif re_is_var.match(val):
- cmd.append(self.convert_token(val))
- elif val == "True":
- cmd.append(True)
- elif val == "False":
- cmd.append(False)
- elif re_is_list.match(val):
- while not balanced(val) and (i + t_count) < len(tokens)-1:
- t_count += 1
- val += tokens[i+t_count]
- else:
- if (i + t_count) < len(tokens):
- cmd.append(self.convert_token(val))
- else:
- raise ParseError, val
- else:
- cmd.append(val)
- i += t_count + 1
- return cmd
- ##########################
- #-Some Builtin functions-#
- def clear(self):
- '''\
- Clear the Screen
- '''
- self.c_out = ["[Screen Cleared]"]
- self.c_scroll = 0
- def help(self, *args):
- '''\
- Output information about functions
- Arguments:
- args -- arbitrary argument list of function names
- |- No Args - A list of available functions will be displayed
- |- One or more Args - Docstring of each function will be displayed
- '''
- if args:
- items = [(i,self.func_calls[i]) for i in args if i in self.func_calls]
- for i,v in items:
- out = i + ": Takes %d arguments. " % (v.func_code.co_argcount - (v.func_code.co_varnames[0] is "self"))
- doc = v.func_doc
- if doc:
- out += textwrap.dedent(doc)
- tmp_indent = self.txt_wrapper.subsequent_indent
- self.txt_wrapper.subsequent_indent = " "*(len(i)+2)
- self.output(out)
- self.txt_wrapper.subsequent_indent = tmp_indent
- else:
- out = "Available commands: " + str(self.func_calls.keys()).strip("[]")
- self.output(out)
- self.output(r'Type "help command-name" for more information on that command')