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authorhitman <bryan@olenepal.org>2009-09-30 09:37:11 (GMT)
committer hitman <bryan@olenepal.org>2009-09-30 09:37:11 (GMT)
commitb475f104abe8e5b67f44eaf89be269dcb4b119d8 (patch)
parent7e4d0f52de206019e3e07860d27d84af959411b0 (diff)
deleted rename.js and added rename.txt, which holds new names I will
use after refactoring adding_up according to the dojo style guide. This is the last commit before I refactor adding up according to the style guide.
2 files changed, 136 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/examples/adding_up_to_10/js/rename.js b/examples/adding_up_to_10/js/rename.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f039a..0000000
--- a/examples/adding_up_to_10/js/rename.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
- var k = $.karma ({container: "#karma-main", lang: "en"});
- k.init({
- images: [
- {name: "ball", file: "ball37px.png", localized : false },
- {name: "balloon", file: "balloon37px.png", localized : false },
- {name: "banana", file: "banana37px.png", localized : false },
- {name: "chilli", file: "chilli.png", localized : false },
- {name: "fish" , file: "fish64px.png", localized : false },
- {name: "flower", file: "flower37px.png", localized : false },
- {name: "normalChimp", file: "normalChimp_120x125.png", localized : false},
- {name: "happyChimp", file: "happyChimp_120x125.png", localized: false},
- {name: "sadChimp", file: "sadChimp_120x125.png", localized : false}
- ]
- ,
- sounds: [
- {name: "correct", file: "correct.ogg"},
- {name: "incorrect", file: "incorrect.ogg"},
- {name: "trigger", file: "trigger.ogg", localized: false}
- ],
- });
-k.main(function() {
- var imgNames = ["ball", "banana", "balloon","chilli", "fish", "flower"];
- //game logic
- var total, time, n0, n1, correct;
- var level = 0, d=160;
- var choices=[], score = 0, speed = 12000;
- var playerCorrect = 0, endTimerX = 80, startTimerY = 25,
- endTimerY = 100, offsetTimerY = 5;
- var timerPaper, timerRect,
- chimpPaper, normalChimp, sadChimp, happyChimp,
- topLtBox, topRtBox, bottomLtBox, bottomMdBox, bottomRtBox;
- var buttons=[];
- var stopTimer = false;
- var chooseMe;
- var createBox = function (paperName) {
- var set, paper, box;
- paper = Raphael(paperName+"Paper", 200, 200);
- set = paper.set();
- return { "paper": paper, "prefix": paperName, "set": set};
- };
- topLtBox = createBox("topLt");
- topRtBox = createBox("topRt");
- bottomLtBox = createBox("bottomLt");
- bottomMdBox = createBox("bottomMd");
- bottomRtBox = createBox("bottomRt");
- boxes = [ topLtBox, topRtBox, bottomLtBox,
- bottomMdBox, bottomRtBox];
- sets = [topLtBox["set"], topRtBox["set"], bottomLtBox["set"],
- bottomMdBox["set"], bottomRtBox["set"]];
- function game () {
- boxes.forEach(function (box) {
- box.set.remove();
- });
- total = k.math.rand( 2, 5 + level ); //the total
- n0 = total - k.math.rand(1, total - 1 ); //first number
- n1 = total - n0; //second number
- //chose one option (the correct option)
- //and then put the correct value into it
- correct = k.math.rand( 0, 2 );
- choices[ correct ] = total;
- for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
- //generate the two other options
- if ( choices[i] === total) {
- continue;
- } else {
- // generate the other options
- choices[ i ] = k.math.rand( 2, 10 );
- for (var j = 0; j < i; j++){
- if (choices[i] === choices[j]) {
- choices[ i ] = k.math.rand( 2, 10 );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var imgId = imgNames[ level ] ;
- var card = function (box, n, d) {
- var pos = [];
- var x, y, flag;
- var imgVarNames = {};
- var prefix = box["prefix"];
- imgVarNames[prefix] = [];
- box["set"] = box["paper"].set();
- for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
- do {
- flag = false;
- x = k.math.rand( 0, d);
- y = k.math.rand( 0, d );
- for ( var j=0; j<pos.length; j++) {
- if ( k.geometry.distance2( pos[j],
- {"x": x, "y": y} ) < 130 ) {
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }while ( flag === true );
- pos.push( { "x":x, "y": y } );
- imgVarNames[prefix][i] = box["paper"].image(k.library.images[imgId].src, x , y, 40, 40);
- box["set"].push(imgVarNames[prefix][i]);
- }
- }
- //put the cards
- card(topLtBox, n0, 160);
- card(topRtBox, n1 , 160);
- card(bottomLtBox, choices[ 0 ], 160);
- card(bottomMdBox, choices[ 1 ] , 160);
- card(bottomRtBox, choices[ 2 ] , 160);
- }
- //put the buttons on the cards
- buttons[ 0 ] = { node: $('#bottomLtPaper')[0], num: 0};
- buttons[ 1 ] = { node: $('#bottomMdPaper')[0], num: 1};
- buttons[ 2 ] = { node: $('#bottomRtPaper')[0], num: 2};
- var addButtons = function(){
- buttons.forEach(function(button) {
- var buttonNum = button.num;
- button.node.addEventListener('click', function chooseMe(){
- var mybutton = buttonNum
- choose (mybutton);}, false);
- });
- };
- var removeButtons = function(){
- buttons.forEach(function(button) {
- button.node.removeEventListener('click', chooseMe, false);
- });
- };
- var choose = function(buttonNum) {
- if ( choices[buttonNum] === total){
- answer(true, false);
- resetTimer();
- animateTimer();
- game();
- }else {
- answer(false, false);
- resetTimer();
- animateTimer();
- game();
- }
- };
- var writeScore = function (newscore){
- $('#scoreboxText')[0].innerHTML = newscore;
- };
- var answer = function (correct, tooSlow) {
- if ( correct === false) {
- //answer was incorrect or took too long
- score = score - 1;
- playerCorrect = playerCorrect - 1;
- writeScore(score);
- if (tooSlow === true) {
- k.library.sounds[ "trigger" ].play();
- } else {
- k.library.sounds[ "incorrect" ].play();
- }
- //animate sad monkey
- animateChimp(false);
- } else {
- score = score + 1;
- playerCorrect = playerCorrect + 1;
- writeScore(score);
- k.library.sounds[ "correct" ].play();
- animateChimp(true);
- if (playerCorrect === 5){
- level = (level+1)% imgNames.length;
- speed = speed - 2000;
- playerCorrect = 0;
- }
- }
- };
- var start = function () {
- score = 0;
- writeScore(score);
- addButtons();
- stopTimer = false;
- //move timer back to start in case it is
- //already running
- resetTimer();
- //start timer
- animateTimer();
- game();
- };
- var stop = function () {
- writeScore(' ');
- removeButtons();
- //stop timer
- stopTimer = true;
- resetTimer();
- //clear the cards
- boxes.forEach(function (box) {
- box.set.remove();
- box.set = box.paper.set();
- });
- };
- var reset = function () {
- score = 0;
- writeScore(score);
- stopTimer = false;
- resetTimer();
- animateTimer();
- game();
- };
- var resetTimer = function () {
- timerRect.animate({y: startTimerY}, 0);
- };
- var animateTimer = function () {
- timerRect.animate({y: 130}, speed, function(){
- timerRect.attr("y", startTimerY);
- if (stopTimer === false){
- answer(false, true);
- animateTimer();
- }
- });
- };
- var animateChimp = function (answer) {
- var timerChimp;
- normalChimp.hide();
- if( answer === true){
- happyChimp.show();
- } else {
- sadChimp.show();
- }
- timerChip = setTimeout(function() {
- happyChimp.hide();
- sadChimp.hide();
- normalChimp.show();}, 800);
- };
- document.getElementById('start').
- addEventListener('click', start, false);
- document.getElementById('stop').
- addEventListener('click', stop, true);
- document.getElementById('reset').
- addEventListener('click', reset, false);
- //set up the timer
- timerPaper = Raphael('timerPaper', 100, 150);
- timerRect = timerPaper.rect(7, 25, 85, 20, 3);
- timerRect.attr('fill', "#fff");
- //Set up the monkeys
- chimpPaper = Raphael('chimpPaper', 120, 125);
- normalChimp = chimpPaper.image(k.library.images["normalChimp"].src,
- 0, 20, 100, 100);
- sadChimp = chimpPaper.image(k.library.images["sadChimp"].src,
- 0, 20, 100, 100);
- happyChimp = chimpPaper.image(k.library.images["happyChimp"].src,
- 0, 20, 100, 100);
- happyChimp.hide();
- sadChimp.hide();
-//end of Karma.main
-//end of ready
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/adding_up_to_10/js/rename.txt b/examples/adding_up_to_10/js/rename.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc37e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/adding_up_to_10/js/rename.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+div id="karma-main"
+div id="action"
+div id="actionTop"
+div id="topLtSide"
+img id="topLtBox"
+div id="topLtPaper"
+div id="topMd"
+img id="plussign"
+div id="topRtSide"
+img id="topRtBox"
+div id="topRtPaper"
+div id="bottom"
+div id="bottomLt"
+img class="bottomBox"
+div id="bottomLtPaper" class="bottomBox"
+div id="bottomMd" class="bottom"
+img class="bottomBox"
+div id="bottomMdPaper" class="bottomBox"
+div id="bottomRt" class="bottom"
+img class="bottomBox"
+div id="bottomRtPaper" class="bottomBox"
+div id="sidebar"
+div class="sidebarItem"
+img id="timer"
+div id="timerPaper"
+div class="sidebarItem"
+img id="scorebox"
+div id="scoreboxText"
+div class="sidebarItem"
+div id="chimpPaper"
+div id="buttons"
+button id="start"
+button id="stop"
+button id="reset"
+div id="overlayPaper"
+"ball", "balloon","banana", "chilli", "fish" , "flower"
+"normalChimp", "happyChimp", "sadChimp", "correct", "incorrect", "trigger"
+ var imgNames = ["ball", "banana", "balloon","chilli", "fish", "flower"];
+ //game logic
+ var total, n0, n1, correct;
+ var level = 0, d=160; --- D = 160;
+ var choices=[], score = 0, speed = 12000;
+ var playerCorrect = 0, endTimerX = 80, startTimerY = 25,
+ endTimerY = 100, offsetTimerY = 5;
+ --------
+ var timerPaper, timerRect,
+ chimpPaper, normalChimp, sadChimp, happyChimp,
+ topLtBox, topRtBox, bottomLtBox, bottomMdBox, bottomRtBox;
+ var buttons=[];
+ var stopTimer = false; -- isTimerStop
+ var chooseMe;
+ var createBox = function (paperName) {
+ var set, paper, box; ---- set, paper, box
+ };
+ function game () { ---- setCards()
+ var imgId = imgNames[ level ] ; --- imgId
+ var card = function (box, n, d) { ---- setCard()
+ var pos = [];
+ var x, y, flag;
+ var imgVarNames = {};
+ var prefix = box["prefix"];
+ var addButtons = function(){
+ var buttonNum = button.num;
+ var mybutton = buttonNum ---- myButton
+ var removeButtons = function(){
+ var choose = function(buttonNum) { --- chooseCard
+ };
+ var writeScore = function (newscore){
+ };
+ var answer = function (correct, tooSlow) { -- computeScore
+ };
+ var start = function () { --- startGame
+ };
+ var stop = function () { --- stopGame
+ };
+ var reset = function () { --- resetGame
+ };
+ var resetTimer = function () {
+ };
+ var animateTimer = function () {
+ };
+ var animateChimp = function (answer) {
+ var timerChimp;
+ };
+//end of Karma.main
+//end of ready